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Articles by Patrice Borne (Article: 1)

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Web Development
22 Aug 2005   Updated: 22 Aug 2005   Rating: 4.84/5    Votes: 38   Popularity: 7.48
Licence: CPOL    Views: 199,338     Bookmarked: 111   Downloaded: 2,809
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This article demonstrates how to implement a paging DataGrid with an Oracle database. It also demonstrates how to limit the volume of data to exchange between the Web Server and the browser by retrieving only the rows necessary and updating changes in bulk.

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Chief Technology Officer Elevata Incorporated
United States United States
Patrice is Chief Technology Officer of Elevata Incorporated, a design and technology branding firm in Oakland, CA.

In addition to providing web development expertise to Elevata’s clients, he enjoys designing large computer systems that include massively parallel machines, a lot of data to process and numerous users. He particularly enjoys leveraging technology that allows his clients to leverage their infrastructure investments in return.

Patrice has extensive experience with database design and development, including Oracle and SAP systems. He is a certified SAP BC-consultant.

Lately, Patrice has been attracted to the .NET framework and C# coding. In collaboration with an American top-100 retailer’s in-house team, he recently designed and developed a web-based reordering application using ASP.NET and Oracle that results in millions of dollars in savings.

Patrice lives in Oakland, California with his wife, Rachel Cary, who is Creative Director of Elevata Incorporated.