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Everything / TimeSpan



Great Reads

by Jani Giannoudis
Show a TimeSpan by calendar periods
by Michael Haephrati
How to develop a tool that will adjust mistaken date and time of multiple files, photos or videos
by DiponRoy
How to post rowversion or timestamp of MsSQL using jquery
by Tomer Weinberg
A piece of code you can copy paste to transform TimeSpan into user readable UI text

Latest Articles

by DiponRoy
How to post rowversion or timestamp of MsSQL using jquery
by Michael Haephrati
How to develop a tool that will adjust mistaken date and time of multiple files, photos or videos
by Tomer Weinberg
A piece of code you can copy paste to transform TimeSpan into user readable UI text
by Jani Giannoudis
Show a TimeSpan by calendar periods

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17 Mar 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
You need to use the tzfile and tzset[^] functions to find the name.
10 Jun 2015 by Dave Kreskowiak
Why are you using DateTime.Now to do this??There is the System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch class that's a lot better for timing something like this.
2 Aug 2012 by BobJanova
There's two possible situations with the range: either it goes over a day boundary (e.g. 1800-0600) or it doesn't (e.g. 0600-1800). One of them needs a simple range check and one needs the check given by Mehdi, or a check with the next day. You check which you have by comparing the...
28 Nov 2014 by OriginalGriff
Try:TimeSpan ts;if (TimeSpan.TryParseExact("143522.666", @"hhmmss\.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out ts)) { Console.WriteLine(ts); }
4 Dec 2014 by DamithSL
this.TimeText.Text = Time.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss\\:ff");
14 Dec 2014 by CPallini
Something like: string enter = "15/12/2014 21:00"; string leave = "16/12/2014 11:00"; DateTime dtEnter = DateTime.Parse(enter); DateTime dtLeave = DateTime.Parse(leave); TimeSpan tsWorkHours = dtLeave - dtEnter; Console.WriteLine("Work hours {0}", tsWorkHours.Hours);
8 Aug 2015 by OriginalGriff
You can only access UI controls from the thread they are created on: for all other threads you need to Invoke. And the Timer event is happening on a different thread.So invoke it. For WPF, that means the Dispatcher: Dispatcher.CheckAccess[^] - the link includes an example.
30 Jun 2016 by Philippe Mori
DirectoryInfo related stuff seems useless in your code.In your code, there is no code that send SMS so it is not possible to tell you where the problem is. However, it would be very easy for you to put a breakpoint on the code that does send the SMS and see why a message is sent.That...
13 Jul 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
The DateTime.Subtract method returns a TimeSpan object, and the Hours property of that is an int. So Math.Round cannot do anything with it as it has no fractional part; you can only round a Decimal or Double type as described in Math.Round Method (System)[^].
13 Jul 2017 by Andy Lanng
Well I'd suggest stripping the time out and compare the two dates that way: public static int HowManyDaysFromToday(DateTime appointment) { var today = DateTime.Today; //like DateTime.Now but with no time aspect var appDay = appointment.Date; return appDay.Subtract(today).TotalDays; } ...
29 Aug 2017 by OriginalGriff
You can't convert a Timespan to a DateTime: that doesn't work because it's not a logical action. Think about it: If I ask you to meet me at "plus 6 hours 30 minutes" what does that mean? Nothing - unless it's understood that there is a starting point for it to be relative to. In terms of normal...
6 Jul 2020 by Dave Kreskowiak
The easiest way to do this would be to move your long running code to a Task. A CancelationTokenSource already has an implementation for CancelAfter(milliseconds), so this is pretty easy to do. Cancel Async Tasks after a Period of Time (C#) |...
19 Oct 2021 by Luc Pattyn
No no. That is not OK. You can't accurately measure time intervals below one microsecond like that; first of all the system clock doesn't have that fine a resolution, then getting DateTime.Now has a cost involved, and finally there is no...
7 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The answer is: this exception is explicitly documented in the MSDN help page on this property:[^].Section "Exceptions" explicitly states:The interval is greater than Int32.MaxValue, and the timer is currently enabled....
7 Aug 2014 by sumwale
I don't think there is a way in the linux system libraries to get that since the underlying libraries use the abbreviated forms only and the long forms are likely not available anywhere.However, the ICU library does have the requisite methods and many more. It is installed by default on most...
1 Sep 2014 by Rob Philpott
Yes, there's a fair bit wrong here.Firstly ExecuteNonQuery does not return results from queries, just the number of rows 'affected'. You'll want to replace that with ExecuteReader.Also you exception catch block just returns the exception message. This is bad if you're expecting real data.
22 Oct 2014 by OriginalGriff
Try:r["StopHrs"] = stopHr.ToString("hh\\:mm");Orr["StopHrs"] = String.Format("{0:hh\\:mm}", stopHr);
14 Dec 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
Use a TimeSpan[^].
10 Jun 2015 by Matt T Heffron
As Dave and VJ indicated you should use System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Some general guidelines for performance timing:Pre-compute all of the input values you're going to use and store them in simple structures (e.g. arrays). (So that computation time is excluded.)Run each of the tests...
4 Jan 2016 by Patrice T
You should try:DateTime((dt.Ticks / d.Ticks) * d.Ticks);Assuming d.Ticks is 15 minutes.
13 Jul 2017 by Andy Lanng
Timespan has several properties. You can get the Days/Hours and Minutes components but: The Hours will never go over 23. this is handled in the Days property. It will never be more precise than and int. this is handled by the Minute property The minutes will never go over 59. etc... What...
13 Jul 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
This is basically the same issue as C# - calculate number of hours away from a deadline[^] except that this time you are looking at Days. Given that you want full or partial days you just need to divide the hours by 24 and add 1 if there is a remainder. Simple maths really.
27 Aug 2017 by OriginalGriff
Firstly, don't do it like that: Never concatenate strings to build a SQL command. It leaves you wide open to accidental or deliberate SQL Injection attack which can destroy your entire database. Use Parametrized queries instead. Or be prepared to restore your DB from backup frequently. You do...
5 Sep 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
A TimeSpan in EF maps to a Time field in SQL Server. That time field can only hold values up to 24 hours where as a TimeSpan can go beyond that. The rounding you're seeing is only in the UI, not in the TimeSpan property or Time field in the database. The rounding you're seeing will NOT...
29 Nov 2017 by PureNsanity
In this case it looks like it's failing because you're not setting VarTIME back to false on a failure. This should fix it: public TimeSpan Time { get { return time; } set { time = value; intervalString = Time.ToString(); ...
26 Mar 2019 by Richard Deeming
Neither the standard[^] nor the custom TimeSpan format strings[^] provide an option to do that. You'll need to construct the string by hand instead: MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0:#,##0}:{1:mm}:{1:ss}", Math.Truncate(tsystem.TotalHours), tsystem));
6 Jul 2020 by Garth J Lancaster
Following from Dave's suggestion, I 'think' (*tm, I'm not a VB.Net Programmer) you could do something like ' Declare a System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource. Dim cts As CancellationTokenSource Private Async Sub unreliableLongProcess() as...
13 Apr 2021 by Richard Deeming
The TimeSpan constructor you're calling expects the number of ticks, but you are passing the number of milliseconds. TimeSpan Constructor (System) | Microsoft Docs[^] One tick is 100 nanoseconds. There are 10,000 ticks in a millisecond. With...
19 Oct 2021 by deXo-fan
Hello, I wrote this program to measure the speed at which different algorithms could determine if a number is prime or not. I do this by looking at how many ticks it takes each algorithm to do this, and then comparing them. Whether or not this...
28 Jul 2022 by Chris Copeland
The SqlDataReader is a reader class, which implies you need to actually run read operations on it before you can access any of the data returned from the SQL. That's exactly what your exception is telling you, you're attempting to read when...
28 Mar 2011 by Jani Giannoudis
Show a TimeSpan by calendar periods
31 May 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
What you call "normal time" is not time at all! This is just a string presentation of time. The time itself is represented by System.DataTime and does not have any certain format. Time is time, there is not 24-hour time or 12-hour time, and the calendar itself is culture-independent.By the...
30 Jan 2012 by speshulk926
I have an existing system that is in XML Format that I am trying to parse and import into SQL. I'm having an issue with a particular field for dates. I was hoping someone could look at this and figure out what these numbers mean, because I have tried a lot of different things and can't figure...
30 Jan 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Basically, assuming that on input you are given the correct number of 100-ns tick counted from January 1, 0001 at 00:00:00.000 in the Gregorian calendar, you can construct the instance of System.DateTime using this constructor:[^].If...
7 Feb 2012 by Aniket Yadav
The INT Range In C# Is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, Which Is A Signed 32-Bit Integer.Why Do You Want To Set The Timer Interval Greater Than This Range?As 1 Sec = 1000 MillisecondsAnd Even If You Set The Interval To: 2147483647 Then2,147,483,647 milliseconds is equivalent to 35800...
27 Apr 2012 by jxavier25
Hi There.This is Joe. I am working on in an ASP.Net Application which creates xml files to a folder in the Application Server. I want to create a Windows Service which reads the Xml files sequentially from that folder and pass the Stream to a WCF service hosted in another Server. I have...
4 May 2012 by Stuck At Zero
Hi,I'm running on RedHat and I'm trying to do a "hack" job of a task in trying to make a simple command line app that runs a user-defined heartbeat (i.e. 400ms) in the background.Everytime a heartbeat occurs, I want to simply push out the contents of a dequeue at one index only. When the...
2 Aug 2012 by Member 8752188
Hi All,I have an application which deals with closing another application down at certain times of the day.This has worked fine when the schedule has been set to be within the same day such as 1800hrs till 2100hrs.Now that our schedule has moved to 2345hrs till 0200hrs so it overlaps...
22 Feb 2013 by Alireza ghasemi
Hello DearsI have a problem in time span in C#I want to simulate ball motion .i have some equation that needs to recalculating in every microsecond and I want to display result 60 FPS.Please help me...
22 Feb 2013 by Chris Reynolds (UK)
I've not used XNA too much but you have two events an Update and a Refresh. From what you're saying you want to update your model more frequently but still draw at 60FPS. I found this...
22 Feb 2013 by Alireza ghasemi
Hello DearsI work in XNAI try to simulate ball motionI want to call Update method Every microsecond and Call Draw method 60 Frame per Second.Which codes I must use in my Project?Please Help me...
22 Feb 2013 by Chris Reynolds (UK)
Duplicate question, someone has the same home work? : how to manage Time Step in XNA[^]
15 Mar 2013 by azinyama
Good day all!!!I have table in MSSQL 2008 that has a time(7) column (column name 'Task_Time').I'm taking the rows in the table and displaying them in a DataGridView.When the data is loaded from the database it is placed in a datatable in my project; in which I have declared the...
15 Mar 2013 by azinyama
I changed the column type in the database and datatable to DateTime. that solved the problem.Then I just format the DataGridViewColumn to display time only.
1 Apr 2013 by ShaketheDustOffMyFeet
I am needing help creating a WPF application where the user schedules a DATE in the future and a TIME in the future to where it will then call some method or do something else like go invisible. I am not concerned with what it does after the interval is set. I have all the needed functionality...
20 Nov 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The question makes no sense at all. You are not even trying to clarify it in any reasonable way. It becomes pretty obvious that you don't understand your own questions and hardly can do the job you might mean to do.Please, next time make sure you understand what you are asking about. As I can...
30 Jun 2014 by Harish Kumar Bansal
Hello,I am able to successfully convert timestamp to datetime using below code: Timestamp to DateTime:double dTimeSpan = Convert.ToDouble("1404757800000");DateTime dtReturn = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddSeconds(Math.Round(dTimeSpan /...
30 Jun 2014 by R-a-v-i-k-u-m-a-r
Try this date=new Datetime(2014,8,7);long Timestamp = date.Ticks - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks; Timestamp /= TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond; return Timestamp;
30 Jun 2014 by George Jonsson
I think this should do the trick.DateTime dtEPoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);TimeSpan timeSpan = dtReturn - dtEPoch;string strTimeSpan = timeSpan.ToString();
30 Jun 2014 by sankarsan parida
Change DateTimeKind.Utc to DateTimeKind.Local then it will work double dTimeSpan = Convert.ToDouble("1404757800000"); DateTime dtReturn = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local).AddSeconds(Math.Round(dTimeSpan / 1000d)).ToLocalTime(); DateTime dtEPoch =...
30 Jun 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
DateTime oDT = new DateTime(2014, 2, 21);TimeSpan oTS = new TimeSpan(oDT.Ticks);
2 Sep 2014 by Derek Kennard
Here's what I did... after Rob's help and many fun and four letter adjectives, I rebuilt the SQL table to have varchar and INT values for storage. I added the "idle time" to the database as integer 40. I wrote a new method making it private and keeping the code local. Before, I was trying to...
13 Oct 2014 by NaibedyaKar
Hi Ashok, I think you can achieve this by having 2 fields in your table as StartTime and EndTime with datatype as time(7). Then you can save your data these fields.To fetch the total time you might do as belowSELECT CONVERT(NUMERIC(18, 2), SUM(DATEDIFF(minute,StartTime,EndTime)) / 60 +...
13 Oct 2014 by Sinisa Hajnal
If you save your data as datetime, you can use DateDiff(mi, start date, end date) to get the difference between start time and end time in minutes per day. Then sum that across the date range (one week) to get total number of minutes.Finally, divide it by 60 to get number of hours. This...
22 Oct 2014 by Member 10212775
Hi all,Presently i have a problem with live server with this particular error in times span. I am using Framework 4 and i have set configuration in config file also timespan_legacyformatmode enabled="true" in 'runtime' tagand my code is TimeSpan stopHr =...
22 Oct 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
See the solutions at - TimeSpan ToString format[^]
22 Oct 2014 by Prasanth Radhakrishanan
Check this
3 Nov 2014 by muniprasad
I came across Sq-lite database.I found our date time is stored in 18 digit time-stamp.Please help me how to convert it to Local Time. (I tried to convert it(No.of milliseconds from 1900). But i did not get it.It shows 29 days difference. I added 29 days of milliseconds to time. But time...
3 Nov 2014 by ArunRajendra
I don't its possible check this reference in msdn.[^]
28 Nov 2014 by Kinna-10626331
Hi ! I searched how to convert an string into time format in c# but I am not obtaning the desired result.The string received follows next format "" and I want to toconvert it in hh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss:msSome of the things that I checked with no success were:1) double ConvTime...
3 Dec 2014 by Kinna-10626331
This is driving me crazy. I work around time format lately. I get a value from a slider as a double. Then I convert the value into Time because I need to display the value into time format : [00:00:00.00] on a textblock. My problem is that with my code now I am printing the value like this:...
3 Dec 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Use TimeSpan.ToString method to format output...[^]
4 Dec 2014 by Kinna-10626331
A solution was: var slider = sender as Slider; double sliderValue = Math.Round(slider.Value,2); TimeSpan Time = TimeSpan.FromHours(sliderValue); this.TimeText.Text = String.Format("{0:hh\\:mm\\:ss}",Convert.ToString(Time));
3 Mar 2015 by John Hardeman
I'm counting ticks from a timer which I use to send a double to a custom function which updates a label with text in the format of 00h : 00m : 00s . 000 ms : private string TimeRetrieval(double milliseconds){ TimeSpan tmspan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds); string...
3 Mar 2015 by BillWoodruff
You mention "ticks," but your input parameter is a double named 'milliseconds. Since there are 10,000 ticks per millisecond; a tenth of a second would be 100 milliescond == 1 millio ticks, I wonder if you are actually passing in the 'ticks value. Are we on the same page here ?There's...
10 Jun 2015 by User 59241
Measuring short time intervals is not trivial. You have to think about what is happening. In your case the execution of your little piece of the code is only part of it. Many other things are going on and these are different for C# code running in a .Net environment to say an assembly language...
4 Jul 2015 by DamithSL
you can use TotalHours property of TimeSpanTimeSpan TotalTime =(DateTime.Now.AddHours(10)-DateTime.Now); // sample code give you 10 hours for testing double Percentage =hours.TotalHours*.8; // for above value you will get 8 as percentage
8 Aug 2015 by S_Augure
Hello everyone.Here's what I trying to do:I have 1-100 timespan stored in a database and once sorted I take the one closest to my current.timeofday and create a task with it. Now the first part is easy, but I've been trying several solutions online to create a task but none seems to fit....
8 Sep 2015 by Member 11822364
Hi, i will submit my problem at example: Ive got a driver that arrive in monday at 3pm and leaves in friday at 0:30am.I have to check how many nights rate i have to pay him. Im counting one night rate for time between 9pm and 7am and must be at least 6hours. I have problem with solution of...
9 Sep 2015 by Tomas Takac
I know that giving you a complete solution isn't a good practice but I couldn't resist. Assuming these values:var arrival = new DateTime(2015, 9, 7, 15, 0, 0);var departure = new DateTime(2015, 9, 11, 0, 30, 0);var nightHourFrom = TimeSpan.FromHours(21);var nightHourTo =...
14 Feb 2016 by Member 12326568
Good day,I'm working on a project which aims to. 1- Track all the wmployees daily meetings with full users access based on the function and based on maker and checker.2- The employees results (daily - monthly)Part 1 is done and i'm stuck in part 2-------What i'm stuck in...
11 May 2016 by super_user
scenario is there is a drive and in that drive there is a files which is automatically created in every 4 mints so i fetch this date time in in this code now i want to insert data in db that when any file not created within 4 mint then i want to insert data in db data is sent to db but...
13 Jul 2017 by Member 13302374
Hi, I have attempted this question and I need a tiny bit of help with the last part. I'm constantly doing research, as I'm new to this, but help from people is beneficial. Please see what I have done so far below. The problem is, it is saying that "the call is ambiguous between the following...
13 Jul 2017 by TheRealSteveJudge
You should use the TotalHours property which represents whole and fractional hours. public static double HowManyHoursFromNow(DateTime deadline) { var remaining = deadline.Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalHours; return Math.Round(remaining, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); }
13 Jul 2017 by Member 13302374
Hi, I have been given the date and time of an appointment and I need to return how many days it (the appointment) is in the future. The answer must be in FULL days; for example, at 11 PM tonight, an appointment at 9 AM tomorrow would be 1 day (and not 10 hours). I have attempted the question...
27 Aug 2017 by Member 13378284
I have this code private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //start time is another //timeSinceStart is an array of timeSpan //i believe that the for loop is for me to be able to create and store many values for //the timespan and update the listview...
29 Aug 2017 by Jochen Arndt
You can not convert a time span to a datetime. You might add the span to a specific datetime (e.g. the current time). If the span is always positive and less than 24 hours, you can use the DateTimePicker with the time only (see How to: Display Time with the DateTimePicker Control | Microsoft...
5 Sep 2017 by Member 13261884
Hi! I'm working on a time tracking system which I want to use in a MVC 5 app. Here is what I have so far: My (simplified) class ClockInOut.cs public Guid Id { get; set; } public DateTime ClockIn { get; set; } public DateTime ClockOut { get; set; } public TimeSpan Duration { get; set; } Now...
29 Nov 2017 by ThabetMicrosoft
I have a TimeSpan textbox, my objectif is to disable the button Save when the form of TIMESPAN is wrong (exp 90:00:00).. I try a code, it is correct for just once time..if I set 20:10:00 ..The Save button is enabled (correct). After that however the TIMESPAN is wrong 55:00:00, the button is...
26 Mar 2019 by Member 11426986
Hi, I am developing software to query two dates on the MySql server. With these two dates I subtract and display the value. The problem is that the display is 1.13: 04: 28.09933. The format is in dd.hh: mm: ss: mmmmmm. I want him to add the day to the hours. Example: 1 day = 24 hours, then 1.13:...
22 May 2019 by Gerry Schmitz
Quote: I have found c# timer event method to accomplish the task but I am still not sure if I should use this or not. Use it .. considering no one else has a clue what your method is ... except that it "accomplishes the task"; which is almost 100% the point.
22 May 2019 by CPallini
The timer is fine, I believe. To cancel the reservation, make sure a single method is in charge to completely commit it. This way, until such method has not been called your code may cancel the reservation without having to perform backward steps.
23 May 2019 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Timer is actually a C# object (or type) that you can use in your C# programs and applications, such as WPF, WinForms, etc. But since you have tagged MVC 5 with this question and most probably you want to implement this feature in a web application, the best approach would be to control this from...
3 Jun 2019 by Codes DeCodes
I found this code and it worked exactly the way I wanted. private static void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { //do something } protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Timer"] == null) { ...
18 Aug 2019 by funkymunkey99
Hi I have a program that uses countdown timers, it works but I am trying to do something new with this blender timer. It uses a NumericUpDown and is supposed to add 5 minutes for each value, 1 being 5 minutes and 2 being 10 minutes etc. I did find a way of adding 5 minutes to...
18 Aug 2019 by Maciej Los
Not sure i understand you well, but to change timer interval change Interval property: BlenderTimer.Interval = 100 'new value here See: Timer.Interval Property (System.Timers) | Microsoft Docs[^] Timer.Interval Property (System.Windows.Forms) | Microsoft Docs[^]
6 Jul 2020 by ekograce
Hi, I have a code that sometimes stuck in very long process, sadly it is one of my most needed .dll so I cannot get rid of it altogether. Let's call it unreliableLongProcess() What I want is to set a timeout for that process, so if it is taking...
13 Apr 2021 by dejf111
Hello everybody, I have a question. Why is my measured time still 0?? I created a stopwatch´s measuring time in milliseconds. I think I'm making a mistake converting to time format. All this in WPF Application. I apologize in advance for mixing...
19 Oct 2021 by BillWoodruff
i think you need to study the resources listed here, and revise your current strategy. Just solving why your current code doesn't work may mean you end up with working code that is inaccurate. Any serious C# timing should be using GC.Collect, and...
25 May 2022 by Will Sewell
I am getting two different DateTimes and trying to calculate the difference between them in hours and write it to a label. label_NetTime.Text = "00:00"; label_Total.Text = "£0.00"; DateTime StartTime; ...
25 May 2022 by OriginalGriff
Both the AddHours and AddMinutes methods work fine - they are old methods that have worked for years, to it's very unlikely t5hat a total failure of that form would happen. But I'd still use a Timespan, as I suggested yesterday when you asked a...
15 Jun 2022 by ludosoep
Both the 15 and 20 minute intervals are dividable by five minutes. Declare a variable outside of the for loop and keep adding five minutes every iteration, test if the minutes are dividable by 15 or 20 and, if true, push them to expected time. ...
28 Jul 2022 by SaeedZer0
so that if it is more than 2, the text color of two cells will change but error System.InvalidOperationException: 'Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.' What I have tried: SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("select...
18 Aug 2022 by 0x01AA
How to load data to an Excel file by Interop from a Tab delimited Textfile. This works for me: private void buttonLoadCsv_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // The tab delimited text file string...
28 Nov 2022 by Graeme_Grant
To add to OriginalGriff's answer, there are a number of examples available to you on how to implement updating controls using a BackgroundWorker class. Here is a Search with many working solutions: BackgroundWorker datagrid update - Google Search[^]
14 Sep 2023 by Patrice T
Quote: Seeking time estimates for developing these 5 detailed screens in react Take 10 programmers, newbie in react or not, seasoned or not, good or not, familiar with existing partd of the project or not ... And you will get 11 estimates. There...
11 May 2016 by George Jonsson
I think you have forgotten the little detail of subtracting two times from each other.Right now you are just taking an arbitrary time and check the Minute part.TryTimeSpan timeDiff = DateTime.Now - File.GetLastAccessTime(abc);if (timeDiff.TotalMinutes > 4){ ...}
13 Jul 2014 by Michael Haephrati
How to develop a tool that will adjust mistaken date and time of multiple files, photos or videos
15 Apr 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Solution 1 missed one very important aspect: you need to exclude JIT-compilation from measurement. Please see: is easy to do: you need to start time measuring when all the methods involved in the call after you start timing have been...
22 Jul 2014 by DiponRoy
How to post rowversion or timestamp of MsSQL using jquery