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Articles by Onkarraj A. (Article: 1)

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Internet of Things
31 Mar 2015   Updated: 31 Mar 2015   Rating: 4.89/5    Votes: 15   Popularity: 5.61
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The article showcases BLE sensors (IoT) solution developed using Azure Event Hub, Stream Analytics and Power BI.

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Software Developer
India India
I am a Software Developer, with an inclination towards Arts - I sketch, play musical instruments. I believe in seeking divinity within one's self. Being a firm believer in humanity, I donate to causes - primarily supporting education of the underprivileged.

Reading books is one of my favorite pastimes, I am mostly into Fiction - I find books by Dan Brown very captivating. I watch documentaries, much more than movies.

Capability to 'End to end development' in web applications. I have worked with the latest technologies like 'AngularJs using.Net MVC', 'MVC Razor Engine' and few others. Domain Knowledge of Financial Services and Upstream. Aptitude for analyzing, unit testing, debugging code, identifying problems and creating solutions. Ability to initiate a client call, requirement gathering, manage workforce. Have a strong problem solving skills and RCA. Ability to work as a good team member or as an individual and confident in serving the best results.