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by Daniel Vaughan
Calcium provides much of what one needs to rapidly build a multifaceted and sophisticated modular application. Includes a host of modules and services, and an infrastructure that is ready to use in your next application.
by Nick Polyak
This article explains the most important and basic concepts of Avalonia WPF-like multiplatform UI package.
by Alan Beasley
Explanation and examples of Additional Templates and Generated Content of a ListBox. Covering Layout, Transitions, and Animation.
by Dr. WPF
This article describes a new approach by which an element can remove its visual and logical relationships to its children while maintaining a conceptual parental relationship with those children.

Latest Articles

by Sbk123
This is a multi player Pong game written in C#/ WPF using Visual Studio
by Peter Sun (247)
Implement ChatGPT API in C# WPF with GPT3.5-turbo
by Chandru BK
This article will assume you have basic knowledge of C# and Xamarin Forms and shows how to implement the Xamarin Form Validations using simple Data Annotations applied on the models.
by Michael Chourdakis
A set of tools to create a new VCXPROJ file automatically

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U 19 Jul 2024 by Sbk123
This is a multi player Pong game written in C#/ WPF using Visual Studio
9 Feb 2024 by Chandru BK
This article will assume you have basic knowledge of C# and Xamarin Forms and shows how to implement the Xamarin Form Validations using simple Data Annotations applied on the models.
20 Jan 2024 by Michael Chourdakis
A set of tools to create a new VCXPROJ file automatically
10 Jan 2024 by vickyqu115
Control featuring design and animations specialized for mobile, but can be elegantly and structurally implemented using ListBox and Animation technologies available in WPF.
21 Dec 2023 by Nick Polyak
Avalonia is a great new multiplatform UI package similar but in many respects better than WPF. This is an introductory tutorial article.
21 Dec 2023 by Nick Polyak
This article explains the most important and basic concepts of Avalonia WPF-like multiplatform UI package.
21 Dec 2023 by Nick Polyak
This article covers important concepts of Avalonia/WPF needed for programming and software design
21 Dec 2023 by Nick Polyak
This article describes basic functionality of Avalonia XAML providing easy to understand samples
5 Dec 2023 by vickyqu115
How to create a day and night theme switch button using WPF
27 Sep 2023 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
How to generate C# code from XAML? But why? Anyway, this question is answered, but this is not the main part…
6 May 2023 by Michael Chourdakis
How to use the WinUI3 controls in a plain Win32 application without packaging
11 Apr 2023 by IssamTP
A .NET XAML user control to get a simple PropertyGrid
4 Jan 2023 by Alexey A. Popov 2
A simple implementation of Miller columns (cascading columns) control
21 Mar 2022 by Peter Huber SG
WpfTestbench helps you to write sophisticated test windows for your WPF controls with few lines of code
19 Mar 2022 by Yang Kok Wah
A tool to generate face images and animated gif files for different angles and lighting using only a single face image. Also includes Face Matcher using Microsoft Face API.
27 Jan 2022 by
My idea was to host a WPF user control with Ribbon within a WinForm VB.NET project and try to use MVVM pattern.
1 Jan 2022 by
Host WPF usercontrol with Ribbon within winforms VB.NET project
14 Oct 2021 by Juan Francisco Morales Larios
An easy way to copy and paste data between WPF application and Excel
29 Aug 2021 by Nick Polyak
This article describes a new multiplatform Docking framework - UniDock
31 Mar 2021 by Ivan Golović
Record various Windows session events, log them, parse and display session events per user
20 Feb 2021 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Similar to ASCII Art, Unicode Art offers better tonal range, impressive look, and some fun on this sunny April day
19 Feb 2021 by Leif Simon Goodwin
A 3D surface plot control in C#
5 Feb 2021 by Peter Huber SG
Letting the user move some rows up and down in a DataGrid should be easy to implement, but it's a nightmare.
18 Jan 2021 by John Whitmire
A customizable way to set enum flags
21 Jul 2020 by Meshack Musundi
An overview of the Stylet MVVM framework
7 Jul 2020 by Meshack Musundi
An overview of MvvmCross for WPF application development
23 Jun 2020 by Ciumac Sergiu
Explains sound fingerprinting algorithm, with a practical example of detecting duplicate files on the user's local drive.
30 Apr 2020 by Leif Simon Goodwin
WPF tab header control using two button controls and a modified listbox with list items arranged horizontally
11 Apr 2020 by #realJSOP
Any technology suitably advanced will generally be viewed as "magic".
6 Apr 2020 by Rudolf Jan
Explains how to set up and use colours, fonts and dimensions for re-usability in WPF applications
18 Feb 2020 by webmaster442
A Media player control for WPF, based on MPV player that can play almost any media file.
4 Feb 2020 by Michael Chourdakis
A quick way to add UWP controls into plain Win32 apps for Windows 10
21 Nov 2019 by Leif Simon Goodwin
This article presents a simple WPF Carousel Control
11 Nov 2019 by Suk H. Lee
WPF Window allows tabbing by drag and drop
17 Oct 2019 by Laurent Bouffioux
A guide to using the canvas control from SKIASharp in the MVVM way
27 Sep 2019 by Mohamed Kalmoua
In this article, I will discuss a WiFi password recovery and management tool that I created in WPF using Visual Studio 2019.
18 Sep 2019 by Andreoli Carlo
Matrix digital rain, Matrix code or sometimes green rain, is the computer code featured in the Matrix movies
1 Sep 2019 by Ashley Davis
This article examines the use and implementation of a WPF custom control that is used to display and edit networks, graphs and flow-charts.
23 Aug 2019 by Leif Simon Goodwin
This article presents a highly configurable rotary dial control.
3 Jun 2019 by Издислав Издиславов
A simple solution that somehow mimics the real world application, changing it several times, using different UI technlogies and keeping the specific logic the same
31 May 2019 by Michael Chourdakis
Replace GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName with a new cloud API!
2 May 2019 by Alexandros Pappas
Rehosting of WorkflowDesigner in WPF and Windows Forms application, and invoking the workflow
28 Apr 2019 by Martin Gmuca
In this article, we will look at the process of app development, deploy and debug on Raspberry Pi 3 using VS2019.
3 Apr 2019 by Mahsa Hassankashi
Best approach for having more secure channel to transfer user information throughout the web
29 Mar 2019 by Daniel Vaughan
Create a dynamic settings screen for your UWP app. Add a setting with a single line of code.
8 Mar 2019 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Impress your friends with your drawing skills using this easy-to-use method and software
21 Feb 2019 by Chandru BK
This article will assume that you have basic knowledge of C#, XAML Styles and Xamarin Forms and shows how to implement theming using simple styles.
2 Feb 2019 by Издислав Издиславов
Easy prototyping with desktop console like UI, Skia drawings and several REST like node.js hosted services
6 Jan 2019 by Harshit Gindra
This article will help you develop a Xamarin.Forms based app to share media files with other mobile applications.
16 Dec 2018 by Praveen Raghuvanshi
An application explaining the basic implementation of Autosave feature
16 Nov 2018 by nvasilev1
Often, when WPF developers have to write a custom window, they find themselves drowning in countless articles, blog posts, and StackOverflow threads each depicting a different approach to the problem.
27 Aug 2018 by amitthk
RunCmd is a windows batch file editor,runner utility. It can be used to automate our repetitive tasks using commandline batch files.
26 Aug 2018 by WyoMetz
Simple and easy paging of a WPF DataGrid with DataTable and LINQ queries
24 Aug 2018 by pkaelin
LED (for example, traffic light) control in code behind. Custom colors, opacity and sizeable.
11 Aug 2018 by Andrew Wood
A WPF localization solution with runtime updating and design-time support in Visual Studio
4 Aug 2018 by boschi84
A quite simple notifier (a MessageBox substitute) to get a better message representation of messages in an executable. The idea is to get a solution similar to the "Toast", from Android, where the notifications are not invasive.It works for Windows Form and WPF.
20 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
Complex bindings in XAML made almost as simple as in JavaScript frameworks
15 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
15 Jun 2018 by SirGrowns
A fully custom WPF window, with all the functionality you would expect
12 Jun 2018 by Olivier PONSINET
This article proposes a way to create a WPF LED UserControl which works from any number of bitmaps, each of them corresponding to a LED "state" (color in fact).
28 Apr 2018 by MilanGohil
This article contains possible basic questions along with their answers to help you to understand or gain basic knowledge about Xamarin.
25 Apr 2018 by Clifford Nelson
Concept to create a Singleton for WPF MVVM Binding, and using Weak reference for the property that is bound to.
2 Apr 2018 by Clifford Nelson
Presents a class to help create flexible value and multi-value converters that use the ConverterParameter to specify return values for true and false results using the ?: operator
2 Apr 2018 by Clifford Nelson
This gives the code to create a cursor from a character in a font.
1 Apr 2018 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The mystery of Benham’s top invented in 1895, as well as Fechner color effect, remains not fully uncovered so far. WPF and XAML help to accelerate the research greatly.
1 Apr 2018 by Daniel Vaughan
Learn how to leverage the asynchronous ICommand implementation in Codon FX to support commands that kick-off long-running operations.
31 Mar 2018 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
An entertainment app written in C# language for the Xamarin Forms and Android, using a SQLite local database
31 Mar 2018 by Dirk Bahle
Lessons Learned on Software Design with WPF
26 Mar 2018 by Massimiliano Brugnerotto
This article explains how to implement the drag & drop of a custom item within a ListView control with WPF technology.
1 Mar 2018 by Omar Saad (IREQ), Eric Ouellet
Many improvements over a pretty new and unknown very fast 2D Convex Hull algorithm and much more.
27 Jan 2018 by Matej Pavlů
MVVM friendly ways of connecting MediaPlayer to your ViewModel
22 Jan 2018 by Dirk Bahle
Implementing text highlighting in a WPF TextBlock control with MVVM
18 Jan 2018 by Ammar Shaukat
Using XAML Progress Bar in WPF for Indeterminate Mode
3 Jan 2018 by NoMoreComputers
Xamarin and MvvmCross: A simple tutorial for beginners
22 Dec 2017 by Dirk Bahle
Tips & Tricks on loading and saving WPF Tree View based content.
12 Dec 2017 by Uriel Jacobson
Xaml Binding vs. XBind
8 Dec 2017 by Dirk Bahle, Alaa Ben Fatma
Tips & tricks on visting and searching nodes in WPF TreeViews
9 Oct 2017 by DaveMathews
Integration of a Chatbot in a C# application using SIML (Synthetic Intelligence Markup Language)
1 Oct 2017 by Jecho Jekov
Provides a solution for localization of WPF application both in XAML and in code-behind
24 Sep 2017 by G. Tsepas
A clarification of property-changed interface and where/when to be implemented.
22 Sep 2017 by Dirk Bahle
A list of advanced tips & tricks on Virtualized WPF TreeViews
16 Sep 2017 by Dirk Bahle
A list of advanced tips & tricks on WPF TreeViews
15 Sep 2017 by Valerii Tereshchenko
The article presents idea and implementation of class to manage selection of only one element in different linear and hierarchical structures
1 Aug 2017 by Rodimus74
Part two of taking the Microsoft Xamarin Weather tutorial to the next level.
31 Jul 2017 by Dirk Bahle
This article explains how to take advantage from look-less WPF controls through inheritance
19 Jul 2017 by Rodimus74
Based on the Microsoft Xamarin in Visual Studio tutorial, I have updated for VS2017 and then work through some further improvements.
12 Jul 2017 by Alexander Sharykin
WPF HexGrid Panel
2 Jul 2017 by Illya Reznykov
Position WPF window on secondary monitor
22 Jun 2017 by Juan Francisco Morales Larios
WPF Notifications engine for your environments
4 Apr 2017 by Daniel Vaughan
Using Codon's Messenger to pass messages between app components
4 Apr 2017 by Daniel Vaughan
Navigating between pages using Codon's navigation service.
4 Apr 2017 by Daniel Vaughan
Storing and retrieving settings with the cross-platform Codon framework's settings service.
4 Apr 2017 by Daniel Vaughan
Codon is a zero-dependency cross-platform MVVM framework for creating UWP, WPF, and Xamarin based applications.
21 Mar 2017 by mat35770
Tutorial to explain how to integrate a Markdown documentation in a WPF application using DocuPanel.
14 Mar 2017 by Vikas Sharma
In this article we will make a Visual Studio extension(Visual Studio VSIX Package) that would notify us for our emails in VisualStudio Status bar
3 Mar 2017 by wim4you
Launch additionally a limited number of hand picked Programs, Documents or Folders from the taskbar
17 Feb 2017 by Emiliano Musso
In the present article we'll see how to develop a simple Android solution, through the use of Visual Studio e Xamarin, the developer framework which allows the creation of cross-platform solutions.
31 Jan 2017 by Leif Simon Goodwin
This article presents an attached behaviour for the WPF DataGrid control which allows multiple columns to share the same width, and columns to shrink to fit their content.