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Articles by Tobias Manthey (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
13 Jan 2009   Updated: 27 Jan 2009   Rating: 4.87/5    Votes: 16   Popularity: 5.58
Licence: CPOL    Views: 69,965     Bookmarked: 42   Downloaded: 749
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Shows how to integrate WCF services into a UDDI based SOA. This includes the discovery of WCF services at runtime and the runtime configuration of the client.

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Germany Germany
being IT-Engineer since 1995 I am freelancing since then. From networks to programming, from system administration to DBA, from AIX to Windows I offer a wide range of IT-Skill's without considering me the ultimate expert in each area.
I try to avoid complexity wherever I can and so my philosophy is to strictly follow KISS principles.