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by Glenn Prince
In this article, we'll have a look at some of the pretrained models we can use in ImageAI to start detecting people in images.
by Jesús Utrera
First article of a series of articles introducing deep learning coding in Python and Keras framework
by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we talk about anomaly detection on time series data.
by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article, we'll begin the process of how to use a deep neural network to estimate a person's age from an image.

Latest Articles

by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article we create a Docker container for this system.
by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article, we focus on developing and testing a face identification algorithm along with the face detection module.
by Abdulkader Helwan
In this project, our aim is to run a mobile Image-to-Image translation model on the Android platform.
by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article I’ll explain how to perform the alignment based on the face landmarks the detector has found.

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8 Jun 2020 by Glenn Prince
In this article, we'll have a look at some of the pretrained models we can use in ImageAI to start detecting people in images.
31 May 2018 by Jesús Utrera
First article of a series of articles introducing deep learning coding in Python and Keras framework
26 Feb 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we talk about anomaly detection on time series data.
17 Jul 2020 by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article, we'll begin the process of how to use a deep neural network to estimate a person's age from an image.
3 Sep 2020 by Keith Pijanowski
This article is the first in a series of seven articles in which we will explore the value of ONNX with respect to three popular frameworks and three popular programming languages.
24 Feb 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
This series of articles will guide you through the steps necessary to develop a fully functional time series forecaster and anomaly detector application with AI.
18 Jun 2018 by Jesús Utrera
Third article of a series of articles introducing deep learning coding in Python and Keras framework
5 Aug 2020 by Arnaldo P. Castaño
In this article we’ll put together our CNN and train it for face recognition.
10 Sep 2020 by Keith Pijanowski
In this article, I provided a brief overview of the ONNX Runtime and the ONNX format.
29 Oct 2020 by MehreenTahir
In this article we will compare training our models from scratch with more advanced and pre-trained approaches like YOLO.
25 Feb 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article, we learn how to prepare time series data to be fed to machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models.
18 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article we evaluate VGG19 using real images taken by a phone camera.
29 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article, I’ll go through what’s required to preprocess videos and prepare them to be fed into our models.
22 Jul 2020 by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article we’ll build the network we’ve designed using the Keras framework.
6 Nov 2020 by Arnaldo P. Castaño
In this article, we will examine a convolutional neural network for the problem of coin recognition, and we will implement one in Keras.NET.
6 Nov 2020 by Arnaldo P. Castaño
In this article we will examine the CNN we implemented for coin recognition using Keras.NET.
16 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll discuss materials and methods for this project.
16 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article we’ll show you how to use transfer learning to fine-tune the VGG19 model to classify fashion clothing categories.
17 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article we show you how to train VGG19 to recognize what people are wearing.
22 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article we show you how to train the GAN for fashion design generation.
29 Jul 2021 by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article we create a Docker container for this system.
9 Sep 2020 by Keith Pijanowski
In this article, I provided a brief overview of TensorFlow 1.0 and TensorFlow 2.0 for those looking for a deep learning framework for building and training neural networks.
25 Jan 2019 by Philipp_Engelmann
Competing on for the first time
21 Jul 2020 by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article we’ll guide you through one of the most difficult steps in the DL pipeline: the CNN design.
4 Sep 2020 by Keith Pijanowski
In this article I provide a brief overview of Keras for those looking for a deep learning framework for building and training neural networks
8 Sep 2020 by Keith Pijanowski
In this article I provide a brief overview of PyTorch for those looking for a deep learning framework for building and training neural networks.
17 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll work on restructuring ResNet50 to perform the new classification task.
18 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll fine-tune our ResNet50 model.
22 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll show you how to build a network for Covid-19 detection from scratch.
2 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we’ll combine forecasting and detection on a live stream of Bitcoin price data.
19 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article we show you how to build a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for fashion design generation.
25 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article I’ll explain the different options we can choose from to create deep fakes.
26 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we’ll start to focus on our DIY approach.
30 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we'll build and train our models with them.
1 Apr 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article I’ll show you how to train your deep fake models in the cloud with some help from Docker.
6 Apr 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article, we complete the pipeline for our Deep Fakes DIY solution.
8 Apr 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we’ll explore DeepFaceLab as an alternative to our last approach.
17 Jun 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we train a CycleGAN with a U-Net-based generator.
26 Oct 2020 by MehreenTahir
This is the first in an article series where we’re going to show how to make an AI queue length detector.
9 Nov 2020 by Arnaldo P. Castaño
To end off this series, we will present the alternative of adapting a pre-trained CNN to the coin recognition problem we have been examining all along.
20 Nov 2020 by Garretenion
In this article, I want to show an example to make a simple .NET-Core App using Keras.NET and Zalandos Fashion-mnist.
19 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll discuss the COVID-19 detection results we’ve achieved with our model and compare these results with those of other models.
15 Apr 2021 by Martin_Rupp
Tools and software required to build a DL-based automatic translation system
16 Apr 2021 by Martin_Rupp
In this article we’ll build our AI language translation system.
19 Apr 2021 by Martin_Rupp
In this article, we’ll train and test the model we created in the previous entry in the series.
21 Oct 2021 by CHill60
That github repository has nothing to do with Trace. There is no trace in tensorflow.python.profiler. You should use either tensorflow.profiler.experimental.Trace or tensorflow.autograph.trace depending on your (uncommunicated) need and as...
21 Apr 2022 by Kaushik Vezzu
My project is hand sign recognition, I created the dataset and i wanted to train the model using keras and predict in real time . I trained the model and i am getting better accuracy but all the predictions (completely ) are worng. How do i get...
26 Oct 2023 by OriginalGriff
"It doesn't work" is probably the most useless problem report we get - and we get it a lot. It tells us nothing about what is happening, or when it happens - and "I get error" means just that - "it doesn;t work"! So tell us what it is doing that...
16 Jun 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we implement a CycleGAN from scratch.
4 Jan 2019 by Member 14108325
I have dataset with two columns, post and tags ("some text","tag"), and I have successfully trained model with 98% accuracy.The problem is how can I now input some other text and let model to predict what tag will it be? I've searched tutorials but I didn't find in any of them (in few there is...
26 Sep 2019 by Nellll
I am trying to classify some video into 3 different classes. Each video has different length of frame. The training data has the shape of (104, None, 528) where: - 104 = Number of videos - None = number of frames for each video which are different - 528 = Number of features for each frame ...
16 Nov 2019 by Khosraw
So I created a program to load a dataset from TensorFlow and I got an error that I have no idea what it means. My code is: import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = keras.dataset_fashion_mnist (train_images,...
18 Nov 2019 by Member 14660195
Install the latest version of python i.e version 3 And still if it is not clear use Anaconda for secured installation of libraries for detailed installation type this anaconda prompt: 1. conda create -n tensorflow_cpu pip python=3.6 2. activate tensorflow_cpu 3. (tensorflow_cpu)...
7 Feb 2020 by Member 14737993
I am trying to train a triple loss model using a fit_generator. it requires three input and no output. so i have a function that generates hard triplets. the output from the triplets generator has a shape of (3,5,279) which is 3 inputs(anchor,positive and negative) for 5 batches and a total of...
26 Mar 2020 by Anan Srivastava
Since my data is too large, I use pd.read_csv('',chunksize=). I am using categorical_crossentropy as my loss function, however, on the last chunk, I have just one target. So I get the error: You are passing a target array of shape (2110, 1)...
8 Jul 2020 by Visweswaran N
There are huge range of possibilities on why a model is over-fitting. I would like to address few common issues. Before getting into answer I would like to give a short explanation on what Dropout is from this research paper published by the...
24 Aug 2020 by Aryan Sethi
I tried to make a UNet based Autoencoder for the purpose of De-blurring images but I got terrible accuracy scores and loss values. How can I improve the model ? The code for the model is HERE What I have tried: I tried to vary the learning...
24 Aug 2020 by Gerry Schmitz
Can't see how ML can help you much; it's more about algorithms (light intensity; contrast; etc.). Deblurring Images Using the Blind Deconvolution Algorithm- MATLAB & Simulink Example[^]
9 Jun 2021 by OriginalGriff
Why does the line above end with a comma? I'm pretty sure it shouldn't ...
15 Jun 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
See answers to your previous question on this same subject: How to train this code with federated averaging (fedavg)?[^]. And also Keras API reference[^]
20 Jul 2021 by Socks92
I'm currently making a chatbot using tensorflow and keras. What i want is to send the user a message if the pattern cannot be found within the intents.json file. I've tried to implement an if-else statement in the results variable, but its not...
6 Aug 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
Please try to do your own initial research: Seq2seq model - Google Search[^]
20 Aug 2021 by Member 11377994
I spent a lot of time converting Lasagne's code to TensorFlow Keras. Although I successfully ran the code, however, I could not obtain the result reported in the paper. Some help is available on python - convert Lasagne to Keras code (CNN ->...
20 Dec 2021 by Bahy Mohamed
I have a list of images with shape (150 x 150 x 3) the list of images contains 100 images and array of labels, a label for each image with total count 100 label. And I have the label of each image in an array Now I want to fit my data in that...
24 Dec 2021 by Member 14052381
I am trying to perform a 10-fold cross-validation on a LSTM, the code is the following: Predict Closing Prices using a 3 day window of previous closing prices.we use window_size = 4 for this. from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential ...
22 Sep 2022 by Tal Haim
hello :) I am trying to finish a project on variational autoencoders (VAE) I have tried lots of methods and lots of help from the internet but every time I run into a different problem. Most often it is SHAPE problems, but it can also be like...
6 Apr 2022 by kanishk thamman
know there are ans to the following q but none of them working for me. so could someone help me? context:- I was coding a neural net and I was getting an error "Failed to convert a NumPy array to a Tensor (Unsupported object type int)" this...
30 May 2022 by FatihSengul
Hi, I'm new to deep learning. I am trying to classify DDoS attacks using the NSL-KDD dataset. My code is working, but I'm having trouble testing the model using the test dataset. Can you check my error in testing? ANN.ipynb · GitHub[^] ...
4 Jun 2022 by John Melody Me
Anyone familiar with tensorflow? Here's my code : ``` try: model: object = tf.keras.Sequential([ base_model, tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, 3, activation='relu'), ...
18 Jun 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
online convertor from keras to onnx - Google Search[^]
27 Jun 2022 by Member 15689106
Hi I am quite unexperienced with that topic. I try to compare two images and interpret this difference. My Idea is to train a siamese CNN and a standard neural network (NN). The later one should analyse the cross correlation matrix of the two...
22 Sep 2022 by Member 15776270
if you change tensorflow version it will work !pip install tensorflow==1.13.2 !pip install q keras==2.0.8 i faced the same problem but for the the latest version i did not find any solution
30 Apr 2023 by Member 8840306
I am tyring to execute this code in anaconda Spyder import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python import keras from keras.models import Model from keras.models import load_model from keras.optimizers import Adam from keras.layers import Input,...
1 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In the next article, we are going to discuss forecasting on Bitcoin time series.
28 Jul 2021 by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article, we focus on developing and testing a face identification algorithm along with the face detection module.
13 May 2019 by Daniele Fontani
A tool for managing CNN training built on django helps to understand image classification
27 Jul 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this project, our aim is to run a mobile Image-to-Image translation model on the Android platform.
22 Jun 2020 by Thomas Daniels
In this article, let’s dive into Keras, a high-level library for neural networks.
2 Nov 2020 by Arnaldo P. Castaño
In this series of articles we will use a deep neural network (DNN) to perform coin recognition. Specifically, we will train a DNN to recognize the coins in an image.
20 Jul 2021 by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article I’ll explain how to perform the alignment based on the face landmarks the detector has found.
30 Oct 2020 by MehreenTahir
In this we’ll see if we can implement YOLO on video feeds for queue length detection.
15 Jun 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we discuss the CycleGAN architecture.
18 Jun 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we implement a CycleGAN with a residual-based generator.
24 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In the previous article I gave a general overview of deep fakes generation and the elements involved in the process.
26 Feb 2018 by Markus Glagla
How to prepare training and test data, define a simple neural network model, train and test it
5 Apr 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In the next article, we talked about Google AI Platform and how to train your models there with some help from Docker containers.
18 Jun 2018 by Jesús Utrera
Second article of a series of articles introducing deep learning coding in Python and Keras framework
17 Jun 2020 by Thomas Daniels
In this article we can take a look at what libraries are available to work on AI and ML tasks.
12 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we introduce transfer learning and ResNet50.
6 Nov 2023 by Hossain23
Google Colab[^] The code link has been updated. Now you can access it here. I was trying to implement smile detection project from kaggle on to my Google collab. kaggle link smile-detection | Kaggle[^] I have downloaded the datasets and...
6 Aug 2021 by Member 14974386
Hi I'm very new to deep learning, and i just want to clear something up. is a Seq2Seq model the same as a keras Sequential model? secondly what neural network does a Sequential model represent? (Sorry if this seems like a stupid question) i've...
8 Jul 2020 by Abhay binwal
9 Jun 2021 by amir elmjamili
Hi, I have a problem please guide me thank you def model_fn(): model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([ tf.keras.Input(bdbd =Input(shape=(300,15))), tf.keras.layers(bd1= SeqSelfAttention())(bdbd) , ...
9 Jun 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
See The Sequential class[^]
21 Oct 2021 by Khalid Elejla
I have the following error, and I am new to data science and python I am using python, keras, tensorflow 1.15 Code line: from tensorflow.python.profiler import trace Error line: ImportError: cannot import name 'trace' What I have tried: ...
18 Jun 2022 by Abbas Harb
Hello everybody! I want to use a trained hdf5 model in c# using vs2022. What I have tried: I tried to use some python projects that converts keras2onnx, but I don't know python. I faced a lot of problems dealing with tensorflow libraries and...
20 Jun 2022 by ashish bhong
I have created a trading environment using tfagent env = TradingEnv(df=df.head(100000), lkb=1000) tf_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(env) and passed a df of 100000 rows from which only closing prices are used which a numpy array of...