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Articles by Jonas Follesø (Article: 1)

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Mobile Apps
2 Jun 2004   Updated: 2 Jun 2004   Rating: 4.90/5    Votes: 101   Popularity: 9.73
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An article on Pocket PC game development.

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Web Developer
Norway Norway
I'm a C# developer from Norway. I'm a co-founder of a small ISV called GreIT AS. Our company site can be found at (all information in norwegian).

My everyday work consists of building ASP.NET web applications and work on our content management system, Webpakken. I use my spare time on side projects such as Pocket 1945 (, a shooter game for the Pocket PC platform. It’s almost the opposite of my everyday work since games are small, focus on graphics and entertainment, while our CMS is large, focus on businesses and data.

When I’m not sitting in front of the computer I go snowboarding or skateboarding, depending on which time of the year it is.

I also enjoy fly fishing for salmon and trout in the summer. My personal record is a 10.5 KG salmon caught in Lakselva last summer and a 2 KG trout caught some where secret place in Finnmark. A bragging picture of me holding the salmon can be found at .

I did start blogging some time back, but I haven’t been to good at updating my blogg. I just got so much stuff going on that it’s hard to find time to add blogg posts. You can view my blogg at, just don’t expect too much.