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by Prashant Rewatkar
This article demonstrates how to add Identity-Based Authentication in .NET Core 3.0 using In-Memory Database.
by didourebai
How can I integrate Swagger in ASP.NET Web API project
by PaulKukiel
.NET Core 3.1, Docker, postgres, swagger quick start
by Bart-Jan Brouwer
.Net Core datagrid with server side paging, sorting and filtering

Latest Articles

by Prashant Rewatkar
This article demonstrates how to add Identity-Based Authentication in .NET Core 3.0 using In-Memory Database.
by didourebai
How can I integrate Swagger in ASP.NET Web API project
by PaulKukiel
.NET Core 3.1, Docker, postgres, swagger quick start
by Bart-Jan Brouwer
.Net Core datagrid with server side paging, sorting and filtering

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by didourebai
How can I integrate Swagger in ASP.NET Web API project
by M.M.Mohseni
In this article, we'll explain how to register (Add) all specific interface assignable types in an assembly and will use them in a class.
by RickZeeland
Version all your .NET Core projects in one swoop fell!
by Daan Acohen
An explanation of how to support multiple platforms in .NET development
by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz
How to recursively select all descendants using an extension method
by honey the codewitch
BinaryReader needs a better way to read strings and types. Here's a quick and dirty fix
by Silvia Campo
Different options to create the maps
by George Swan
An alternative solution to the Spiral Print problem
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how to add Angular Material in ASP.NET Core AngularSpa template
by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz
Gets the digits and the sign of an integer in an array
by Iman Memarpour
How to set up your environment to use Angular CLI with your ASP.NET Core 2.0 Angular template
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how to enable API versioning for ASP.NET Core Web API following three different techniques.
by Toan Manh Nguyen
In this article, you will learn about ASP.NET Core global model validation
by xszaboj
How to setup net core with automapper
by Bohdan Stupak
Batching is a nice technique that allows you to handle big amounts of data gracefully. Directory.EnumerateFiles is the API that allows you to organize batch processing for the directory with a large number of files.
by Harsh Deep Gupta
No need to build and publish packages manually, automate it using GitHub Action
by Oscar K.
Mailslot Inter-process communication
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how to configure the ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC File action result to write file to response with cache headers.
by Cinchoo
Tip to convert JSON to XML with namespaces using Cinchoo ETL
by Cinchoo
Quick tutorial on converting CSV file to JSON file using Cinchoo ETL
by Cinchoo
Tip to split large JSON file based on deeply nested array property using Cinchoo ETL
by Richard Mneyan
Conditional Formatting in Excel without applying Conditional Formats with EPPlus and LINQ
by Sauradipta Chaudhury
Connect .NET Web App to Azure Application Insights hosted in Localhost or Azure Web App using the same code. The approach is recommended by Microsoft and is applicable for .NET 6 and above.
by Saurav J
Convert table from outlook email body into datatable or list using .NET C# EWS Managed API and HtmlAgilitypack
by Bohdan Stupak
A simple snippet of how you can convert video in .NET Core
by RemcoReitsma
Load an XML document and convert it to a dynamic object
by #realJSOP
Sharing files between multiple web apps in a single solution.
by Islam Refaei
How to create contained DB users to be used among your application
by David_Cui
A brief introduction to CrossCutterN tool remade for AOP programming in .NET technologies
by Dudyalu Sravan Kumar Reddy
In this tip, we will learn about using DateTime picker in ASP.NET Core using JQuery Plugin. Let’s start with a step by step approach.
by Andrey Kornich
Ever wondered how you could change/maintain common assembly properties for every project in a Visual Studio 2017 solution based on .NET Core 2.0 in one place?
by Bohdan Stupak
How to perform distributed lock between multiple instances of a microservice with Redlock.Net
by saadishahin
A quick psedu-code for EF Core that's equivalent to modelBuilder.Configurations.AddFromAssembly in entity framework
by Wael Al Wirr
PostgreSQL exception 42P01
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how to work with database triggers in entity framework core using a third party library.
by Maniezzo
A couple of lines of code to get the i-j indices of an upper triangular matrix (main diagonal included) from a linerized array.
Get .NET Core Web API hosted in IIS successfully at your local work station
by Ger Hayden
These notes are based on my experience getting started with IdentityServer4.
by Daan Acohen
By using xUnit the right way, your logging can be improved and production problems can be solved easily or even prevented
by Laszlo Voros
Convert a portable class library (PCL) to a .NET Standard project, change the csproj file to the new format
by CodingCoyote
Tutorial using the Build Task NuGet Package Template with GitHub or `dotnet new`
by Daan Acohen
The HttpClient can cause a security issue depending on how it is used so this article explains how to prevent that.
by O.Nasri
A good tutorial in how you can publish your ASP.NETCore MVC web application to IIS.
by M.M.Mohseni
In this article, you will learn how to write a new extension for .Net Core DI and register all assignable types in an assembly with specific interface.
by Member 13353000
How to upload images on MVC Web App razor pages using ASP.NET Core 2.2
by Ajit Hegde
This tip describes how to use ASP.NET identity entity framework with mysql database.
by Gaurang Majithiya
Usually, you will see this error when you run your project from Visual Studio. This error itself says that it's a start failure while running your project from Visual Studio.
by Herbert Lausmann
Icon Pro - A C# + WPF open source tool for creating windows icons from PNG images or SVG vectors
by MaheshMore
How to integrate IdS4 library in your .NET Core app
by Ali Robot
How to implement a text-to-speech (TTS) application in C# using the System.Speech.Synthesis namespace
by N.Younaki
Passing custom attribute from Model Class in MVC ASP NET Core and built HTML atrribute accordingly into HTML element, Best Practice Input Masking
by YasIkeda
ASP.NET Core 3.0 uses a built-in JSON converter from System.Text.Json so that JsonConverter attribute from Newtonsoft.Json does not work by default.
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how configure ASP.NET Core AngularSPA starter project to serve a lazy-loaded angular module.
by Ádám Ficsór
How to use Tor in .NET Core
by Brady Kelly
How to deserialize objects from a web application"s config file
by Shaun C Curtis
How to quickly generate code to handle XML files with an XSD definition
by Christian Del Bianco
In this simple example, we are going to see how to update an HTML page when a SQL Server table change occurs, without the need to reload the page or make asynchronous calls from the client to the server.
by Benktesh Sharma
How to handle 'Which has higher version than referenced assembly' error (Error CS1705) through Package Manager Console
by HHerzl
Scaffolding ASP.NET Core 2 with CatFactory
by HHerzl
Scaffolding TypeScript with CatFactory
by HHerzl
Scaffolding View Models with CatFactory
by jicking
Set up ASP.NET Core 2.2 app with Vue JS on UI components without using npm/webpack.
by MarkWardell
An aid to Port WPF Framework Applications to .NET Core 3.1
by Daan Acohen
Some functionality of Moq can be really important but can also be easily forgotten as explained here
by Steffen Ploetz
YES, you can - use native DLLs in your Azure Functions via P/Invoke ([DllImport]) as you already know it from .NET Framework, and safe the code you have developed and maintained for decades with much effort and patience.
by Oleksandr Viktor (UkrGuru)
Minimally simple UkrGuru.SqlJson package for modern data manipulation
by Daniel H. W.
Toggle Buttons to select different options without JavaScript
by Manjesh_A
Using Docker-Compose for defining and running multi-container application with ASP.NET Core MVC, Web API and MongoDB
by Dinand.dotnet
Use Github as Private Nuget Gallery
by Sabarinathan A
Run .NET Core 2.0 SDK from Corporate Proxy
by wim4you
First exploration of the capabilities of Chromium WebView2 Control to display animated .GIF, .PNG, WebP, WebM
by didourebai
In this post, I will explain how we can use the ORM Fluent NHibernate in the Framework Core 2.0 for any database.
by Thomas Corey
A quick way to write the contents of a DataTable to an RFC 4180-compliant CSV file
by Stanko Milošev
How to either migrate to the new XAML designer extensibility or write WPF custom control extensibility model based on .designtools.dll.
by Herbert Lausmann
Convert between over 100 different currencies in .NET using Yahoo's APIs