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by Ayush Swiss
Establish the communication between WebView2 and JavaScript by which you can send and receive the message via WebView2

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by Ayush Swiss
Establish the communication between WebView2 and JavaScript by which you can send and receive the message via WebView2

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1 Mar 2021 by Ayush Swiss
Establish the communication between WebView2 and JavaScript by which you can send and receive the message via WebView2
19 Jul 2019 by Richard Deeming
If you're encrypting the user's password, then you're doing it wrong. You should only ever store a salted hash of the password, using multiple rounds of a cryptographically secure one-way hashing algorithm. Secure Password Authentication Explained Simply[^] Salted Password Hashing - Doing it...
15 Jul 2021 by CHill60
See the highly appropriate comment from @RichardDeeming - VB6 is long gone, so the chances of anyone doing stuff with it for modern browsers is a bit slim. However, if you research use of Edge from VBA (i.e. the macro language behind MS Office...
18 Jul 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
It works, just not how you think it does. Edge can do some "helping the user" by trying to figure out what your form fields are looking for and filling in the information even if autocomplete="off" is specified.. No, you cannot turn this off...
4 Feb 2019 by Sidhu381988
I m create angular 6 application. My UX designer gave some icons to be incorported in our app. I used angular SVG Icon module to incorporate the same. For the icon which has , it not rendering in IE Edge. Can you please someone tell the reason for it? What I...
4 Feb 2019 by Richard Deeming
IE and Edge don't support referencing external files in SVG; you have to use a polyfill: Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc[^]: IE9-Edge12, Safari 5.1-6, and UCWeb 11 do not support referencing external files[^] via . Polyfills are available: server-side inlining +...
23 Apr 2019 by OriginalGriff
This is a known current bug, and the admins are working on it. But this is the wrong place to post site-based problem reports - you need to get it directly to the admins, and this is a general purpose QA area so they may well miss it here. In future, please try posting site bugs in the...
24 Jun 2019 by Member 7791304
How to use UIAutomation to get Microsoft Edge browser title and url on each tab? Use .NET UIAutomation, I can get title and url only on active tab. I want to get them on all tabs of all Edge windows. e.g. I open 3 Edge windows, and each window has many tabs. What I have tried: void...
18 Jul 2019 by F-ES Sitecore
If you are sending the encrypted credentials then that will never expire as long as the account is valid. If you want the logins to expire you'll need to generate a token that the client can use and that token will have an expiry date.
31 Oct 2019 by avianrand
I've got a LAMP site where my law customers can download a file. I've got it pretty buttoned up with .htaccess and a CAPTCHA. The .htaccess denys everyone from outside the USA. I have a block of code that tracks downloads so I know how often and from where it's being downloaded. That's in a...
31 Oct 2019 by MadMyche
If this was my site and I needed to troubleshoot it, I would be looking at what is different between the machines. 1. try opening up the htAccess, and see what happens 2. Check the settings in the browsers. 3. Log all the requests coming in, and what details are being passed.
11 Dec 2019 by Member 10548977
I switched to edge from ie couple days back. The browser seemed to be working fine until this morning. I noticed today the edge browser will not display main and bottom panels of this web portal. What I have tried: Chrome and Firefox work fine. ………………………………………………….
11 Dec 2019 by User 11060979
Questions related to forum issues should be posted here: Bugs and Suggestions[^]
15 Jul 2021 by BoySetsFire
Hi experts, i have to update my vb6 code. Now i use the ms internet explorer to open a web page into the same tab: For Each m_ie In shellWin If TypeName(m_ie) = "IWebBrowser2" Then ieDocumentTypeName =...
6 Nov 2021 by #realJSOP
If I were you, I'd ask this question on their github page. CEF representatives probably don't monitor CodeProject for questions about their code. Discussions · cefsharp/CefSharp · GitHub[^]
2 Apr 2022 by OriginalGriff
THis looks like it's to do with specific code, probably from an article. If so, don't post this under Quick Answers - if you got the code from an article, then there is a "Add a Comment or Question" button at the bottom of that article, which...
2 Apr 2022 by Maciej Los
It looks like you need to ask the author of this article: Automate Chrome / Edge using VBA[^]
24 May 2022 by MainFrameMan_ALIVE_AND_WELL$$
This event runs in Internet Explorer, but not in MS Edge/Chrome. I edited some minor errors in the code, hopefully it clears up some confusion. Thanks for the links on tools to help, however, I am not allowed to download/use such tools unless...
18 May 2022 by CHill60
This is a good example of cross-browser incompatibilities! It also depends on which version of Edge you are using - the newer version is based on Chromium unlike the older version which essentially was just an updated IE. Neither have survived...
6 Jun 2022 by jimmy emanon
Hello :). I am stuck in a node.js Blog project. I am using the templating engine edge for an online course that I am taking. The instructor has chosen to use edge as the templating engine. I am not sure if edge is the problem? When I use: ...
18 Jul 2022 by ehwash
In Edge autocomplete=off not working is there a fix? If I set autocomplete to off at the form or control level Chrome honors it and no popup suggesting values open. However, Edge does not honor this attribute and always suggests previous data. ...
20 Jul 2022 by Richard Deeming
You can't. Javascript code running in a web page CANNOT launch random programs from the local computer's network, since this would be a massive security risk. And no, there is no way around this. And no, "it's a client requirement" isn't a...
20 Nov 2023 by NealBr
In C# how can I read the caption in each browser tab, without changing the active tab focus? A short code sample would help greatly. Background I work for a health care organization, and I maintain a small application that reads the title bars...
6 Feb 2024 by Dave Kreskowiak
Try looking in the Extensions in Edge. You might have something installed in there that's pulling the ads down. Go to the "..." menu in the top-right corner of the Edge window and click "Extensions".
19 Jul 2019 by SubbZer
Hello everyone! I dont know if this is the right community because i dont have any code for you, and just a few informations i can deliver. I work for an IT company, installing standard software etc.. now we have some customers crying because they have good IT persons and they can login with...
20 Jul 2022 by Thirumadhi T Johnson
Hi I am looking for to run this Set up file specially in MS EDGE Browser .It does not work in EDGE .How do I achieve this what changes needs to be done . Please Help . What I have tried: function...
6 Feb 2024 by The-Irishman
In Win 11 Edge, when I click on a link, another tab opens with advertisement. It started about a month ago and I cannot get rid of it. I can't delete and reload edge. Any suggestions? In the meantime, I've gone back to Chrome What I have...
2 Apr 2022 by fabrizio balzarini
Well done! The VBA code works very well, both for ById and ByName references, but I can't reach anchor tags with neither name nor id: with objBrowser.jsEval("document.querySelector('a[onclick =""mj.js (x, y, z); return false"")[0].click") can't...
16 Jul 2022 by redtrib3
I've recently started using Microsoft Edge since it is a lightweight browser in Linux, and i cannot find a way to configure the proxy unlike Firefox which was Damn simple. I want the Proxy to listen in localhost :8000. if you have no idea like...