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Articles by James Wucher (Article: 1)

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Artificial Intelligence
21 Jan 2010   Updated: 21 Jan 2010   Rating: 4.61/5    Votes: 11   Popularity: 4.80
Licence: MIT    Views: 112,654     Bookmarked: 53   Downloaded: 3,902
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Examples of embedding the Iron Python engine in a C# form application.

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President Nonlinear Ideas Inc.
United States United States
BS EE - 1993
MS EE - 1995
Went over to dark side of software - Officially in 1999, but I've been writing code since I was about 14 (on a Commodore 128).
Company Founded - 2002
Things I do - Write software, solve problems, get teams of people to work together, design architectures, mentor, spin, chop, collate, etc.
Interests: Software Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Video Games.