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by Umer Qureshi
A tip explaining the difference between Stackpanel and a Grid layout in WPF
by ASP.NET Community
IntroductionSharp DOM is a view engine for ASP.NET MVC platform allowing developers to design extendable and maintenable dynamic HTML layouts using
by ToughDev
Solution for ‘Your layout should make use of the available space on tablets’ when uploading APK to Google Play
by xmetropol
Stack layout panel with the ability for stretching its content.

Latest Articles

by ToughDev
Solution for ‘Your layout should make use of the available space on tablets’ when uploading APK to Google Play
by Andy Point
Android Material Design: Working with Floating Label EditText
by Konstantin A. Magg
How Bootstrap tackles this issue and what you can learn from this about the HTML property box-sizing
by Umer Qureshi
A tip explaining the difference between Stackpanel and a Grid layout in WPF

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17 Dec 2015 by Umer Qureshi
A tip explaining the difference between Stackpanel and a Grid layout in WPF
30 Mar 2016 by Karthik_Mahalingam
Please add bootstrap.js reference to your code.cdn link
4 Jul 2013 by smss IR
Hello everybody.When I have been studying this book : "Qt GUI Programming with Qt4, Second Edition"; saw an example which I implemented it on my Ubuntu, but it NOT compiled ...And the given error when I try to make it, is :finddialog.cpp:26:40: error: no matching function for call to...
5 Jul 2013 by Leo Chapiro
Try this: QHBoxLayout *topLeftLayout = new QHBoxLayout; QVBoxLayout *leftLayout = new QVBoxLayout; topLeftLayout->addWidget(label); topLeftLayout->addWidget(lineEdit); //leftLayout->addWidget(topLeftLayout); leftLayout-> addLayout(topLeftLayout);
6 Sep 2014 by mohammadali1375
Hi.I have a widget. and an image view in that; I want to get/set size of the ImageView programmatically; And do this for other view like relativeLayout and ..... How Can I do this ?Thanks
28 Nov 2014 by Dave Kreskowiak
Yes, you can even build an entire form from scratch at runtime.All you have to do is change the properties of the controls you want to manipulate somehow.
27 May 2021 by Richard Deeming
Inspect your elements in your browser's developer tools. At least in Firefox, it will tell you when styles are not applied, and explain why. In this case: The w3-half and w3-third classes float the elements they're applied to. As a result,...
5 Mar 2013 by UsmanAziz
i want to take the image of running video in videoview for face detection, any solution to take the snapshot of the video or to grab the current frame of the running video in android???
12 Mar 2013 by agnesn88
If you are in Windows, then simply start the demo by running (from command line):facerec_video.exe
22 May 2013 by Ali_100
118 Points189 PostsDevexpress Controls Issue when I use open them in two tab9 hours, 10 minutes ago|LINKI have a usercontrol having (devexpress grid) says Entity.ascx(AFE and Area see images 1 and 2 )at the default.aspx, a menu in default aspx page see the below image name start, i...
3 Jul 2013 by baotdinh
I have a report view .When i run it on site with Browser Mode is IE8. It is OK.But when i change to IE8 Compatibility View, it has a problem with font and about layout report.Only content in report occurs, content in web is OK.Please explain for me, i think about rendering of Mode in...
6 Oct 2013 by seyed mahmud shahrokni
how to set button width to the wrap_content or match_parent in the android from java code?
9 Oct 2013 by Sasikumarhx
Use the following method:Button myButton = (Button) findViewById(;LayoutParams buttonparam = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,1.0f);myButton.setLayoutParams(buttonparam);LayoutParams(layout_width,layout_height,layout_weight);
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
IntroductionSharp DOM is a view engine for ASP.NET MVC platform allowing developers to design extendable and maintenable dynamic HTML layouts using
15 Nov 2013 by Jimtiger
I am building this module in html and css I would like to avoid the use of JavaScript. To help explain what I'm trying to create I've attached a picture.[^]Box A - #left will have a picture insideBox B - #right will have text inside.Neither...
7 Jan 2014 by srinathThanuku
Hi ,I am new to ASP.NET MVC. I am trying to develop an Internet Application using ASP.NET MVC4 and am using SimpleMembership in it. I want to have a masterpage that should be Role based items on it.In other words, I need to show all menu items for Adamin, but only couple menu items for non...
7 Jan 2014 by JoCodes
Refer the below links[^]Jquery Approach[^]Hope this helps
31 Mar 2014 by New In Android
Actually i tried a lot to create this type of layout but when i run on different AVD it gives different output :([^]
31 Mar 2014 by Krunal Rohit
Well that totally depends how you use the height and width of your layout.See this article about Supporting Different Devices[^].And rather check this, Supporting Different Screens[^]-KR
22 Jul 2014 by Nagy Vilmos
Use the GridLayout[^]. Instantiate it with rows = 0 and then you can add as needed.
4 Sep 2014 by Kinna-10626331
I am new with WPF and C#,I want to load templates dynamically . The themes must be selected based on the number of controls that should be necessary to display (some times could be 4,other 10,so the layout changes depending on this ).I have been searching about data template selector...
8 Sep 2014 by Sandeep Londhe
Just Type This Code in main activityimage_view.getLayoutParams().width = 20;image_view.getLayoutParams().height = 20;I thought this will solve your problem.
12 Sep 2014 by Krupal5
I am new to Andoid development and I have created a snippet for replacing fragments programetically.I followed the guide on android developers.I have create a method named `selectFrag` and fired it on button click: public void selectFrag(View view) { ...
23 Oct 2014 by TorstenH.
Your gui split[^]You can see that there is a panel beneath those 3 red panels.EDIT: Think about the coding. Separate GUI and Control, set up a service layer.You're probably writing a description first (big hint!).EDIT2:PLease take a look here: A Visual Guide to Layout...
15 Nov 2014 by Member 11207670
hi,my question is how to create layout for custom modules and how to add 3 or more fields in the same row of editview in layout of sugarcrmplease help me....thank you
28 Nov 2014 by Syed Muhammad Ali Gardezi
Hello Guys I just wanted to ask that is it possible to change the layout of a form completly at runtime like if I have a textbox and a Button on form A. When I press the button the button and textbox should dissapear and a combo box or 3 new text box should appear on form A. Thanks
14 Dec 2014 by nir12shir
we created a dock layout manager adapter for prism, we want to create a scenario where we bring a floating panel back to the layout manager and that it wont stack with the current panel , but instead , replacing it. we want only 1 panel to be shown at a time.we changed the adorner to allow...
16 Feb 2015 by agha hamid
Hi all. I'm very new in MVC and hope to explain my problem as well.I have a Login box(in _Login.cshtml file) in all of my pages which is called directly through the _layout.cshtml file in the @Html.Partial("_Login",model) form. In index page of my Home controller, I retrieve all comments from...
17 Feb 2015 by agha hamid
Thank you all friends to put many comments for help me!!!!But i founded that i need to use Jquery script to submit the form using $.ajax function to _Login action.Here is my change codes.//_Layout.cshtml@model CSS_Test.ViewModels.CommentViewModel
3 Apr 2015 by Am Gayathri
How do i change main layout content from controller in MVC c#?I have one layout,home view and user view.That layout contains one menu bar and footer.Am using this layout for home view and User view. This layout contains menu bar with log in and sign up options.When the user logged in i...
8 Mar 2015 by spydeehunk
a. Declare section in layout as @RenderSection("Account_Control", required: false)b. Account_Control is partial view. which contain Login and SignUp UI elements.c. Define Account_Control Section in View which is for Authenticated User. d. Obviously we don't have to Define...
17 Apr 2015 by Member 11203273
15 May 2015 by mkaatr2
Hello there guys...We are encountering a very strange problem. On a single machine, a VB.NET has its controls displayed correctly, however after minimized/maximized, some controls disappear. The controls themselves are in a tablelayoutpanel. Also this problem happens on one machine only. All...
23 Jul 2015 by Member 11402033
I am trying to introduce observable scrollview in the following project[^]from project[^]but i am unable to do it, please guide what will be the correct...
29 Aug 2015 by Oliver S. Neven
Hello fellow programmers!I've made this whitespaceIndent method, for creating a indentation string out of whitespaces.My goal was to create a method, that replaces tabs.So fx, if I used tabs, this would be my output:Directory SizeC:/Games 126 MBC:/Program Files...
2 Nov 2015 by CrimeKumar66
How to add linear layout inside table row in table layout dynamically in android
2 Nov 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
8 Jan 2016 by CrimeKumar66
here is my code TableRow taRow = new TableRow(ctx); // taRow.setLayoutParams(tr.getLayoutParams()); TableLayout.LayoutParams tableRowParams= new TableLayout.LayoutParams ...
21 Feb 2016 by Member 12341986
i found this script that works fine, the only problem is the elements overlap because I'm placing dynamic images inside of them. When I try to use imagesLoaded the layout breaks. How do I correctly call imagesLoaded with this script? I cant quite figure it out.(function ($) { ...
30 Mar 2016 by Member 12224368
Hi,I was trying to get the drop down list items on MVC 5 Layout. below is my code. Here I am not getting any sub menu items of contact. please let me know where i did mistake. Thank you in advance. :)
21 May 2016 by yourdad308
I placed a Loginstatus control on masterpage and using Add Extender, added ModalPopupExtender. Placed a Login control inside this ModalPopup. Turned this Login control to template. The login control is working if correct ID/Pass is given. But the literal control that is supposed to show...
26 Jul 2016 by kamranali1
I want to give 50 % width to each linear layout not hard coded. android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:removed="@color/black" android:orientation="vertical" > android:orientation="vertical" ...
26 Jul 2016 by Arindam Tewary
To provide size distribution without hard coding it, in xml ,you need to do following steps1. Use "android:weightSum" attribute in parent container and "android:layout_weight" in inner view.2. In inner view when you are using android:layout_weight, you need to provide...
7 Oct 2016 by shockingcow
import java.awt.Dimension;import java.awt.EventQueue;import java.awt.Font;import java.awt.Toolkit;import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowListener;import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JLabel;import...
28 Dec 2016 by Member 12609609
i have 3 tabs in my TabLayout, my question is, for example, i want to delete or disable one or more particular Tab from TabLayout and ViewPager, is it possible to achieve, how can i do this?public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements...
28 Dec 2016 by Peter Leow
Check out the removeTab | Android Developers[^]
1 Jan 2017 by Member 12609609
i using Bundle to passing data from my Main Activity to fragment but it prompt out with the JAVA.NULLPOINTER.EXCEPTION. Error is occur when i getArguments in list_fragments2MainActivitylist_fragment2 fragment = new list_fragment2(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); ...
15 Jan 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
Reporting the same question over and over again is not going to get you any answers.The other reason you're not getting any answers is because you're using VB6, which was outdated 20 years ago!
12 Jul 2017 by Richard Deeming - The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered for the layout page “~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml”: “featured” - Stack Overflow[^] You need to update your layout page to specify that the "featured" section is not required: @RenderSection("featured", required: false)
28 Aug 2017 by koklimabc
Non without Controller and Views (Both is Acquired!) Before you need to install Entityframework in nuget console. Setup DbContext (Repository for Database) and Database conectionsTring in web.config. Right-click Controller Folder in Project Properties, choose "Add Controller" => Empty...
29 Aug 2017 by asalgadoscr
If you want to get content from database, you just have to pass string to the View. Example Controller Public ActionResult PageConfig() { var html = .... /*Obtain content from database*/; return PartialView("PartialViewName",html); } Example View @model String @Html.Raw(Model) ...
27 Mar 2018 by Member 13749922
The 'tag' used in add/replace(id, fragment, tag) is used to retrieve the fragment by calling fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(tag). However, the 'name' used in addToBackStatck(name) is used to control to which fragment you want to pop the fragment back stack by calling...
16 Oct 2019 by dell-gl62m
I am Android Studio beginner and I wish to get some guidance from experienced one. So I've created a project with bottom navigation activity and have 1 default layout which is activity_main.xml. With those ready bottom navigation, I created layouts for each of them by adding a new empty...
13 Jan 2020 by Carina Rosborg Thornval
Please forgive my simplistic description, I am still in the process of familiarizing myself with coding. I am working on a page where I currently have a menu of 12 projects. On hover a project is underlined and on click a project expands vertically displaying a description. I have used a table...
13 Jan 2020 by W Balboos, GHB
A strategy (from someone who also uses tables with no regrets. - You need to consider how many rows you wish to allow before changing columns. - Detect the number of rows you need to display in your menu. - If the threshold is exceeded then you take advantage of built-in conditionals in your...
29 Jan 2021 by Grambo2
I trying to do responsive overlapping of images that will go to the next line based on the screen size. Instead of moving the images to a new line, it compresses the images and the distance between them. I would like the gap to remain the same...
29 Jan 2021 by Richard Deeming
I'm guessing at the layout you want, but a combination of Flexbox and CSS transforms seem to work: .card-row { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; min-height: 220px; margin-bottom: 0px; } .card { flex: 0 0 117px; z-index: 100; cursor:...
27 May 2021 by User 14717878
I have a problem, i want to use w3.css framework to create layout. I know how to create elements on one line and textbox put in middle, but when i want to create size of text box all brokens. Anyone mybe know how to create code to be like in my...
16 Jun 2021 by Mobil Home
I am facing a challenge after the plugin developer changed the markup in an update. Before the update (correct layout): After the update (wrong layout): ...
9 Aug 2021 by Chinedum Ezeozue
I'm developing a weather app and i'm done with networking, it can search and display the data for any city. It also displays icons as well. I'm trying to add a swipe-refresh layout to the xml in fragment so that it can refresh the app and display...
11 Aug 2021 by Will Sewell
I am trying to design a label in a .axml layout on C# WPF. Here is a before an after picture of what I want the label to look like: Before/After - Album on Imgur[^] Here is my code:
29 Nov 2021 by Member 14002714
Try Something Like This
10 Apr 2023 by Nischal Shar
I'm currently working on a chat interface and I'm facing an issue with displaying the chat messages. Currently, the chat messages are appearing in a single line as shown in this image: The screenshot of my page However I want it to be in a...
10 Apr 2023 by Richard Deeming
You need to change the structure of your HTML so that each message and icon is wrapped in its own container, and both messages and replies are within the same container: ...
7 May 2023 by ToughDev
Solution for ‘Your layout should make use of the available space on tablets’ when uploading APK to Google Play
17 May 2023 by Member 10488837
I have a constraint layout which I am adding lines to (I don't know how many lines will be added hence I do this in code rather than XML). The fields are arranged with weights to give different size priorities and I use a Horizontal chain to add...
18 May 2023 by Member 10488837
Simple mistake - can't see the wood for the trees. Although to be fair, it's my first Constraint Layout - I have previously used Relative Layouts exclusively. I thought the problem was something to do with the Horizontal chain. However, upon...
12 Oct 2023 by Nischal Shar
I'm working on a chat box UI, and I'm having trouble making it responsive for smaller screens. I want the chat section to be responsive, meaning that it should automatically adjust its layout to fit the screen size. The main goal is to ensure...
14 Oct 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
Easiest would be to use float for your chat box, when a user have to scroll left to right the chat box still "floats above the current screen to access it easily - Floating Chatbox[^]
24 Dec 2023 by Nischal Shar
I am creating a section of a page where I have to fetch the Movie Details and fill into these cards as user types but I encountered a problem, Where this section isn't covering the whole height space available. Any Help on how to resolve this...
3 Jun 2013 by xmetropol
Stack layout panel with the ability for stretching its content.
25 Jan 2016 by Konstantin A. Magg
How Bootstrap tackles this issue and what you can learn from this about the HTML property box-sizing
24 Aug 2014 by Varavut
Learn to create the UI part for your Android Application
16 Mar 2015 by Sander Rossel
The third in a series on web development.
17 Apr 2015 by JoCodes
Creating Simple Android Chat Bubble or Chat UI Layout
21 Dec 2013 by Amey K Bhatkar
How to create Tab View in MVC3?
21 May 2014 by Leslie Godwin
When you add additional layers to a UIView, those new layers don't animate in the same way that the UIView's Backing Layer does. I have a trick that fixes this gotcha good and proper.
17 Aug 2014 by Sivamurugan Perumal
Explore various UserInterface layouts and controls supported by Android
17 Jul 2016 by Andy Point
Android Material Design: Working with Floating Label EditText
10 Jan 2013 by Christian Graus
What makes you think the keyboard layout changes on a per app basis ?
21 Oct 2014 by lostaballs
How would i set up a layoutmanager to create a GUI like this?[^]i can set up all the actionevents and make the buttons do stuff etc but i just dont know how to position the panels and buttons...
19 May 2023 by daniel wakeley
So I'm working on a project and when I add in functional components to the page they completely cover each other up. I try adding margin and using all sorts of positioning but to no effect. The page does not produce enough height for them...
10 Jan 2013 by Ali Al-Masry
0 down vote favorite i am using this code to get the current keyboard layout name for my app .string Langu = InputLanguage.CurrentInputLanguage.LayoutName;its working fine ....but i want something like that to get the current Keyboard layout name for current active window...
21 Jul 2014 by Coder93
I need a layout in java which contains only one column and number of rows are increasing during my app! (something like flowlayout but in vertical mode!)I find : panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));but I want each row component has its minimum size (which its content...
12 Sep 2014 by Krupal5
I found answer on stackoverflow:From documentation, it is pretty clear: public abstract FragmentTransaction addToBackStack (String name)Add this transaction to the back stack. This means that the transaction will be remembered after it is committed, and will reverse its...
2 Jan 2016 by Reza552
Hello,I have a myFormClass inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Form class (C# 2013 .Net 4),and set the RightToLeft property value to Yes and RightToLeftLayout to True from Properties grid window.Now I inherit the Form1, from myFormClass (that created automatically when I create new...
12 Jul 2017 by Member 13305479
i am building MVC 4 online shop , after finishing what i want , i downloaded bootstrap for online shop homepage , i put the css files in content folder and js files in scripts folder , then copied the code of this bootstrap to my _Layout.cshtml, after running the project i am getting this error:...
29 Aug 2017 by ddgjgj
I am building a simple cms in mvc5 , so i finished the News Part , Now i am working with PageConfig Controller , and this is the PageConfig Class, SO in the admin panel or by admin role HOW CAN i add a page dynamically with this page template , can you provide me any source code /...
21 Aug 2018 by keshav desai
Hi I am working on Android Studio 3.1.3 OS:- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS There is the problem with the layout nothing is appearing Activity:- Basic Activity Its image is shown here codeproject —[^] If any other things you need to know then please comment it What I have tried: ...
19 May 2023 by daniel wakeley
} /> } /> } /> ...