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Great Reads

by Maxim Kartavenkov
Articles describes how to create virtual video capture source directshow filter in pure C#
by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes how to make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter using NVIDIA encoder API in C#
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Another variant of the cross-platform replacement for all those office presentation applications in a single file, and now this file is JavaScript
by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article shows how easy to make various video effects using PixelShaders in Direct3D.

Latest Articles

by Maxim Kartavenkov
Make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter in C# using AMF SDK API from AMD
by V. Subhash
A simple fix for excessively bright video and low-volume audio
YouTube™ API for ASP.NET, AJAX-extended (C#)
by Peter Huber SG
Detailed article explaining how to make WPF display media files created by mobile phones properly

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13 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Articles describes how to create virtual video capture source directshow filter in pure C#
16 Jul 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes how to make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter using NVIDIA encoder API in C#
4 Sep 2023 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Another variant of the cross-platform replacement for all those office presentation applications in a single file, and now this file is JavaScript
20 Nov 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article shows how easy to make various video effects using PixelShaders in Direct3D.
7 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes basic task which are requre to solve for developing your own DirectShow Splitter filters.
10 Jul 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Articles describes how to make pure C# rendering video on VMR9 with custom allocator presenter over Direct3D in .NET
13 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes basic tasks for implementing your own File Source DirectShow filters.
21 Feb 2011 by Dylan Morley
If I understand correctly, you have an audio file with a singer over a backing track & you want to isolate either the singers voice or the backing track? You can't really do this to a high quality....even with professional applications such as Cubase or Logic, it's extremely difficult....
26 Oct 2012 by SoMad
This is called Video Conferencing, so when searching for information you should use that term.There are several parts to a project like this.1) Capturing raw video from camera and audio from microphone.2) Compressing the video and audio.3) Transmitting and receiving video and...
11 Sep 2014 by Matt T Heffron
The TimeSpan struct is your friend!Just create a new TimeSpan from the count in seconds, and use its .ToString(formatString) to format it:TimeSpan elapsed = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(elapsedTimeSecondsCounter);string elapsedFormatted = elapsed.ToString(@"m\:ss");
28 Aug 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Wrong question. First, video is not converted to audio (what it would even possibly mean?) It's just video files contain several streams, and some of them are video, and some are audio, and you can have some different kinds of streams (subtitles, for example). So, you can first extract some...
16 Feb 2016 by Andy South
We have established a goal to decide, what solution (as in a combination of software and services) among those we chose allows extending the audience of an event with minimum efforts.
22 Apr 2018 by Mukit, Ataul
Easy multiparty video conferencing in 4 steps
30 Oct 2012 by Pascal Ganaye
Very simple program for in-situ video compression.
8 Apr 2013 by Matthew Faithfull
When you say you have a bitmap I guess you have an RGB or BGR bitmap?To do a one off file conversion I would get a copy of IrfanView[^] . In fact I would get it anyway if you don't have it as it is the best tool I know for viewing not quite correctly formatted image data.If you are...
23 Mar 2016 by Sascha Lefèvre
It doesn't matter if it's a video or audio or any other sort of file or byte-array. The input for base64 is a byte-array and it doesn't care for the semantic content.There are several articles here on CodeProject presenting base64-encoding and -decoding, take a look: Search - CodeProject[^]
23 Feb 2021 by Bohdan Stupak
A simple snippet of how you can convert video in .NET Core
5 Nov 2023 by V. Subhash
A simple fix for excessively bright video and low-volume audio
24 Jan 2024 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Make H.264 Video Encoder DirectShow Filter in C# using AMF SDK API from AMD
10 Apr 2010 by Sandrino Di Mattia
Based on the scripts I recently used to download all the MIX presentations (, I created the following 2 scripts:SPC2010_Download.batSPC2010_Rename.batDownload the scripts: (3,15 kb)Download cURL:...
13 Jul 2010 by Member 3790038
Does anyone know how to detect if multiple monitors are running in cloned mode? Seems easy, huh? I thought so too, but I've been searching for weeks! I've tried EnumDisplayDevices which works on one machine, but not on another. The one it doesn't work on is a laptop with an extended cloned...
22 Feb 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I don't think you can do it — in general case with somewhat acceptable quality.I would be quite thankful is anyone proves me wrong, but will be extremely surprised it is possible.Just one notes: masters of scat singing can mimic an instrument amazingly well; even a human can hardly...
11 Mar 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I used[^],[^], source code available, the product is robust enough. Windows only. In principle you can use some of source code and P/Invoke to your C# application.Most likely, you would better use something like ffmpeg...
29 Mar 2011 by OriginalGriff
If all you want to do is read the video file and encrypt it, then just read it as a binary file, excrypt it, and write it back.If you want to encrypt individual frames so the the video shows as rubbish in a normal media player, then you have to extract each frame, encrypt it, and then...
1 Apr 2011 by Henry Minute
All files stored on a computer are binary. So I think that you might need to edit your question to make it clearer what it is that you want to do.
8 Jun 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Do you try to Google for it?There are million of code samples around.Just on CodeProject, first articles which caught my eye:C# \ VB.NET Camera Communication Libraries[^],Versatile WebCam C# library[^],WIA Scripting and .NET[^],WebCam Fast Image Capture Service using...
28 Jun 2011 by TheyCallMeMrJames
Size is the total size of the output. FPS is the Frames Per Second it converted at.Frame is the total frame count.Q is the variable bit rate quantizer gives a metric of some kind on the some of the compression details. You can likely be more concerned with the bitrate...
14 Sep 2011 by Amir Eshaq
This code demostrates how to use Silverlight 5 with OOB+elevated trust to play a local video (.avi). Uses P/Invoke support for native code
8 May 2012 by MR. AngelMendez
Hi, I recently discovered that there is a way for hackers to spy through your PC's video camera to spy on you. Usually I disconnect my portable camera when I'm on my desktop but for my laptop with a built in camera that's a different story. I want to try to create a anti spy application on...
15 May 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Try this:package Practice;import;import;import;import;public class Temp {public static void main(String[] args){ File file = new File("c:/"); byte[] b =...
10 Jul 2013 by Thanks7872
Refer to these linksLiquidVideo, Play Video Anywhere with VLC C# .NET VideoLan[^]Silverlight Video Player[^]Display Videos in ASP.NET 2.0[^]Display video in .net ( C# with )[^]FLV Flash video streaming with ASP.NET 2.0, IIS and HTTP handler[^]ASP.NET Media Player...
2 Aug 2013 by Hitesh K Gupta
I am working on a live streaming project. In that we need to show live scenes on local screens along with broadcasting. But for this, use of encoded stream is not a good choice as encoded stream has delay which can not be use as live feed. So I got an idea to create an archive file during...
11 Nov 2013 by SoMad
You don't mention the parameters you need to record at, specifically image resolution and frame rate. The higher you go on those settings, the more you will be taxing that poor Atom processor if you insist on doing the compression on the PC.I have worked on a product for many years where video...
26 Jan 2014 by Adi5555
i have to make a video stegnaography application in which i have to replace the embedded frames with the original ones so i need some help i have the embedded frames in an array of frame type.....thanks alot
21 Apr 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First of all, there is no such thing as just MP4. This is a class of compression algorithms for both audio and video, and that's not all: there is also such thing a the container format. I don't want to explain it all here; you may want to read about related topics on Wikipedia; and it would be...
1 Oct 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Read -Large file uploads in ASP.NET[^]
25 Feb 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
AForge.NET, will strongly recommend it. Step-by-step tutorials? They can be helpful, but how badly do you need them? If you really cannot leave without them, you probably should not go in for such a difficult topic as computer vision. I consider this factor negligible. More important some...
17 Apr 2016 by Shivprasad koirala
This article is the second part of Learn Sharepoint step by step and in this we will learn Sharepoint Apps, collection , List and permission management.
11 Jan 2017 by OriginalGriff
We do not condone, support, or assist in malicious activities in any way, form, or manner. This is a professional site for professional developers.They are preventing you recording the tutorial because that is their intellectual property, and they don't want it appearing on websites or YouTube...
3 Oct 2017 by Jochen Arndt
There is no method if the video has been send as attachment. All you can do is using some kind of Email tracking - Wikipedia[^]. If the mail contains a link to the video and it is stored on a server controlled by you, you can provide a personalised link and check the server logs for an access...
20 Aug 2018 by Jochen Arndt
Start by reading HWAccelIntro – FFmpeg[^]. For usage with the API check if an appropriate decoder is available and select that for decoding (requires that the library has been built with support for that decoder): // C/C++ example to use the DXVA2 decoder AVCodec* decoder =...
23 Sep 2023 by Peter Huber SG
Detailed article explaining how to make WPF display media files created by mobile phones properly
8 Mar 2024 by OriginalGriff
That's complicated, because the user can pause, fast forward, or rewind at any time, and you need to keep the subtitles in sync with the video or it will just get very confusing. Probably your best bet is to use the industry standard .SRT file -...
9 Mar 2024 by Andre Oosthuizen
Another solution will be to use the 'DispatcherTimer' control to sync your titles - C# DispatcherTimer properties[^] Your code will look like the following, adjust the 'SubtitleRecord' class and initialization parts based on your actual data in...
27 Jan 2010 by chevy914
I am developing a website in which users can upload videos.I am uploading them into a varbinary(max) datatype in sqlserver. This works great, and I can view the video from the stream using a generic handler I have written.My question is, how can I create a thumbnail for the video? I...
7 Jun 2010 by narmadha_s
This is Narmadha. Currently I am doing Video Capturing Project using Directshow. For this I Need Help for How to Save the video file in MPEG1,MPEG2,MOV,DV,WMV,AVI.Pls some body help me.Thanks in Advance.
18 Jun 2010 by Not Active
I don't see how this would be possible but you can search through the archive of newsletters here[^]
18 Jun 2010 by Henry Minute
In addition to Mark's suggestion, you might try asking your question in the Bugs and Suggestions Forum here[^]. This forum is more closely monitored by CP staff, who, Hamster feeding schedule permitting, might pass it on to the Insider compilers.
8 Jul 2010 by helianthus87
Try out OpenCV library which has very nice support for cameras and image processing at all and its for free ;)I'm not sure whats the web of this projectbut here's link to OpenCV wiki. You can find anything you need there.
4 Apr 2011 by MaulikDusara
use graphbuilder create a graph for that and add your device from external device
20 Apr 2011 by Groulien
Hello all,Whilst working on a project, a strange little idea popped into my mind.I want to play a media file (any format but without a gui), allow the user to pause/resume the video and add the option to extract that frame as a bitmap (instead of making a screenshot).I've found the...
27 Apr 2011 by Nish Nishant
You should ask in the VLC forums. A quick google search gave me this thread:[^]The suggested answer is to upgrade to a later version.
4 May 2011 by sathya.spidy
Hi friends, I have flv files in my website. i want to play the flv files in my website how it is possbile? if you know the solution please tell to me. i m using asp .net 2.0 with c#. is there any control for this or any script to design a player. Thanks,
10 May 2011 by Mikicar
Hi, we have demand from customer to make live video stream from web cam and at the same time that stream to be saved as a video file for later usage.Can someone suggest approach to solve this?Thanks
29 Jun 2011 by Steve Maier
IANAL, but there is nothing stopping anyone from charging for GPL software. GPL, does not mean free, it means that you can get the source code if asked for it. So if I was doing this type of a projects, I would have the source available somewhere and just go on. Now, you might also have to...
2 Aug 2011 by OriginalGriff
No. Since you seem to claim you had one 5 minutes before you posted this[^], I can only assume you are some kind of idiot.Voted: 1.
15 Oct 2011 by André Kraak
Have a look at this Developing a Video Chat Application with high quality video streaming[^].
24 Nov 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
From what I know, I would first look at open-source FFmpeg:[^],[^].Sorry, written in C, but you can use it in C++ project. :-)Another alternative is...
25 Jan 2012 by Tarakeshwar Reddy
It is your project and you would have to do it. If time is not enough, go to your prof and ask an extension of time. If you do not know the technology, I would suggest taking something simpler which you understand and implement. Taking a complex project will not help you get good grades. A...
26 Feb 2012 by BupeChombaDerrick
Trying checking out this article[^]But be specific, what you are trying to do is not even a well understood problem, so you must do most of the research yourself.
27 Mar 2012 by El_Codero
Hi,the MediaElement-Class in Silverlight is able to play H.264 Videos/Streams. AutoPlay="true" Name="h264_video" Source="" />Regards
7 Apr 2012 by neverworks
I'm very new to C#. I've looked at but their examples and documentation are for more than my novice understanding.I want to detect motion from a command line application without the need of extra forms. I would like to grab whatever the default video source is and monitor it for...
18 Apr 2012 by Nilesh Patil Kolhapur
Hi, in a Literal control will help u to play video and Audiojust drag it in your page and in aspx.cs pagewrite following code string myobj = ""; myobj += ""; myobj += "
27 Apr 2012 by bbirajdar
You must ensure that your web server supports the video format that you use. If you find that your video plays OK on your local computer, but doesn't play on your live web server, it's probably because the live web server isn't configured properly for your video format. You need to ensure your...
10 Oct 2012 by bbirajdar
Don't be lazy. Grow up. How long will you be dependent on others just to search on google ?I got this links in 10...
15 Oct 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I would recommend at open-source and multiplatform VideoLAN product:[^],[^].Don't be confused: even though most people use it with GUI as a player, it works as a multimedia streaming solution and a converter, and it can be done...
17 Oct 2012 by Malcom.Bn
Size and quality are usually on opposite sides, meaning that you can have one or the other. If you want to convert a video with relatively small size, you should keep in mind that this will probably be on the count of losing data.However, one of the best compressions that I can think of is...
30 Oct 2012 by ridoy
You not mentioned what type of application you need to embed it,here's some for you..[^][^]
30 Oct 2012 by Thomas Daniels
You don't need to use DirectX. You can add a Windows Media Player control[^].If you do that, you don't need to add a reference to the DirectX library.
11 Nov 2012 by Jaime Olivares
Here is one from CP: A Simple C# Wrapper for the AviFile Library[^]
4 Dec 2012 by Jaber_Marwan
As SoMad said, this is called Video Conferencing. We use a commercial SDK (which is leadtools) that helped us to do this in easy way, since we are not familiar with the DirectShow SDK. Since leadtools uses the DirectShow filters, it was easy to create our application. I know that there are...
2 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Most likely, you use some unsupported video format; or the video container file contains media using one or more of unsupported codecs. Please...
3 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Let me tell you that this is nasty. I would advise you to think and weight million times before you decide to introduce such a draconian limitation on your users. Think is your video is really that valuable that anyone would want to steal it. :-)Let me also tell you that, in principle, given...
8 Jan 2013 by Zoltán Zörgő
Such codec written purely in c# would be slow. I suggest you look for ffmpeg or mencoder wrapper on the net, or simply call one of these command line tools from your code.You could use these ones:sharpffmpeg/[^]FFLib[^]MencoderSharp[^]
20 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The idea is pretty bad, because of the conflict I described in my question. You cannot make distinction between a click for navigation and a click for video. Don't do it.But if you want, it would be as simple as that:
28 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see:[^].You will find some decent solutions.—SA
31 Mar 2013 by OriginalGriff
Is Google not working where you are?Because it is working fine here...Start with a boring Google: X264[^]Then Wiki: X264[^]Then narrow your search when you understand enough to know what you are looking for.And in future, please try to do at least basic research yourself, and not...
4 Jul 2013 by Nirav Prabtani
See this link...:)How can I record video using webcam in visual basic .net?[^]
10 Jul 2013 by Jerrell77
Hello, how do you play a video on a web page by selecting the video from the folder in my project with the video already uploaded?I am able to upload a video into my project folder but have no idea how to display it onto a ASP.NET web page.What is a suitable video player i can use to...
26 Aug 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First of all, "sequential order" makes no sense at all. This is just a matter of practical and tactical considerations. Besides, we have no idea on your current knowledge level and skills. You can do it all in parallel, in certain chunks, taking into account some dependencies. But learning those...
9 Oct 2013 by sandip1711
hi guys I’m new in broadcasting technologyI’m broadcasting using windows media encoder 9, what I want is while broadcasting when I use insert link option of windows media encoder 9 that time I want to change image path on broadcasting page but when I insert link(of image path) it is...
3 Nov 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I would say, this:[^],[^].The operation of stack vs. heap is quite obvious. If you need explanation, search for CodeProject answers. I answered similar questions good number of times and not giving you the references...
3 Nov 2013 by thatraja
Your question reminds me of this CP article, check it out.A Look under the hood of the .NET Framework[^]And here more than couple of ways to learn anything in Internet.Education Needed[^]
9 Feb 2014 by Mukit, Ataul
WebRTC based Event Video Broadcasting to connect with 1000 people without the need of any server
16 May 2014 by karthik Udhayakumar
Hello Keniks,There may be lot of reasons which may affect this,can try these basicallySolution1:1.Check with your client the version of the browser and does it support your video tagging.Solution 2:1.Check the security conditions in your client work environment.2.Check if...
9 Jul 2014 by Ambati Madhu
Actually i am doing a car parking automation system.for that i want to take input from camera and find out white pixels and dark pixels.Now based on those values i can calculate empty slots and allocate to requested users.I am done with every thing except taking input from camera and calculating...
10 Jul 2014 by Richard Deeming
Sounds like you're looking for oEmbed[^] - so long as the site supports an oEmbed API, you can pass it a link to a video and it will return the markup required to display that video.There's a jQuery wrapper[^] which will convert a list of links into embedded players:
2 Sep 2014 by aphex92
You need the QueryDisplayConfig function via user32.dll.The parameter pCurrentTopologyId determines whether multiple monitors run in cloned mode.See the DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID enumeration for interpretation.I found this subproject on GitHub: MultiMonitorHelperLine 86 in...
1 Oct 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I have a different idea which always worked well for me. Please see my past answer: how to convert image to video in C#[^].—SA
10 Dec 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I would suggest storing video in files and storing the only the file name and perhaps some part of metadata in the database. Of course you could store the video in the database, too, as blobs, but I don't see much sense in it.Now, I would not mess up with retrieving metadata from media files...
14 Dec 2014 by Thomas Daniels
There are a few problems:a) Your JavaScript runs before any of the elements has been loaded. Either put your script at the end of your body tag, or wrap it in the window.onload event like this:window.onload = function(e) { // your script here}b) The variable i is...
19 Jan 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Paulson George wrote:I'm still in the design phase of the project, so I'll go for WPF then. Could you please provide some reference if you are familiar with adding overlays to video in WPF apps?Sure. First, some introduction:In the past, I saw my colleague making some primitive frame to show...
7 Feb 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
This is the way:[^]. But as not all have HTML5 browser, you still need some fallback, so check this too:[^]
31 Mar 2015 by deepankarbhatnagar
Helping links for your query:[^][^]
5 Jun 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question, where I already tried to explain to you the essence of things. Due to the complicated character of the problem, I certainly cannot give you the whole solution; I only can tell you what to start with: you have to start with finding out what you are dealing...
28 Oct 2015 by Umar__Farooq
TryQuote:Calling this.Invalidate() will cause the Paint event to fire.Thank You
1 Apr 2016 by Rajesh Londhe
Hello,I had searched lot of sites and much more googling. I had found several tools like,Emgu CVNReco.videoconverter (dot net wrapper for ffmpeg)Dexter.libBut all this tools works fine on avi video only. None of this tools works on any other video file formats.Friends, it's...
9 Aug 2017 by RickZeeland
Here is a project using the ffmpeg library: FFMPEG Video Converter with Progressbar VB.NET[^] Here you can find how to use the ffmpeg zoom commands: Zoom video using ffmpeg commands - Super User[^] If you want a WPF solution, you can try WPF-MediaKit: GitHub - Sascha-L/WPF-MediaKit[^] But I...
3 Oct 2017 by OriginalGriff
No. There is no way at all. Once a file is sent, it's sent: and you cannot control or monitor what happens to it from that point: you can't even tell if the email has been viewed, or if so then if the video has been saved or opened. And video files (with one exception that I am aware of) cannot...
17 Oct 2017 by KarstenK
It is NOT only primarly the programming language determining but also the useable code base and at most libraries. In your case of streaming your really should know and take a deep dive into ffmpeg which is a proven and well aknowled library which handles RTP/RTSP and MPEG-2 and has also...