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by Steve Hageman
A Python Library to help make properly scaled Fourier Transforms including utility functions
by Jerry Cruise
For a large number of other common requirements, we need to use a computing engine to implement efficient hard traversal to meet.

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by Jerry Cruise
For a large number of other common requirements, we need to use a computing engine to implement efficient hard traversal to meet.
by Steve Hageman
A Python Library to help make properly scaled Fourier Transforms including utility functions

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13 Apr 2022 by Steve Hageman
A Python Library to help make properly scaled Fourier Transforms including utility functions
17 Mar 2024 by Graeme_Grant
You would use a CollectionViewSource and use grouping. I assume that you are using WPF. Here is a sample: How to: Sort and Group Data Using a View in XAML - WPF .NET Framework | Microsoft Learn[^]. Hereare some more things that you can do with...
12 Mar 2024 by OriginalGriff
There are problems here with what you want to do: you can't use a single ObservableCollection for two different lists, and while you could put all the items from both into a weakly typed ObservableCollection and cast them appropriately when you...
24 Jun 2022 by OriginalGriff
SELECT ID, ValueColumn, ValueColumn - ValueColumn * 40 / 100 As [40% Off] FROM MyTable
4 Sep 2022 by OriginalGriff
Look at your code, look at the error message.print("The R2 value of the training set is : {}".format(R2.train)) NameError: name 'R2' is not defined So R2.train is what causes the error. From the first line of code you show...
14 Jan 2024 by Code Artist
Consider this algorithm Implementation Downsampling Algorithm in MSChart Extension[^] to plot large data size without loosing details of trends and performance impact.
3 May 2022 by OriginalGriff
Probably teh best thing to do is start here: Analyze an Actual Execution Plan - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs[^]
10 Jul 2022 by maor Maorisius
Hello, I'm trying to change a function that earlier filled missing years as timestamps (the data-type is 'int' now), to one that would treat the missing years as int , and replace them by fillna(). What I have tried: def nons(row): for i...
13 Jul 2022 by E L 2022
I need help plotting some categorical and numerical Values in python. the code is given below: %%time import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns %%time ...
15 Jul 2022 by Jerry Cruise
For a large number of other common requirements, we need to use a computing engine to implement efficient hard traversal to meet.
14 Oct 2022 by MR-XAN777
I have a CSV file that has data about users. and I want to filter them by name endings. it is an example of my CSV file: index, name, id, status 1, John, 500, online 2, Anne, 485, offline 3, Angel, 856,...
27 Oct 2022 by MKGoal25
I have a dataframe including 520 individual identification #s and their frequency count over 10 bin/indices. I want to fit nls() for each of them & save their coef and r^2 values each in a new column. structure(list(User.ID = c("37593", "38643",...
12 Apr 2023 by OriginalGriff
While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for...
28 Jan 2023 by TejasviniMK
I'm plotting a graph using PictureBox. To fit all the points in the control width, I'm using normal averaging technique. I want to understand is this the only way to do so, or there's any other formula. I feel like loosing the data trend (I can...
12 Apr 2023 by Raven Fearlina
3 May 2022 by ganeshkavhar8
Suppose we have a requirement to fetch a record on basis of a condition. select records from the table on the basis of where clause and sort them by group by clause. Normally we used to code it like select first_name,salary from table1 where...
24 Jun 2022 by Бојан Б
Hello, Got a trouble with the percentage in SQL. To be more precise, it is required to take a certain percentage off of a row in the column. For example (taking 40% of the row's amount). Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. What I have tried: ...
4 Sep 2022 by shubham sharma Sep2022
14 Oct 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
17 Mar 2024 by Sh.H.
Hi guys Here we have listORG with 3 fields: Idx   ,   Etude   ,   Name ---------------------------------- 1         Etude1      John 2         Etude2      John 3         Etude3      John 4         Etude4      John 5         Etude5      Merry...
16 Mar 2024 by Gerry Schmitz
You don't need an ObservableCollection to "count"; but you can substitute if you want. public class Org { public int Idx; public string Etude; public string Name; } static List _listOrg = new...