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SQL Server


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by Wonde Tadesse
This tip/trick helps to set a default value for blob data type such as Image, VarBinary.
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Mapping properties in EF model to database columns that contain JSON
by Steve Krile
Fully AJAX-enabled user control used to select names from a database in a drop-down format.
by Mubin M. Shaikh
Create time dimension with 24 hour plus values and time buckets in your data warehouse

Latest Articles

by Bert O Neill
In this article, I provide a detailed overview of using IDistributed Cache to improve the performance of your EF Core queries, against On-Premise caching systems like Redis, NCache, SqlCache, MySqlCache, MongoDBCache and API Output caching.
by Federico Di Marco
Query Excel or CSV files with T-SQL without importing them in a table first
by Bert O Neill
This article provides an overview for developers, on how to quickly generate a dependency Entity Relationship Diagram for a table and its immediately related tables, within SQL Server.
by GabrieleTronchin
A simple stored procedure to add at your database to keep it reactive

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SQL Server 

27 Feb 2018 by #realJSOP
Create and run jobs kinda like SQL Server Enterprise - Users Guide
30 Sep 2017 by #realJSOP
Create and run jobs kinda like SQL Server Enterprise - Architecture and design decisions
30 Sep 2017 by #realJSOP
Create and run jobs kinda like SQL Server Enterprise - The CSV and Excel Importer Code
30 Sep 2017 by #realJSOP
Create and run jobs kinda like SQL Server Enterprise - Job Scheduling Code
30 Sep 2017 by #realJSOP
Create and run jobs kinda like SQL Server Enterprise - How Packages Are Run
30 Sep 2017 by #realJSOP
Create and run jobs kinda like SQL Server Enterprise - Interesting Coding
4 Nov 2021 by #realJSOP
A tool to generate model and viewmodel classes directly from your selected database
9 Mar 2021 by #realJSOP
This library is intended for use in a multi-environment system, but it certainly be used under less stringent environmental confines, even down to a single desktop machine taht needs to connect to a single database server.
29 Jan 2004 by -Dr_X-
Passing multiple values as a single Parameter to a Stored Procedure
11 Jan 2009 by 6opuc
Fast and easy to use data access class library.
25 Sep 2012 by _Amy
Dynamic menu generation according to user privileges from database.
31 Jul 2005 by _Asif_
Article that helps writing SQL in XML to provide better support
23 Jun 2013 by _Asif_
A Practical approach for implementing Interactive query based systems using MSOLAP
6 Dec 2016 by _Asif_
This article helps in identifying database design issues like certain fields missing, nullable fields, Primary key not found issues in production environment using SQL Server schema views.
4 Jul 2007 by _JERKER_
Example of implementing many-to-many multiple choice functionality the declarative way.
29 Jun 2006 by _oti
An article and source code regarding the implmentation of B-Trees in C++.
18 Aug 2006 by _oti
Automated generation of PostgreSQL data transfer classes.
23 Oct 2008 by aakanksh
Some useful tips on using Reporting Services
12 Dec 2009 by Abby Fichtner (Hacker Chick)
A beginner's LINQ tutorial that walks you through mapping your SQL Server database tables and relationships to objects, and how to retrieve that data via simple LINQ queries.
11 Dec 2009 by Abby Fichtner (Hacker Chick)
A tutorial that walks through adding/updating/deleting data in your database with LINQ to SQL while keeping your class relationships (M:M, 1:M, and M:1) synchronized.
11 Dec 2009 by Abby Fichtner (Hacker Chick)
A tutorial and application on using WPF Data Binding with LINQ to SQL classes. This is part 3 of a three-part tutorial on using LINQ to SQL.
9 Nov 2012 by Abdul Quader Mamun
To develop scalable applications, effective paging is essential. Devoid of smart and effective paging and sorting to handle thousands of thousand data takes extra time and system resources.
16 Aug 2012 by Abdul Quader Mamun
Framework makes application more organized and efficient way to coding. It is helpful for newly assigned developer to understand code structure within a short time. It is essential for large application.
4 Aug 2010 by Abdul Quadir Saifee
Creating Crystal reports with dynamic number of Columns with Typed dataset with SQL Server 2005
13 Apr 2010 by Abdul_Rafay
SQL Server Query Notification with BizTalk Server 2009 WCF SQL Adapter
21 Feb 2016 by Abdullah Al-Muzahid
This is a RAD tool which can be used to generate codes for CRUD operation in ASP.NET and C# automatically based on Database Model Diagram.
23 Dec 2003 by Abhay Dubey
This procedure can be called in another Stored procedure or function and quite handy in debugging and development
22 Feb 2008 by Abhijit Jana
SQL Server Profiler Step by Step: SQL Server 2005
25 Oct 2008 by Abhijit Jana
Overview of Log Shipping in SQL Server 2005
28 Jul 2009 by Abhijit Jana
Overview of Views, system Views, creation of Views, and binding and securing Views.
15 Aug 2009 by Abhijit Jana
This article describes how to use RAISERROR in SQL Server 2005
22 Sep 2009 by Abhijit Jana
Basic overview of temporary Tables in SQL Server 2005
9 Sep 2010 by Abhijit Mahato
This article discusses the pitfalls encountered and their workarounds during development of BizTalk Projects
2 Aug 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction to CLR programming in SQL Server databases. This is the first part of a two-part article series.
2 Aug 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction of how to create SQL CLR managed objects in SQL server.
3 Nov 2012 by Abhishek Sur
The article demonstrates how you can use SQL Server Query Notification feature to get notification from database whenever the result of a command gets changed. Sample application demonstrating SqlDependency and SqlCacheDependency is also included.
5 Oct 2005 by Abi Bellamkonda
ASP.NET TimeTracker Starter Kits Porting from Windows to Linux using Mainsoft's Grasshopper
30 Sep 2005 by Abi Bellamkonda
ASP.NET Reports Starter Kit Porting from Windows to Linux using Mainsoft's Grasshopper
27 Sep 2009 by acarpio1975
Given date ranged data, adjust existing ranges on entry of a new ranged data.
25 May 2015 by Acharya Raja Sekhar
This tool helps in cloning/copying the database from a source environment/server to a target server (usually developers can use it for setting up local DB with production code)
7 Jun 2007 by Adam Hurwitz
Using a modified Adjacency List model in SQL, can you retrieve a depth-wise ordered subtree?
23 Nov 2010 by Adam Nachman
Provides a framework for predictably compiling, extracting, and deploying a database project.
19 Mar 2007 by Adam Nelson
Presents a SQL Server Extended Stored Procedure wrapper around the author's C++ implementation, and discusses use of Double Metaphone with relational databases in general.
13 Jun 2017 by Adam O'Neil (Travelers Rest, SC)
Introduction to Postulate, a code-first ORM for SQL Server made with Dapper
16 Oct 2007 by Adam Page
Setting up an SMS gateway to conduct an SMS survey and storing the survey results in an MS Access database, from which you can generate/print out reports.
6 Nov 2006 by adamAFA46
Simple but powerful GUI O/R Mapper which generates C# 2.0 to handle all of your object relational persistence.
23 Nov 2007 by adambl
Provides a utility to generate a wrapper for stored procedures to improve performance and eliminate certain run-time errors
28 Sep 2012 by AdamNThompson
A data access component for SQL Server in VB.NET.
28 Sep 2007 by AdamNThompson
Distribute your site's contents with RSS 2.0 using ASP.NET/VB.NET/MS SQL Server 2005.
31 Mar 2006 by Addison-Wesley
This chapter covers what's new in enterprise database administration. It doesn't just look at the product from a feature list, but groups the features according to some tasks common to database administration.
17 Apr 2009 by Adnan Faisal
In this article, we will learn how to create a JavaScript popup window, how to use the MultiView control to move between two views, and also to use the GridView control with paging.
19 May 2002 by Adrian Bacaianu
This article shows how to use directly in your Microsoft SQL, an extended stored procedure that makes conversions between Unicode and code page data.
17 May 2002 by Adrian Bacaianu
How to perform different computations for each row of a certain table, with each computation involving several columns.
8 Mar 2009 by Adrian Pasik
This article is about transferring backups without raising the privileges of SQL Server, or using custom copying tools.
11 Aug 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article explains how you can use ASP.NET (C#) and search for related queries in your Database.
30 Jan 2006 by
This is a series of articles providing Building Blocks for any ASP.NET application.
30 Aug 2008 by Ahmad Eid Salim
Replication is the process of sharing data between databases in different locations. Using replication, we can create copies of a database and share the copy with different users so that they can make changes to their local copy of database and later synchronize the changes to the source database.
29 Oct 2008 by Ahmad Eid Salim
Provider Design Pattern is a new pattern that Microsoft formalized in .NET 2 to increase application performance where there is no need to explicitly instantiate classes.
25 May 2008 by Ahmed IG
A Simple GUI Tool for SQL 2005 Reports deployment without using BI Development Studio
3 Sep 2008 by Ahmed Negm
This article introduces how to create and manage .NET enterprise applications using your favorite technology (Data Access Application Block, LINQ, NHibernate, ASMX, and WCF) with the Model Driven Development approach by Sculpture.
19 Apr 2005 by Ahmed_EL Sayed
How to set up SQL Server Integrated Security for using with SMS.
1 Apr 2009 by Ahmet Göktaş
T-SQL string maker for backup with a MEDIAPASSWORD database.
2 Jun 2017 by AhsanAhmed
A brief introduction on how to use FOR XML clause in RAW mode in MS SQL Server to return data in XML format
29 Jul 2014 by Ajit Kumar Thakur Microsoft
This article explains the step by step process to learn MDX query. It will help user to read data from OLAP cube.
16 Jun 2010 by Akbar Ali Bhatti
Executing a web service in a CLR based Table Valued Function resolving the problems faced during its execution and finally representing the IEnumerable output as a table in SQL Server.
28 Aug 2012 by akhil khare
Find multiple strings (delimenated by space) in all selected columns.
26 Nov 2014 by Akhil Mittal
My effort in this article was to put some light on building a generic multilayered architecture using Entity Framework 4.1 and MVC3 razor view engine.
1 Mar 2016 by Akhil Mittal
Enterprise level application architecture with Web APIs using Entity Framework, Generic Repository pattern and Unit of Work.
9 Oct 2018 by Akhil Mittal
Entity framework core, code first migrations and data annotations in EF Core
24 Jun 2008 by akjoshi
Implementing a tab control like structure in SQL Server 2005 reporting services report using tables and text boxes
28 Sep 2005 by Akram Hussein
An article on distributed messaging using Service Broker in SQL Server 2005.
2 Dec 2009 by Akram Mellice
Generate strongly typed datasets
23 Mar 2009 by Al-Farooque Shubho
Exploring Set based and Procedural approaches to write better SQL in SQL Server.
28 Apr 2009 by Al-Farooque Shubho
As part of a series of articles on several data access optimization steps in SQL Server, this article focuses on using indexing to optimize data access.
1 Jun 2009 by Al-Farooque Shubho
As part of a series of articles on data access optimization steps in SQL Server, this article focuses on refactoring and applying TSQL best practices to improve performance.
8 Jun 2009 by Al-Farooque Shubho
As part of a series of articles on several data access optimization steps in SQL Server, this article focuses on using some advanced indexing techniques and using de-normalizations to optimize data access.
8 Nov 2009 by Al-Farooque Shubho
As part of a series of articles on several data access optimization steps, this article focuses on diagnosing performance problems in SQL Server.
8 Nov 2009 by Al-Farooque Shubho
As part of a series of articles on several data access optimization steps, this article focuses on organizing files/file-groups and applying partitioning in SQL Server databases.
2 Nov 2019 by Alaa Ben Fatma
Explore your MMSQL server tables in a professional way
29 Jan 2010 by Alaric Dailey
Working around issues when using SQL Server indexed views.
7 Aug 2007 by albert arul prakash
XSS gaining popularity to hack into websites. This article describes how to power yourself against XSS
20 Jul 2005 by Albert Pascual
I wrote this short article to improve your ASP.NET application Sessions using Cache.
2 Oct 2004 by Alberto Venditti
A proposed class to simulate the ADODB.Recordset behavior in .NET.
14 Feb 2005 by Alberto Venditti
An alternative and flexible way to manage config settings for multiple web applications.
10 May 2012 by Alberto Venditti
An alternative to SQL Server Management Studio for scheduling SQL Server Agent jobs
23 Sep 2015 by Alberto Venditti
Using a .NET Windows service as an engine for specialized custom plug-ins execution
20 Dec 2010 by Albin Abel
Simple Pattern Matching Technique for Search Suggest Boxes
3 Mar 2009 by Alden John Snow
This project demonstrates what is likely the fastest way to upload one of those fixed width reports from a mainframe to a SQL server table.
23 May 2017 by Alejandro Xalabarder
An efficient and flexible layout manager
10 Jun 2013 by Aleksei Tuiman
Data extraction from XML fields with different namespaces
6 Sep 2007 by aleksisa
Build a process to import Leads records from Excel into MS CRM via email.
13 Mar 2008 by aleksisa
Build simple and sophisticated Facebook Apps with FBML, ASP.NET
22 May 2008 by aleksisa
Developing Facebook Application with .NET - part 2 - FBML tabs, setFBML, FB:multi-friend-selector, setRefHandle, PublishAction and much more...
27 May 2016 by Aless Alessio
Reat time Spreadsheet, updating and retrieving data through a Web Service. Using SQL Server DB.If two or more users are working on the same spreadsheet, they can see what the other users are doing. Mouse pointing is highlighted by filling the cell with diagonal stripes, while data saved is highlight
10 Aug 2015 by Alessandro Alpi
MVP and DBA Alessandro Alpi discusses the advantages of source controlling databases, and shows why SQL Source Control is the best tool for SQL Server Management Studio users.
3 Mar 2008 by Alex Baker
Change collation order for all text columns in a database
14 Jan 2010 by alex turner
They might seem like just another not entirely required feature, but actually table variables are a very handy extension to SQL Server
19 Jan 2010 by alex turner
How about a .NET COBOL program which uses ADO.NET to connect to either MySQL or SQL Server?