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Great Reads

by Marat Bedretdinov
Shell interfaces in use. IShellFolder, IEnumIDList, etc.
by Nicolas Bonamy
Two simple ways to add "Do not ask again" Message Boxes to your application.
by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.

Latest Articles

by Marat Bedretdinov
Shell interfaces in use. IShellFolder, IEnumIDList, etc.
by Nicolas Bonamy
Two simple ways to add "Do not ask again" Message Boxes to your application.
by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.

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by Marat Bedretdinov
Shell interfaces in use. IShellFolder, IEnumIDList, etc.
by Nicolas Bonamy
Two simple ways to add "Do not ask again" Message Boxes to your application.
by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.
by tanvon malik
This article shows you ways to run Control Panel applets from VC++, even those that don't have a cpl extension file.
by Prakash Kumar Singh
This article explains and demonstrates various ways to implement localization in your .NET application.
by Daniel Ranger
Native C++ implementation of the .NET Asynchronous Design Pattern using Windows I/O Completion Ports
by Mathias Taylor
Export Microsoft Outlook data using XML DataSets and the Outlook COM Object Library.
by Stoyan Damov
A Draft Implementation of an Idea for .NET Dynamic Software Load Balancing
by Nick Parker
A free IE toolbar that pulls up namespace and class documentation on the new MSDN site.
by Bill Ferreira
File encryption object using Managed Extensions for C++
"A New York minute" is adjective about lifestyle. Its a fast paced world. We need every time-saving appliance we can afford.
by fraudlabs
solution to prevent chargebacks and to reduce fraud for online merchants
by peterchen
Setting up doxygen, a free tool to document your code, in a few simple steps.
by Mohamed Kalmoua
2-3 tree implementation in c++
by darkoman
An article on creating 2D animated charts using Windows GDI.
by Sunil P V
This article is a simple geometry library for drawing lines, circles, arcs, text, etc.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article demonstrates the use of 2D Fast wavelet transform for image processing
by Nikolai Teofilov
An ActiveX control for 2D data visualisation
by auralius manurung
An article on designing your own robot simulator
by valgouss
A simple 2D Pie Control
by asef
An article for drawing a String formula at a static.
by John Aspras
Ever seen 3D Studio 2.5 Slidable DialogBar? Want to know how they did it?
by MikeTheDwarf
Helper class to display 3D data
by asef
An article to draw a 3D math function on a static control.
by Pablo Aliskevicius
Memory reallocation generated by string concatenations can create performance bottlenecks. .NET has System.Text.StringBuilder, JavaScript has Array.join, and we have string::reserve.
by Petrov Vladimir
Former NeHe OpenGL Lessons adapted to MSVS-15 pro MFC in INICODE and the samples of the Joystick implementation
by Joseph M. Newcomer
A simeple editor to make my polygon class a bit more usable.
by Ben Peterson
An application to examine .NET assemblies both directly and with reflection
by Paul Barvinko
A comprehensive set of classes for displaying 2 dimensional data
by Hossein Khosravi
A 2D graph component with zoom capability.
by Bob Ciora
Definition of the CDSSD3DView8 class, a CView-derived class to facilitate Direct3D development with SDI.
by Marc Clifton
An Example Of How To Interface To Dallas Semiconductor's iButton And 1-Wire Network
by Mehdi Bonvari
Using MCIWnd wrapper class to write a simple media player
by Yingle Jia
An article on implementing undo/redo functionality in C++.
by Dr. Asad Altimeemy
A step by step tutorial showing how to create your first windows program using MFC
by Andrew Peace
An article showing the basics of the linked list, and how the CList class operates
by BlackDice
Lets user create and manipulate 3D DirectX models.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
An improvement on the CBitmapButton class.
by Brian C Hart
This is a good replacement for CWnd::CenterWindow() that works.
by Chris Maunder
A GUI front end to a handy utility
by James R. Twine
An article that describes yet another hyperlink control
by Hans Bühler
A bevelline control that displays vertical and horizontal text
by Dave Matrix
How to draw/redraw a rectangle along the window rect, when the window is activated or deactivated.
by David Crow
A brief discussion on how to use NetShareEnum, NetConnectionEnum, and NetFileEnum
by Andrew Peace
An article showing a button group control used to create toolbar-type groups as seen in the Visual Studio options dialogs.
by datenkabel
This class provides a button with rollover behavior
by Ronounours
I propose a simple version of a Breakout (or Arkanoid) game in few C++ lines.
by Jia.Chen
This article uses a simple example to show how to build a Firefox component intercepting/operating DOM
by Jonathan de Halleux
This class generates isocurves of a user defined function. Curves are drawn to OpenGL dc or stored in line strips.
by Romout
The control overwrites the windows event handler to overtake the paint event.
by Gabriel Bizzotto
This library provides a simple set of classes for creating GUIs. It uses only the Win32 API with some common controls. The development is at the beginning and many changes are to be done.
by Rogério Paulo
A C++ library for developing SNMP managers (clients) on Windows.
by Rajiv Ramachandran
A C++ wrapper for TWAIN. Allows you to implement a scanning interface.
by Zoran M. Todorovic
An auto-sizing dialog used to store and display smaller child dialogs.
by Rob Manderson
Using the Rich Edit control as a chat window.
by Magerusan Grigore Cosmin
An ATL filter control
by Luo Pei'en
An article on how to write an Edit control used for HEX and DEC number input.
by Rob Manderson
Browse your images with a file open dialog and see what you've selected
by Chris Hills
How to put a child dialog in a dialog box
by YangTze
This class can be used to get netcard adapter information such as MAC,IP,DHCP
by Ankit Tandon
This class uses keybd_event and CreateProcess to create a script processor and executor. The script can be used for automation of daily tasks such as opening and checking mail accounts, automating the functionality of software etc. This will work with any app which can take input via keyboard.
by aaa_xxx_aaa
The Win API cannot access inifile in UNICODE, sometimes, we may want to add some wide characters into INI file, so I wrote a class to access INI file in UNICODE
An article on how to combine Slider Controls and Progress bar into one class using custom draw
by Chris Maunder
A simple class to ease the task of downloading files from the net
by Jonathan de Halleux
If you want to generate an AVI video from your OpenGL application, this is the class you need.
by Rob Manderson
Enumerating folder contents the reusable way
by Rob Manderson
Working with filenames
by Kuniva
CListBoxSafe is a class that can save data from a listbox to file and load data from a file into a listbox.
by Rob Manderson
Synchronising thread completion the easy way
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Taking the pain out of adding a horizontal scrollbar to a listbox.
by Frederic Ntawiniga
The way of reading AVI files without installing codec drivers.
by James White
A simple modification to Chris Maunder's "Office 97 style Colour Picker" control
by jack Mesic
A color picker and dropper that extends the standard Windows dialogs to behave like Photoshop or Frontpage 2000
by Philipos Sakellaropoulos
A COM component written in C++ that offers functions for multiple parallel downloads, Internet cache access, URL and path resolving.
by Johnson Zhou
Create a new combobox which can fill itself automatically using a dictionary in XML
by Anneke Sicherer-Roetman
A combo box that can be used to display bitmaps
by Rob A. Fraydl
Extends the CStatic with image, frame, shadow and using individual font
by Carlos Antollini
A class that permit to get easily the command line parameters
by Martyn Pearson
An edit control that encapsulates compacting of filenames
by gspatwal
A brief article comparing and contrasting the features of Java and C#.
by Thomas Wells
A ComboBox with a read-only property that allows text copy and drop-down viewing
by Chen Su
complete screen saver framework with an installation program.
by jackey_xp
A cool bitmap slider like Windows Media Player's.
by Pure_Acid
A cool game that uses the mouse
by ucc801
A cool GDI pattern brush tool with C++ source code. You can create a new office XP style pattern fill mode quickly.
by James Duy Trinh (VietDoor)
A cool skin GUI with shadow border; display images (supports many formats) on dialogs, buttons, listboxes.
by Jason Troitsky
A CStatic derived class that can be dropped into an application to provide the ability to load and display 3D objects
by Naveen Karamchetti
Creation of a custom drawing application based on the .NET Panel class.
by Brett R. Mitchell
A combobox-like control that allows groupings within the elements in the dropdown list.
by oto spal
If you demand the most possible control of your code, if you like to force Windows looking your way, and if you are lazy enough, this tutorial is exactly for you.
by oto spal
This article explains how the support for dialogs and various controls were implemented in the custom GUI system.
by Gerolf Reinwardt
A custom-drawn tree-list hybrid, with explanations on how the control was developed.
by PrasadPerera
This article is to basically explain how to create a customized drawn window for MFC applications.
by João Paulo Figueira
A class to format COleDateTime objects into strings using standard formatting codes.
by SevenCat
A DDK's project wizard for VC2003.
by Marc Clifton
Use this class when high precision is required in basic numerical operations.
by Yiping Cheng
A MFC application featuring a syntax coloring text editor, DevStudio-like toolbar, status bar, and output window, and multithreaded computing
by Chris Maunder
A class that makes using DIBSections as simple as using a CBitmap
by shudingbo
You can arbitrarily add DOC/View, and all the view can be resized.
by Tony. Smith
This article is based on Ziran Lin 's Pinnable ControlBar.
by Wes Rogers
A drag-drop/clipboard manager class for MFC objects derived from CObject
by Michael Dunn
A control that shows drive names and icons like Explorer
by Jan S. Yoder
This article describes how to save and restore the size and position of your dialog-based application.
by Chris Hills
Other articles describe replacements for MessageBox() with extra buttons for "Yes to All" and "No to All", but you still have to write the code to handle those buttons. This article presents a class that does all the work for you.
by Olan Patrick Barnes
Win32 Mutexes are slow and cumbersome, this is a fast and nifty alternative!
by Tibor Blazko, René Greiner
An article about an open source and free fast tree control
by João Paulo Figueira
An implementation of a full-browsing file open dialog.
by Simon.W
Inject a File Switch Tabbar to Source Insight, which like uEdit or Visual Studio
by Marc Richarme
A small class that gives splitter-windows a flat look
by Joerg Koenig
A flat toolbar implementation that does not require the updated common controls library from Internet Explorer.
by Andrzej Markowski
Provides a fix to the flicker problem in MDI applications.
by Johnson Zhou
In Visual Studio, you will find an auto-completion list when you type your code in the IDE. This is a similar control but using a tree.
by DavidRipple
Change the back color of an edit box when it gets the focus, and back to another color when focus is lost
by João Paulo Figueira
Implementing a font chooser dialog with preview and ClearType support.
by Peter Pearson
An article on adding a spell checker to your application.
by Renjith Ramachandran
This article will help you to approach COM basics in a friendly manner.
by Nicolas Bonamy
A grid to display and edit properties of objects (as in Visual Studio)
by Brad Bruce
A small function to retrieve the directory a program is being executed from
by Hans
Just for fun, a Conway's Game of Life application with many features using MFC Direct2D classes
by Joseph M. Newcomer
A class to make handling polygons easier.
by mystro_AKA_kokie
This is a demostration of a general purpose ruler control in use. It consist of 2 apps and the ActiveX control itself. Control code is included.
by Thomas Blenkers
Simple step by step article explaining how to implement a drop target using OLE.
by Tao Zhu
Provides and demonstrates the use of a generic "well" control that can be used to facilitate color-pickers, hash-style selectors amongst others
by Michael Haephrati
A C++ client for uploading documents to your Google Docs account
by Irek Zielinski
A Static control will gradient
by Amit Dey
This article shows you how to give your Win95/NT4 modeless dialogs a Win98/W2K like gradient title bar.
by shen_bd
A programmable, easy-to-use protocol decoder for parsing and displaying binary package
by Joseph M. Newcomer
The secrets of File Handles and their relationship to File *, CFile, CStdioFile, etc.
by Craig Muller
This article introduces a convenient class for hooking into idle processing.
by Len Holgate
Although socket based TCP/IP servers using IO Completion Ports are often written in C++, it's sometimes useful to write such a server in Visual Basic.
by mystro_AKA_kokie
This is a partially implemented IDE for the Java platform.
by Kamal Shankar
Ever wanted a program which could run another one from user selected directories recursively, complete with STDIO Redirection for console programs, program timeout settings, etc.? What's more, you can easily modify the source to match your own needs. Kamal Shankar presents such a quick tool.
by Dr. APo
win32easy is a static library that makes win32 programing as easy as old good C-like programming with a "main" routine.
by George Poulose
A tool to display the contents of a library file
by Daniel Junges
A simple and very small stack implementation for any type.
by Koushik Biswas
This DLL and the test MFC application supplied demonstrates how efficiently large number of words can be dealt with lightning fast - for wild card matching and checking existence. This DLL is just the all-in-one tool that a word game writer needs - one who needs a very fast dictionary facility.
by Ciro Sisman Pereira
Demonstrates how to show any size BMP or JPEG image on a Pocket PC screen and scroll it up to its limits
by liyang yu
A multi-platform client/server socket in C++.
by liuxiao
This control provides hyperlink function for the list control with exact positioning for the cursor.
by João Paulo Figueira
Implementing a Pocket Outlook-like list-based form, with a few extras.
by gamitech
This program will take all lettlers from a given file and turn them into a binary code defined by me. Attention, it only encrypts keys that are on you keyboard and it is not case sensitive.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn how to use printf-like functionality to debug your GUI applications.
by Gary J. Kuehn
A small introduction to the Boost Bind and Function libraries.
by Marc Clifton
A look at what is wrong with OOD/OOP based on CPian responses to the question "What is wrong with objects?"
by David Crow
A magic trick that will astound you!
by Roger Allen
A Matrix class derived from CObject with serialization and operator overloading
by 73Zeppelin
An article on 2-D Polygon Clipping
by Pradeep Kumar Sahu
A Method of Worker Thread Pooling
by Frédéric Pailloux
Nice 7/16/Matric Segment LCD Control derived from CStatic and using GDI+ library
by Pete Sackett
A function that simulates the keyboard repeat behavior for mouse clicks
by Xiao Wu Guang
A multicolumn, customizable, editable combobox
by Dundas Data Visualization
A variation on the MDI that indicates the open child windows in a tab control.
by Adeel Jamil Siddiqui
by Chris Maunder
A drop-in multiline extendable tooltip control
by Alberto Bar-Noy
How to make the CListCtrl's header Multiline
by @deel@bbas
A CRectTracker derived class that is able to do much more
by Scot Brennecke
A string array class using MFC or STL that performs very fast multiple string searches
by yonken
A multi-select tree control that is based on Richard's implementation
by Shankar Chandra Bose
A program that allows users across a homogeneous network to communicate with each other using the TCP/IP protocol
by Peter Mares
A CStatic derived Progress bar control that can indicate "busy states" effectively and double up as a good looking progress bar
by kookoo
This article intruduce you a new software encryption method.
by TomKat
A nice multiline ToolTipCtrl example looking like the one available in Delphi.
by Tibor Blazko
How your control can eat its parent's messages.
by Stefan Kuhr
Useful functions to retrieve information from PE files
by Kirk Stowell
This article presents a wrapper class for the pager control
by Voicent Support
How to make a performance meter that looks like the one in Windows Task Manager
by Matt Fichtenbaum
Generating and displaying a permuted index (keyword-in-context index) from text entries.
by Martyn Pearson
A simple method of maintaining a wait cursor across messages
by Carlos Buelna
Creates C code templates for PIC microcontrollers. The default templates are for use with the Hi-Tech (tm) PICC compiler.
by Cüneyt ELÝBOL
A picture based skin system for MFC that allows the user to customise their dialogs. The system is demonstrated by presenting a fully functioning MPEG decoder application.
by João Paulo Figueira
Putting imgdecmp.lib to work with a few extras.
by Jaker.Chen
A PLC simulator for WINDOWS
by 10031103
A POP3 class with WIN32 API
by Chris Maunder
A popup window containing a progress control and cancel button - no resource file needed
by Neil Yao
An XP-style ownerdrawn menu with support for background images and icon shadow
by Nitron
Presenting the std::vector with a discussion on STL algorithms and predicates.
This article demonstates how to use Microsoft C++ as a spellchecker while programming by making excessive use of the user-defined keyword feature
by Koay Kah Hoe
Code to add printing capabilities to a Tree View.
by Sherwood Hu
A class to manage the thread pool
by kuhx1980
A Progress-iner Message System
by Bill Heitler
Explains how to put a CPropertySheet into a CControlBar.
by skybirdcao
An article showing a property table editor like VC7.0's property table.
by JoeSox
Unique Jungian and MBTI approach to develop Human Artificial Intelligence
by KarstenK
Connecting and disconnecting network drives
by João Paulo Figueira
Implementing a letter strip control for record selection.
by includeh10
A raw toolbar for Dialog and Property page with plenty nice styles
by David Pritchard
A combo box which behaves as a fully disabled combo box except that it allows you to select the text.
by Andrew Peace
An article providing a ready made class for simple user input of a string via a prompt dialog - no dialog templates necessary!
by amleth
A real time log file viewer.
by Rob Manderson
Part two of the logging service - the viewer
by Joseph M. Newcomer
This represents a handy set of classes I built to ease the pain of dealing with the Registry.
by Carlos Antollini
A class that makes it easy to work with the registry
by Alberto Bar-Noy
A simple reminder tool to remind you of your overdue tasks in ToDoList throughout the day
by James Lee
Now you can use MaskBlt on Windows 9X
by Len Holgate
Writing a high performance server that runs on Windows NT and uses sockets to communicate with the outside world isn't that hard once you dig through the API references. What's more, most of the code is common between all of the servers that you're likely to want to write.
by Len Holgate
To maintain performance a socket server shouldn't make blocking calls from its IO threads. This article builds on the previous one to add a business logic thread pool to our example server.
by Len Holgate
When a server has to deal with lots of short lived client connections, it's advisable to use the Microsoft extension function for WinSock, AcceptEx(), to accept connections.
by .dan.g.
A new and unique approach to the perennial problem of how to change the default appearance of Windows menus
by Mike O'Neill
COleRichEditCtrl will display RTF text as well as bitmaps, video clips, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents, and any other kind of OLE objects.
by Michael Ang
A simple ruler control to allow users to set margins or indents
by Swarajya Pendharkar
An article on using select() function to create scalable client/server applications
by Mark Findlay
Scrolling credits the easy way, under MFC.
by Emilio Guijarro
SSD SDK provides security for your shareware programs through strong cryptographic techniques.
by João Paulo Figueira
An implementation of the selection bars found on PocketPC 2002 applications.
by Stefan Kuhr
Creating a self-extracting file that allows to start multiple setups
by Zuoliu Ding
A CComboBox derived combo-box class
by Ravi Bhavnani
This tutorial describes how to easily serialize a simple object.
by Ravi Bhavnani
This tutorial describes how to handle invalid data stores and support versioning during serialization.
by Ravi Bhavnani
This tutorial describes how to serialize complex objects.
by Bruno Vais
This article demonstrates a service that uses the system tray to interact with the user.
by Rob Manderson
A service, and client code, to manage and create logfiles
by Rob Manderson
Using a service to run multiple instances of SETI on one machine and specify which processor(s) each can use
by Carlos Antollini
Simple database access using an ADO class.
by João Paulo Figueira
Porting Carlos Antollini's ADO classes to the Pocket PC.
by Carlos Antollini
Simple database catalog access using a set of ADOX classes
by Nikolay Denisov
The article gives a sample of how to implement Internet Explorer-style sizable re-bar and menu bar controls.
by Joffrey Brouillet
This is an alternative for "A set of ADO classes - version 2.20"
by Carlos Antollini
A set of classes that make it easy to work with Network Management.
by Carlos Antollini
Two classes that make easy to work with ODBC
by Johnson Zhou
A set of universal data check functions can be used in any systems with checking requirement.
by Paresh Solanki
This article describes, in simple terms, how to translate three dimensional co-ordinates into the two dimensional co-ordinates to be displayed on a screen
by Swarajya Pendharkar
An article on implementing I/O completion ports using WinSock.
by Johnson Zhou
Generate C++ classes using XML & XSL
by gamitech
A simple chat program
by Shaun Harrington
A simple class to convert numerical values into strings, with localized thousands seperators.
by Rob Manderson
Using Variants in your C++ code
by Nick Alexeev
This class is a thin MFC wrapper around Win32 API for reading/writing INI files.
by Paul S Ganney
A class to easily do count() queries.
by JLeePH
A simple DNS resolver compiled under Bloodshed C++ and using the Winsock 1.1 API
by Carlos Buelna
A custom AppWizard application to create simple CTreePropSheet-based wizards.
by BadJerry
Drawing HTML text onto a device context
by Rob Manderson
Using GDI+ in conjunction with an owner-draw static window
by Rod VanAmburgh
A simple interface to the Video for Windows API for creating AVI movies from individual images.
by spinoza
This source code uses the advanced IOCP technology which can efficiently serve multiple clients. It also presents some solutions to practical problems that arise with the IOCP programming API, and provides a simple echo client/server with file transfer.
by David Saelman
How to minimize or maximize an SDI application without any flash artifacts.
by Dave Kerr
An article showing how to use the Crypto API to make a simple MFC class that can encrypt and decrypt different types of data
by PrasadPerera
A follow up to the simple pie chart control article which will detail the new improvements
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn how to implement print support in your applications.
by Binoy R
The NotifyIcon Component will display an icon in the status bar notification area, which you can use as notiification purpose to alert users that an action or event has occured.
by Whoo
A class to make setting the record and playback volume easier
by Weiye Chen
This is a simple class that you can use to load and use another resource DLL if it is present during runtime.
by Shine Kumar
This artcile describes a simple reusable list control
by Rob Manderson
A simple set of classes to encrypt data
by zcln
An easy way to do validation for MFC Dialogs, FormViews, PropertyPages
by chakkaradeepcc
A simple speech application using SAPI 5.1 SDK.
by Wang Yingwu
CTabDialog bundles buttons and dialogs, so users can add their owner draw buttons and dialogs
by Zorglab
This class allows you to create transparent static controls. For instance, you can add text on a bitmap in a dialog.
by gomorgan89
How to implement a simple UDP time server and client using WinSock.
by Nicolas Etienne
Demonstrates the simple use of a multimedia timer in user classes
by Balkrishna Talele
Simply set the time on the tool for the machine you wish to shut down (24 hrs), choose whether to log off, reboot or shutdown, or power off (ATX main boards only), and click Hide. It has been tested on Win9x/ME, WinNT/2000/XP.
A simple way for changing the content of the dialog .
by Abdellatif_El_Khlifi
How to delete/modify a system file which is protected by Windows without being detected by the OS protection.
by Aris Adrianto S
A simple way to make a dialog “dragable” without using Title Bar
by dazinith
Replace your current menus with another set of menus with this function
by Rod VanAmburgh
A simple Windows port scanner
by ice911
This project is a simple Windows port scanner which can be very useful for checking your machine to make sure it is locked down!
by Barretto VN
A Simple WordPad
by Michael A. Barnhart
A class to read and write non validated XML files
by Douglas R. Keesler
A file encryption/decryption class with built in MD5 string and file hashing.
by James Archer
A Single Page Printing Framework
by Andrew JM Hall
A class that provides the ability to move and size controls at run-time
by fnwinter
Help to make a skinned dialog program easily in Python, XML with a UI window DLL.
by Rick York
An edit control for entering text, numbers, hexadecimal or floating point values, and which can be linked to a slider control
by François Gagné
Dialog class that implement a snap-to-screen-border feature like Winamp
by davyuan
This tool parses a SOAP request and calls the COM+ component to stress test it.
by Joris Koster
A solution to the Readers/Writers Problem using semaphores
by Rajiv Ramachandran
A replacement color picker control allowing you full visual control over RGB and HSB selections
by Mehdi Ebrahimian
A control for charting and graphing, especially for Spectrum Analyzer.
by John Gonzalez
An implementation of the spin-edit control used in Jasc Paint Shop Pro
by Black_Daimond
CTextScroller is a smart control that can be placed in an About dialog. The text is automatically formatted to fit the client rectangle.
by Renjith Ramachandran
An article describing the usage of a CStatic derived Hyperlink control
by Alexander Kuzmin
A static splitter with the ability to hide/show multiple columns/rows
by JPandya
A study of STL container, Iterator and Predicates with the discussion of std::vector
by Scott A. Ross
A Sudoku teacher using multi_index_container, lambda, and other Boost libraries.
by Joe Nellis
Five classes for computing discrete probabilities
by Ernesto Perales Soto
A tabbed frame window to show several views of a document in a single frame.
by Len Holgate
A framework for system tray applets
by .dan.g.
Simplifying the implementation of Windows hooking through the use of a templatized manager class
by Markus Loibl
The system Message Box that is closed atuomatically after some time
by Ranjeet Chakraborty
A class that provides a news/stock ticker for your MFC applications
by Bijesh
A simple tool to decode windows flags , like window styles, extended styles. Supports drag and drop.
by G. Steudtel
This article explains how to place a toolbar right in the middle of a dialog or a form.
by Neil Yao
A ToolBarCtrl based menubar control using CMenuXP
by chenhuasheng
A clock demo, but it can check on work too. With some clicks on the Hour blocks, you can realize it.
by vcepa
An article about menu enable/disable management in a semi-automated way
by TigerX
A Tree List Control
by David Lantsman
A tree control / list control hybrid
by skinui
A XP bar with GDI+ for MFC, like the Apple dockbar.
by lilyco
Introduces an open source UDP-based data transfer library.
by Nicolas Bonamy
Some dialog boxes separators that replace group boxes
by Jeffrey Walton, Jordan Walters
A UTF-16 class derived from CStdioFile for reading and writing Unicode files
by Joseph M. Newcomer
A very informative, user-oriented validation edit control.
by Marc Clifton
Demonstrates Using MyXaml With A Vector Graphics Engine to Create an Analog Clock
by BLaZe
A simple MP3/AVI player using the VFW32 library
by Jim Xochellis
A simple and fast image encryption technique, which facilitates the secure use of external image files in common applications.
by GhostEx
A good tip for using RichEdit 5.0.
by Zoran M. Todorovic
Creating SDI/MDI applications with splitter and tab windows
by Marcello Bonino
Correct input/output of strings to/from a DLL written in VC++, using BSTR type.
by João Paulo Figueira
Implementing a wizard-like dialog on the Pocket PC using property sheets.
by jangtimjang
A ready-to-use wrapper class for creating a shortcut (.lnk file) and a bookmark (.url file) and finally attaching an online icon resource to it.
by kim-ryo
CItemIDList class helps manage ITEMIDLIST more easily
by Zhaohui Xing (Joey)
This article focuses on giving an example of using the DirectX API in PC game software development by using a DirectSound wrapper class
by Yubo Dong
A simple wrapper class for the libid3tag to retrieve id3 tag information from a given MP3 file.
by Peter Kenyon
A class which encapsulates MessageBoxIndirect.
by Mahfuzur Rahman.
What is the useful of CObject , CRuntimeClass and related macros.
by Hans Ruck
This article is written for the Win32 API programmers on the subject of Windows message queues.
by Johnson Zhou
How to access RDBMS liks MS SQL or Orcale using XML. The core part using COM technology and ATL.
by Akash Kava
Getting the History from Internet Explorer in MFC.
by LimeyRedneck
Update the parent's status bar panel(s) from a child MDI form
by Lonnie McCullough
A set of macros and classes that allow declarative access to registry settings.
by Najam ul Hassan
How to access the Summary Information Property Set of a file, using Visual C++.
by thomask
How to access a dBase file
Add, edit, and delete records/table/database in MS SQL Server CE v1.0/v2.0.
by Roger Onslow
Having trouble accessing the new Windows 2000 APIs? This article may help.
by Pierre Alliez
This article explains how to generate resolution independent versions of 3D meshes rendered by OpenGL/MFC programs, i.e. how to export the rendering results to vectorial formats such as encapsulated postscript (EPS) and Windows enhanced metafile (EMF) formats. The main goal consists of being able to
by Lea Hayes
A useful undo/redo system that can be implemented into most programs easily.
by Jim Crafton
An article on adding action support to your VCF application.
by Andrey Levin
This addin provides some useful functions for editing source code: change selection case to upper case, change selection case to lower case, capitalize selection and conver spaces in a selection to TABs.
by Binoy R
This example demonstrates how can you make a baloon tooltip message using windows tooltip component.
by Sarvesvara (BVKS) Dasa
An article that explains a method to add your own custom template in the Visual Studio .NET 2003 IDE.
by Robert Pittenger, MCPD-EAD
How to add a help button to a MessageBox and associate it with a context-sensitive help ID
by xiaojin
The article explains adding a user in SQL Server programmatically, using VC++
by lano1106
An article on how to implement clipboard copy with metafiles
by Mike Carruth
This article describes how to use the CrashRpt library to generate crash report for your application that can be debugged using WinDbg or VS.NET.
by .dan.g.
Provides built-in graying, rotating, shearing, resizing, blurring, sharpening, flipping, negating and color replacement to CBitmap as well as support for user-defined processing plug-ins
by Oleg Bykov
A class for displaying animated GIFs and more. MFC and ATL versions available!
by Abbas_Riazi
Use serial ports to add GPS (Global Positioning System) support to your desktop computer by using NMEA0183 protocol
by Abbas_Riazi
Use WiNRADiO card to add radio support to your desktop computer
by nschan
An article on adding scrolling to a CWnd or CDialog using a C++ helper class.
by Sidney Chong
The CMenu class is a great help when it comes to manipulating menus, but unfortunately it doesn't implement serialization. CSerializableMenu is a subclass of CMenu that provides serialization support.
by xwp
Implement XP style scrollbar by self-draw
by Tingu Abraham
Creating Add-in Menus in Lotus Notes using Lotus C APIs and MFC.
by Rudolf Jan
Visual studio add-in to generate classes derived from CObject or subclasses. Includes serialization, Dump, AssertValid etc.
by Huang Wei
Adding "Merge cells" support to the MFC GridControl.
by Mihai Filimon
An ATL class that allows you to add a background image to any window
by zhaque
This article demonstrates an easy way to add a Combo box to a docking tool bar.
by Marc Richarme
Could be used to create a Visual C++ like search combo for CHtmlViews... With the update, you can highlight all matching words!
by Kirk Stowell
Demonstrates how to use the new toolbar styles to add dropdown arrows to toolbar buttons
by PPresedo
This article demonstrates how to add a recent file list to a dialog based application
by Kirk Stowell
Splash screens are not only for Doc/View based applications
by Nish Nishant
Shows how you can have status bars in your dialog based apps
by Eran Yariv
Using the updated list control in IE3 and above to add check boxes to your list controls
by Option Greek
Implementation of a CListCtrl control derived class that can be used to set color of rows, columns, cells.
by kokholm
This short article demonstrates the ability to add Context Help to your application.
by Anneke Sicherer-Roetman
Adding filters to the Open File dialog.
by Asa Meltzer
An application that manages MS Solitaire high scores by reading and writing Solitaire memory
by Chris Maunder, Fred Ackers
A new class that adds hyperlink support to the MFC Grid Control
by Chris Maunder
A class for adding icons to the system tray
by Ernest Laurentin
Introduction to Microsoft Script Hosting and Adding Macro Scripting language support to existing MFC Application
by Ramil C. Matira
Adding Most Recently Used (MRU) files to an SDI/MDI application tutorial.
by Fred Ackers
An article on adding mouse based functionality to any CWnd derived control
by peterboulton
Add new Ribbon themes to MFC application built using VS Feature Pack' classes
by Jinhyuck Jung
A simple extension that allows you to add a progress indicator as an item in a list control
by perlmunger
A tutorial to demonstrate adding regular expressions to your project using Regex++ from
by Igor Tebelev
Adding rollover Hot Toolbars to an application when you don't have access to the toolbar source code
by zhaque
This article demonstrates an easy way to add text to a docking tool bar
by Roger65
For those of us that get Link error "mfc42ud.lib" not found
by Ernest Laurentin
Introduce to MSSCRIPT.OCX and calling JScript and VBScript in your C++ Application
by xicoloko
An article on including an application in the Windows startup list
by Andreas Jäger
Describes an implementation of AVL Trees.
by kla_boot
Doc/View MRU reflected in a ComboBox on the document form view
by M. Shokuie Nia
A simple introduction to using ADO
by Carlos Antollini
A list of ODBC DSN Connection Strings.
by Ly Nguyen
ADO Data Bound Class Wizard
by Tim Kohler
ADO classes that closely resemble CDatabase and CRecordset.
by rocky_pulley
How to use the Adobe Acrobat 7 Reader ActiveX control inside a C++ application.
by Brad P. Taylor
A template class to making loading Adobe Photoshop files easier
by Leo Moll
A High performance "Disk Optimizer" like status display class
by Greg Ellis
Shows how to customize the Microsoft WebBrowser control in a dialog based app to allow custom context menus, message boxes, windows, modal dialogs and C++ function calls from JavaScript to your application using window.external.
by Patrik Mlekuž
Image Control for viewing most common image formats with advanced features included (Import Image, Preview, Resize, Position, Pan, Zoom, Export Image, Extract Resource Icon).
by Dmitry Khudorozhkov
This article presents a "range filtering"-capable modification of the MFC list view control, along with some other minor techniques.
by Oleksandr Kucherenko
Simple to use classes for logging and tracing
by ramarez
An edit control that provides formatting and validation number
by Madhu Raykar
This article demonstrates how to create a Task Manager in MFC which lists all the processes running in the system along with their process details and version information.
by Mathias Tunared
A Combobox in which the user can resize the drop window. Can be standard style or flat style.
by Achilleas Margaritis
Description of the library AGM::LibReflection.
by Agus Kurniawan
Class wrapper for Message Queue (MSMQ)
by Mladen Janković
Implementing AI for the Target Number game using a genetic algorithm.
by PaulWendt
A scrolling banner control containing strings with individual styles and colors.
by steveb
Describes all aspects of MFC serialization mechanism
by Ozge Colak
This articles illustrates alpha-blending two bitmaps.
by sdancer75
How to set alternate row colors for the CListCtrl.
by lano1106
Exploring the MFC GDI classes' inner working and proposing an alternative
by Rob Langston
A DLL which creates a system hook to trap WM_INITMENUPOPUP and append an "Always on Top" option to all system menus.
by Alexey
A dBASE syntax parser of one expression. Functions and variables are supported.
by Anders Molin
A small class that handles HTTP POST, GET and HEAD operations.
by iranvig
An ActiveX Control - you can create a Skinable Form in Desgin Time.
by Mingming Lu
With this control, you can easily build up your own Poker games.
by Stefan Belopotocan
An object properties list control than can change based on the objects state.
by YuHao
This small add-in provides DeveloperStudio Object Model in a hierarchy TreeView and enables users to see its properties.
by Nelek
This article presents the code of Simon Hughes’ SmartList with some new functions
by Mukit, Ataul
Customize the standard slider control to appear like an Adobe style slider control
by Yasuhiko Yoshimura
A simple class that helps provide faster Print Preview within MFC Doc/View applications
by Jesus Oliva
Firewall-Hook driver is a completely unknown method to develop simple packet filtering applications. With this article, I want to tell you how this driver works and what you need to do to use it in your applications.
by Jeffrey Walton
This article presents yet another registry class which encrypts data using AES.
by thom_as
In this article I show an alternative to the tricky (and thus often unstable) attempts to create a view on a dialog.
by Abin
CAniDialog : An Animation-Style Dialog Class Derived from CDialog and Using DrawWireRects
by Yang_Xiao_Wang
An apple style dynamic picture list with egui libaray
by SuperEric
This application is just a simple simulator but its ability is that u can simply add much more properties to ur mobile and the interface and the source code are so separate so u can change the interface with just a low cost!!!
by crazybit
An asynchronous HTTP download class for C++
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
This article describes an asynchronous pluggable protocol implementation to support the data: protocol, as described in RFC 2397, in Internet Explorer.
by mehrcpp
An article on WebBrowser hosting and customization.
by Johnson Zhou
A set of classes for batch inputting, validating, and packing user's data.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
A button control that autorepeats after a set period of time
by PJ Arends
This is an alternative for "An AutoRepeat Button Class"
by Chris Maunder
A picture control that displays a picture according to the size of the control, and not the picture itself.
by Simon Ellis
This article provides a simple autoupdate class that can be added to any application.
by Yi Yang
A more real Document Template Class
by Jesus Oliva
Firewall application developed using Packet Filtering API.
by Muhammad Ahmed
A very simple class which can list all the Active Directory users just by calling a single member function.
by Daniel Cohen Gindi
I have created classes to wrap the SQLite3 library, to remove many headaches...
by Mingliang Zhu
An article showing how to easily but effectively extract all frames from a video as bitmaps
by bhushan_at
An article on owner draw button
by Roger Allen
A quick and easy way to customise the CPrintDialog object in an MFC application
by Chen Hao
An article on how to dynamically hide columns in a list control.
by Dag Menning
An article on an elliptic button class supporting bitmaps.
by Scott Wenger
This is a small program that can extract email addresses from files that are not necessarily text files.
by Magerusan Grigore Cosmin
Hybrid control simulating a combo box with checkboxes on a dropdown tree
by Roger Allen
A discussion of the OS menu object from a beginner's viewpoint. I take you through the basics to a more advanced understanding of menus and how to interact with them from code.
by taphan
Use the new version rich edit control 4.1 to support table and image in your editor.
by GMazzo65
This shows how to use a "working" progress bar like Windows XP does.
by markmalin
Book Review of Programming With Managed Extensions for Microsoft Visual C++.NET 2003
by nico80
An easy-to-use colour picker complete with RGB, HSV and alpha sliders.
by Chen Su
A sample that can load, display, and print graphics files.
by strnghrs
This article shows how to decode image with IImgCtx interface provided by IE
by jemodurn
An image preview dialog for adjusting brightness and contrast
by Darryl Bryk
Code is described for a multi-document interface (MDI) image processing application utilizing the CImage class in C++
by Mark C. Malburg
An Analog Meter Control for displaying real-time data
by Terry O'Nolley
An article using GDI to create a scalable periodic table of the elements
by SBJ
Introduction to an MVC Framework that integrates with the MFC Doc/View architecture
by Rob Manderson
Using lex and yacc to create parsers for your projects
by Rob Manderson
How to define and implement COM interfaces inside an MFC class
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn how to create new processes and how to efficiently manage them.
by Jason Troitsky
A control to display time, floating point numbers or integers using an LED digital-style display
by Jason Troitsky
A control to display times and numbers using an LED digital-style display
by xwp
An media player looks like Microsoft MediaPlayer10
by Roger Allen
An MFC ActiveX control to display trays and samples, with selection and cherry picking properties
by sunhui
This paper gives a general MFC application wizard which supports .NET Framework.
by peterboulton
A re-usable calculator custom control which works and looks like a hand held calculator, which can be used in any MFC application by simply adding a cpp and a h file to the project (no resource file dependencies).
by geoyar
An MFC linear chart control with enhanced appearance.
by Kangaroo
An MFC class to unpack Ear files, with multithread and GUI support.
by Ben Hanson
IDispatch C++ Code Generation Done Right
by Sunjoy Chen
An article on a curve control.
by Roger Allen
A plug-in architecture which allows you to write plug-in DLLs for your application and extend/modify its functionality.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
This essay shows an interface that allows the ::FormatMessage API to be easily accessed from MFC.
by TEiseler
An MFC picture control to dynamically show pictures in a dialog.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
This class allows you to create a child process and receive notification of its output.
by Christopher Camacho
A class derived from CListCtrl that allows edit controls, combo boxes, check boxes, date pickers, and color pickers to be inserted into or removed from particular cells extremely easily. The inserted 'controls' are not CWnd-derived.
by Tarundeep Singh Kalra
At times, we need to query NTSTATUS code lookup through FormatMessage function, this is not so handy. So I decided to write a NTSTATUS error code lookup application.
by roboo
An OLE-DB DLL that you can use in ANSI-C
by Dan Bunea
Describes how to use C# attributes , ADO.NET and C# to persist objects to databases.
by djc2032
A three-part series demonstrating how to develop an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) custom data source for Ultimate Grid
by djc2032
A three-part series demonstrating how to develop an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) custom data source for Ultimate Grid
by djc2032
A three-part series demonstrating how to develop an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) custom data source for Ultimate Grid
by Binoy R
This article is based on a pre-release version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, formerly code-named “Whidbey”. All information contained herein is subject to change.
by Masoud Samimi
A simple color chooser dialog that uses slifer controls to allow the user to combine different RGB values
by Doru Cioata
A class built around the use of ShGetFileInfo() function.
by Jack Hui
It is an SMPP implementation of v3.3 and v3.4 ( partial support). You can use it to connect to SMSC and send/receive SMS.
by Jack Hui
A multi-node Tree class by using map and vector
by Chris Maunder
What looks like a normal pushbutton - until the user tries to click on it.
by my2038
This article is an update to the original AGM::LibReflection library.
by Yubo Dong
An updated wrapper class to retrieve and modify id3 tag information for a given MP3 file.
by Abbas_Riazi
Add an analog clock to your project (A tutorial for creating CStatic derived controls)
by Mark C. Malburg
A control that displays a numerical value as an analog meter
by Raghav Gupta
A class that show AVIs inside a button.
by Chris Losinger
A simple class to animate the movement of child windows
by Vladimir Ralev
This article shows how to create an animated menu, on any CWnd
by Anton Stuck
A class that provides some simple, yet spectacular window animation effects. Try the demo!
by dTianx
How to create a RichEdit control to display animated emoticons like MSN Messenger's.
by Ashraf Mohamed
A tool to announce message, sing a song and tell a joke.
by Mystic_Unicorn
Adress book which uses XML to store contacts.
by Johnson Zhou
To process user input from a HTML interface in windows using MFC
by Tim Finer
An article on the usage and design of another Enum Viewer
by Andres Kaasik
Illustrates how MFC based List View content can be printed.
by Aamir Butt
An article on how to put and get information to an OLE Structured Document.
by SteveKing
A registry class with overloaded operators to use registry values like normal variables
by Abin
A report style CListCtrl supporting sorting, sub-item editing, sub-item image, sub-item color etc.
by Rob Manderson
Adding MAPI functionality to your application.
by Danang Suharno Ngadinegaran
MFC Spectrum Board control
by Hung Nguyen
A very simple splitter control for dialogs
by Satish Jagtap
This article explains how to import database to MySQL server and how to export database from MySQL server without using batch files.
by Hamed Musavi
Some description about TAPI + a sample incomplete answering machine
by Chris Maunder
The definitive set of 'What's the deal with MFC' answers from Microsoft's Nick Hodapp.
by msg555
Perfect image rotation using geometry.
by msg555
Optimal Image Transformation
by Chris Losinger
A utility to edit IE URL history
by Paul J. Weiss
C++ implementation of the Doomsday Rule to determine the weekday
by Ivo Ivanov
The article demonstrates how to build a user mode Win32 API spying system
by Jaime Olivares
An alternative to standard Windows AppBars with minimal changes to your application.
by alonvx
Type-safe access to read-only or read/write configuration file variables using "one-line-of-code".
by Bernd Giesen
A C++/MFC sample how to implement UI notifications for user-defined controls
by geoyar
Applying Ant Colony Optimization algorithms to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem.
by abhinaba
This article discusses how an application can apply visual effects to the desktop, by copying desktop contents, applying effects on it and then re-displaying it.
by Tarek Eslim
Allows Arabic POS system developers to work the easiest way on thier receipt printers.
by Mohamed Abdel-Monem
This article explains how to support the Arabic language in your applications written for Windows CE.
by Darroll Walsh
Extremely simple crypto class
by Binoy R
Whidbey is a major component of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET suite. The .NET version of Visual Basic is a new improved version with more features and additions. After these new additions, VB.NET qualifies to become a more smarter approach for the software developers.
by Binoy R
This article explains step by step dynamic creation of an SQL Server database, tables and stored procedure through Whidbey (or VB.NET).
by Binoy R
This article explains how we can display data using DataSet and DataGrid control after the database is created.
by Binoy R
Display data using Dataset and Data Grid control after the database is created
by Barretto VN
Article on changing screen resolution
by Software Developer's Journal
Neural networks are typically associated with specialised applications, developed only by select groups of experts. This misconception has had a highly negative effect on its popularity. Hopefully, the FANN library will help fill this gap.
by juancaruca
Artificial Vision: AINECC color model in edge detection. Entirely OpenCV code.
by Jason Henderson
Draw and animate ASCII characters to a window using this COM object.
by David Crow
This article is a brief discussion on how to use FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification
by Murthy Rojukhirdu
ASP.NET tree control is a Custom Control (.ascx) that builds a tree structure. All you have to do is to use two methods of the control. The AddNodeDiv which will add the Node and BuildTree which will build it.
by James W. Threadgill
An article demonstrating the use of Dreamweaver MX to create a simple ASP.NET application.
by l a u r e n
A shell application for the asp2php utility.
by Leon Langleyben
Simple utility to browse assembly object hierarchy
by Rob Manderson
How to use assert to find bugs in your programs
by Blake V. Miller
Registry entries and MFC class that associates a file extension with a program.
by JaeWook Choi
An article on the new approach to utilize Win32 threads in a more intuitive manner.
by bkelly13
Goal: Describe how asynchronous or non-blocking TCP code works
by bkelly13
Use of Windows class CAsynSocket in TCP/IP application
by bkelly13
Microsoft Class ASyncSocket
by soundman32
A technique to register functions to be called during InitInstance and ExitInstance
by thomas_tom99
An article on ATL COM Based Addin / Plugin Framework With Dynamic Toolbars and Menus, based on VC++ Addin Architecture.
by Huang Wei
Adding MFC support to the ATL COM EXE Server.
by Doug Richards
ATL COM Shared Add Ins Using C++ - The Easy Way
by Hemant Kurdia
Shows dynamic creation of one ATL full control in a composite control and also to show images directly from database without file system intervention.
by Mario Zucca
A grid control for displaying tabular data, based on Chris Maunder's grid control
by João Paulo Figueira
Exploring SQL CE 2.0 schema information with the ATL OLE DB Consumer Templates.
by NormDroid
A rotary knob similar to that used in the Windows 2000 CD Player
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Attaching and detaching MFC objects to and from Windows objects.
by Chen Su
Several demo applications that illustrate how to use the Audio Mixer functions in your own applications.
by Carlos Jiménez de Parga
An extension of the DirectMidi class library for audio handling
by Adi Shavit
An article explaining how to add Text-To-Speech to an application, using an ostream interface
by Gordon W. Ahn
A program that clicks your mouse automatically.
by Brian Davis
Quick and dirty hack for automatically bringing DUN dialog if not connected to the internet.
by c-smile
Auto Value is an implementation of variables having undefined state
This freeware allows to edit a Windows Resources File (*.rc) and to produce a file named 'version.h' containing several string constants (#define). It can also synchronize a RC file and version.h with the Classbuilder Master Header File.
by thammadi
A simple solution for automatically closing a message box.
by Paolo Vernazza
A control that allows to use an autocomplection feature in RichEdit controls as the one in Visual Studio
by Chris Losinger
How to enable file system and URL auto-complete for edit controls and combo-boxes, without downloading the entire Platform SDK
by Andreas Kapust
An AutoCompletion control that doesn't use IAutoComplete but still retains the same look and feel.
by James R. Twine
An edit control that provides auto-completion functionality for small data sets.
An article on how to discover Oracle TNS service names.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn how to implement an auto-incrementing build number for your projects.
by Navi Singh
Describes a way to automatically generate an application build number.
by Sheng Jiang 蒋晟
An article on finding out an active IE or Explorer window or creating one and controlling it.
by Stephane Rodriguez.
This article demonstrates how to automate IE's Save As functionality
by Alexandre GRANVAUD
Automate your data classes initialization from an XML file.
by Ray Hayes
A utility class allowing automatic command line switches and parsing.
by abc876
This article explains how to prevent your programs from memory leaks, by incorporating Garbage Collector in your class.
by drice
Mechanism to automatically dock/anchor your controls in a window or dialog.
by Patric_J
Explains how to implement an application which automatically resizes itself when the user toggles the control bars on or off.
by Paul Selormey
A dockable bar containing a tabbed list of open windows
by Alessandro Forcella
How to change the toolbar when the current active child frame changes in a MDI application
by VGirish
This tutorial helps you to automate PowerPoint, with hints to automate other MS-Office applications
by Tili
Explains a little bit about event sinking and events of MSN Messenger
by Patje
The presented template class offers an easy way to create simple classes that handle the initialisation and cleanup of 'logic' in code blocks.
by Jesse Ezell
How to implement autosave and autorecover features in your application.
by Ali Rafiee
Autosize the last column of a list control's header. But there is a catch...
by HasAName
Developing Auto-Task Tool for Web Game Travian
by David Crow
How to find the average of a set of numbers.
by Petrov Vladimir
Simple solution for small avi demo performance from Image files of any kind
by Danila Markelov
Converter for AVI file to BMP file(s).
by JinHyuck Jung.
This article demonstrates how to modify the'avitowmv' sample to support compressed AVI files
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Handling complex control interactions when edit controls are involved can lead to problems when EN_CHANGE notifications are generated by the application actually changing the control values. To avoid having to handle EN_CHANGE notifications from CEdit and CRichEdit, this article shows how to derive
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn how to refrain from using GetDlgItem.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn the right way to limit your application to run only one instance.
by Hans-Christian Andersen
A workaround to the ActiveX MSChart control EditCopy / Legend bug in MFC.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn how to avoid using UpdateData in your modal dialogs.
by Svante Seleborg
A small and efficient collection of classes and templates to create multi-stage multi-threaded data processing pipe lines
by Mauro Leggieri
A wrapper for dialog boxes where you must do a long-time process but you don't want your application to appear to be HUNG.
by rbala
A utility to backup directories and stick a datestamp on the folder, and remove folders older than N days, where N is configurable.
by Shog9
Although sometimes useful, message boxes used to display information are often just annoying. This article describes a non-modal replacement.
by Sergey Nurmagambetov
About banner-like control in applications
by Shaibujan
Simple bar graph control class derived from CStatic
by Shaibujan
A useful bar graph control, derived from CStatic.
by Dennis Kuppens
This project presents a bare bones BOOTP daemon/server. Bootp is a protocol to assign an IP address to a device via its MAC address.
by Barretto VN
Barry's Chat System
by Barretto VN
An article showing methods of screen capture
by Sharjith
A basic demo of modeling curves and surfaces in OpenGL.
by AsmCoder8008
Supports file sharing, instant messaging, and a virtual chalkboard.
by VGirish
This tutorial helps you to upload and download files from an FTP server.
by Nautilus Master
BatteryX shows you the current powerstatus of your Notebook.
by Stas Levin
A set of four date/time ActiveX controls (Date/Time Picker, Month Calendar, Duration Control, Time Intervals Control)
by Christian S Andersen
An extension for Stas Levin's excellent toolbar library.
by amonlee
for some novice of STL, like me, who might make some low level errors when trying to release memory
by cider1
A set of source code and project browsers to compliment Visual Studio.
by Naren Neelamegam
Learn about simple DLLs, multithreading and some more stuff.....
by Dr. Asad Altimeemy
A step by step tutorial showing how to create your first Windows program using MFC.
by Michael A. Barnhart
A beginers explaination to the segements of a HTTP call.
by Nish Nishant
Explains a multithreaded TCP file server, a custom TCP chat protocol and a custom TCP client
by Nish Nishant
A simple TCP client is explained.
by Nish Nishant
An introduction to WinSock programming. A simple TCP server is explained.
by dmihailescu
What is the start-up and system performance overhead for .Net, Mono, Java versus C++ and Forms, WPF, Swing versus MFC
by Nataraj1978
Workaround for toolbar docking issue in VC6 applications
by moshe masas
How to use RPC for doing bi-directional client/server procedure calls.
by Roger65
Displaying big integers in dialogs.
by PeterGlen
BigClock with Transparent Background based on the 7 segment LCD
by Abbas_Riazi
A Free Tool to Convert Bin Image Format to ISO Image Format
by Hatem Mostafa
Fast binary data marshaling using simple CMarshal class.
by Prateek Kumar Dubey
This is a class library, it can be used to create binary search tree of any basic data type or a class object.
by Roger65
A binary clock with options.
by Mazdak
This version of MFC grid works with database.
by ImmelmanQ
An article on setting a Bitmap as the Dialog Background. NO API
by Chris Becke
A set of basic tutorials on working with the core bitmap structures
by serup
An article on how to generate an outline of a bitmap. Used when designing user shaped dialogs.
by Roger65
The anatomy of a bitmap.
by Sumit Kapoor
Bitmap to Tiff conversion using Libtiff
by Nicolas Gazelle
This is my attempt to create a simple toolbar class that allows to set a bitmap in the background of a toolbar.
by Vsevolod Gromov
MFC extension DLL including advanced bitmap usage features
Control to create a Combobox dropdown with icons and sections headers
by #realJSOP
Create blinking cells for Chris Maunder's grid control.
by David Crow
A very brief discussion on how to restrict a window's position to a bounding rectangle.
by Jan van den Baard
Syntax coloring, multi-level undo/redo editor control.
by AntonGogolev
An extension to standard MFC DDX/DDV mechanism and a new way of data validation in WinAPI programs
by Mingliang Zhu
An article on how to make application frame window shadowed. MFC/ATL not required.
by JHawkZZ
Opens a Browse Folder window, then searches each file of the selected folder and all subfolders
by Lars [Large] Werner
Customized version of the "Browse for folder" dialog. It creates quick picks to your selected directories.
by Vaseef
An article on a Browse Dialog which helps you to select multilple files and folders.
by David Crow
A brief description of how to parse XML from a few weather-related sites.
by nbugalia
A screen saver simulating blue screen of death and Windows XP restart
by cdh928
Plant bubble breaker's game from WinCE to Windows XP by MFC
by Kevin Spaeth
Code for buffering and rotating your drawing context.
by mdj_moon
A reusable class inherited from CScrollView to implement buffered scrolling
by Jayababu
Enter bug fix comments in C# source code and explore it from binary files.
by soptest
How MS implements them and why they do not want you to see the source code of those functions.
by Andy Hassall
File size returned by CFileFind::GetLength64() is incorrect for files larger than 4Gb
by skst
A bug in MFC 7.0's CByteArray::Serialize() causes it to read too much data.
by BlackDice
A handy bug-tracking tool for software development companies.
by Petr Stejskal
How to build a separate executable for each language version.
by Roman Keskenti [SmoCoder]
Enhancement of the AutoBld sample AddIn
by spinoza
This article presents all you need to implement your own secure protocol using variable keysize RSA encryption/decryption, digital signing, multi precision library, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, Rijndael, and more. Everything is converged into a secure IOCP client/server chat server.
by nschan
Classes for building MFC-based user interfaces dynamically, with a focus on minimizing resource usage.
by Ganyob
How to build secure private file sharing client/server using a freeware SDK
by Gabriyel
Want to build multiplayer games but have no idea where to start or no time to develop solid networking code? Read on...
by thom_as
This article describes how to use the Windows Message WM_COPYDATA if one of the communicating apps is a 32-Bit-app, the other one a 16-bit app. It's really easy, but as far is I know, there has been no detailed description of this problem up till now.
by Eric Haddan
Example of a CD/DVD burning application using IMAPI2.
by Jean-Louis Guenego
A simple way to have tooltip and a 4 state button using a bitmap resource
by _AnsHUMAN_
A simple button control showing the use of a property page.
by IGx89
Instructions on how to implement _fseeki64 and _ftelli64.
by Chris Becke
More tricks of use to a programmer who shuns run-time libraries.
by bavander
Fast, powerful, useful expression evaluation library.
by mbf000
ConvertTo,Math,Stack Classes to make your life easy with C++ 6.0
by User 1556233
Comparison of Performance of C++ and C#
by Steve Johnson (Sven)
How to use C++ macros to map class members for serialization or other purposes.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article describes C++ coding styles and practices to be followed to develop robust and reliable code that is easily comprehended and maintained by other developers.
by s o v a n n
generate c++ file and interface header
by Edwig Huisman
A hibernate framework for C++
by strtdusty
Enumerating class attributes in C++.
by Skeeter
A C++ implementation of the Windows FileSystemObject object. It wraps and extends the standard FileSystemObject interfaces (methods/properties). Now, C++ developers can manipulate folders and files without their own Win32 API code. They can take advantage of the well-tested Windows FileSystemObject.
by Sven Wiegand
The provided MFC extension DLL provides easy to use wrapper classes for all COM-interfaces of Microsoft's DOM-/SAX implementation.
by Olivier Gaumond
A simple class to use the DesktopToDevice and DeviceToDesktop functions from a C++ project.
by Alex Hazanov
A wrapper for the XML DOM for C++.
by Stuart Konen
A push graph control similiar to the graph control located in Microsoft's Task Manager.
by BuddyLeeJr
Creating compact storage for a set of BOOLs, enums, or other sets of limited value data.
by Pablo Software Solutions
This control can be use as an about box for your applications
by anandaji
This article shows how we can use caching while performing insert, edit and update functions in the DataGrid.
by Omid Shahabi
A link-library and its interface class to create, load and modify DXF files.
by perle1
An article on how to calculate business hours between two dates
by Oskar Wieland
How to find Easter Sunday and Ash Wednesday
by Michael Pauli
Tray calendar for WinXP+ (replaces MirandaPlanner).
by Ertan Tike
A calendar DayView control.
by [d3m0n]
A Calendar UI extension component for the ToDoList, giving you a timeline view of your tasks
by Attila Hajdrik
This article presents a callback based, QuickSort enabled CArray template class.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn how to use callbacks and threads with MFC.
by Amit Dey
A simple way to call a VB ActiveX DLL from a VC/MFC Client
by Alexander Fedorov
A way to call RasHangUp without hanging your applications or your modem
by Diego Andrade
This program shows how a CN machine works
by voodoopriestess
A class to detect ALL the features of the CPU / CPUs in the local system. Now at version 1.2
by Kirk Stowell
Demonstrates the use of the windows animation control
by PJ Naughter
A Freeware MFC class to encapsulate Anonymous Pipes
by Franc Morales
A simple wrapper to dynamically install/uninstall application specific fonts from compiled resources.
by Rob Manderson, Vadim Tabakman
Capturing HTML documents as images
by Dillip Kumar Kara
LiveVideo is an application to capture live video from various video capture devices.
by Y. Huang
Capture screen image to clipboard including dropdown menu, combobox lists etc
by Chris Becke
Notes on TrackMouseEvent, and SetCapture on Win32
by Warren Stevens
This article describes how the CArray class can access deleted memory in certain situations
by Russell Robinson
A simple derived template class that can boost the efficiency of your programs.
by Uwe Keim
Function to replace all occurences of a string within another, ignoring the case
by Paul Vickery
CComboBox (and CListBox) with case-sensitive searching
by Tim Kosse
This class allows you to establish connections through SOCKS4/5 and HTTP 1.1 proxies.
by Tim Kosse
CAsyncSocketEx is an MFC-less replacement for CAsyncSocket which does also offer a flexible layer system. With the layer class CAsyncProxySocketLayer, you can connect through proxy servers.
by Tim Kosse
This class is an SSL layer for CAsyncSocketEx using OpenSSL.
by Maksim Pyatkovskiy
A tool that can catch unhandled errors and exceptions, and deliver error reports to remote support servers
by Audrius Vasiliauskas
How catch memory leaks with very little effort
by Randy More
How to handle the WM_GETDLGCODE message in order to catch special key strokes.
by Joshua Quick
Control to mimic behavior of Outlook's categorized listbox
by Jeremy Iverson
A CRichEditCtrl derived class to handle formatting quickly.
by Vadim Gorbatenko
AVICap wrappers to ease real-time video processing and single frame capture
by Paul Roberts
Makes it easy to use a balloon tooltip to convey hints/messages non-modally
by Hamed Musavi
CBarChart is a simple MFC control derived from CWnd. It can load data from a table or a stored procedure using ODBC.
by Mathias S.
Controller that allows you to view very large files
by Anneke Sicherer-Roetman
A handy class that provides a memory bitmap device context
by Junho Ryu
A CStatic derived class that has slider functions. It is skinned using bitmaps.
by Abin
A file/folder browsing control that integrates an editbox and a button with built-in images
by ucc801
It implements the angle custom control, a circle with a line indicating a rotation angle. Give your application a professional look now!
by Elia Sarti
A CPaintDC replacement in OnPaint painting. Simply change CPaintDC dc(this) in CBufferDC dc(this), and you're done.
by Alexander Kloep
A small class to create a button with an icon on it
by Derek Lakin
An owner-drawn, flat, menu button that correctly handles the default state
by Davide Calabro
A fully featured owner-draw button class - it's got the lot!
by Daniel Kaminski
A class used to serialize object into a database field
by Thomas Latuske
Bitmap - buttons for the Titlebar
by Davide Calabro
The reference control for MFC flat buttons with text and icons. Give your CE applications a professional look!
by Ray Kinsella
CCeFileFind - A FileFind class for Windows CE.
by Daniel Strigl
A owner drawn list control to emulate a single select list box with a little icon at the beginning of each line.
by Marco Zaratti
This article presents a new socket wrapper class specifically designed for the WinCE (PokcetPC) platform that solves the issues of asynchronous notifications and more.
by PJ Arends
A ComboBox that has a checkbox by each of its items.
by abhinaba
This article discusses the CCheckSK class that extends CButton MFC and can be used to create check boxes that look like LEDs.
by Christian Graus
A Static derived class which provides a check box to enable/disable items inside it
by PJ Naughter
A Freeware MFC class to display an analog clock.
by Davide Calabro
A simple digital clock and date class derived from the MFC CStatic class
by Pablo Software Solutions
This control simulates clouds with scrolling text and can be used as an aboutbox.
by PJ Naughter
An MFC class to encapsulate sending mail using CMC.
by sicks
A class that retrieves a list of Codecs found on the local computer using the registry.
by Christian Rodemeyer
A class that provides simple color manipulation in RGB and HLS space
by PEK
A very simple button that shows a color and lets the user change it by clicking on the button.
by NormDroid
CColorChooser an IDE style Color Picker
by Zorglab
An theme-aware colour picker MFC control that combines the functionalities of other colour pickers on CodeProject and adds some new functionality.
by Petr Novotny
combobox with disabled items
by User 6658
Show debug information in an easy to handle console
by Wolfgang Busch
A bitmap class with a "brute-force" region creator
by Hou Tianze
A CStatic derived class that wraps the cool FX effect by dswigger.
by PJ Naughter
An ultra high precision MFC timing class for Pentium or greater CPUs.
by Marc Richarme
Yet another fully stacked control for displaying scrolling credits...
by Janssens Johan
A Photoshop-like curve dialog.
by Andrzej Markowski
An owner-draw bitmap button and a frame for the caption bar, in one class.
by Andrzej Markowski
An MFC tab control - a clone of the Excel tab sheet control.
by Davide Calabro
A GDI+ cylinder progress control
by Nitron
This class reads numeric data and stores it for easy access. The data can be accessed by (row, column) from any data reduction routines you may have.
by Abbas_Riazi
A tree control to show installed devices like Device Manager
by Old Timer
A class used to manipulate and convert decimal and fractional data.
by iTreeSoft
An article on how to use CSS, JavaScript and images in resource with CDHtmlDialog in VC++ .NET
by Johan Rosengren
A feature rich vector editor skeleton.
by Michael Pauli
Custom non-client drawn dialog base derived from CDialog.
by Martin Ziacek
CDialogEx and CPropertySheetEx2 are classes derived from CDialog and CPropertySheetEx with support for status bar, toolbar and tool tips
by abhinaba
This article discusses the CDialogSK class that extends the CDialog MFC class and can be used to create dialogs that can be skinned.
by John R. Shaw
CDibData is a utility class for: loading, saving, and manipulating bitmaps
by Wes Jones
This class wraps up ReadDirectoryChangesW.
by Johan Rosengren
A class for common directory and file list operations.
by .rich.w
An MFC implementation of a DNS class, it can retrieve multiple IPs and hostnames.
by Nish Nishant
Explains how you can suppress the File-Save-As dialog in a Doc/View app, how to save files to multiple formats, and how DoSave is implemented.
by DavyBoy
A simple plug-in replacement for CScrollBar, which provides direct access to scrolling with double values.
by Chris Losinger
Drag and drop files onto a CEdit, instead of using a file open dialog.
by DCUtility
This acticle explain how to apply transparency on CEdit and CStatic Controls
by Daniel Zuppinger
A CEdit enhancement for efficient data capturing.
by Daniel Lohmann
Use an edit control for logging messages and redirect cout
by Augusto Maia
A CEdit enhancement for efficient currency capturing.
by Brian C Hart
Center CMDIChildWnds in the client area of the main frame window.
by PJ Naughter
A Freeware MFC class to support retrieval of recent Earthquake data from the USGS.
by Doru Cioata
A simple but effective class for estimating remaining time in the execution of a process
by John R. Shaw
CExBitmap is a CBitmap derived class designed for use in bitmap paint programs
by Davide Pizzolato
A small class to read EXIF data from JPEG images.
by Dmitriy Yakovlev
An enhanced status bar which allows you to easily add/remove almost any controls to/from its panes, on-the-fly.
by Hou Tianze
A CStatic derived class that adds in fade in/out effect to your picture controls.
by Christopher W. Backen
Fast and simple win32 SMTP class with handy local ip/name funtions
by Joseph Dempsey
Provides a class capable of providing a CFile sytle interface with no MFC dependecies and more importantly providing the ability to read/write if full overlapped IO mode with a user defined callback between each segment read/write.
by PJ Naughter
A freeware MFC class to encapsulate the Win32 64 bit file system API.
by Franky Braem
An article about how we can notify our application that a file has been changed by another application.
by Davide Calabro
A CFileDialog implementation using APIs.
by Samuel Gonzalo
Search for files by name, size, date, text contents. The search can be performed in a single folder or including it's subfolders.
by Thomas Serface
A CFileFind with include/exclude filters.
by Antonio Tejada Lacaci
This class gathers file information recursively by directory and, as a bonus track, it also calculates the 32bit file-checksum and CRC
by Abin
A class that allows fast and easy file/directory operation
by Nish Nishant
A class for packing and unpacking file archives.
by Armen Hakobyan
Class for getting file version information
by Sven Wiegand
A class that enables you to easily retrieve a file's version information.
by qweqwe
This class helps you to monitor files. You are notified if a file is modified outside the program.
by Ben Hanson
The definitive approach to filtering input text. Includes configurable error display.
by Massimiliano Conte
An owner drawn header control and a CListControl that uses it
by PJ Naughter
An MFC class to encapsulate the Finger protocol.
by Gilphi
A class that lets you take a break from those rectangular buttons
by Johan Rosengren
A flowchart editor with linked objects, based on CDiagramEditor.
by Armen Hakobyan
The CFolderDialog class allows you to add a folder-selection dialog box to your applications.
by AdrienP
An article on how to select folders and subfolders in CTreeCtrl.
by Ahmed Alhosaini
A Font Helper class to manage your view's fonts.
by lgaudouen
A ListBox which could display and allow selection of fonts, with special features.
by Patrik Svensson
An easy way to change the look of a CStatic.
by 110_110_110
A class for setting various attributes of static text such as font, color, or alignment.
by Nish Nishant
A wrapper class for SHFormatDrive (XP/2K only). Corrects some errors in KB article Q173688
by Dean Wyant
A class that converts between doubles, strings and fractional representations.
by Mustafa Demirhan
An MFC Extension DLL that implements some handy FTP functions
by Geert Delmeiren
The case of a virtual destructor not calling the correct Close function
by PJ Naughter
A dialog implementation that performs a FTP file transfer.
by Cagdas Calik
A custom control for n-tuple input.
by Jason Troitsky
A comprehensive class to help working with the different "Rect" classes in Win32 & .NET
by Youngman Park
This is a simple class that makes transparent dialog boxes rise more smoothly.
by Stuart Konen
A simple class to perform Google searches without the official Google API.
by Joel Holdsworth
A pair of classes for rendering and editing colourful washes
by darkoman
An article on drawing gradients using the CGradientRender class.
by PJ Arends
A locale aware, editable, self validating numeric cell class for the MFC Grid. Configurable for integers, floating point, or currencies.
by Marius Negrutiu
This article presents a tiny grid control derived from the standard list control
by Mukit, Ataul
Add XL style merge cell as well as Freeze Pane (freeze row/col) functionality to Chris Maunder's CGridCtrl.
by Rolf Kristensen
A custom draw CListCtrl with subitem editing and formatting
by David Msika
A CButton-derived class that will give groups more powerful functionality.
by Ming Liu
CButton-derived control associated with a groupbox to enable/disable controls inside
by RancidCrabtree
A fully automated groupbox and checkbox for controling the state of its surrounded controls
by Warren Stevens
CStatic enhancement that adds a trailing horizontal line, and supports WinXP themes.
by Christian Graus, Masoud Samimi
A flexible extension to the CToolBar class
by onega
Shows code snippets to programmatically change IE proxy settings
by Derek Lakin
Change notification for dependency properties
by Sheik Abdullah
The article lets you to change the partition/drive name which Windows 2000, NT and Windows XP have assigned. It also includes code for colored Progress Controls.
by Gert Boddaert
Do you want to change a Host name, DHCP or static IP settings?
by Ali Rafiee
This article describes how to change the color of Frame Windows client area by subclassing the control which draws the background.
by Roger65
How to change #define WINVER 0x0502 to 0x0601
by Ramanan.T
This is a simple tool to change created, modified and accessed dates of any file/folder.
by pampatipraveen
This article explains how to change the specified Drive Icon using VB 6. This is only tested with Windows 2000.
by umeshb
Changing printer settings using C#.
by Uwe Keim
Changing the Row Height in an owner drawn List View Control
by Kevin Bond
An article on very easily changing the color of a read-only edit control
by Fernando A. Gomez F.
How to change the color of Windows CE components without modifying your program.
by Star_Friend
Changing the default form of dialog window making it as a circle instead of rectangular form.
by Jason Walsh
How to change the number of items that appear in the Most Recently Used List (MRU)
by guanghui wu
This article will tell you an easy way to change the style of an edit control.
by Masoud Samimi
A simple tutorial that shows how to dynamically replace toolbars at runtime
by Dan Pilat
This article will show you how to change your monitor's refresh rate to a value not available from control panel.
by Tingshao Zhu
Chart and Pie for data with hole.
by Amit Goel
In This User Control 10 Types Of Charts are Created Dynamically Depending upon type of Chart Selected by User That Chart is Displayed .It also Changes BackColor and ForeColor of Chart
by essam el-nagar
Simple chat program.
by DCUtility
Chat (Client/Server) project build with code found at Code Project.
by Gonzales Cenelia
This is an Eliza like chatterbot.
by Magnus Egelberg, Lundalogik
A combo box with check boxes.
by Mehdi Mousavi
A Microsoft scandisk like control (in terms of its UI) that lets you put a series of blocks on screen.
by Zoran M. Todorovic
How to obtain IPX node addresses of network stations
by Daniel Zuppinger
A simple class for handling Child Dialogs within a dialog or property sheet.
by Mauricio Ritter
This article show the creation of a simple HitChecking class that allow you to check the if an object in the plane has been hit. It uses the GDI API, implementing some of the region functions.
by PJ Naughter
A Freeware MFC class to write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
by Peter Tewkesbury
Allows the reading of CHM files on a Pocket PC2003.
by Christian S Andersen
A dropdown menu button with checkbox menu items
by PJ Naughter
A freeware MFC class to support MFC subclassing
by PPresedo
This article demonstrates a tool for previewing foreground and background color combinations.
by Niek Albers
A simple drop-in class that provides a 'hot' look button using the _TrackMouseEvent function
by Christian Graus, James T. Johnson
Our attempt at a screen saver with a Code Project theme, written in C#
by JO Hyeong-Ryeol
A C++ class which helps you to interact with a HTTP web server.
by PJ Naughter
A dialog implementation that performs HTTP downloads.
by Elia Sarti
A class which encapsulates a hyperlink control for web page redirection or normal button usage
by PJ Naughter
A Freeware MFC dialog class to select an icon
by Armen Hakobyan
The CIconDialog class allows you to add an icon-selection dialog box to your applications
by Rafal Struzyk
The article describes a simple performance improving wrapper for the CImage class.
by Stephen C. Steel
How to get buttons using an icon or bitmap to use XP visual styles.
by anuragvelekkattu
Bitmap button which embeds text on it.
by Oscar Kogosov
Class CIniEx carries out an extended set of INI file functions in memory
by PacoGM
CIniEx without MFC.
by Todd Davis
A fully featured and cross platform friendly way to handle *.ini and *.cfg files.
by Mustafa Demirhan
A CDialog derived class that provides functionality similar to the VB InputBox function
by Nish Nishant
A CFrameWnd derived class that provides functionality similar to the VB InputBox function. You don't need a dialog resource to use the class!
by RiriOnTheWeb
Easier mouse event management for your owner drawn controls
by PJ Naughter
A Freeware MFC class which provides 96 bit integers.
by Jacques Cooper
A multi-threaded circular buffer program
by Ibrar Ahmad
A class that implements a simple circular file.
by Peter Mares
A CWnd-derived control that can attach itself to any window, without the programmer making provisions for it
by Mustafa Demirhan
A set of classes used to send keystrokes to a selected window
by Davide Calabro
by Fasil
Algorithm for HSI calculation
by Thomas Hauth
An MFC Class which offers you the abbility to check Strings for invalid characters
by niverson
This is a class for determining a local machine's IP address using iphlpapi or sockets and to convert between a couple of standard formats
by Chris Maunder
Some classes and utility functions for general computational geometry
by Bijesh
This article describes two classes, one for splitting a file into smaller chunks and another for merging smaller files into one. Also there is a utility written using these classes.
by AnOldGreenHorn
Wrapper classes for Win32 HTTP calls, URL encoding, etc.
by Tony Lin
Classes to read and write BMP, JPEG and JPEG 2000
by Jan van den Baard
C++ class library.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
A VS.NET addin that provides a classwizard similar to that in VC++ 6.0
by Metaldude
A CStatic derived control that allows multiple layers of bitmaps to be displayed or hidden in the same control.
by Davide Calabro
A wrapper class for transparent windows
by David Crow
A command-line utility for cleaning out the Cookies folder.
by Hans Ruck
Cleaning the output directories' junk files.
by Dominique Doucet
Utility to quickly archive any project to a Zip file.
by Fernando Finelli
dump the transaction log
by Benjamin Mayrargue
A button that looks like a LED.
by olden69
A CStatic derived digital LED screen with transparency. Based on "CStaticTime class" of Jason Hattingh.
by vamsidhar
This article gives information on client server communication using sockets.
by Craig Henderson
A simple iteration class for MFC's CList linked list.
by Petr Novotny
Listbox with disabled items.
by Davide Calabro
A CListBox derived class to pick-up colors from a pre-defined list
by Davide Calabro
A CListBox derived class that handles icons and disabled items
by #realJSOP
Some dialogbox code to give the Blonde a clue
by Rolf Kristensen
An example of how to implement subitem focus in an MFC list control
by Rolf Kristensen
Examples of how to implement tooltips in the MFC list control
by Rolf Kristensen
Example of how to enable categories in the MFC list control
by Rolf Kristensen
Examples of how to sort rows in the MFC list control.
by Rolf Kristensen
An example of how to implement persistence of column widths and positions.
by Rolf Kristensen
An example of how to implement a column picker in the MFC list control
by cgoldsch
Extended ListCtrl class that supports web links.
by _Flaviu
An enhanced list control based on the standard CListCtrl MFC class.
by Warren Stevens
This code closes the default "blank" document when an existing file is opened in a MFC MDI application.
by Lubna Luxmi Chowdhry
Cluster is a term meaning independent computers combined into a unified system through software and networking. Clusters are typically used for High Availability for greater reliability or High Performance Computing to provide greater computational power than a single computer can provide.
by Stefano Basili
CM_ConfigBuilder generates and compiles the required files to manage your application's settings/preferences and to store/retrieve them in XML format.
by Francesco Aruta
CMagDialog: a class to enable dialogs to dock side by side.
by eugi
This class provides MFC Control functionality to CMapEditor, and supports isometric view
by PJ Naughter
An MFC class to encapsulate sending mail using Simple MAPI
by Jason Troitsky
A class to encapsulate extended MAPI functions.
by PJ Naughter
A Freeware MFC class to implement Map pins.
by Jonathan de Halleux
This class adds additional features to the XML parser CMarkup: file handling, namespaces, numerical helpers and new find methods.
by Pablo Software Solutions
This is an attempt to create a control which looks a little bit like the credits of the Matrix movie.
by Christian Rodemeyer
A CTabCtrl control to switch comfortably between MDI views
by PJ Naughter
A freeware MFC class to encapsulate Memory Mapped Files.
by NormDroid
Implementing an Ownerdrawn menu
by C. Bügenburg
An easy-to-use ownerdrawn menu, derived from CMenu.
by includeh10
CmenuModifier - an owner draw image menu
by Jean-Michel LE FOL
Owner drawn menu with the Office XP visual style
by Roman Nurik
CMP3Info is a class which makes it simple for an application to gain easy access to an MP3's information (not its actual data) and its ID3 v1 tag
by Dean Thomas
An article on reading and writing tags for MP3 files.
by Mauricio Ritter
Present a combo-box class that allows multiple checkbox bitmaps to be placed next to each item.
by Brooks Y.
A Very Simple to use and expandable CTabCtrl Class
by PJ Naughter
A Freeware MFC class to encapsulate Named Pipes.
by Paolo Messina
A CWaitingTreeCtrl-derived class to display network resources
by Anna-Jayne Metcalfe
A class to monitor free disk space on a nominated drive
by Kevin Hilscher
CNTFS is a simple lib for setting NTFS permissions and audit settings.
by PJ Naughter
A class framework for developing NT services in MFC.
by rbid
An MFC class for fast extraction and interpretation of values from a 32 bit provided value.
by Damir Valiulin
Numeric spin control for working with real numbers
by Alexander Wiseman
A class to wrap the use of CDatabase and CRecordset into one object to communicate with databases
by Stefan Chekanov
CODBCRecordset class is intended to be a full replacement of all ClassWizard generated CRecordset derived classes in MFC projects.
by Paolo Messina, George
How to make owner-draw buttons handle default state
by Prashanth Uppunda
Code Counter is a GUI tool, which can be used for counting the number of source lines, commented lines and blank lines in a VC++ project.
by kalicharan
The small function block will return a structure consisting of number of folders & files existing in the given folder.
by alex.barylski
C++ code profiler and small profiling utility
by deep_1981
Its saves our effort and time by reusing the existing code
by Roger Allen
A base class that provides all the functions you need to print a CTreeCtrl
by emad_awad
Used to convert Text Files to a different code-page
by .dan.g.
A Visual Studio addin for creating and editing ASCII diagrams in source files
by .dan.g.
A 'Visio-like' tool for adding and editing ascii diagrams in your source code
by ucc801
CodeWizard includes a tool that lets you visually create functionality on-screen and automatically generate C++ code files!
by steveb
An application that stores and manages useful code snippets and keeps them always handy
by Nicolas Gazelle
Collapsible, resizable and dockable XP style control bar
by vasarlajagadish
Changing the Color of the Button control
by The Aircom team
This control lets you edit RGB or HSL components of a color, like in Paint Shop Pro.
by Paul J. Weiss
Adding color to MFC controls
by Alex Kwok
Three controls let you create your own colro dialog
by James R. Twine
A combobox derived class that provides a simple color picker
by S Palip
This application to some extent gives idea about getting
by S Palip
This application to some extent gives idea about getting
by Roger65
An article on getting the colors of pixels from the desktop.
by Michael Pauli
ColorCursor v. 2.1 pops up RGB values for all visible objects found on your desktop
by Yury Goltsman
The simplest way to change color, font or set blinking mode for any standard control
by abhinaba
This article discusses the ColorFinder application that can be used to retrieve the color of any pixel on the desktop in various formats
by Chris Losinger
A colorizing text edit control, with full undo/redo, clipboard support, etc.
by Habeeballah Hasnoddin
An article on colorizing the scrollbars of your application's window.
by João Paulo Figueira
An implementation of the Office 97 style Colour Picker control for Windows CE.
by PJ Arends
A simple applet that lets you preview how various font and background colours interact. Has the added ability of being able to pick any colour from the screen.
by Mahfuzur Rahman.
Column based selection in rich edit control.
by Andrew Peace, Cathy
Presents a control used to specify column locations in a text file to be imported into your application.
by Vladimir L.
A control to split text into fixed width columns
by Alex C. Punnen
This article is intended to explain the concept behind connection points with a clear practical example, which will demonstrate an in-process COM server and an MFC client that uses the server.
by Paul Barvinko
Allows a low-privileged COM client to delegate calls to a COM server that is running under a higher-priveleged NT user account.
by Len Holgate
A simplified method to enumerate a collection of objects.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
Learn how to programmatically initialize a combo box.
by Patric_J
A combo box that consists of both read-only items as well as editable items that depending on selection, locks and unlocks the edit field of the combobox
by Alex Hazanov
Combo Box that allows you to set some of the items to be bold
by Janardhan Babu Chinta
A resizable combobox which can bind data through an interface
by Dennis Howard
ComboBox with a tree control drop down
by Pavel Antonov
An intuitive and extensible command line parser class that handles multiple command line formats
by Mukit, Ataul
A practical example of command pattern applied in a database application
by Bartosz Bien
Command routing and UI updates for inactive views in a split frame.
by Noel Dillabough
Handle grayed/disabled/checked menu items using the familiar OnUpdate interface
by Zoltan
Get command line params in any order, any number, any type
by dum
In this article, an improved version of a new networking protocol for distributed or parallel computations is presented. In common, it is suitable just for fast, reliable and featureful interchange of small messages. The protocol's implementation and demo project are provided.
by lazybug_in
Comments workbench for C++ - a Visual Studio .NET add-in.
by Boaz Harrosh
An article on how to change File Dialog Initial view.
by Ben Aldhouse
How I stopped worrying and learned to love Direct2D.
by lizhiwei
An article on Communication between GUI Application and Device Driver
by Ion Tichy
Simple and fast communication between all types of MFC Applications on a single or multiple computers in Windows NT.
by Geert Delmeiren
Solution to the bad working COleDateTime comparing methods
by Emilio Garavaglia
This is the first of a series of articles where a comparison between different code styling is evaluated and made available.
by Emilio Garavaglia
Second part: multiple projects, templates and inheritance.
by PJ Arends
Code snippet that compares two HBITMAP handles to see if the bitmaps they contain are the same
by Len Holgate
COM objects can be categorised using the Component Category Manager. The code here makes it easier to use these categories in your code.
by James Lee
Compress/uncompress data in CFile, CByteArray and IStream(ISequentialStream)
by Furer Alexander
An article about concatenating .WAV files "on the fly"
by Dofu
Use the IWebBrowser2 to connect Gmail
by Ayhan AVCI
A sample class which illustrates how to connect to a HTTPS server, the class sends the desired client certificate and authenticates the user.
by Jessn
Connection Pool in a Static Library
by Vladimir L.
This article describes the problems one can meet during using Wizard 97 with MFC and the way to resolve them
by Dominique Bijnens
A framework for rapidly creating a console application.
by Jason Henderson
How to access and use a web service from a C# application, using the CodeProject Web Services.
by Kodanda Pani
How to access a web service from Microsoft Excel
by Shao Voon Wong
Consuming Your C# Library in MFC/C++ Project via C++/CLI
by conio
Control Center for Windows 2K and more
by lano1106
Controlling the client view minimum size with WM_GETMINMAXINFO in MFC can be tricky. This article proposes an elegant and reusable solution to this problem.
by Paul Vickery
A class to enable data to be set on a control
by Paul Vickery
Code to add a message bar to virtually any existing Windows control.
by Len Holgate
A mini framework for writing Control Panel applets. Just fill in the blanks!.
by Ziming
This is a small class for control repositioning. It can create an INI file, which logs all aspects of your control.
by nschan
Add layout management of controls to a CWnd or CDialog using a C++ helper class.
by Eric Sanchez
This article explains how to subclass controls so that they act and look the way you desire. It uses a listbox as an example.
by Naren Neelamegam
A list control displaying directories and files as on typing the path in your Rich Edit control and a subclassed Color256 dialog.
by Andreas Saurwein
Run console applications and controll/use their input/output streams
by snp157
Controlling IP traffic from Internet to DMZ or Intranet
by Daniel Bright
An article on controlling popular media players from external programs.
by DCUtility
Add/Remove/Scroll/Sort Object List (CButton, CStatic, etc..)
by Johan Rosengren
A line-numbering edit control
by Johan Rosengren
Adding controls to a CEdit, an edit box with an icon
by sswater shi
Regular Expression for VC++ using VBScript.RegExp
by Pravarakhya
An article on conversion of EMF file to Bitmap file format and BMP to EMF
by Nikhil Doshi
Tool to convert SIDs to object name and vice versa.
by sirrube
Tiff To PDF conversion Source Code.
by Roger Wright
A Utility to converter negative values displayed with trailing minus to a leading minus format
by Sameerkumar Namdeo
An article on creating a framework for command processing using the Command Design Pattern.
by lxwde
Converting a DICOM file to BMP/JPG and vice versa