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Articles by rhawk4 (Articles: 2)

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Average article rating: 4.68

Desktop Programming
Windows Forms
23 Sep 2011   Updated: 9 Dec 2011   Rating: 4.71/5    Votes: 6   Popularity: 3.67
Licence: CPOL    Views: 51,444     Bookmarked: 16   Downloaded: 1,622
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I needed a datetimepicker that allowed users to easily empty it and edit it like a maskedtextbox, so I made one from the actual DateTimePicker class.
Web Development
28 Apr 2014   Updated: 15 May 2014   Rating: 4.65/5    Votes: 20   Popularity: 6.06
Licence: CPOL    Views: 45,746     Bookmarked: 32   Downloaded: 2,036
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A component replacement for the standard GridView that adds filters to the header and does not require code changes on your page.

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United States United States
My first computer was a Commodore Pet 2001 and I learned BASIC on it. In college I learned and played with Fortran, Colol, PL/1, ASM, JCL and such. I started working with computers in the early 80s programming Z80, 8088 machine code and then BASIC, Turbo Pascal, Modula-2, 6800 machine code, 6809 machine code and 6502 machine code. By the late 80's I was doing a lot of Borland Pascal and communications/modem programming and making EDI translators and using BTrieve databases. I worked up to C and then Delphi when it came out. By the mid 90's I was a web developer on Netscape servers and then Microsoft NT. I then began to use Classic ASP and started to learn SQL Server and Access. Now I am an IT Manager, but on the side do web development (mostly retail sites and shopping carts) and I sell cat toys online.