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Windows Phone 8.1


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by Ondrej_Uzovic
Simple example showing how to implement live video streaming from Windows Phone 8.1 (Silverlight) to a standalone desktop application
by Sumit Samediya
In this article we will learn how to use existing sqlite database in WP 8.1 apps.
by Sumit Samediya
In this article, we will learn how to send Push notifications to Windows phone 8.1 app using php
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to build a simple Toast Notification in #UWP apps? (Part 1)

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by Sumit Samediya
In this article, we will learn how to send Push notifications to Windows phone 8.1 app using php
by Sumit Samediya
In this article we will learn how to use existing sqlite database in WP 8.1 apps.
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to build a simple Toast Notification in #UWP apps? (Part 2)
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to build a simple Toast Notification in #UWP apps? (Part 1)

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Windows Phone 8.1 

26 May 2015 by Ondrej_Uzovic
Simple example showing how to implement live video streaming from Windows Phone 8.1 (Silverlight) to a standalone desktop application
20 Mar 2016 by Sumit Samediya
In this article we will learn how to use existing sqlite database in WP 8.1 apps.
3 Apr 2016 by Sumit Samediya
In this article, we will learn how to send Push notifications to Windows phone 8.1 app using php
27 Oct 2015 by CPallini
I would try to programmatically get an instance of the component.
5 Jan 2016 by ridoy
See:Calling Web API from a Windows Phone 8 Application (C#) | The ASP.NET Site[^]Also:Web service on Windows Phone[^]
12 Jan 2016 by OriginalGriff
This is one of the most common problems we get asked, and it's also the one we are least equipped to answer, but you are most equipped to answer yourself.Let me just explain what the error means: You have tried to use a variable, property, or a method return value but it contains null -...
21 Jan 2016 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to build a simple Toast Notification in #UWP apps? (Part 1)
31 Jan 2016 by ridoy
You can try HtmlAgilityPack[^]. The HTML then becomes queryable through Linq Like:HtmlDocument htmlDoc = webBrowser1.Document as HtmlDocument;string innerText = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("body").Single().InnerText;You can also load the HTML as a string or stream through LoadHtml and...
18 Mar 2016 by Richard Deeming
The IsolatedStorageFile.CreateFile method[^] returns an IsolatedStorageFileStream. You haven't shown the relevant parts of your code, but I suspect you forgot to close / dispose that stream, which means the file is still open.Change the code that creates the file to close the stream when...
6 Jul 2016 by _Kapil
Hey all,I am working on push notification for window app in phone gap.I not able to update navigator URI when receive push notification.Means when when i receive push notification i want to move to some particular form where i have to show all notification access from database in...
10 Aug 2016 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
The application specific and useful in this case is not an application with GUI, but a service instead. You need a service to be always running that controls and looks for the location of the user. Metro applications don't have services, they only have background tasks but that will always...
22 Feb 2015 by Avenger1
Hithis code for work with thread in windows phone 8.0 private void Start_Example() { for (i = 0; i { ...
22 Feb 2015 by Wendelius
If this is a store app, have a look at new APIs for windows phone 8.1[^]
16 Mar 2015 by SureshMarepalli
Hi,I am developing a windows phone 8.1 silverlight app . In my app I want to play live streaming youtube channel for this I followed this , and I am able to play examples given in the sample , comming to my link , I am...
21 Mar 2015 by Reatellino
Hi, guy. I am struggling with navigation in my phone app. I have added three blank pages to my project and managed to navigate forward for page to page but ....I want a user when click the "back button" on the phone go back just one page and of course when he press it again go back to the main...
21 Mar 2015 by Abhinav S
You have use NavigationService.BackStack to run through the previous pages.Here is good article that should get you started - How to navigate using the back stack for Windows Phone 8[^].
23 Mar 2015 by Reatellino
I have solution from someone who helped me on another forum. Pasting it in her so that it might help someone else.Basically the thing is, when you add "BlankPage" to your project instead of "BasicPage" there is some things missing. Here is what You need to paste/type into your code behind of...
29 Apr 2015 by sunay2c
i wants to convert image object to byte array or stream....please help me out...thanks
6 May 2015 by Member 11635870
i want developed a windows phone .my text shown on screen.when i select the text the color can not change.i want change my text color on selecting how i can do it ??
25 May 2015 by chintarajaramesh
Hi i implemented Windows Phone 8.1 Silver Light application Background scheduler using below link.The scheduler is working fine but when i call Async method it is not pining with server.Here this async method without background is working fine. But when i call this async method in...
9 Jun 2015 by pradip2609
Windows Phone 8: print demo for bluetooth label/receipt printers[^]Download this Demo But Not Working.Error 2 The type or namespace name 'Bluetooth' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\Users\Camp...
9 Jun 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Please post your question in the forum at the end of the article. You could also actually read the error message and do what it suggests.
14 Jun 2015 by Krunal Rohit
Hi,I have built this app using the MediaLibrary.Songs. My implementation consists of building a collection of songs and feeding them to the Mediaplayer one at a time.My problem is, that after building this app, I could not get it to play in the background, or under a lock screen. This led...
23 Jun 2015 by Andrius Leonavicius
Hi,Have you tried this tool to check whether a machine is SLAT capable: MachineSLATStatusCheck[^]?If you have a non-SLAT machine, it is impossible to run the emulator. However, you could build apps on a non-SLAT computer, but you need to deploy and test them on a physical device.
30 Jun 2015 by Member 11803008
Hello people!I'm developing an app for windows phone 8.1 .I want to read and write data to and from Microsoft SharePoint.I'm using REST API and my problem is I have no idea how to get the access token needed in order to gain access to SharePoint.This is what I have so far: ...
5 Jul 2015 by aashish_9601
Hi..I am trying to learn windows phone development.After going through tutorials on the internet , i am making an DataBound far, i have created an database and an DataContext of the db. and using it to populate the LongListSelector as follows Protected Overrides Sub...
15 Aug 2015 by ahmetkocadogan
Hello. This is my scenario, i have an arduino uno and a hc-05 bluetooth module. i use software serial for hc-05, this is my arduino code:(from this link :[^])#include...
22 Aug 2015 by 09hadi
Hello everyone, I would appreciate all sorts of help in this matter. I have to incorporate an audio stream into a windows phone application and I am failing to do so. Can you please help me out? Uptill now I have this:try { Uri src = new...
25 Aug 2015 by Member 9129971
I am going to develop a windows phone 8.1 app.Which will integrate with facebook and linkedin to show related data.i.e friends list,social status etc etcBut i am unable to find any resources to get started.For linkedIn i have found[^]Also there...
21 Sep 2015 by Manidas Payyoli
hai.. here am damn new to the windows phone app developmenti have a task that i have to create a chat app for windows phone .i can use..1.openfire2.xmpp3.sqlitehow can i connect each other?where i can start? please help me.....thanx in advance
21 Sep 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Start at the beginning: Go to[^], and[^] and research the toturials and samples.
24 Sep 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is simple, but it would take long time to explain all the detail, so here is an example for you:Suppose you have some code likevoid MyFunction(A a, B b, C c) {/* ... */}//...A aValue = //...B bValue = //...C cValue = //...MyFunction(aValue, bValue, cValue);How to delegate...
24 Sep 2015 by Manidas Payyoli
Error 1 Cannot find type System.Windows.Automation.Peers.FrameworkElementAutomationPeer in module System.Windows.dll. test_demobut when i added this they are saying reference automatically added no nedd of can fix this?
27 Sep 2015 by Manidas Payyoli
Hi all i am fed up with these error.I am trying to develop a chat application in windows phone 8.1.i have...1.openfire server installed2.using XMPPwhen i am trying to connect with server which showing errors..after connnecting how can i send and recive messages.Actualy am xactli new...
28 Sep 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
You already posted this at Help !!!!Me Openfire Server Connection Using Xmpp Showing Error!! I Cant Fix Pls Help[^]. Please do not repost the same question.
28 Sep 2015 by Manidas Payyoli
i am trying to connect server here for my wp8.1 chat app iam getting this erroe what is this? this s first time i got this type of errorError 1 Cannot find type System.ApplicationException in module mscorlib.dll. agsxmpp_demomy code ..using System;using...
28 Sep 2015 by Leo Chapiro is not available to Metro style apps. Remove the reference to System.Data.dll from project.Take a look at Adding System.Data into C# MetroApp gives internal eror[^] .
6 Oct 2015 by Manidas Payyoli
I am trying to creating a chat application in windows phone 8.1 using xmpp and openfire server in visual studio 2013 updated 4.I l.For xmpp connection to servr i used these my chat application i want use more specifications like...
6 Oct 2015 by Andy Lanng
Hi,There are a lot of question here, but I'll try to answer as best I can."...should I add all dll of these or its source code?"Unless the dll is very large and you need just a snippet of the code, add the whole dll. There's no point stirring up the silt. Keep you code...
6 Oct 2015 by 09hadi
Hello everyone, I would like to ask for guidance regarding augmented reality on windows phones. I have to develop an augmented reality navigation app on Windows Phone. I got to know about GART on WP8 but then again WP8 phones aren't being unlocked anymore. I need to go with a toolkit that goes...
7 Oct 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
I have developed windows phone 8.1 universal apps. When my app running 24/7 app is crashing. So I need when user click windows key app must be Pro-grammaticality minimized. This error getting on only windows store app.
17 Oct 2015 by MedinaVS
Hi!,I can do it for wpf and windows 10 desktop apps but apparently for windows phone it's totally a different way.Is there an easy way to pick a file with the file open picker on windows phone?This code is for windows 10 store apps but I need a way to do it for windows phone.It...
27 Oct 2015 by vishal.shimpi
Hi,Could any help me find Windows Imaging Component is available or not in machine. I googled it and I found some answers it says that if Windowscodesc.ddl is available in system32 folder that WIC is installed on PC. I checked it in system32 folder and I found it is available on machine but...
3 Nov 2015 by Member 12097786
Hi,My requirement is expandablelistview in windows phone 8.1 using c#4.5,xaml for this i am trying to work with accordion control in windows phone 8.1,but there is no accordion control in windows phone 8.1 .Accordion control is work only in windows phone 8.what is alternative for accordion...
8 Nov 2015 by Member 2184908
I am creating a Windows 8.1 app using in the Windows 10 with help of Visual Studio 2015.I have added grid to the design with 1 row and two column. In the first page there is big image and no text and in other pages there is icon and text. So I am putting if 4*...
18 Nov 2015 by Manidas Payyoli
I need a help...In windows universal app 2 main projects are automatically created(Windows 8.1 and WP8.1) how to use that 2 mains in my app? If iam using any references,should I add references for two times?I want to develop a chat application in windows Universal app(My application should...
22 Nov 2015 by Member 12159075
I want to create an app to store minimum 5 modules information. Let us assume module1 has professor name, location, timing, day.My app consist of button to store the information and then display them later. Any ideas how to make that?
15 Dec 2015 by Member 11113443
I followed Microsofts article about sending and receiving push notifications on Windows Phone 8.0: this link I Implement in windows Phone 8.1 it work fine when application is running but when application goes in background or closed.My receiver can't get the notification it appears on the...
22 Dec 2015 by Member 11183856
Hi,How to disable DrawerLayout Shadow or change the color of the shadow (The shadow on the drawers (in between the drawer and the background content) in windows phone 8..Thanks Regards,Mohan
5 Jan 2016 by F-ES Sitecore
I googled "wcf self signed certificate" and here are some results, you can find more if you do the search yourselfHTTPS Communication in WCF using Self-sign Certificate[^]How to: Create and Install Temporary Certificates in WCF for Message Security During Development[^]Please do...
17 Jan 2016 by deepaksharma0390
Is there a possible way to disable the orientation change for a particular element in Windows Phone 8.1Below is my code in which I want to disable the orientation change on the gridONE Grid so that even after the Screen Orientation changes to Landscape, the Grid still stays in the portrait...
17 Jan 2016 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
You can not set orientation on a single element of your page, but can do so for the whole page (and set it differently for each page)...Read about it here: Set supported orientations in XAML on Windows Phone 8.1[^]
30 Jan 2016 by deepaksharma0390
Is there a way to get the HTML text for a WebView control in Windows Phone 8.1 like we get the same for WebBrowser control as below:webBrowser1.DocumentTextThanks,
3 Feb 2016 by Member 12304977
I'm trying to save some informations into a file in the ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder this way:private async Task WriteRecentScores(List list) { try { var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(List)); ...
15 Feb 2016 by Ashokyede
I have a SSIS package and a Script Task on Windows Server 2008 R2. This Script Task downloads the file.As I can download csv file from URL and SSIS visual studio, it should be able to download from job alsoSystem.Net.WebClient myWebClient = new System.Net.WebClient(); string...
14 Mar 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
I create a file named "Products.txt" on sdCard. When I open it first time its name is "Products[1].txt", second time the name is "Products[2].txt", third time again "Product[1].txt" and so on. I don't understand why because I don't have another file with the same name. My big problem is that I...
18 Mar 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
In my application at first start I create a text file in isolated storageisoStore.CreateFile("MyApp\\Memo.txt");and at launching I do this (memoPrices is a List that keeps some prices):public static async void FillPricesFromIsoStore(){ using (IsolatedStorageFile isoStore =...
17 Mar 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
There is something seriously wrong, somewhere in your code. But the only way to find the root cause is to step through the code with your debugger and check exactly what is happening.
18 Mar 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
I found the place for InnerException and I found out that problem was elsewhere.
20 Mar 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
This is my code for access MyFile.txt from sdCard. I want to append text at the end of the file, but I need to use StreamWriter(String, boolean). How to get path for MyFile.txt from Stream stream?StorageFolder sdCard = (await...
24 Mar 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
In WP 8 I used PhotoCamera to make a camera app and to save the image in camera roll I used this method:private void cam_CaptureImageAvailable(object sender, ContentReadyEventArgs e){ string fileName = "photo.jpg"; MediaLibrary library = new MediaLibrary(); ...
6 Jul 2016 by Harinder_KBS
i am facing same issue but still on r&d
10 Aug 2016 by Matt T Heffron
Cortana already supports notifications when the device is at a specific location.See: Handsfree with Cortana![^] looks promising!It looks like this Channel 9 video could be additional info:What Developers Need To Know About the Cortana API | Dev-Inspiration | Channel 9[^]
25 Sep 2016 by Maciej Los
The most common reason of that error is that that currently logged user has not enough priviledges to run/deploy application.Try to run Visual Studio in admin mode (right click -> run as admin).Some people have reported that was installing issue. Re-installing VS and Phone SDK may...
15 Jan 2017 by deepaksharma0390
I am working on a Windows 8.1 UWP app.I am facing differences when I had put breakpoints while debugging the app for Windows Phone 8.1 which I am debugging on my Windows Phone 10 device.Below is code which I am calling from a page in windows phone using a button click :Can someone...
14 Jan 2017 by Patrice T
Quote:Breakpoints not working correctly ?If you suspect a breakpoint not to work properly, add some popup messages in your code to ensure that this piece of code is executed when you expect it.
15 Jul 2017 by LLLLGGGG
Hi, You can have a look at this Hope this helps.
3 Dec 2017 by Harish Kumar Bansal
Hi, Application crashes after some time and stop scanning bar code. Everytime i have to restart my device to continue scanning. I am using Honeywell device and windows phone 8.1. Can you please help me on this? What I have tried: private BarcodeScanner scanner; ...
22 Jun 2021 by Nelek
Then start learning. There are a lot of resources in the internet. Use google, look for tutorials, start reading, start coding... if you don't understand something, then ask. Good luck
22 Jun 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
The Python Tutorial — Python 3.7.10 documentation[^]
26 May 2015 by jeff ninney
GET String SpotifyUrl =...
24 Feb 2016 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to build a simple Toast Notification in #UWP apps? (Part 2)
17 Mar 2016 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It has nothing to do with Visual Studio 2013 or any particular IDE. This is a fundamental feature of .NET. It probably won't be too strong saying that if you don't use it, you are going nowhere.All you need is this:Exception Class (System)[^],Exception.InnerException Property...
22 Dec 2015 by OriginalGriff
Read the current culture: CultureInfo.CurrentCulture property[^] and compare it with your "target" culture - the LCID property[^] should do it.
28 Dec 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Second law of thermodynamics is applicable to information, too. Next time, be more careful.If I understood you correctly, you've used a file shredder. Such utilities are designed to produce irreversible changes to files. You may need to get the fonts from the system installation or some...
25 Mar 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
This is my camera app and I don't know what is wrong because the picture is not good looking when I save. Can someone look at it and tell me how to solve the problem?Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.[^]
12 Jan 2016 by rohu123
I am creating windows phone app in VS 2013 with version WP 8.1.I am creating Menu Navigation control using drawer layout control for Windows Phone 8.1 from NuGet,1. Right Click on Add Reference -> Manage NuGet Packages -> Add "DrawerLayout" text in Search box.2. Select "DrawerLayout For...
9 Jul 2015 by Member 10709351
Hi All,I am very new in windows phone app development. I am developing a app which help user to send their contacts via Bluetooth.I tried my best but I am not able to code which help me to send Contacts(VCF file) via Bluetooth.Here is the description what I am trying to achieve : 1. ...
12 Jan 2016 by rohu123
HI,Today, I am trying to use SlideView Sample in Windows Phone 8.1. before that I have installed Nuget Slide View 1.4.2 Project but While running the application I am facing below issue - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
26 May 2015 by jeff ninney
13 Jun 2015 by Dinesh92d
I have 4GB Ram and Windows 8.1 OS and Intel Pentium Dual Core Processor. But My system did not support developing apps and did not create simulator in my system.after searching my system did not have slat control.What can i do? How to Run My apps?
2 Dec 2015 by Member 11222123
I m making 23 sports clone version in windows phone 8.1 app but having a problem when i m deploying app in phone it replace the last version app..What shoul i do?
28 Dec 2015 by Demilo
I mistakenly shredded my windows fonts, how can I restore it? thanks
25 Sep 2016 by Ionascut Mihai
At the first deploy the app is installed on my device and everything works well, but when I try to deploy the second time I get this error:1>Deployment of application to device failed.1>Error writing file '%FOLDERID_APPID_INSTALL%\{5ea233c7-23db-4a36-b02b-2554d58aba56}\resources.pri'. Error...
15 Jul 2017 by Member 12870113
We need to fetch mobile number using windows phone 8.1 or 10 or UWP using c# What I have tried: I have created my project in Visual Studio 2015 => Universal
3 Oct 2022 by Venki Vky
8 May 2015 by Member 11635870
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { int snooze; string audioSrc; int year = datepicker.Date.Year; int month = datepicker.Date.Month; int day =...
13 May 2015 by Member 11526508
Hi,In my WP8.1 RT project, I am trying to implement a listview that displays a list of countries. (For now) I have a three page setup: P1 has a hyperlink button that takes you to P2, that has a listview (with which I'd be binding the list of all countries), which, when selected, takes you...
7 Jul 2015 by Hari-CodeBlogger
Is there any possible way to make a button / text box rounded corner in Universal Store app windows mobileTried border cornerradius="" Button .. / /borderNeed guidance in this please.
11 Jul 2015 by Member 10709351
I am new in windows application development.I am looking for code which help me to read the content of xml file stored in the application local folder.Description : In my application once user clicks on the submit button,I have stored the user status as "true" in xml file using below code :...
11 Jul 2015 by Member 10709351
Hi ALL,I am developing a contact sharing application in which I need to implement a functionality which help me to handle national and international number formats.Description : Once user enter a national and international number in a text box,it should be formatted automatically. For...
25 Aug 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
I have bulk amount of data. How to get data from JSON and XML using Restsharp or HTTPWebRequest.
26 Aug 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
var client = new RestClient("your url"); var request = new RestRequest("request url ", Method.POST); request.AddParameter("email", txtEmail.Text.ToString()); request.AddParameter("password", txtPassword.Password.ToString()); ...
26 Aug 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
string authKey = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["authKey"] as string; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("web service url"); request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; ...
26 Aug 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
XML Document Execution using Restsharp.var client = new RestClient("Web service url/"); string url = string.Format("MobileApp/api/JobSeeker/Interview/SessionID/{0}/lng/{1}", sessionID,language); var request = new RestRequest(url, Method.GET); ...
26 Aug 2015 by Mohamed Hasan Shali
HttpWebRequest listRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("web service url"); listRequest.Method = "GET"; listRequest.Accept = "application/atom+xml"; listRequest.ContentType = "application/atom+xml;type=entry"; ...
27 Aug 2015 by dtoth2
Hi, I need to ask for a passcode every time the app was suspended (and resumed), so I have to show a corresponding page, and after the user enters the pin proceed the app resuming to the page which was shown before suspending. How can I get the page to which I have to proceed? The App.Resume...
24 Sep 2015 by Manidas Payyoli
hai all please help me am trying to connect my app with openfire server here.[ignore my button click event]im having trouble in:1. Thread.Sleep(2000); //the name thread does not exist in the current context 2.this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>//error! windows.ui.core.core...
27 Sep 2015 by Manidas Payyoli
here am creating a chat app in wp8.1 using openfire and ags xmppi cant create connection and object y?my code..using System;using System.Collections.ObjectModel;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.IO;using System.Linq;using...
30 Sep 2015 by Manidas Payyoli
Here i am trying to develop a chat app using xmpp and openfire server in windows phone 8.1.when i am trying to connect with openfire server it showing this error.i tried out many ways but no result and i cannot understand too..(i added username and password in server)this part am getting...