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The other option will be to use Update Panel ASP.NET control as much as possible. It helps to retain the current position on the page whenever a postback happens to the page.
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OWIN, Katana and Middleware Pipeline in ASP.NET
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SignalR Real-Time ChatApp with Emoji / Smiley and sending file attachment
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Fully AJAX-enabled user control used to select names from a database in a drop-down format.

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29 Aug 2016 by KyLim0211
public void binddata() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("E_R_GET101", con); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Subs_cd", loggeduser.SUBSIDIARY_CD); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EMPLOYEE", loggeduser.EmployeeNo); ...
29 Aug 2016 by AdvancedDNA
Instead of trying to BIND to a dataTable, try a DataSet. It's difficult without seeing the rest of your code, but try this:public void binddata() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("E_R_GET101", con); ...
3 Oct 2012 by Dev Ashish Jangid
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { int i=0; //some code related to i// } } protected void _lblnext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { i+=1; //code related to i// }I always...
3 Oct 2012 by
Tell me how can u access local variable i in _lblnext_Click()? Explain what u want ?
3 Oct 2012 by Mohd. Mukhtar
Hi Ashish,Please understand the concept of static variable. By default its value set to 0(zero), and its value retain in between function switch call. But here in your case you have declared static variable into the class and assigning the value in page_load event, you want to access...
8 Dec 2010 by karthikkushala
hi am using treeview on load even am binding treeview in that protected void HeadCreationTV_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ if (!IsPostBack) { GetTreeViewBind(); }}but after saving some values in save button click i have to reload tree once...
8 Dec 2010 by Not Active
If you need to reload the tree after the button click then call GetTreViewBind in the button click handler.You may also want to familiarize yourself with this ASP.NET Page Life Cycle Overview[^]
1 Dec 2017 by Member 13275563
I have develpoed application in winforms ,but when i open n client machine there are error occured.. " failed to generate a user instance of sql server due to failure in copying database files.the connection will be closed" please give me solution for this .My connection string and code in...
1 Dec 2017 by OriginalGriff
As I said when you posted this earlier: Quote: That string doesn't look right: "Data Source=myPC" is unlikely - you'd normally have an SQL instance name on that as well. "Provider=..." is not a keyword SQL Server supports. Have a look here: Simple SQL Connection String Creation[^] It should...
16 May 2013 by Faizymca
protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (imgUpload.HasFile) { //Check File is available in Fileupload control and then upload to server path fname = imgUpload.FileName; //spath = @"~\ImgUpload\" +...
16 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You did not show where the exception with the message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" is thrown. Not to worry. This is one of the very easiest cases to detect and fix. It simply means that some member/variable of some reference type is dereferenced by using and of its...
7 Dec 2014 by Member 11293760
Hi All,I am facing a problem in Export to Excel from a gridview data.I have the data with forward slash in the data ("/") in one of the columns which is diplaying like a character ”⁄” (slant is more in this case) instead of “/”. The same file is uploading in some other application and...
7 Dec 2014 by Azziet
Export Data with Encoding itResponse.ContentEncoding = Encoding.Unicode;Response.BinaryWrite(Encoding.Unicode.GetPreamble());refer this link[^]
18 May 2012 by deeptibansal
Adding event to Microsoft Outlook through Web Application
16 Aug 2018 by Tripat Bala Singh
Parser ErrorDescription: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'ShoeFun.User'.Source...
22 Jan 2014 by Christian Graus
The error means what it says. The compiler cannot find the 'ShoeFun.User' class. Why do you think it should be able to ?
9 Aug 2014 by Abdirizak Mohamed
It's Works by :1- Set the "Build Action" to Content2- Set the "Copy to Output Directory" to Copy alwaysSteps to set these options:===> Right click on Web-form (Defoult.aspx)===> then click Properties===> Set the "Build Action" to ContentSometimes if your are not put Ajax...
16 Aug 2018 by Member 13951705
Another solution is: for various reasons.... you/i accidentally forgot to include that aspx and its code behind in the project. So when compiling as DLL that file is not included and that error will pop up.
23 Jan 2022 by Member 15435636
When I try to add a view, an error message pops up saying "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow" What I have tried: I've unsuccessfully tried rebooting my PC, restarting and updating Visual Studio Community 2022
23 Jan 2022 by Member 10163600
I have the same problem with VS2022 Community. Released version. It's an MVC4 project.
23 Jan 2022 by M Imran Ansari
Quote: This issue already reported for fixation. Kindly open your Visual Studio in Admin mode to avoid this exception. I would suggests open as Admin by default. To open you Visual Studio in Admin mode, open VS installed folder. Right click on...
5 Nov 2012 by Narra sreenu
Hi all, In my page have some required field validation controls. these required validations should fire only some button click events. For firing required field validators only in some required button click events, set CausesValidation='True' and for remaining buttons set...
5 Nov 2012 by PramodSawant
Try By Setting buttons property "UseSubmitBehaviour=False"BtnDisplay.UseSubmitBehaviour=False
17 Feb 2011 by Nathan2013
Hi there, When I try to open a aspx page in vs2010 it shows a "Choose an encoding" dialogue box. Not in all pages but few. Could any one help me to over come this problem. I'm a novice to you.
17 Feb 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
Have a look at this post: Similar issue, resolution suggested[^]Issue already reported/discussed with Microsoft[^].
15 Jun 2015 by Harsha 2
I my application due to company restrictions we can not use sessions,query string or cookies. I have to retain a string after response.redirect to the same page. To be more clear, when the user is already on XYZ.aspx page and the same user redirects to the same page by clicking on navigation...
15 Jun 2015 by F-ES Sitecore
Your company has ridiculous and unwarranted restrictions. The only way you can store any state is by doing POST submissions from one page to another, and redirect uses GET, not POST. There is no way for you to store state after a redirect. Tell your company that if they insist on these stupid...
16 Jun 2015 by Harsha 2
:) Thanks for the free solution.
6 Jan 2010 by maryam shahpasand
sorry!i dont knwo exactly where to ask this question! i will appreciate if you quickly answer.
6 Jan 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
Did you think of trying this[^] first? wrote:i will appreciate if you quickly answer.btw was that quick enough?
7 Jan 2010 by maryam shahpasand
tnx for your guidance.ofcourse i tried lots of these!but i can't find something that satisfy me.realy, i want details which were not in any web sites.
7 Jan 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
wrote:realy, i want details which were not in any web sites.Well I've no idea what more you want, if you are expecting a full tutorial, you will be disappointed. These forums are here to answer technical questions specific to an existing programming issue.
8 Jan 2010 by maryam shahpasand
ofcourse i dont want tutarial. :sigh: of multithreading viwe, finding diffrences between python's versions, with searching web sites was not efficient.becuse issues which they meant to say was differ with what i asked.and , do you think my question is not enough technical?!since you...
8 Jan 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
wrote:i thougt that making two simple code for example of multithreading in these version is so easy for this forum users and would be a helpfull answer for me.I think you have a higher expectation of this site than is warranted. It may be that there is no-one here who knows the difference...
29 Jul 2010 by bsaurabh
Hi all,I am very new to I am developing a web application in which I want to show the images on web page related to search query. I have stored image path in db & images on disk.The SQL query for search is also working fine.To show images on web page,on aspx page I have written...
29 Jul 2010 by Christian Graus
If you're 'very new to ASP.NET', this is an insane task for you to undertake. I assume you're in a class, why is your teacher giving you such a complex task ? Or did you know SQL and C# or VB.NET already ?You use a #, not a %, to specify code that runs in a data context.[UPDATE]You...
29 Jul 2010 by raju melveetilpurayil
'/> ...
20 Sep 2013 by Member 8227404
7 Oct 2014 by Torakami
Below is my complete master page contains , on which i have multiple forms before , after main content place holder .. I know there should be only one form tage with runat=server which i kept inside my main content place holder so all my child pages who will take master pageget forms...
7 Oct 2014 by Torakami
You can have multiple form on a webforms page, but only 1 can have the runat-"server' attribute and the runat="server" form cannot have any nested forms. One option that might work for you: ...
1 Dec 2013 by Member 10220152
how to solve this "Conversion from type "DBNULL" to type Integer".I cannot insert data to database according to this error.Help me.Please give me the best ways for me.
1 Dec 2013 by Member 8622273
the value of the parameter you are trying to insert to the database is null so its throwing the error. debug the code and check for null value.
1 Dec 2013 by Rakesh Meel
visit here..conversion from type dbnull to type integer[^]
11 Dec 2011 by Zukiari
I'm working with 3.5 version. I've to open a project in 2.0 version. While opening some conversion problem occurs and while running an error is occuring: "Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, version=9.1.3300.0, Culture=neutral, public...
11 Dec 2011 by
Hi,It may be due to the comaptibility issueremove all crystal report references and add them again. This will solve your issue.Hope this helps.
11 Dec 2011 by thatraja
Here an important bunch for youCrystal report - Important links[^]
11 Dec 2011 by koolprasad2003
This error occours cause you don't have CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports reference in C:\Windws\Assemblyeither give reference of crystal report or remove existing reference from Pages.
26 Nov 2014 by Member 10271164
Hi...When i am deployed project it done successful.and then I import application in the IIS 8 server upload success an then click to next install error has displayed as followig.An error accured when performing this operationdetailsan error accured during execution of the...
21 Jan 2015 by teledexterus
I am a little confused about the IEnumerator in this case. Does it accurately depict List?The error is in the "foreach" statement only the "foreach" is red underlined not the "item" or the "Model". It says it "...does not contain a public definition for...
21 Jan 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It clearly tells you that the object Model cannot be used as a set of object for using in foreach. This is simple: the type of such object should support System.Collections.IEnumerable:[^].Pay...
2 Sep 2011 by Anele Ngqandu
Hi I have a textbox and other controls in my form. The problem is I get a greenline underlining my controls saying "ELEMENT 'Textbox' is not a known element This may occur if there is a compilation error or web.config is missing" But the project is running fine. Where should I look to solve this...
2 Sep 2011 by #realJSOP
It's supposed to be TextBox (it's case-sensitive).EDIT ==================The green intellisense underline is merely a warning. Try doing this:Sometimes it clears up weird warnings.Comments:0) giving a textbox an ID of "DatePicker"...
2 Sep 2011 by Anuja Pawar Indore
Just check you may be missing closing of any other tag which is before or after your text box.
31 Dec 2014 by Member 11262250
please help ... there is green line under all control and appear errors while running
31 Dec 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
ASP.NET elements and attributes are case-sensitive, because the ASP.NET markup language is based on XML, should well-formed:[^].It's , not
20 Jan 2016 by Prashant Malav
Just check you may be missing form tag your code is:-right code:-
24 Dec 2019 by Dev.Vikas.S
Hi Friends,Quote:"Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion"These days, im facing above problem while working with windows server 2003.When i upload precompiled file to IIS and run command iisreset then it's stop working and my...
20 Sep 2012 by Ankur\m/
Here you go: You receive an "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion" error message when a service that uses the local system account tries to start on a Windows Server 2003-based computer[^]Let me just quote the cause. Go through the...
7 Oct 2013 by basharsalloum
Quote:Hello thereFirst check services.msc to ensure that you have a working service called w3svc , if you don't ,it seems that your world wide web publishing service is not working or it missed from your server due to installation error , so to fix up go with one of the following...
20 Nov 2014 by anoopgoyal
One of possible reason for this problem [It fixed issue at my end]:If you are using Debug code as below in your service the problem may arise. #if(!DEBUG) ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun; ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[] { new...
19 Nov 2015 by HariHarMaharana
One of the case could be that you might be using the DEBUG code. 1] Remove it or 2] If you don't want to remove #if DEBUG, then you need to re-build the solution in "Release" mode and use the .exe from "Release" folder instead from "Debug" folder.
24 Dec 2019 by kruzakk
Just check the .net farework where you have created the project and where you are installing the project
14 Nov 2010 by velmahesh
"Error 60 Type 'MasterPage' already defines a member called 'Page_Load' with the same parameter types "
14 Nov 2010 by velmahesh
public partial class Admin : System.Web.UI.MasterPagenow solved the problem.. because, i am used the Classname "Admin" is used two master, this problem occured. i changed the name.
6 Apr 2011 by Member 7685563
Make sure there is not a Page_Load event on master page file.If you have a page_load event in master and current page then this error will most likely occur. You can also add a reference to your project namespace .
27 Sep 2012 by tusDev1
Hi all,I am developing a MVC4 website for mobile (using Razor View Engine). I am having problem in creating postback. I have tried to put Input buttons on page using following code:@{ ViewBag.Title = "TestView";}TestView@using (Html.BeginForm("TestView",...
27 Sep 2012 by tusDev1
The solution was I created the new project and merged the code in new project & bingo It worked.But I couldn't findout the reason for that behaviour of first project.But anyway my project has started handling the post-backs.
27 Jun 2011 by Jeevanrao
Hi All,When i am biding data to the girdview i am getting an error message as shown bellow.Sys.webforms.pagerequestmangerservererrorexception:transaction(process ID 55) was deadlocked on lock resources with other process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim.Regards,Jeevan.
27 Jun 2011 by Arindam Tewary
Hi,Please check following links which might help you,
27 Jun 2011 by OriginalGriff
Read this:[^]Without more information, it is not possible to be more specific.
27 Jun 2011 by
Well What I understood from your question is as follows. In general sql server organizes data in tables in a specific manner. If there are 1000 users operating on the same table it allowed but all they are updating/editing the same record or similar records then sql server allows in first come...
4 Nov 2011 by muralikrishna53
"Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.(NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code)"Can you please suggest me to come out of the error !.I was created registration page, and also created database. when we submit that registration fields that fields should be...
4 Nov 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Run your program in a debugger and it will show you which line has the problem, and which object is null.
5 Nov 2011 by thatraja
Agree with Mehdi. You must debug your code to find out the issue. Here a post about that error which'll be useful for you.What does Object reference not set to an instance of an object mean[^]
1 Dec 2014 by Member 11111143
using System;using System.Collections;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using...
1 Dec 2014 by DamithSL
there may be a situation where you may not have value for strSql.ToString() then you may end up with empty sql statement for SQL command. debug and check why your code not behave as expected.
27 Apr 2013 by Zand120
Hi,i uploaded my web site on a host and everything is ok, all web pages working with no errors but an error has occurred during login with a user name and password and redirecting to management page:-------------------------------------Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due...
4 Nov 2005 by eug_acc (Eugene Akimov)
A photo images gallery browsing template - CatalogView style.
10 Feb 2010 by Minaxi Sajwan
I execute the following LOAD query of MYSQL, which works fine, when I use this query in MySql, but when I try to execute it through .Net it gives me error: Got Packets out of order error.My Code:-try{ MySqlCommand cmdMySQL = conn.CreateCommand(); if (conn.State ==...
9 Feb 2010 by Christian Graus
How does the file get onto the root drive of your server ? I would expect when the user uploads it to the server, it would need to be stored under the application root.
9 Feb 2010 by Christian Graus
Hi again. I deleted your duplicate question and also your fake 'answer' and edited your post to include your further comments, as it should be.OK, so you're using the file on the server, and you're mapping to the file path correctly inside your web application. I can only assume that the...
9 Feb 2010 by Minaxi Sajwan
Hi,Christian Graus.Im new to code project..And i dnt know how to re-question to the person who have posted me answer to my question thats why i submit it as answer.Can u tell me how to do this.And thanks 4 that checking it,to get my answer.
11 Aug 2013 by sanket_05
How can I enable "Hangout on Air" through a regular Google hangout JavaScript API??I am using regular Google hangout app and it is linked from my website. But now I want to add an additional feature of allowing users to record the conversation and post it in to Youtube channel using "On...
12 Nov 2007 by Lou Franco
Atalasoft leverages their DotImage toolkit to manipulate color channels for the purpose of image enhancement, in this case satellite images. The article is a tutorial on image enhancement and it includes all source code and test images.
26 Feb 2012 by sanit rana
any type of help will be apricated
26 Feb 2012 by amolpatil2243
By using given code you can easily create new table in a Database and fill records on that table. You can use this code on the Page_Load or in any Button click event. Try If Not (conn.State = ConnectionState.Open) Then conn.Open() End If Dim sql As String =...
8 Apr 2012 by abtinC# 2009
hii have a web site that users authentication is windows mode,now i want sign out current user and login with another can i do this?
9 Apr 2012 by Angel1320
Try with this links : 1)[^]2)[^]I think it will solve your problem
19 Apr 2013 by Necmettin Demir
"How to series" about MVC, jQuery, JSON, paging, mapRoute.
3 Jan 2012 by ahmedatas
hello to all . I need to do a project about convexHull algorithms in web Service [WİTH C#]. Algorithm names here : •Gift wrapping aka Jarvis march :One of the simplest (although not the most time efficient in the worst case) planar algorithms. Discovered independently by Chand &...
3 Jan 2012 by Ganesan Senthilvel
Best reference is available at CodeProject: Convex Hull[^]
3 Jan 2012 by idle63
Maybe also a starting point (3D):[^]Regards
21 Apr 2014 by El Dev
Hi, I am trying to run a website with an .aspx called Default.aspx file from IIS 8 but I am getting the following error :"HTTP Error 404.3 – Not Found" with ASP.Net and IIS 8Then I tried to install ASP.NET 4.5 using this command line:dism /online /enable-feature...
22 Apr 2014 by Ajith K Gatty
Hi EI Dev,Can you please check this[^]May you will get your solution from it.Good Luck
16 Apr 2013 by arbaaz jalil
I am creating a wall using a UserControl ( which is a nested GridView) i want to load the rows of the GridView on scrolling down just like facebook. I am trying to implement this method.. Click MeClick here The example seems to read the last row's first column to get the last row which is loaded...
16 Apr 2013 by _Amy
Check the value of your hiddenfield before converting it to integer. This problem may occur due to an empty string in HiddenField.Try this:protected void btnGetMoreRecords_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ if(hiddenLastProductID.Value.Trim() != ""){ //Fetch 14 records...
1 Oct 2013 by Mohammed Shamsheer
protected void btnUpload_UploadedComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int LastId; ds=DB.ExecuteQuery("SelectPreviousId"); LastId = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Columns[0].ToString());...
1 Oct 2013 by Dholakiya Ankit
Try this oneCertainly it seams that you don't have return type int so this error occursLastId = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Columns[0].ToString()==""?"0":ds.Tables[0].Columns[0].ToString());This may help you orInspect it properly and coonfirm that there is not string value...
2 Oct 2013 by Singh Gyan
You are missing the row attributes in your table.use soething like this table[][]-SG