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Articles by Nigel B Thomas (Articles: 2, Technical Blog: 1)

Articles: 2, Technical Blog: 1

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Average article rating: 4.80

Load Testing
17 Oct 2014   Updated: 17 Oct 2014   Rating: 4.80/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 3.36
Licence: CPOL    Views: 44,707     Bookmarked: 17   Downloaded: 0
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Large file uploads how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. These days having to deal with large file uploads is rather common place in IT environments, and by large file uploads I mean files that are over 500MB in size.  Sure we have replication technologi
Web Development
18 May 2016   Updated: 19 May 2016   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 16,761     Bookmarked: 6   Downloaded: 0
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Gigabit file uploads over HTTP using a NGINX web server and a NodeJS back end. The idea is to offload the file uploading to the NGINX web server and then use the NGINX client_body_in_file_only directive to advise the NODEJS back end that it should process the file once it has been uploaded. The code

Average blogs rating: 5.00

1 Nov 2014   Updated: 1 Nov 2014   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 35,704     Bookmarked: 11   Downloaded: 9
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Like it or not JavaScript is everywhere. It can be found in front end applications on the client, it can be found in a variety of frameworks and  libraries, and it can be found in  backend applications in server environments.

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Jamaica Jamaica
I have worked in the Information Technology field for over 15 years and I create tools to automate day-to-day tasks such as to move information from SharePoint lists to SQL Server databases, to manipulate SSIS packages, to inventory servers, to conduct security checks of Servers and workstations, and just about anything else that needs automating. The tools that I create are based on technologies such as Powershell, JavaScript (browser and some node.js), and C# code.

Along with this I manage IT Infrastructure and I am keenly interested in server and application performance tuning. This has caused me to learn how to troubleshoot network related issues using network packet capture traces, to be able to use wait states to understand what is happening on a database server, and to do server side performance monitoring.