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Articles by Jim Holmes (OR) (Article: 1)

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14 Oct 2015   Updated: 14 Oct 2015   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 4   Popularity: 3.01
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Larger projects tend to slow this feedback cycle, both in their build and test execution phases. IncrediBuild's new release, version 7, is intended to help teams ease this problem by providing a highly-configurable, simple-to-use build distribution and acceleration system.

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Pillar Technology
United States United States
Jim is an Executive Coach at Pillar Technology where he works with organizations trying to improve their software delivery process. He's also the owner/principal of Guidepost Systems. He has been in various corners of the IT world since joining the US Air Force in 1982. He’s spent time in LAN/WAN and server management roles in addition to many years helping teams and customers deliver great systems. Jim has worked with organizations ranging from start ups to Fortune 100 companies to improve their delivery processes and ship better value to their customers. Jim’s been in many different environments but greatly prefers those adopting practices from Lean and Agile communities. When not at work you might find Jim in the kitchen with a glass of wine, playing Xbox, hiking with his family, or banished to the garage while trying to practice his guitar.