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C++ Class Mapping - An XML Parser example

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21 Nov 2004 3  
How to use C++ macros to map class members for serialization or other purposes.


Ever wonder what those Microsoft MFC message mapping macros did under the covers? It was always black magic to me - how clicking a button caused a function to be called. Luckily for the curious, Visual Studio lets you sleuth through the macros by using "Go to Definition" from the context menu.

I recently had a need to convert a structure to XML and vice versa in order to allow a web server to send TCP/IP messages to my server process - the messages would be formatted in XML, but the server would of course need to have access to the parsed XML elements in some sort of structure. There are a lot of XML parsers out there, including ActiveX controls - and so I make a disclaimer here that this is not intended to be a full featured parser. Our XML needs were very simple, and this is a simple solution.

But the purpose of the article is not really about XML parsing - it is about mapping the members of a class - either data or function - to a list, which contains information about the members, and associations to some function, so you can do something useful with the class members without having to write a bunch of code for each of your derived classes.

To better illustrate the point, take a look at the Microsoft message mapping macros (afxwin.h). There are four basic macro functions at work here.

We will use the following code as an example:

  • DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() - This goes in the class declaration - the header file. It declares a hidden array of structures, each of which contains information about how to handle a particular Windows message. It also declares a function that returns a pointer to the array of structures, so Windows can walk this list when a Windows message arrives and call the appropriate handler. These members are declared as static - and so they must be defined in the source file, as all statics must be. This generates the following code declarations in the header file:
       static const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY _messageEntries[];
    const AFX_MSGMAP messageMap;
     AFX_MSGMAP* GetMessageMap() 
  • BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP() - This defines the body of the function to retrieve the list of structures, and also defines the array itself, but leaves it open ended, like so:
    const AFX_MSGMAP* CMyClass::GetMessageMap() const 
       { return &CMyClass::messageMap; }
    AFX_COMDAT const AFX_MSGMAP CMyClass::messageMap =
       { &CFrameWnd::messageMap, &CMyClass::_messageEntries[0] };
    AFX_COMDAT const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY theClass::_messageEntries[] =
    {  // Note the open ended initialization.......
  • ON_MESSAGE( event, function ) - There are many variants, such as ON_COMMAND, etc. These macros add a structure to the array with initialization values:
    // Wow, that's an ugly cast!
    { CM_SOCKET_EVENT, 0, 0, 0, AfxSig_lwl,(AFX_PMSG)(AFX_PMSGW)(
     static_cast< LRESULT (AFX_MSG_CALL CWnd::*)
      (WPARAM, LPARAM) >(OnSocketEvent)) },
  • END_MESSAGE_MAP() - This simply adds a zero filled termination structure to the array.
    {0, 0, 0, 0, AfxSig_end, (AFX_PMSG)0 }};

That's basically all there is. In our XML mapping example, we use the mapping macros to create structures that describe the member variables. This initial version supports the following basic types, but can easily be extended for support of other atomic data types like float, etc.


  • Integer
  • Integer Pointer
  • Integer Array
  • Integer Pointer Array

Strings (CStrings, but could be ported to use any string type)

  • CString
  • CString Pointer
  • CString Array
  • CString Pointer Array

Classes - Must be derived from the CXMLMessage class

  • Class
  • Class Pointer
  • Class Pointer Array
  • Class Array is not supported - this is possible, but extremely complicated, and not worth the coding effort.

New Features for Version 1.01 (November 16, 2004)

  • Base class function to generate XML Schema Definition file - CXMLMessage::GenerateXSD()
  • Base class function to generate Document Type Definition file - CXMLMessage::GenerateDTD()
  • No longer need to pass in a buffer to Deflate function
  • Copy constructor automatically defined for derived classes
  • Member initialization and cleanup automatically performed for derived classes.

New Features for Version 1.2 (November 18, 2004)

  • Support for derived classes
  • Inflate functions from a file handle or filename. This is useful when using XML for a configuration file.


Familiarity with Windows message handling, using the Windows macros described above.

Using the code

The XML mapping macros in this example are very easy to use. Exporting a class to XML is done using the Deflate() function, and Importing from XML is done using the Inflate() function.

Here is an example of the XML map, which is in the CPP file for the derived class.

Note: The syntax for Inflate and Deflate has changed for V1.01 - much simpler to use.

BEGIN_XML_MAP( CMsgDestinationInfo, _T("destinationInfo") )
   // OR with XML_POINTER, XML_ARRAY as necessary

   XML_ELEMENT_DTYPE( _T("destination"),  m_destination,  XML_STRING )
   XML_ELEMENT_DTYPE( _T("filePathRoot"), m_filePathRoot, XML_STRING )

Version 1.2 now supports derived classes. Use the BEGIN_XMP_MAP2 macro for these. You can derive as many levels as you need to. Each derived class will include the XML mapped members from its base class. In this example, CMsgFTPDestinationInfo will have the members "destination" and "filePathRoot" included from CMsgDestinationInfo.

BEGIN_XML_MAP2( CMsgFTPDestinationInfo, _T("ftpDestinationInfo"), 
                                           CMsgDestinationInfo )
   XML_ELEMENT_DTYPE( _T("username"),  m_username,  XML_STRING )  
   XML_ELEMENT_DTYPE( _T("password"),  m_password,  XML_STRING )

And the header file for our class - with map declaration. Note: constructors and destructors are automatically provided by the macros. If you need special behavior here, override Initialize() or Cleanup() in your derived class.

class CMsgDestinationInfo : public CXMLMessage
   CString m_destination;
   CString m_filePathRoot;


Or in the case of a derived class:

class CMsgFTPDestinationInfo : public CMsgDestinationInfo 
   CString m_destination;
   CString m_filePathRoot;

   DECLARE_XML_MAP(CMsgFTPDestinationInfo );

I'll spare you the initialization of the class members, but assuming that is done, here is how you generate the XML:

// Our XML Message object

CMsgFTPDestinationInfo message1;

int size = 0;
TCHAR* ptr = 0;

// Deflate the object ( save as XML )

if ( message1.Deflate( ptr, size ) != 0 )
   return 1; // Failed if ( message1.Deflate( ptr, size ) != 0 )

// ptr & size are now valid. ptr is deleted when message1 destructs.

And here is how you load the class members from an XML buffer (read from a file, socket, etc.):

// Inflate a new object from the XML buffer

CMsgFTPDestinationInfo message2;
if ( message2.Inflate( ptr, size ) != 0 )
    return 1; // Failed

Generating schema definition files is easy:

CMsgFTPDestinationInfo message3;
if ( message3.GenerateDTD() != 0 ) // Document Type Definitions

    return 1; 
if ( message3.GenerateXSD() != 0 ) // XML Schema Definitions

    return 1; // Failed

Points of Interest

I enjoy doing things you aren't supposed to be able to do - like manipulating and recasting pointers. Everything that is done in software is done by interpreting the meaning of a block of memory. And trying to understand how the compiler interprets pointers and what expects to find in a block of memory is always a fun challenge.


  • Nov 10 2004 - Article submitted.
  • Nov 16 2004 - Version 1.01 submitted - XSD and DSD generation, initialization, cleanup and copy constructors.
  • Nov 18 2004 - Version 1.2 submitted - support for derived classes.


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