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Articles by Hugo G Fernandez R (Article: 1)

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7 Mar 2020   Updated: 11 Jun 2021   Rating: 4.24/5    Votes: 11   Popularity: 4.24
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In this article, I will explain and show step by step how to implement through the swashbuckle library a good and useful documentation for your RESTful APIs created under the ASP.

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Mexico Mexico
Developer and architect of Microsoft applications under the .NET platform, developer of cloud solutions of Microsoft Azure, native developer of applications in Android, IOS, UWP under C # with Xamarín, Unity3d web developer back end, geek by nature, particularly interested in the design of new user interfaces, new media, curious about new development methodologies. Knowledge by experience in electronics, agronomy, shipping, gaming, retail, after sales service, UI / UX, construction, computer training at different levels, self-taught. Specialties: .NET, Silverlight 4.0 +, C #, REST, WebApi, Signal R, ASP.NET, MVC, Android, IOS, JAVA, IIS, WPF, WCF, Kinect, Raspberry, Xamarin, Flutter, Mono, Unity 3D, UWP, Network and IT experience (Configuration of servers, infrastructure, networks and cabling, CISCO Networking, Administration of IT in Azure, DNS, Hosting, IT Policies, Security among others) Experience as a contributor writing in several development magazines and programming for example Obsessive of the minimalist and simplified, soccer fan and XBOX gamer.
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