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by Patrick P. Frey
This tutorial based on a docker image will guide through the development of a search engine service based on Strus and its Python Bindings within the Tornado web-framework.
by Ajcek84
Using locality-sensitive hashing algorithm to improve performance of searching of musical incipits
by Patrick P. Frey
Article about implications of scalability requirements on full-text search engines and how Strus meets these requirements.
by Arnaldo P. Castaño
This document describes a tabu Search algorithm embedded in a multiobjective framework capable of finding solutions to the zoning problem by allowing the optimization of multiple objectives.

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by Arctype SQL
How to use full text search and the match keyword to find a string in every table in a MySQL database
by Dharmesh Barochia
Recommended best practices for finding and removing Duplicate Text/Documents
by Mehdi Gholam
Smallest full text search engine (lucene replacement) built from scratch using inverted MGRB bitmap index, highly compact storage, operating in database and document modes
by Ajcek84
Using locality-sensitive hashing algorithm to improve performance of searching of musical incipits

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8 Apr 2019 by #realJSOP
google dork multiple search terms - Google Search[^]
27 Oct 2013 by 204.sharma
Hi, i have converted a tif file into pdf file. and now i want to create a searchable pdf using itextsharp.dll in c#.if any one have idea, please suggest me.Thanks
10 Dec 2012 by _Vitor Garcia_
Your problem is within sql sintaxe as you can't compare that way at where clause.try to change your code to this :Private Sub Searchbtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Searchbtn.Click Dim str as string = "" Str = "Select...
27 Oct 2021 by Abdullatif Art
am trying to find the average number of comparisons in linear, binary, and Interpolation search and I found that by using this (log2(log2N)) we can find the average number of comparisons in interpolation but I could not represent this...
19 Oct 2015 by Abhinav Gupta
I am trying to get the profiles in Instagram by "search" keywords.I am getting only 50 profiles not more than this and there is no Next Page Token.I wanted to know ,how many profiles we can extract by using free API in Instagram
20 May 2011 by Abhinav S
A similar question[^] was asked earlier - maybe answers from that can help you.
6 Apr 2014 by Abhinav S
You can try the FAR tool[^].You might find other tools when you do a search on the internet.Note: I have never used it myself so I don't know if there are any implications.
10 Oct 2013 by adat7378
Hi, I am trying to achieve multiple partial word search on a single field. My search syntax looks like below.Dim terms = searchstring.Trim().Split(" "c).Where(Function(x) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).[Select](Function(x) x.Trim() + "* &&") searchstring = String.Join(" ", terms) ...
18 Feb 2023 by Addy__0
#include #include #include char **StringArray(char **arr, int size); int main() { char **Str; int n= 5; int i; Str= (char**)calloc(5,sizeof(char)); Str[0]= (char*) calloc(10, sizeof(char)); ...
21 May 2012 by Aescleal
Repeat after me..."When I do a search in C++ and I don't use std::sort and std::find I shall go and punch myself in the head OR, preferably as I don't like pain, I shall rewrite my class so it can be put in a collection and sorted and searched."Having said that, how can you write a class...
16 Dec 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Yes, you can use the OpenFileDialog to achieve this, and set the InitialDirectory to the directory that you first want to search for, but there isn't a "Name" specific search, only extension specific search can be made, like searching for an Office file or a Web document etc. However, if I...
5 Jun 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Yes, those activity are also called Tabbed activities. CodeProject has an article for that, Tabbed Applications in Android[^]. You can add other styles yourself. :)
17 Jun 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Quite obvious and intuitive answer would be, 1. Digital technology is high in demand.2. Digital technology is going to in demand in long-term future.Digital stands for your interest, skills and I-can-do-it kind of products.
21 Jan 2017 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
All you need is to logout of Google account. The search that you will perform will be anonymous. They will use cookies, or other stuff to record your current history, but that will not affect the account. Another way, go private (incognito), then search. Basically, any search you perform is...
11 Dec 2018 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Quote: I need to search one directory (c:\K_txt) of almost 3,000 .txt files Searching this on the fly is a really very bad idea, and would have to make your users wait each time they make a change in the query. A good approach would be to read your files once, and create tokens (words, in...
17 Feb 2015 by agent_kruger
I want to create a list that searches and retrieves all the data in list which is matching the searching criteria (the text to search can appears anywhere in the list's string start,middle,end)Sample Image Of What I Want To AchieveNow, the situation is i can handle the searching part...
27 Nov 2018 by Ajcek84
Using locality-sensitive hashing algorithm to improve performance of searching of musical incipits
23 Aug 2018 by Akshay K. Bura
I am using PDFKit to display my pdf files. I've integrated the searching functionality but I want to search only bold texts/words. I'm wondering is it possible to do what I'm looking for or does Apple don't allow it? Because String data type is from Foundation class and UIFont is from UIKit. I...
22 Feb 2015 by
[^]Currently using Search OOTB ,in search Box enter some text and click on search button it display result ,but after that i clear the text in search box and click on search button ,the search web part not getting refresh , how to refresh search result Web Part (OOTB)
12 Dec 2018 by Albert Sbnie
(function() { var cx = 'CXXXXXXXXXXX'; var gcse = document.createElement('script'); gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; gcse.async = true; gcse.src =...
2 Oct 2011 by Ali Tayeh
I'm reading a lot of references about image processing image pattern recognition and understand a lot of concept .its not a homework its my aim in image processing science and its my idea :)regards
28 Jan 2013 by Allgaeuer
Hello everyone,i got the problem, that i have to search for a file of a specific type( *.xxx ) within a massive 10 year wide svn history. I am not very familiar with the workings of svn. For the beginning, it would be enough to search over all repositories within the current state, and not...
8 Nov 2012 by Am Gayathri
What is The order of adding 1 to each element in a one dimensional array of integers. please share your thoughts.
30 Jan 2015 by Amir Mohammad Nasrollahi
In this article, i consider the problem of identifying motifs in the biological sequence data sets. To solve this task, i present a new algorithm for finding patterns that just use library in C compiler and a new way to avoid using arrays search.
22 May 2017 by ammu11
I am doing a project and when searching based on from and to searching, it filters but on selecting the second page after giving paging the filter that given losses and shows all the items from db. controller public async Task Index(string sortOrder, string CurrentSort, string...
27 Oct 2012 by ancientrd
Hi, I want to add a textbox in the header of a column and when keypress event on it is fired i need to use a function (not java) from my form. It must pass the textbox.text value to that fuction.I need it to make a search in the gridview. I will want to add it in the filter and if i can take...
29 Oct 2012 by ancientrd
I changed the code to : Works like a charm now :))) can have filters + sorting + search in the gridview template :))))))))))
2 Jul 2011 by AndreFratelli
What do you mean you saved the files in the database? Their paths or their actual contents?Anyway, if you want to do this efficiently, you should take a look at clustering algorithms. Start here then move on to something more algorithmic.Be warned though, if this is something you know...
7 Jul 2012 by André Kraak
Use the OR clause[^] in your SQL statement.SELECT * FROM Info WHERE Title LIKE '%" & searchInput & "%' OR Issue LIKE '%" & searchInput & "%'"Add an OR clause for each of the columns.
17 Jul 2012 by aneesh_kamble
Hi,I am doing a POC on Search using Lucene.NET.I fire a stored procedure which fetches around 50000 records from the database.Thses records I put in the Lucene Index.Now when the records in database changes, how to update the Lucene index.Deleting the entire previous indexed and...
7 Dec 2011 by Anuj Banka
i think you simply need to place a script manager and one update panel and in content template place both text box and grid view it will work fine.
16 Oct 2014 by AnvilRanger
If you are looking for an open source solution to handle searching needs locally to your site you should checkout Lucene[^]. It requires some setup and a little programming, but it would be what you are needing.
5 May 2016 by AnvilRanger
This is not an easy problem to solve. You mention that you don't want to use SQL, so we can assume you want to look at the actual contents of the Excel file. If you are talking about physically searching the contents of millions of Excel files then you are going to to have to wait a long time....
6 Jul 2016 by AnvilRanger
I would suggest you forget about the AjaxControlToolkit and look at using the jQuery UI Autocomplete. It is much simpler to work with.jQuery UI Autocomplete - Autocomplete | jQuery UI[^]Using the jQuery UI Autocomplete with ASP.Net Webforms - Implement jQuery AutoComplete TextBox from...
19 Sep 2023 by Apoorva666
I'm trying to build a semantic search engine for my production application. I tried building one from scratch. I did the tokenization, vectorization,... & other steps myself, but the whole process was consuming a lot of time. So I decided to use...
24 Nov 2023 by Apoorva666
I have a dataset in csv format. Most columns have numbers in them. The data is mostly number based, with little text. A sample of my dataset: Test_name Execution_date User_name Total_tests Passed_tests Failed_tests test1, ...
20 May 2011 by Apriorit Inc
This article describes the development of the library for performing text search based on Boolean search queries.
1 Apr 2021 by Arctype SQL
How to use full text search and the match keyword to find a string in every table in a MySQL database
18 Nov 2013 by Arnaldo P. Castaño
This document describes a tabu Search algorithm embedded in a multiobjective framework capable of finding solutions to the zoning problem by allowing the optimization of multiple objectives.
22 May 2018 by Arunprasath Natarajan
Dear Friends,In the website when user log's in session is created and stored in cookie as well.When the session is cleared, i am recreating the session with cookie value again.I am creating the cookie value in i use the same cookie value in its sub-domain but it...
22 May 2018 by Arunprasath Natarajan
Save the cookies based on the subdomain and use the same. I got the solution on my own.
16 Oct 2014 by AshishPatha
I have a website which shows the pages dynamically from Database. How should i implement the search engine with the data in database and how should i give the page urls based on the search.I just need the any open source library or how does this works. I will implement based on it.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Every ASP.NET developer (or at least most of us) wants a lot of visitors to their web sites. Google, Yahoo and other search engines can send plenty
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Contains Like search in SQL Server 2005 This is my first post to wiki. Here I have to show how to contains like search into sql server 2005.There is
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Jquery Autocomplete Combo with Scrollable ResultsWhoever is in search of a basic business class combo box with autocomplete option might feel
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
javascript replace() function replace only single charactersI have been trying to use javascript replace() to search and replace special individual
24 May 2013 by athan_makubex
Hello Code Project,I am creating windows application using 2010 with mysql as my backend. It has a login window where the user input its username. My question is how to create this event? I want that if a user enters a wrong username (or not in the record of the database) it will...
20 Mar 2018 by Athar Raza Faridi
Hi Everyone, We are facing some issues with our search : On full crawl all documents are crawled and available in system. After n number of incremental crawl either some documents gets deleted from crawl index, or some of the properties(metadata) of a document (like title of document) gets...
25 Jul 2013 by Athul Tuttu Baby
Hello... I need to make a custom rows filtering page from my database.I have several radio button lists. One for brands,one for sizes.etcWhat i want is, when i select 1 brand, the corresponding rows can be shown. Also if i select another radio button for example a size, i need the rows...
23 Mar 2023 by Ayush Bajpai 2023
Did you find anything? Please suggest me too, would be helpful. Thanks
25 Oct 2017 by Azzyloth
I managed to create a code for my edit button and search button. My edit button is functional. It can edit my data in database, my search code is also functional. My problem is to edit data in search results. Like if i search "naruto", my datagridview will filter all the names that has "naruto"...
18 Dec 2014 by BacchusBeale
The URL to search example string "hello world" is :[^]Use this with HttpWebRequest and read the response. After that there will be some work to do to extract the information.
29 Mar 2015 by BacchusBeale
To keep the starting zeros you need to treat the input/output as a string. if you change to a number the zeros will be removed.
15 Apr 2015 by BacchusBeale
For example, the pseudocode might be:> define a class Result with variables int count and string filename> make an ArrayList or other collection to add Results to> get List of file names from directory> get list of keywords from user> for each file in file names do:>> for each...
11 Aug 2017 by Badal Kumar
Seems only problem with your where clause condition, just try to put conditions as mentioned below. AND ((@search1 = null) OR (DateOrdered like '%' + @search1 + '%')) Need to specify each search condition like this, so statement will ignore if some search condition not provided.
25 Sep 2012 by bbirajdar
Your problem is that you are 'confused'. Since this problem is not technical or related to code, I can't help you on this. And yes, regarding the code, I can suggest you to use parenthesis to enclose the operands and operators wherever you feel to make the code readable. Also remember that the...
27 Feb 2013 by BC @ CV
Use the Contains() method.If (StringToSearch.Contains(Me.TextBox1.Text)) Then
21 Feb 2012 by bcasillas
hii have thousands of pdf files in one server and i want to develop and internal web application to search some words inside each week ago i did a dll for this (using itextsharp), but it take a long time to receive a response (15 minutes aprox.)what can i do to improve...
18 May 2016 by bellatriks
Hi,There's a checkbox column in DataGridView. Also, there's a text box which is used for searching.When I type in textbox for search, results are filtered automatically. I choose the items I want from the filtered results. When I type another word/letters or delete the keyword from the...
16 Jul 2013 by berkayerdi
I add Search to Declarations. And I add search contract from new item. But I run the program, click search(on charms), insert some word and press enter. But the word which is I entered isn't come in to QueryText. How I Solve this? My project is nearly finish but I cant do this "search". public...
10 Oct 2013 by Bilaal John S
I think this samples will help you[^]Thanks,Bilaal
7 Aug 2012 by BillW33
Its pretty easy to find the answer to your question about the Google search API by using Google. ;)Take a look at these websites:Web search Developer's API[^]How to search google and bing in c#/[^]
3 Nov 2014 by BillWoodruff
Assume: a WinForms project where:1. ControlsButton: btnTranslate: click to translate English to Arabic: uses rtbEnglish, rtbArabicButton: btnSearchButton: click to search for an English word: uses tbSearchEnglishRichTextBox: rtbEnglish: displays user-entered English...
19 Dec 2014 by BillWoodruff
"there is no error messages. it is working but when i click on button, paths on the listview are opening automatically. I want to open these folders by clicking on their path on listview"The files are opening "autotmatically" because you are executing:Process.Start("explorer.exe",...
5 Jan 2015 by BillWoodruff
What I see here is an attempt to use an Array of Anonymous Types, not a use of the Expando in the System.Dynamic Library: big difference !Further, since your Array elements here are Anonymous Types which are not themselves Enumerable ... i.e. not Arrays, for example ... there's no way you...
11 Apr 2020 by Blazin 3330
So I am trying to learn javascript, but I cannot find a tutorial that will allow me to search a text file using a string. I am wanting to search a text file at: constant path = "./data/data.txt" And I want to search for `${} prefix: ` I would then want to store the full line (as...
27 Oct 2013 by borntrouble
The current pdf you've got is an image converted to pdf. Hence it cannot be directly made searchable.your tiff file should be first OCR'ed and then get it converted into PDF file so that it can be searchable.for OCR you can use the open source Tesseract OCR engine. Hope this helps
24 Jan 2014 by Brady Bar
/*I am trying to design a solution to 8-puzzle problem in artificial intelligence using state-space tree.If nodes with same fvalue are generated then which should be removed from the queue first,the one with the lesser gval or the one with the higher gvalue or there is any other criterion for...
10 May 2012 by c chidambaram
Hi everyone , I need to search string in a collection of documents in a folder. i had an idea of using and xapian. Is there any code snippets to search string in documents??
22 May 2021 by Casper Josiah
I'm trying to write a binary Search tree to a text file in sorted order, my write method is in my BST class. When I print out the BST in Order Tranversal it works perfectly. When I try to write it to a text file it works but the current node...
4 Dec 2012 by cbf28
Hi all,I am an old programmer working on a new idea.I am looking to crawl a specific website and all its sub-domains and trawl it for keywords, and do a count of the occurence of that word under the domain, and store the result in a database.For example , consider IBM's portal (a...
10 Apr 2012 by chandel123
31 Jan 2013 by CHill60
Have a look here[^] - In particular the response from XspiritO has links to other suggestions. Hopefully you'll be able to get the gist of a solution despite most of the examples being in C#.There is also this[^] CodeProject article specifically for VB.NETIn terms of searching the...
27 Apr 2016 by CHill60
Assuming that you have a SqlCommand object which I will call sqlCommand and your 3 badly named comboBoxes are in order c1 - rent, c2 - gender, c3 - location (I'm using the shorthand because I could not be bothered to create 3 comboBoxes on my sandbox form)Firstly you need to know which, if...
5 May 2016 by CHill60
You've stated that you don't want to use SQL Server but a database would certainly be a good way forward. PostgreSQL might be your best option - see PostgreSQL: The world's most advanced open source database[^]Alternatively you could use a file text search - there are some suggestions on...
22 May 2017 by CHill60
Yes there is. Research material from Google[^] [EDIT - here is a link to the MSDN documentation Building a Drop-Down Filter List for a DataGridView Column Header Cell[^]
11 Dec 2018 by CHill60
You could adapt the technique used in this CodeProject article File Searcher in C#[^] or this one WinSearchFile: how to search files on your PC[^] Or the techniques discussed here .net - c# Fastest string search in all files - Stack Overflow[^]
17 Oct 2011 by Chris Maunder
When searching, tags will be listed under results for articles. Click on a tag to reduce the search set to include just items with that tag.
14 Jun 2011 by Christian Graus
Where is your data stored ? If it's written in static pages, then search is harder to impliment, your searchable data should come from your DB, then you can search your DB.
4 Feb 2012 by Christian Graus
I would put an alert in that click function to make sure it was being called, or use Chrome to put a breakpoint in the code, to see what was going on.
3 Aug 2012 by Christian Graus
1 Nov 2013 by cigwork
If you just want to find the first occurrence then patindex() will work. If you want to find all instances and display them then the simplest solution is likeliest to be a user defined function, which can wrap a loop, see below. You may need to tidy up end of string handling in both of the...
25 Nov 2015 by CodeGust
I must create a console autocomple app that uses a file with stats of each word:paper 223morning 114motor 513degree 22There about 100000 words+What is the best way (/algorithm) for doing that?I am thinking of writing words of each first letter to a separate key-value List...
24 Mar 2013 by codeninja-C#
Hi,refer this link,Auto Complete Text BoxRegards,SJ
5 May 2016 by corupted
i have a binary search tree that stores details of countries financial situation,i have added all the countries now i just want to search them by countrynamei have a find method in my BST class that is supposed to do that but it doesnt work, it doesent print anything when i call...
2 Dec 2011 by CPallini
One possible choice of the AND/OR operators is min/max (see, for instance, here[^]). Hence your expression would be translated into: min(max(min(a,b),min(c,d),max(min(n,m)))
27 Jan 2020 by CPallini
I see no way other than random sampling. There is no smart way to locate a point on a straigh tline.
22 Apr 2022 by CPallini
Your approach would work only if you keep track of already visited numbers, e.g. #include #define MAX_N 100 int main() { int n, arr[MAX_N]; int skip[MAX_N]; // this is used for skipping already visited numbers int sum = 0; int...
17 Feb 2023 by CPallini
Quote: Str= (char**)calloc(5,sizeof(char)); That should beStr= (char**)calloc(5,sizeof(char *)); Might be there are other errors, as well. Anyway the code is not robust against user input.
4 Sep 2012 by Dain Ucak
my advice reead all documents of search engines.for google[^]for yahoo[^]
21 Jan 2015 by Daljeet S Saluja
Hi All,We are using Microsoft Indexing Service as an Search tool for our application from last 10+ years, recently we are facing one weird scenario on Search front i.e Indexing Service returns expected results sometime for the search term but overnight those results get vanished and next day...
13 May 2014 by DamithSL
change Convert[Product ID, System.String] LIKE '%{0}%' toConvert([Product ID], 'System.String') LIKE '%{0}%'
4 Jan 2015 by DamithSL
you can read file text into string as below string readText = File.ReadAllText(path);then you can search within the string [^]