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by Dr. WPF
.NET 3.5 SP1 is here! It's time to break out your DirectX skills. This article provides the information necessary to get started using a new DirectX interop feature in WPF called D3DImage.
by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
by Hans Dietrich
XColorSpectrumCtrl displays a color spectrum that allows user selection, and provides APIs for color based on RGB and HSL color models.
by Hans Dietrich
XQueue implements a shared-memory first-in first-out (FIFO) queue, based on memory-mapped files, that works on all versions of Windows.

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by JadBenAutho
Efficient and standalone library for NTP server/client utilizing pure C++
by honey the codewitch
Make a little widget that tracks your speed using GPS and strap it to your bike.
by Espen Harlinn
Harlinn.Windows is a collection of libraries that I have put together that serves as a big part of the runtime we use at work.
by YasIkeda
Fix was released. When I ran find_package( SQLite3 REQUIRED ) in my CMake script three weeks ago, it failed and output an error. Here's how I solved it.

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20 Aug 2009 by "Fish" (David B. Trout)
A command-line tool to run multiple programs in parallel (i.e. concurrently, as a group).
19 Oct 2010 by "Fish" (David B. Trout)
Simple parsing of VS_VERSIONINFO version information strings displayed in an XP-style file-properties "Version" tab
16 Apr 2001 by #realJSOP
Technique for utilizing a CResizablePage in a CFormView-derived class
6 Jun 2001 by #realJSOP
Extension of Paolo Messina's CResizableDialog concept
14 Mar 2002 by #realJSOP
Parse strings with specified delimiter and specified quote character
15 Apr 2008 by #realJSOP
Helps with copying a device independant bitmap to the clipboard.
12 Dec 2001 by #realJSOP
A small function to either accept or create a UUID* and return a CString
8 Dec 2002 by #realJSOP
Some dialogbox code to give the Blonde a clue
9 Dec 2002 by #realJSOP
One technique for performing a binary insertion sort on a std::list
22 Dec 2003 by #realJSOP
Add a scrollbar to a property page when the SIP is displayed.
13 May 2005 by #realJSOP
Create blinking cells for Chris Maunder's grid control.
9 Aug 2005 by #realJSOP
Enumerate all controls in a dialog box or form view.
28 Jul 2006 by #realJSOP
Copy a bitmap over a portion of another bitmap
3 Aug 2006 by #realJSOP
A passable workaround for the COleDateTime formatting behavior in MFC8.
17 Nov 2006 by #realJSOP
A technique for making stdio functions compile clean regardless of the Microsoft compiler used
29 Nov 2006 by #realJSOP
Here's some code that will automatically start your app on a secondary monitor if it's compiled with debug info.
30 Nov 2006 by #realJSOP
Two methods to retrieve the path/name of a VS2002 or higher DLL from within that DLL.
4 Dec 2006 by #realJSOP
Compare floating point numbers for equality at programmer-specified precision.
27 Jan 2007 by #realJSOP
Implement XML application profiles that are similar (but not too similar) to using INI files
15 Apr 2008 by #realJSOP
The right way to code using CodeProject for occasional support
15 Apr 2008 by #realJSOP
The right way to code using CodeProject for occasional support
27 Jan 2007 by #realJSOP
The right way to code using CodeProject for occasional support
15 Apr 2008 by #realJSOP
The right way to code using CodeProject for occasional support
12 Jan 2010 by #realJSOP
The right way to code using CodeProject for occasional support
26 Jan 2007 by #realJSOP
Add menu items to, and learn how to handle the system menu
12 Oct 2016 by #realJSOP
My views on how to be a proper programmer
12 May 2005 by #realJSOP
Build a menu and/or a toolbar dynamically without using resource files (well, almost).
8 May 2007 by #realJSOP
A method for programatically determining the appropriate foreground color based on the specified background color
7 May 2001 by #realJSOP
Track a mouse click, even in a scrolled view
7 Sep 2005 by $icK$
This article gives a class that extracts Windows XP hotfix installed on a computer.
1 Aug 2005 by $icK$
This articles illustrates CheckMail which is a C++ class to extract a list of email addresses found on a local computer, using the registry.
24 Sep 2009 by $uresh $hanmugam
How to upload images into a MySQL BLOB field using the ODBC driver.
1 Sep 2008 by >>MonMon<<
Already made MFC ownerdraw listbox that holds text and icons
17 Feb 2002 by <b>T</b>om <b>C</b>ollins
Shows how to develop ATL-Objects to extend VB-Script. Uses ISharedPropertyGroupManager to keep data in memory. Supervises MSDEV-shutdown.
15 Jul 2001 by (Steven Hicks)n+1
Learn the basics of WML without any previous knowedge of XML
18 Jul 2001 by (Steven Hicks)n+1
Add 404 encoding to your application with this DLL
29 Jan 2004 by -Dr_X-
Passing multiple values as a single Parameter to a Stored Procedure
6 Aug 2002 by -Kirill-
Enhancing window fade-in to render common controls correctly and to allow the window to remain transparent after the fade-in
27 Jul 2002 by .dan.g.
A dynamic window attribute viewer to replace Spy++
14 Dec 2002 by .dan.g.
Provides built-in graying, rotating, shearing, resizing, blurring, sharpening, flipping, negating and color replacement to CBitmap as well as support for user-defined processing plug-ins
21 Mar 2003 by .dan.g.
Simplifying the implementation of Windows hooking through the use of a templatized manager class
31 Mar 2004 by .dan.g.
A one-click process to building the source files in the active project into a self contained zip file, using this simple-to-use Visual Studio Add-In
25 Mar 2006 by .dan.g.
A support tool to allow those performing builds to independently determine exactly what source files have been changed and by whom
11 Oct 2003 by .dan.g.
A self-contained, user-extensible, application-wide skinning architecture for Windows controls.
31 Mar 2004 by .dan.g.
Zip your VC6 and .NET workspace and project files using a Standalone Executable, an Explorer shell extension or an updated VC6 Addin
21 Mar 2004 by .dan.g.
A 'drop-in' FTP solution for applications providing a full GUI, extended commandline options and no resource files. Use standalone or compiled into your own app.
30 Jun 2002 by .dan.g.
A framework for overriding all aspects of a tab control's apprearance, including the borders, the background and of course the tabs themselves.
15 Apr 2003 by .dan.g.
A utility providing enhanced Windows message debugging.
26 May 2003 by .dan.g.
A new and unique approach to the perennial problem of how to change the default appearance of Windows menus
10 Dec 2002 by .dan.g.
Presents an extended yet simplified interface to querying, filtering and extracting multiple files from a zip archive
27 Jul 2003 by .dan.g.
High level wrapping of the zlib library to make easy work of zipping and unzipping files and folders
27 Sep 2003 by .dan.g.
A Visual Studio addin for creating and editing ASCII diagrams in source files
27 Sep 2003 by .dan.g.
A 'Visio-like' tool for adding and editing ascii diagrams in your source code
17 Sep 2023 by .dan.g.
A hierarchical task manager with native XML support for custom reporting
8 Aug 2005 by .rich.w
An MFC implementation of hashing files and strings with CRC32, GOST-Hash, MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2 (256/384/512).
22 May 2005 by .rich.w
An MFC implementation of a DNS class, it can retrieve multiple IPs and hostnames.
25 Jun 2005 by .rich.w
An easy updating method with a small foot print.
9 Aug 2005 by .rich.w
An easy to use class based around unrar.dll.
3 Aug 2000 by .Shoaib
A step by step guide to write a COM server using C++ without MFC or ATL.
18 Dec 2005 by .Suchit
COM/OLE based technology for Process Control - An Overview.
6 Nov 2007 by .Suchit
Generating smooth lines with antialiasing; sample code for animation is included
1 Oct 2009 by 0x3c0
C++ support code and the console.
17 Nov 2009 by 0x3c0
Descriptor tables and interrupts.
3 Jan 2010 by 0x3c0
The Real-Time Clock, Programmable Interrupt Timer, and KeyBoard Controller.
8 Jul 2002 by 0xdeadbeef
Advanced critical section which features TryLock and timeouts
15 Jun 2017 by 0xG00DC0FFEE
A better and much simpler implementation of Finite State Machine library for C++
10 Oct 2019 by 10xlearner
This is a post about my first open source contribution.
28 Oct 2004 by 110_110_110
A class for setting various attributes of static text such as font, color, or alignment.
27 Jul 2023 by 1f604
An implementation of b3sum based on io_uring
26 Jul 2023 by 1f604
Source code and explanation of my io_uring based implementation of b3sum
4 Jul 2008 by 2b|!2b==?
A command-line program that backs up folders and files specified in a text file to CD-W
25 Feb 2010 by 365days.enjoy
The way to calculate a collection of folders size with VC++
5 May 2010 by 365days.enjoy, Alan_Zhang
One way to export Chrome bookmarks to IE Favorites with the JsonCpp library.
28 Feb 2006 by 3sL
Dynamically load DLLs, configure them, and use different DLLs / stubs when unit testing and when using the production version.
28 Mar 2003 by 73Zeppelin
An article on 2-D Polygon Clipping
11 Dec 2008 by 73Zeppelin
Part I in a series on pricing barrier options.
31 Jul 2001 by @deel@bbas
A simple COM server that is based on multiple inheritance
17 Dec 2001 by @deel@bbas
A Garbage Collector framework that is based upon Generational Copying
19 Dec 2001 by @deel@bbas
A CRectTracker derived class that is able to do much more
19 Apr 2010 by @Intersect☺™
It will help to understand the usefulness of writing codes with good programming practice
31 Mar 2005 by @run
Registry access, to append customized menu to system's menu.
10 Jun 2008 by [d3m0n]
A Calendar UI extension component for the ToDoList, giving you a timeline view of your tasks
16 Jul 2002 by [goofy]
An article on simple loading GIF, JPEG pictures from a resource (.RC) (no MFC)
30 May 2001 by [James Pullicino]
Saving the size and positions of windows so that they can be restored next time the app loads up
18 May 2002 by [James Pullicino]
Navigate through the Protected Storage in Windows 2000 or XP
23 May 2002 by [James Pullicino]
Save window sizes, positions and state for all frames in an MDI MFC Application
15 Aug 2004 by __PPS__
Shows how simple accessing Windows Registry can be if you do not need bells and whistles.
21 Mar 2006 by _ABHILASH_MS_
An article on how to use Dynamic Mapping in BizTalk.
25 Sep 2006 by _alank
A basic Article on using Visual Studio Setup (Web Setup)
19 Jan 2005 by _anil_
Use DeviceCapabilities function to get the paper name of a printer.
3 Oct 2006 by _AnsHUMAN_
A simple button control showing the use of a property page.
6 Jul 2006 by _AnsHUMAN_
Shows how virtual functions can be used
4 Aug 2001 by _declspec
A program that counts the lines (source, comments, blank) in every file included in a MS VC++ 6.0 project
24 Jun 2010 by _duk_
Send debugging output through UDP protocol
16 Oct 2014 by _Flaviu
20 Feb 2012 by _Flaviu
An enhanced list control based on the standard CListCtrl MFC class.
8 Mar 2013 by _Flaviu
A simple way to have a bitmap menu without any bitmap resource or ownerdraw
23 Sep 2016 by _Flaviu
A ListCtrl ComboBox control
11 Sep 2018 by _Flaviu
A way to use OpenCV in MFC project