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Great Reads

by Pete O'Hanlon
Epic Games recently released Unreal Engine 5 and I thought it was time that I wrote a series about using Blueprints to show the power of UE5.
by Simon Jackson
A break down on the different modes of Xbox One development and clear direction of what is possible with the new UWP Retail unlock mode. Enable all devs to sideload and develop on the Xbox One UWP Platform

Latest Articles

by Pete O'Hanlon
Epic Games recently released Unreal Engine 5 and I thought it was time that I wrote a series about using Blueprints to show the power of UE5.
by Simon Jackson
A break down on the different modes of Xbox One development and clear direction of what is possible with the new UWP Retail unlock mode. Enable all devs to sideload and develop on the Xbox One UWP Platform

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28 Jun 2022 by Pete O'Hanlon
Epic Games recently released Unreal Engine 5 and I thought it was time that I wrote a series about using Blueprints to show the power of UE5.
6 May 2016 by Simon Jackson
A break down on the different modes of Xbox One development and clear direction of what is possible with the new UWP Retail unlock mode. Enable all devs to sideload and develop on the Xbox One UWP Platform
17 Oct 2020 by Rick York
Actually you have two rather complex problems here. One is executing script code and the other is writing a game engine. I recommend tackling them separately. Many game engines use script languages for game play logic but very, very few use...
16 Nov 2021 by OriginalGriff
Go back to YouTube and ask there - the producer should know a whole load better than we will. Except ... most YouTube tutorials - particularly development tutorials - are produced by people who don't know how to make a vide; how to teach; and...
18 Sep 2016 by chez0000
Hi, I'm not sure if it's appropriate to ask question here about Unreal Engine or UDK, but since the UDK forum doesn't seem to be quite active now, I guess here is my best bet.I have installed both Unreal Engine 4 and UDK on my Windows PC and tried to run them on my iPhone 6s. As my iPhone is...
3 Dec 2017 by User 13204940
Solution: This piece of code was the problem: for(int i = 0; i
8 Oct 2019 by Koco Mojsov
Dear CodeProject members, I found my self in a dead-end situation where I have to re-develop my software using new tech. My non-game software has elements of 3D in a few views which roughly represents 30-40% of the software for mobile devices (iOS and Windows). We used ActionScript3 with Away3D...
30 Sep 2019 by Gerry Schmitz
Try them both. However, having tried them both, I found Unity less "entangling" (regarding connectivity and licensing). So, try it first. There's also more Unitty samples for c# / Visual Studio. Unreal may be more polished, professional and complex. Unity has "form controls". Not sure about...
30 Sep 2019 by Serge Desmedt
Hi, There is also urho[^] from Xamarin. Depending on the structure of your applcation it might be interesting because it allows you to use regular platform views also in your application. At least that is what the documentations says. I haven't used it yet.
8 Oct 2019 by Stylianos Polychroniadis
Another option would be Godot 3d engine ( Also, my own OpenGL 3D graphics platform (NthDimension 3D HMI) shall be released soon. Designed originally for non-game applications but rather for scientific and engineering visualizations it supports trends, charts and a...
17 Oct 2020 by Member 14968020
i want to build a game engine written by c++ and use C++ in the scripts. anyway i want to execute a compiled script but how? how do game engines that use "compiled code" execute compiled script? do they compile scripts as DLL then call them or...
17 Oct 2020 by OriginalGriff
Repost: deleted. Answers do not change just because you don't like them. Follow the links your were given last time, and start learning.
3 Dec 2017 by User 13204940
Hello I'm working on creating a server for a game I'm going to begin development on using Unreal Engine, however I want the server to be a WinForms application. My approach was to create a C# WinForms application which is able to accept TCP connections and store them, receive packets from any...
17 Oct 2020 by OriginalGriff
That's a little tiny question, but ... so is "why are rainbows?". The answer to that one is horribly complicated, far far too much for a little text box like this - and so is the answer to yours! As Rishard has said, writing a game engine is a...