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SQL Server


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by Wonde Tadesse
This tip/trick helps to set a default value for blob data type such as Image, VarBinary.
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Mapping properties in EF model to database columns that contain JSON
by Steve Krile
Fully AJAX-enabled user control used to select names from a database in a drop-down format.
by Mubin M. Shaikh
Create time dimension with 24 hour plus values and time buckets in your data warehouse

Latest Articles

by Bert O Neill
In this article, I provide a detailed overview of using IDistributed Cache to improve the performance of your EF Core queries, against On-Premise caching systems like Redis, NCache, SqlCache, MySqlCache, MongoDBCache and API Output caching.
by Federico Di Marco
Query Excel or CSV files with T-SQL without importing them in a table first
by Bert O Neill
This article provides an overview for developers, on how to quickly generate a dependency Entity Relationship Diagram for a table and its immediately related tables, within SQL Server.
by GabrieleTronchin
A simple stored procedure to add at your database to keep it reactive

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SQL Server 

10 Jul 2024 by Bert O Neill
In this article, I provide a detailed overview of using IDistributed Cache to improve the performance of your EF Core queries, against On-Premise caching systems like Redis, NCache, SqlCache, MySqlCache, MongoDBCache and API Output caching.
29 Apr 2024 by Bert O Neill
This article provides an overview for developers, on how to quickly generate a dependency Entity Relationship Diagram for a table and its immediately related tables, within SQL Server.
7 Jan 2024 by yuvalsol
POCO generating application for SQL Server
6 Dec 2023 by scastelli
SQL resolves special character challenges, streamlining NULL parameter handling
21 Nov 2023 by Federico Di Marco
spSearchTables: a helper T-SQL stored procedure for digging into (large) databases
11 Jul 2023 by Igor Krupitsky
This application lets you copy tables from folder with CSV files to SQL Server
4 May 2023 by Bruno van Dooren
Ways to deal with changed security for CLR code in SQL databases
6 Mar 2023 by Andriy Protskiv
Workaround for performance issues with AT TIME ZONE
4 Jan 2023 by Bert O Neill
Features and functionalities associated with Autogenerate DB Unit Test app
19 Dec 2022 by Sergei Y.Kitáev
Introduction to statically parameterized SQL language
14 Dec 2022 by Ravi K. Acharya
Third and final part of the step-by-step guide to build a CI/CD pipeline for your Microsoft SQL Server database using Github, TeamCity and Octopus
19 Nov 2022 by KristianEkman
An online Angular, .NET 7 Web API, SQL Server on Azure backgammon game
9 Aug 2022 by DiponRoy
Run Raw SQL Query - Entity Framework Core 6
3 Aug 2022 by DiponRoy
Options to customize EF Core migration table
28 Jun 2022 by DiponRoy
How to use MERGE statements in different databases
12 Jan 2022 by Andre Pieterse
How to implement a parse function within a C# WPF application
7 Jan 2022 by Member 14633234
SQL Server Job Agent for SQL mail service with attachment of Excel file
24 Nov 2021 by Rick Drizin
An overview of how to design a scalable Multi-Tenant Database using Row-Level Security Predicate Functions and DDL triggers to enforce that all shared tables are always restricted according to the tenant.
23 Nov 2021 by Rick Drizin
Simple structure for keeping SQL Server Auditing Tables and Versioned Records in the same set of tables, using Audit Triggers and Entity Framework
9 Nov 2021 by Daniele Fontani
That is the question. A comparison between these two technologies and some tips to choose the best that suits your needs.
7 Nov 2021 by Sergii Syrovatchenko
Open source index maintenance tool for SQL Server and Azure
4 Nov 2021 by #realJSOP
A tool to generate model and viewmodel classes directly from your selected database
27 Oct 2021 by Hardik.Sheth1717
How to configure Named Pipe and TCP/IP settings in SQL Server
26 Oct 2021 by Hardik.Sheth1717
How to install Microsoft SQL Server on a Windows system
25 Jul 2021 by Sergii Syrovatchenko
Here's everything you need to know about high-performance JSON parsing for SQL Server
18 Jul 2021 by Rednet Software
Rednet.DataAccess is yet another component to work with data that simplifies your use.
23 Jun 2021 by Shivprasad koirala
6 steps to enable transactions in WCF
10 Jun 2021 by Vadim Loboda
A way to deliver more details about an error or exception from an SQL Server database through an ASP.NET web application to a web client.
26 May 2021 by Giovanni Bejarasco
A walkthrough in UDT programming with primary focus on database concepts
8 May 2021 by Ralf Meier, Shah Samiur Rashid
Codeless Combobox for VB.NET/C# platform with MySQL/SQL Server database applications
13 Mar 2021 by Sergii Syrovatchenko
How to omit many restrictions on SQL Server Express Edition
9 Mar 2021 by #realJSOP
This library is intended for use in a multi-environment system, but it certainly be used under less stringent environmental confines, even down to a single desktop machine taht needs to connect to a single database server.
15 Feb 2021 by kusnaditjung
How to create Entity Framework Core 5 data migration in .NET 5
26 Jan 2021 by Kemal Erdogan
Addressing the general problem of representing directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) in SQL databases
10 Dec 2020 by Leif Simon Goodwin
Simple WPF app that shows how to use PetaPoco library to manage an SQL database
15 Oct 2020 by Jose Segarra
Implementing NOSQL on SQL
14 Jul 2020 by Mubin M. Shaikh
Walkthrough of the process for one of the industry best practices to export all SQL tables in Flat file format
4 Jul 2020 by Mahesh Pratap Singh
SQL Query performance improvement in SQL Server for large data
15 Jun 2020 by Vadim Loboda
ADO.NET Micro-ORM to SQL Server
2 May 2020 by Kalvin Lawrence Ernst
A sample application code which is an alternative to using libraries such as AngularJS, React, Vue, etc. Only jQuery and bootstrap are used in conjunction with vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
11 Apr 2020 by DiponRoy
Store all data change history in a table using Entity Framework Core
8 Apr 2020 by Daniel Miller
Describes a fast, lightweight implementation of the CQRS+ES pattern using C#
5 Apr 2020 by DiponRoy
Select data as DataTable object for a database using Entity Framework
11 Mar 2020 by Dan Letecky
Create an AJAX monthly event calendar (with drag and drop support) displaying data from SQL Server database in just 10 minutes (including a coffee break).
30 Dec 2019 by Dathuraj Pasarge
Database mirroring setup without any DBA effort - on every new database creation
9 Dec 2019 by Kanishka Basak
Analysis and troubleshooting a database performance bottleneck
29 Nov 2019 by Weifen Luo
The new way to develop LOB applications
20 Nov 2019 by Igor Krupitsky
Application lets you copy tables from folder with DBF files to SQL Server
2 Nov 2019 by Alaa Ben Fatma
Explore your MMSQL server tables in a professional way
20 Oct 2019 by Ravi K. Acharya
The complete step-by-step guide to build a CI/CD pipeline for your Microsoft SQL Server database using Github, TeamCity and Octopus.
20 Oct 2019 by Ravi K. Acharya
Second part of the step-by-step guide to build a CI/CD pipeline for your Microsoft SQL Server database using Github, TeamCity and Octopus
25 Sep 2019 by Edwig Huisman
22 Sep 2019 by Shameel
Part 1 of this multi-part article series discusses Open Source considerations, history of SQL Server and PostgreSQL, choosing the right PostgreSQL version for your needs and On-Premise vs Cloud comparison
7 Sep 2019 by Shameel
This article describes a way to create a Facade Database to provide restricted access to specific tables in your databases to specific users without granting direct access to any of the underlying databases/tables.
13 Aug 2019 by Benktesh Sharma
Demonstrate how to add EF support in .NET Core project
15 Jul 2019 by DiponRoy
Conditinal filter query example in SQL, Lambda Expression, C#
14 Jul 2019 by Viswanatha Swamy
In this article, we will be looking at how to use SQL Server 2017 Docker image for Local Web API development.
11 Jul 2019 by DiponRoy
Populating DateTime range in SQL Server
2 Jul 2019 by DiponRoy
Creating CLR in SQL Server
27 May 2019 by DiponRoy
Creating or using cursor in SQL-Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL databases
12 May 2019 by Manjuke Fernando
Observations made for a strange behavior on JSON_VALUE when table contains blank and non-blank values
7 Apr 2019 by Stefan Timovski
A short tutorial on how to get started with creating SSMS extensions
3 Apr 2019 by Mahsa Hassankashi
Best approach for having more secure channel to transfer user information throughout the web
3 Apr 2019 by Mahsa Hassankashi
This article enables you to generate table in any database such as Oracle, SQLServer, MySQL, SQLite, Sybase, etc. just by typing table name and its fields. Then you can use NHibernate facilities to make query for data layer.
23 Mar 2019 by Minh Tuan Do
A considerable method to speed up query running time
14 Feb 2019 by Melick
This is a complete guide to install SharePoint in a three server farm using AutoSPInstaller
3 Feb 2019 by Melick
SharePoint 2016 Installation using AutoSPInstaller Online - how to set up the environment and service accounts
27 Jan 2019 by Melick
How to resolve the issue: AppFabric installation failed because installer MSI returned with error code: 1603
10 Jan 2019 by Andi Kleinbichler
Illustrates the implementation of a .NET Core app, running in a Linux container, connecting to a SQL Server database with integrated security.
8 Jan 2019 by Vivek Johari
This article discusses the step by step process of point in time restore for Azure SQL database, Azure automatic backups as well as database backups retention period.
2 Jan 2019 by HHerzl
Document SQL Server Databases with CatFactory.UI
30 Dec 2018 by mohghaderi
Add Debug/Release deployments to SQL Server database projects using build events and powershell
26 Dec 2018 by Wendelius
This article shows a custom SQL Server function to split a string delimited by a character or a set of characters. The function also contains a few handy enhancements.
19 Dec 2018 by Herman<T>.Instance
In this article, the creation of dynamic pivots are explained. This works on SQL Server from version 2005 and above!
10 Dec 2018 by Vivek Johari
This article “SQL Triggers – An Introduction” will give you the detailed knowledge about the SQL Triggers which can be very helpful in your work.
25 Nov 2018 by Vivek Johari
This post discusses how to migrate SQL database to Azure SQL database using SSMS deploy.
19 Nov 2018 by Vivek Johari
Migrating SQL Database to Azure SQL Database using SSMS Export/Import Contents
17 Nov 2018 by Terence Wallace
A brief article on how to utilize NBA Stats API in a WinForm application
13 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
ASP.NET Core 1.1 and Identity Adventures
13 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
LINQPad - a developer’s best friend
8 Nov 2018 by Srinivasa Dinesh Parupalli
Importing Documents from SQL Server to Azure Cosmos DB
5 Nov 2018 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Create powerful REST API with just few lines of C# code using MsSql.RestApi package
24 Oct 2018 by HHerzl
Creating Web API in ASP.NET Core 1x
9 Oct 2018 by Akhil Mittal
Entity framework core, code first migrations and data annotations in EF Core
6 Oct 2018 by Vincent Maverick Durano
A step-by-step demo on how to build and dockerize ASP.NET Core and Blazor apps on MacOS
11 Sep 2018 by Steven L. Wentworth (12896862)
Using combination arithmetic to improve quality of SQL table design and execution
29 Aug 2018 by Micah Nikkel
SQL script that dynamically generates the DR scripts for failing over/back all Log Shipped databases. While it makes even a single database failover/failback a more streamlined process, it's most helpful for servers with multiple databases, such as SharePoint, consolidated SQL Servers, etc.
16 Aug 2018 by Narapareddy Shyamprasad
18 Jul 2018 by Robert Crockett
Use safe Destructive Editing techniques to load a SQLITE table
6 Jul 2018 by Manjuke Fernando
How to replace sp_depends with sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities and sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities
6 Jun 2018 by Gunnar S
Third article in a series of three regarding NServiceBus, WebAPI and Azure Service Fabric
5 Jun 2018 by Artem Moroz
Simple utility for creating backups of SQL Server databases on a schedule
4 Jun 2018 by Shayne P Boyer
Why should we care about containers for development
1 May 2018 by Shashangka Shekhar
In this post, we will get an overview and generate a basic level code using our database table column that will help in development.
30 Apr 2018 by Ryan G Conrad
Using Powershell and Windows Task Scheduler API to detect malicious login attempts on a remotely accessible SQL Server database
19 Apr 2018 by Michael Abramovitch
A flexible way to generate unique numbers for things like invoice numbers
12 Apr 2018 by Saineshwar Bageri
How to create a simple API in Node.js and use MS SQL as a data source to perform CRUD operation
25 Mar 2018 by Ryan G Conrad
More configurations and auditing tools