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.NET Core3.1


Great Reads

by Marc Clifton
The middle ground between monolithic applications and an explosion of microservices
by Marc Clifton
Your one-stop guide for API and web-client Form, XHR, Blob, and Drag & Drop File/Data Uploading
by Marc Clifton
Reduces number of per-table controllers, models, services, and other code you end up writing or having auto-generated!
by Marc Clifton
Adding relationships and relationship instance management - record hierarches

Latest Articles

by Marc Clifton
Reduces number of per-table controllers, models, services, and other code you end up writing or having auto-generated!
by Marc Clifton
Manage your database migrations with web API endpoints
by Marc Clifton
The middle ground between monolithic applications and an explosion of microservices
by scott_liu
Entity Framework Core client evaluation was disabled by default since version 3.0 because of performance.

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.NET Core3.1 

3 Jan 2022 by Marc Clifton
The middle ground between monolithic applications and an explosion of microservices
15 Dec 2021 by Marc Clifton
Your one-stop guide for API and web-client Form, XHR, Blob, and Drag & Drop File/Data Uploading
8 Feb 2022 by Marc Clifton
Reduces number of per-table controllers, models, services, and other code you end up writing or having auto-generated!
6 Apr 2021 by Marc Clifton
Adding relationships and relationship instance management - record hierarches
22 Jun 2021 by freedeveloper
The move of the WEB from server based pages to Client based pages can create a security problem if we don't modify our traditional form to report errors.
25 Dec 2021 by scott_liu
Entity Framework Core client evaluation was disabled by default since version 3.0 because of performance.
14 Mar 2021 by freedeveloper
Managing multiple environments is a very common situation in software development in the enterprise
10 Apr 2021 by Marc Clifton
Set up an ASP.NET Core API project, with TypeScript and "require" to render pages and and load JavaScript files in the browser.
2 Dec 2020 by raddevus
You are seeing the result of the Decorator pattern (ability to add those attributes). So you have to read a bit about that pattern. Try this article which explains it more in depth: Adding decorated classes to the ASP.NET Core DI container using...
2 Dec 2020 by Richard Deeming
The ASP.NET Core source code is available on Git Hub. You can look at the existing attributes to see how they are implemented. For example: aspnetcore/FromQueryAttribute.cs at master · dotnet/aspnetcore · GitHub[^] The attributes seem to use...
18 Feb 2021 by Arsen Mkrtchyan
I know this is 1Y old question, but actually not answered Parameter Binding in ASP.NET Web API - ASP.NET 4.x | Microsoft Docs[^] This url explain how to do that, actually you need to inherit from HttpParameterBinding attribute, and implement...
18 Feb 2021 by csrss
Or for instance, [FromForm]string values . I want to write my own, [FromSomething]. What I have tried: Searched on the net, but could not find any information how to do that.
2 Dec 2020 by BabyYoda
I googled "c# custom attribute" and the first result appears to have the answer, Creating Custom Attributes (C#) | Microsoft Docs[^]
14 Dec 2020 by Priya-Kiko
I tried mailing and was not able to get a response on time. So I searched around and came across Customizable jQuery Timepicker Plugin - timepicker | Free jQuery Plugins[^] which is customizable. So dropped Propeller and...
24 Jan 2021 by sasko1
Hi! I am trying to make something like customer service chat with signalr. I am able to use signalr to send message to every client but struggle with getting connectionID value anywhere outside of ChatHub so i could send to induvidual clients. ...
22 Jan 2021 by Christian Graus
Clearly you need to write the getconnectionid method, in order to take a value on your server, and share it with clients. Are you trying to create a group chat or connection? I am not sure you can just share an id and add someone to a session?
24 Jan 2021 by sasko1
I solved it like this connection.start().then(function () { connection.invoke('GetConnectionId') .then(function (connectionId) { //alert(connectionId); })
28 May 2021 by Robert Woodard
I have not had a lot of experience with DotNet Core. We have created a Portal for our users utilizing DotNet Core 3.1. I am just throwing this out there to get ideas on how to handle this if it is possible: In the portal we have a View where...
28 Jul 2021 by Moojc
I'm starting to use PayPal for payments with .net Core. I created a sandbox app and checked client id and secret. I get an error at content "{"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Client Authentication failed"}" Code: private...
27 Jul 2021 by SeeSharp2
I would suggest you contact paypal. You are either not including something, like a certificate, or the credentials you have are wrong.
28 Jul 2021 by Richard Deeming
Quote: $"{_configuration["PayPal:clientId"]} : {_configuration["PayPal:secret"]}" You're adding a space to the end of your client ID, and a space at the start of your secret. Instead of sending: xxx:xxx you're sending: xxx : xxx ...
1 Aug 2021 by Marc Clifton
This is the typical process that I go through when creating a new Web API project in .NET Core 3.1.
2 Dec 2021 by klinkenbecker
Shows how to monitor a UPS, graph the details and shutdown the system
26 Jun 2021 by Marc Clifton
I have a very specific use-case where I need a microservice that manages a simple in memory data store, which I call a "bucket."
23 May 2021 by Duc Axenn
Get elements of known folder with the most recent API
5 Feb 2022 by Marc Clifton
Manage your database migrations with web API endpoints
27 Oct 2021 by Ger Hayden
I'm having an issue getting past Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService with an API call from Angular 12, I've tried both Mirosoft and IdentityServer4 examples to allow CORS - both are included in the Startup.cs here. The token is...