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by Bogdan Marian
Ensure your Docker Compose services start in the correct order
by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on Spring Boot and JAR deployment
by azharuddinkhan
Initial Solr Setup: 1. Install the latest Java JDK from sure to select 64bit version if you need it.) 2.
by MaSinger
A maven plugin that allows your code to write itself - In this case: inject logging calls

Latest Articles

by Bogdan Marian
Ensure your Docker Compose services start in the correct order
by Desmond McCarter
A utility for generating Selenium based Page Object Pattern classes used in web/mobile test cases.
by Krishna P Seetharaman
The tools used for different activities and the best practices to be followed in Mule development for an enhanced development and deployment experience
by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on Spring Boot and JAR deployment

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20 Mar 2023 by Bogdan Marian
Ensure your Docker Compose services start in the correct order
25 Nov 2017 by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on Spring Boot and JAR deployment
16 Oct 2014 by azharuddinkhan
Initial Solr Setup: 1. Install the latest Java JDK from sure to select 64bit version if you need it.) 2.
12 Dec 2015 by MaSinger
A maven plugin that allows your code to write itself - In this case: inject logging calls
29 Jul 2015 by SercanOzdemir
New generation, annotation based maven 3 plugin development. Get rid of javadocs !
25 Apr 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
See Visual Studio and Windows SDK Command Prompts[^].
28 Sep 2017 by Alejandro Ferreira Guido
This article is about explaining the process of building an authentication servlet filter from scratch, including configuration initialization, url path filtering for login page and the process to get a user dynamically authenticated on a separate LDAP Windows Active Domain.
3 Jul 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Quote: Failed to rename C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\tools\hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation\TestMaven\apache-maven-3.5.3 to C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\tools\hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation\TestMaven\apache-maven-3.5.3.__rename That location is protected so...
11 Jul 2018 by Krishna P Seetharaman
The tools used for different activities and the best practices to be followed in Mule development for an enhanced development and deployment experience
10 May 2023 by mtoha
related to this post. can you downgrade / upgrade version of this library? maven-surefire-plugin You can search version here. You can try this : Here is the simplest way to resolve this error: 1) Go to your pom.xml file path 2) And...
15 Jun 2023 by Member 13992703
I'm currently struggling with the following issue: I need to use an interface in my plugin (PLUGIN A) that comes from another plugin (PLUGIN B). I'm also the developer on PLUGIN B so I can make code changes (if needed). What I've done so far: ...
19 Mar 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
The beauty of annotation processing is that it doesn't require you to explicitly pick a type in the @SupportedAnnotationTypes. Change that line to @SupportedAnnotationTypes("*") and this should pick up any annotations that you have in the project.
1 Feb 2012 by adnama
I am new to Maven[^] and OSGi[^], but I need to change my project in this architecture. I have followed a number of tutorials and have changed my project properly into a Maven project with the manifest and POM[^] and everything else successfully. I have an empty activator obviously, but have put...
20 Feb 2012 by adnama
I have a project and i am using maven. It is working correctly, but i have to stop some of the imports that are done automatically using this...
27 Feb 2013 by Or (David) Berkovitch
Resoled using a simple Maven dependency.
15 May 2013 by Member 8797321
Hello...I'm trying to create simple maven project in juno. But after creating project getting following error in pom.xmlFailure to transfer org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.19 from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not...
14 Aug 2013 by Member 10210418
Hi I am not able to download a jar dependency from the central maven repository. [ERROR] Plugin or oneof its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for...
26 Sep 2013 by Thinus Prinsloo
I'm using NetBeans 7.4 RC1 to create Maven projects.Let's say I create two Maven projects, named A and B, and a third named X which includes the other two projects as dependencies.On building X Maven searches the local Maven repository (and the connected company-proxy) for the...
26 Sep 2013 by Nagy Vilmos
I think you may be missing the point [or I am]TTBOMK, once the dependencies are built for the first time then everything will look after itself. So there is no need to keep rebuilding all the projects all the time, the rebuilds are done as and when they are needed.
3 Apr 2014 by syedghouse14
Hi i am Using ATG Dust Configuration from . when i try to run maven i get the following error failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy-file (default-cli) on project standalone-pom: the parameters 'file'...
3 Aug 2014 by Himanshu K Sinha
Hi,I'm trying to create a maven project via command prompt by following steps as mentioned below -1) Created a new folder as TestMaven,2) cd to TestMaven folder3) Execute command "mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \ ...
13 Oct 2014 by fatihkaratay
I was working on a maven project that allows me to parse a html data from a website. I was able to parse it using this code below:String url = ""; Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get(); Element divNws ="div.nws").first(); //div with a...
6 Sep 2015 by codegeekalpha
I am creating environment for setting up a spring project using maven , spring.when i run the project on tomcat server. These URLs are working fine.http://localhost:8080/assignment2_farooqab/index.jsp[^]This URL is also working...
6 Jan 2016 by DSomesh
I have an Eclipse IDE(Helios) but when i try to an existing Maven Project I am Getting an error message like-The selected wizard could not be startedreasonplug-in org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui was unable to load classorg.eclipse.m2e.core.ui.internal wizards.MavenProjectWizardI have...
15 Feb 2016 by Member 12328730
[INFO] Scanning for projects...[INFO][INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO] Building gather 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO][INFO] ---...
25 Feb 2016 by Member 12351103
Hello, i am new to storm and stream data. I have implemented a sketch algorithm in java with maven. The algorithm has as an input a continuous stream of integers. The result is an array and i want to run some queries on that array, but i don't have any idea how it will be done. Will it...
29 Feb 2016 by mayooran99
I have a library project which is built in maven. It has its dependencies. I need to export this project as a jar (Not a runnable jar). Should I include the dependencies along with my jar or should I not? Because when I exported the dependencies with my jar, there were conflicts when the same...
17 Mar 2016 by Member 10929474
I am developing an application which use opennlp tool. This tool require a particular model to work. I am using POS Tagger model "en-pos-maxent.bin". I want to know how can I add this model to openshift cloud. Whenever I run my servlets on openshift cloud I get this error:The POS Tagger...
11 Mar 2017 by Tosby Odhiambo Joséph
Hi would someone please help me add javascript, css images and other static files to my jsp pages. I have tried severally and defeatedWhat I have tried:I have tried adding js by adding this line to my jsp file to...
11 Mar 2017 by Tosby Odhiambo Joséph
I have tried to solve it but there are some issues especially with the javascript which is not working despite being loaded, I have therefore settled on having it within the jsp file. Here is my code for the jsp file
12 May 2017 by Member 13197418
I want to make a post request in java.Maven with http post to an Elasticsearch server. This is my code: package; import; import; import; import; import; import...
19 Jun 2017 by Member 13267822 What I have tried: I have created a demo servlet.and it is maven project.But i am getting http 404 error.
11 Mar 2018 by Member 13681858
Quote: javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet spring threw exception org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke( org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
24 Apr 2018 by zigzagooo
I am trying neo4j from java as follows: import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Label; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseFactory; public class tests { ...
19 May 2018 by Patrice T
Quote: I am still a beginner and I haven't got the problem statement till yet. There is something you don't tell, either you are not a beginner, the assignment is not your level, or you just want us to do your HomeWork. Quote: Can help me with the solution to this problem. So, you show no...
3 Jul 2018 by swati gapat
While building maven project in jenkins getting below error.. Could you provide steps to solve? Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\JenkinProject Unpacking to...
7 Jul 2018 by swati gapat
Getting below compilation error [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project SampleProject: Compilation failure: Compilation failure: [ERROR]...
6 Sep 2018 by Desmond McCarter
A utility for generating Selenium based Page Object Pattern classes used in web/mobile test cases.
29 Apr 2019 by KyLim0211
I am running my java code using Tomcat,currently it shows bunch of errors whenever the target endpoint is not reachable/unavailable/cant get any response. I tried to add catch exception in my code but it seems not working. reportUrl = "http://Unavailable"; ...
29 Apr 2019 by phil.o
Try intercepting a ResourceAccessException or a UnknownHostException instead.
10 Nov 2019 by Satyabrat Mahali
I have a situation like below: 1. I have a JAR which is available in cloud URL 2. I want to download the JAR and use it as a JAR in my project. 3. For downloading I am using Maven ant run plugin and putting it in specific folder of the project. Now I want to add the jar to classpath file via...
30 Jan 2021 by Татевик Хачатрян
Mpdule ChatCommands Pom
9 Jun 2021 by Ishmeet Kaur
When I'm trying to create a new maven project src/main/resources folder is not created in the spring tool suite? What I have tried: I tried to go to properties then build a path but was just able to get src/main/java src/main/resources still...
7 Jul 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
See Maven – Welcome to Apache Maven[^]
22 Oct 2021 by HIMANSHU SRIVASTAVA Oct2021
**This is loginpage.jsp file in which i am assigning servlet and method.** ...
7 Feb 2023 by rimoc17680_ezgiant
I'm trying to build a maven project which has its artifacts in an azure feed. The command I'm using is mvn clean install But there is an artifact which has .zip file in it. Previously it was working fine but all of a sudden due some unknown...
7 Feb 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
It seems that the Maven repositories tree has changed which means the file is no longer available in the repositories entered. Check your .xml file and correct the path where necessary. The solution to this problem is to double check your local...
11 May 2023 by Matias Cordoba
Greetings to all. I'm telling you, I'm developing a project in netbeans 8.2 with java and spring (I'm new to this), I started it with Look, this error appears when I run my project. Failed to execute goal...
11 May 2023 by Matias Cordoba
Fixed test error by adding to pom: org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire-plugin 2.19.1 ...
9 Oct 2023 by Maloda 2022
Using WildFly 29, I followed the quickstart guide for the EJB-Multi-Server at the wildfly quickstart github Let' s supposes I have two EJB projects A and B I am already able to call B from A via a JNDI lookup But when I setup B to be able to...
10 Oct 2023 by OriginalGriff
If you have two projects called A and B, and A references B while B also references A which do you build first? If you build A, then B you end up with A being out of date because B has changed. But when you build A, B becomes out of date so...
15 Mar 2024 by Tyler Bakeman
Personal Project: I am new to Maven and have spent a few weeks troubleshooting pom errors with chatGPT. Tutorials are hard to come by online, because annotation-processing in Java is more complicated than the sources I've found. Issue in summary:...
12 Sep 2017 by Mahsa Hassankashi
This article is the most complete essay about big data from scratch to practical.
24 Sep 2013 by jan.mach71
Spring MVC, Maven, Twitter Bootstrap example.
28 Oct 2014 by Omar Gameel Salem
Avoid typing view names in Spring controllers by hand
25 Apr 2016 by Member 11842305
I have Installed Windows SDK on windows 10 from here I am unable to open Windows SDK command prompt to run my maven commands to install hadoop. I have searched online but didn't find anything useful. Please...
10 May 2023 by mtoha
you can try this: Here is the simplest way to resolve this error: 1) Go to your pom.xml file path 2) And edit the pom.xml like: org.apache.maven.plugins ...
14 Jul 2023 by Member 16050394
I have updated jackson dependency version in my maven project from 2.7.4 to 2.15.0 due to vulnerabilities in older versions. After updating I am getting an exception NoClassDefFoundError. I tried to use jackson BOM 2.15.0 but still getting that...
16 Sep 2015 by codegeekalpha
I am working on a multi module project. In one module named assignment2-deliverable, src/main/java folder is missing do I need to create them manually. resources folder is also missing . the main modulemaven project assignment2b-farooab with 3 modules. one of them is assignment2-deliverable with...
16 Sep 2015 by Nandlalaji Singh
i am using eclipse 4.4.1. and i installed m2e version 1.5.0.. Using macOS 10.9, java 7i downloaded some maven sample and its running fine. But whenever i am trying to create any maven project its giving me following error.first i am getting following warning as warning box "Failed to...
29 Nov 2018 by Mahmoud_Gamal
when i sync from my application java to dynamics AX give me this error Invalid document schema. The following error was returned: The element 'MarkupTransLine' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'MCRReasonCode' in...