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WPF Auto-complete Control

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14 Dec 2009 1  
Implementing an auto-complete control in WPF by extending the ComboBox control.


There seems to be a lack of support for an auto-complete control in WPF. The closest one to it is the ComboBox which is the base of our implementation for this article.


An auto-complete control is one that allows the user to enter text while querying for a possible selection based on what the user has already entered. The most popular auto-complete implementation deals with querying of a "Starts With" of the current text in the control.

How it Works

Here are some of the properties we care about in the ComboBox:

  • IsEditable- This allows the user to input text into the control.
  • StaysOpenOnEdit - This will force the combobox to stay open when typing.
  • IsTextSearchEnabled - This uses the default "auto-complete" behavior of the ComboBox.

The Magic

By using a combination of the above properties (pretty self-explanatory) and a timer to control the delay of the query, an event which allows the user to attach a new data source, and some styles, we could implement an auto-complete control.

Using the Control


<Window x:Class="Gui.TestWindow"
      Title="Auto Complete Test" 
      Height="200" Width="300" 
              Source="/Gui.Controls;component/Styles/AutoComplete.Styles.xaml" />
        <ctr:AutoComplete x:Name="autoCities" 
           SelectedValuePath="CityID" DisplayMemberPath="Name" 
           Style="{StaticResource AutoCompleteComboBox}"
        <!-- can also do binding on selected value -->

Similar to a combo box, an auto-complete control utilizes the DisplayMemberPath and SelectValuePath properties to bind to a specific data source.


/// <summary>
/// occurs when the user stops typing after a delayed timespan
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="args"></param>
protected void autoCities_PatternChanged(object sender, 
          Gui.Controls.AutoComplete.AutoCompleteArgs args)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Pattern))
        args.CancelBinding = true;
        args.DataSource = TestWindow.GetCities(args.Pattern);

We can utilize the PatternChanged event to subscribe to changes to the the data source. This data source is also equal to a pattern the user has currently entered into the control.

Points of Interest

We utilize the MVVM pattern to create a ViewModel of any entity bound to the data source which contains the HighLight property. Through the use of styles, this highlighted section will be reflected in the dropdown.


  • Dec. 14, 2009 - Initial creation.


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