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Great Reads

by George Swan
How asynchronous streams can improve efficiency and reduce response times in applications
by Mark Olbert
An IConfigurationBuilder addon for parsing command lines
by Pete O'Hanlon
Fourth part of a series of articles where we build an application showing the entire thought process when writing it
by sbarnes
Testing dynamichael's OctTree in an application

Latest Articles

by Christ Kennedy
A game to waste your hours
by Sonnich Jensen
Classic/custom build for assembly version for .NET 5 and 6.
by Nick Polyak
Here I describe the behaviors - functionality that allows modifying and augmenting an object's behavior non-invasively - without modifying the object's code.
by George Swan
How asynchronous streams can improve efficiency and reduce response times in applications

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10 Dec 2021 by George Swan
How asynchronous streams can improve efficiency and reduce response times in applications
1 Oct 2021 by Mark Olbert
An IConfigurationBuilder addon for parsing command lines
2 Aug 2021 by Pete O'Hanlon
Fourth part of a series of articles where we build an application showing the entire thought process when writing it
7 Jul 2021 by sbarnes
Testing dynamichael's OctTree in an application
29 Jul 2021 by BillWoodruff
What if there are three draws in a row: repeat the game until there at least one win ? I suggest you isolate the logic of determining the winner; I use this example with my students, trying to teach the concept of separation of concerns:...
15 Sep 2021 by Michael Hulthin
Your cron means every Wednesday at 10. If you want it to run daily you can use "0 0 10 1/1 * ? *" or every weekday "0 0 10 ? * MON-FRI *" I use for fiddling around with cron expressions until they do what I want.
22 Dec 2021 by #realJSOP
Don't do it in .Net - let the database do it. Setup a job that sends the reminders every day at a specific time. Keep in mind that you'll probably need to setup a no-reply email account in order to use an SMTP server. Don't forget to give the...
14 Jan 2022 by Electro_Attacks
Ok guys, I've managed to get my code working, somehow... It's not tested completely, but it looks promising to me :) If you find any errors doing testing, or any suggestions how I can improve my code, let me know... You might need to comment...
13 Feb 2022 by Luc Pattyn
Your code would fail if destination doesn't end on a backslash. Rather than string concatenations, you'd better use appropriate methods to parse or build paths. such as Path.GetFileName() and Path.Combine(). :) I
14 Jun 2021 by Member 14615938
I have done my project with core 3.1 and I want to show the roles of a group with Jstree the help What I want is for each time the tree show shows the roles of that group from the database and the check marks show this, but this does...
22 Jun 2021 by Szkaradek-Przemyslaw
I want to deploy an application to a server using Web Deploy. The main component uses .NET5 while the other two use the 4.8 framework. I can only see one migration in the configurator. How to add remaining migrations to the WebDeploy...
23 Jul 2021 by Mr.Duy09
I have an Api with Response: { "FullName":"Jon Black Kenedy", "EmployeeCode":"JBK0001", "Age":23, "CompanyCode":"RTA Shipter", "Orders":[ { "ItemName":"meat", "Price":"$2000", "Quality":3, ...
23 Jul 2021 by OriginalGriff
The way I'd do it is to create the appropriate class(es) (Class1) to read the JSON using (in my case) Newtonsoft, then create an output class (Class2) that matches what you want the new JSON to look like, with a assignment operator or constructor...
22 Aug 2021 by Ahmad_kelany
Hello, I have a WPF .Net5 VB.Net application with many local RDLC reports, Some reports when rendering the report make the application enter break mode with: Attempt to divide by zero exception I try other reports until one of them loads...
21 Aug 2021 by OriginalGriff
Chances are you've forgotten an initialization value of some form, that is set by the time later reports are done - but we can't help you fix that at all! Contact the people who wrote it, and ask them - RDLC is an MS product, and their tech...
22 Aug 2021 by Ahmad_kelany
After a lot of searching: The exception is caused by external code, namely the loading animation that appears when the reportviewer is rendering the report. That external code is something that I cannot change.. Communicating with Microsoft...
15 Sep 2021 by Szkaradek-Przemyslaw
My project is made in the .NET5 environment Example: I have Quartz.NET schedule set with Cron and task sending emails, everything works in a short time frame. On the test server, I set a day interval - ultimately it will be weekly. Additionally,...
22 Dec 2021 by Member 15341738
Hello, what is the best way to send e-mail reminders at a given time in ASP.NET Core, once per week? It needs to happen every week, to users who made requests at least 7 days. Those requests are stored in the database hosted on Azure. What I...
14 Jan 2022 by Electro_Attacks
I've written a custom ToolTip Class, that has multiple Settings which were contained in a seperate class called ToolTipInfo. I've managed to make them all Displayed in the Designer and all value changes were saved, except of my Collection...
11 Feb 2022 by OriginalGriff
Installation requires elevation because it has to affect areas the "normal user" cannot write to: and your app is marked as doing the same. At a guess - and without having your whole app that's all it can be from this instance - your app or one...
14 Feb 2022 by clwprogrammer
I have gotten a weird issue. The code I am using was actually used before and it actually worked. Now, I am unsure what has happened, but now the code is not working. It will place a file and will not add its content at all. The url/uri is...
11 Apr 2022 by Electro_Attacks
I'm currently working on a Minecraft Server Manager by myself, which should be able to handle all kinds of Minecraft Servers... I've managed to get it working with a normal (Bukkit) Server with both redirecting the Input and the Output of the...
28 Oct 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Look at the error message: System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' So you need to use the debugger to stop at the line that throws the exception and examine which variable is null and why.
23 Dec 2021 by Nick Polyak
Here I describe the behaviors - functionality that allows modifying and augmenting an object's behavior non-invasively - without modifying the object's code.
4 Oct 2022 by Sonnich Jensen
Classic/custom build for assembly version for .NET 5 and 6.
23 May 2021 by Duc Axenn
Get elements of known folder with the most recent API
23 Sep 2023 by Christ Kennedy
A game to waste your hours
14 Feb 2022 by clwprogrammer
I managed to figure out what I needed to do. I figured out that I needed to set the user agent for the webclient apparently. Still seems weird that the code worked fine 2 months ago. Oh Well. I would like to thank Luc Pattyn for attempting to...
29 Jul 2021 by CodeRed001
Hi so I have completed a rock paper scissors game a and these are the winning rules @inject Choices choices
11 Feb 2022 by clwprogrammer
So, Ive built my .Net Application. Put it into a Wix Installer. When I ise the compiled Installer to install on my machine, the installed application will not launch without using Admin Elevation. What could be the issue? What I have tried: all...
28 Oct 2022 by amin f 2021
I wrote a C# project with the change that I used migration To be able to use sturtup in the program: public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) => Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureWebHostDefaults( ...