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An example editor with table and image support

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15 Jul 2005 3  
Use the new version rich edit control 4.1 to support table and image in your editor.

Sample screenshot


TapEditor is just an editor application to show how to using the new documented msfedit.dll to support our editor to add a table.

There are some new features that the rich edit control has supported in this new version. Table is one of them. Now we use the code below to help your editor support table. For more information about richedit control 4.1, you can follow this link.

Using the code

  1. Create an editor where the base View is CrichEditView.
  2. In the InitInstance() function of your editor, add the following code to load msfedit.dll:
    // Initialize RichEdit control
    if (LoadLibrary(_T("MSFTEDIT.DLL")) == NULL)
        AfxMessageBox(_T("Could not load the RichControl Dll."), 
        return FALSE;
  3. In the PreCreateWindow function of the View, specify like this to tell the View to create the class RICHEDIT50W of the new richedit control version:
    BOOL CTapEditorView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
        BOOL bRes = CRichEditView::PreCreateWindow(cs); |= ES_SELECTIONBAR;
        cs.lpszClass = szClassRE; // Create RICHEDIT50W class
        return bRes;

    Please add this code in the top of the CPP View file.

    static const TCHAR szClassRE[] = TEXT("RICHEDIT50W");
  4. Now to insert table, add a new function like OnInsertTable for example, and specify code like this:
    void CTapEditorView::OnInsertTable() 
        CInsertTableDlg dlg;
        if(dlg.DoModal() == IDCANCEL)
        int rows = dlg.m_nRows,
        cols = dlg.m_nColumns;
        CString s = "{\\rtf1";
        CString s = "{\\rtf1";
        CString sTable = s + 
            "{\\f0\\froman\\fprq2\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}"
            "{\\f1\\fswiss\\fcharset0 Arial;}}"
            "{\\*\\generator Msftedit;}\\viewkind4\\uc1";
        CString row,col;
        row = "file://trowd//trgaph108//trleft8//"  
              "trbrdrl//brdrs//brdrw10 file://trbrdrt//"
              "brdrs\\brdrw10 file://trbrdrr//brdrs//" 
              "brdrw10 file://trbrdrb//brdrs//brdrw10 \\"
        col = "file://clbrdrl//brdrw10//brdrs//clbrdrt//brdrw10//brdrs//clbrdrr//"
        CString endcell = "file://cell/";
        CString endrow = "file://row/";
        int i,j;
        int width = 8748/cols;
        CString sColw;
        // Loop for numbers of rows
            sTable += row;
            // Loop for number of columns
                sTable += col;
                sColw.Format(_T("%d"),width *(j+1));
                sTable += sColw;
            sTable += "file://pard//intbl";
                sTable += endcell;
            sTable += endrow;
        sTable += "file://par}";/
    #ifdef _UNICODE
        LONG len = sTable.GetLength() * 2;
        char* data = new char[len + 1];
        ClearString(sTable, data);
        SETTEXTEX st;
        st.codepage = 1200; 
        st.flags = ST_SELECTION | ST_KEEPUNDO;
        SendMessage(EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&st, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)data);
        delete data;
        SetTextEX(m_hWnd, sTable, ST_SELECTION|ST_KEEPUNDO, 1200);
  5. To insert image, do again like above with the new function OnInsertImage, with the code below:
    void CTapEditorView::OnInsertImage()
        CString sFilter = "All image file|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif|"
           "Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|JPEG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|"
           "GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif|";
        CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, 
        if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
            CTapBitmap bmp;
                AfxMessageBox(_T("Could not load image."));
            CEnBitmap enBitmap;
            CBitmap Bitmap;
            if (enBitmap.Attach(bmp.GetBMP(), 0))
                IRichEditOle *pRichEditOle;
                pRichEditOle = GetRichEditCtrl().GetIRichEditOle();
                HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)Bitmap;
                    CImageDataObject::InsertBitmap(pRichEditOle, hBitmap);
  6. Finally don�t forget to include the headers file.

    Include tapex.h file for inserting table.

    #include "tapex.h"

    And include TapBitmap.h, EnBitmap.h and ImageDataObject.h for inserting image.

    #include "TapBitmap.h"
    #include "EnBitmap.h"
    #include "ImageDataObject.h"

This example applies for VC++ 6 so you don�t need to add the richedit.h header file if you don�t want to have errors.

If you use Visual Studio .NET or VC++ 7, you don�t need to use tapex.h and tapex.cpp files. For more information, please use this link.


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