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Everything / Text-to-speech



Great Reads

by Thomas Daniels
This article explains speech recognition, speech to text, text to speech and speech synthesis in C#.
by Grasshopper.iics
Learn Text to Speech, Speech Recognition, Audio Recording and Audio Playback with the most simple Android Audio Tutorial
by Azim Zahir
This is an example of implementing Text to Speech and Speech to Text in an Android app

Latest Articles

by Azim Zahir
This is an example of implementing Text to Speech and Speech to Text in an Android app
by Thomas Daniels
This article explains speech recognition, speech to text, text to speech and speech synthesis in C#.
by Grasshopper.iics
Learn Text to Speech, Speech Recognition, Audio Recording and Audio Playback with the most simple Android Audio Tutorial

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25 Nov 2014 by MasterCodeon
Ok so now that i have gotten my program to speak something and the UI not freeze up (a big thanks to Marcin Kozub for that), I now need to know how to retrieve the text from a Wikipedia article.I have figured out how to do that(i just used a web browser control and got the...
13 Nov 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
There is no Screen Reader in .NET or in Visual C# langauge itself. The screen can be however accessed as a Graphics object in your application, and then you can use some sort of OCR or OMR service to read the characters from the graphics or image you save. I can give you an example of how to get...
25 Nov 2014 by Marcin Kozub
Hi,You don't need separate thread. All you need to call method:synth.SpeakAsync(...);Few...
25 Nov 2014 by Sheepings
You can try this quickly converted code to invoke a button which is C#if (WebBrowser.Url.ToString == "" && WebBrowser.Document.Body.InnerText.Contains("Wiki") == true) { if (WebBrowser.ReadyState == WebBrowserReadyState.Complete) {//Below we will set the textbox...
26 Nov 2014 by Marcin Kozub
Hi,I think that you can use Wikipedia API to get what you want.The link below will return a XML file with content of desired page:[^]Notice that the content in output XML...
4 Jun 2015 by blsn777
MaryTTS is an open-source, Text-to-Speech Synthesis platform written in Java:http://mary.dfki.deI try to implement an example from GitHub (3 line codes, please find as follows).Subject: Simple text-to-speech with default...
25 Jan 2017 by Jochen Arndt
A good starting point would be searching the net for this topic ("text to speech algorithm" and/or "text to speech synthesis"). An introduction can be found at Speech synthesis - Wikipedia[^].If you then still want to start such a challenging project, I suggest to buy some books about...
4 Jan 2013 by PRAKASH_N
I copied installed files of Tally7.2 from xp system to another laptop which is window7 os.But i am not able to open the software,it suddenly closing.please suggest me
4 Jan 2013 by Mehdi Gholam
Try installing the software from the original distribution instead of copying the files.
19 Feb 2013 by barbodsoft
hello thereI want to use google text to speech in my own web site but I dont know how I do. I search in Google Translate for code but those codes didn't help me.I don know php please help me by javascript , , html , jquery , ... Please help me.
19 Feb 2013 by ssd_coolguy
hey you can do it using vbscript in your project.just copy the below code in notepad and save it using .vbs extension and double click it Set Sapi = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") Sapi.speak "WelCome "You can use this in out project and pass parameter to...
19 Feb 2013 by barbodsoft
please someone help me.I need it very much.
19 Feb 2013 by ssd_coolguy
see the below html code which takes input from user to speak:-var VoiceObj = new ActiveXObject("Sapi.SpVoice");function SpeakText() {var tospeak = document.frmMain.txtDescription.value;VoiceObj.Speak( tospeak ...
20 Feb 2013 by barbodsoft
that code does not work. please help me. I need your help
7 Mar 2013 by kashmir11
Hii i m unable to load crystal crystalreport viewer control in
8 Mar 2013 by josh-jw
If you are using vs 2010,you need to install sap crystal report and change target freamework to .net framework 4.0 in project property.
11 Sep 2013 by ketan italiya
Following are some sdk that will help you this thread also
1 Nov 2013 by Emre Ataseven
I need an API for my c# windows form application, I tried Speech library of .Net but it sounds robotic and unrealistic, Can you suggest me free or cheap one?Kind Regards
14 Nov 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I cannot give you a final solution: good OCR is hard to find. Please see my past answers and follow my links, especially to the CodeProject articles: i need an ocr for a camera image capture[^].The solution depends on the difficulty of your problem. It's possible that even a simple solution...
24 Nov 2014 by MasterCodeon
Hello I have developed a program to speak the contents of a web page.Here is the code i do this with: public void SpeakSynthText(String TextToSpeak, bool SpeechRecognitionEnable) { #region SpeechSynth if (SpeechRecognitionEnable == true) ...
26 Nov 2014 by MasterCodeon
ok so here is the code i came up with from Marcin Kozub's solution var webClient = new WebClient(); var pageSourceCode = webClient.DownloadString("" + "Forza Horizon 2" +...
13 Dec 2014 by Me is Needer
Hello every one, i have done text to speech program of English language , but i want also make it for Arabic Language , but is there a tool of Reading Arabic Language or no ??i heard that there is which connect with Google !Can anyone help and guide me, please ?Thanks for advance
14 Dec 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Sure. Somewhere here:[^].—SA
10 Feb 2015 by Waqar Ahmad
I have managed to create Speech to Text app which takes the users input and then inserts it into a textbox.My next goal is to split the words spoken and insert that into the textbox. For example if the user says King Henry 2001 - the app extracts the first two characters of each word (KH)...
10 Feb 2015 by Peter Leow
Refer: Split Strings in java by words[^]
16 Jul 2015 by Abhishek Pant
C# Speech to Text[^]Google[^]
16 Jul 2015 by Dharmesh .S. Patil
There is very good articles available in it:1)Speech recognition, speech to text, text to speech, and speech synthesis in C#[^]2)C# Speech to Text[^]3)How to implement voice recognition in C# using speech-to-text[^]I hope this articles will help you :)
23 Sep 2015 by hypermellow
Hi,A good starting point for this type of application is SpeechSynthesizer Class[^], this provides access to speech engines.There is a small sample at the bottom of the above link, that should get you started.... hope it helps.
28 Nov 2015 by Member 12172789
Im quite new too but i will try to help you with it. First of all you need to import the classes from your importet lib. (which you can download at[^]. Btw. its the runtimepackage so you dont need the server...To set up your interface you need the...
3 Feb 2016 by chandrayog.2
Hi,I need to design and develop an accessible website for disabled people so that they can easily get the content of our company. Can you please suggest me required tools, technologies and any sample codebase to begin with. This should be on using .Net visual studio or Any other...
18 Sep 2016 by Eldon Elledge
1) Make sure you app is not a Windows Universal App. Make sure it is a standard Win Forms App.2) Look at the properties of ALL projects in your solution and note what .Net framework you are using.3) Check the .Net Framework you have installed on the Vista PC, and match projects in your...
18 Sep 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
Which version of the .NET Framework did you write your code against? Open your project in Visual Studio and open the Project Properties. You'll find this on the Application tab.If you're written your code against a .NET 4.x version, you'll have to install that version of the framework on the...
6 Nov 2017 by Member 10960567
Hello friends, i want to customize google text to speech engine to pause and resume where ever i want. I'm done with playing my text string to speech on button click and now i want to pause and resume the same. Thanks What I have tried: Here i have broken my string into lines baes on dot or...
6 Nov 2017 by David Crow
Such a pause method does not exist. Have you considered synthesizing the TTS output to a file, then you would use a MediaPlayer object to play, pause, and stop playing the file?
11 Sep 2018 by Member 10850253
I have a fragment a spinner, a textview and 3 buttons. I want to be able to reproduce the text in audio on button click, from my fragment, and even though I got rid of all the errors, I can't hear nything, when I click the buttons that should reproduce the text in audio. I also want to be able...
2 Jan 2023 by xXxRevolutionxXx
I am trying to create a simple text-to-speech application using C# and `System.Speech.Synthesis`. The issue is that I want this application to work with the Greek language. So what I attempted to do is this: SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer { Volume = 100, ...
6 Jun 2021 by john1990_1
Like "Angry" or "Happy" or "fearful", I remember I saw a program long ago with a multiline textbox and the ability to select some text and choose with what emotion to say the selected text, with ability of more than one emotion in each text. I...
6 Jun 2021 by Gerry Schmitz
string phrase = @""; phrase += @"3rd"; phrase += @""; phrase += @"
13 Mar 2022 by Cameron Grant 2021
I am trying to work out how to implement text to speech with java 11 and have written some classes in order to read a text ("Dracula") and then and option to speak the text. Classes: package draculatext; import; import...
13 Mar 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
The error message is telling you that the system cannot find the VoiceManager, which suggests that it is not aware of the location of the jar file(s). Make sure that the file's location is passed to the virtual machine by adding it as follows: ...
2 Jan 2023 by Member 15882701
I had the a similar issue where a string was read perfectly but an concatenated string read from a file was spelled out. The issue here was Character Encoding. Forcing the file to be read as Unicode in stead of UTF8 fixed the issue for me. So...
8 Dec 2015 by Thomas Daniels
This article explains speech recognition, speech to text, text to speech and speech synthesis in C#.
5 Oct 2014 by Grasshopper.iics
Learn Text to Speech, Speech Recognition, Audio Recording and Audio Playback with the most simple Android Audio Tutorial
12 May 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see the comments to the question.Reading PDF is covered in this short CodeProject article: Converting PDF to Text in C#[^].And here is how to use text-to-speech in .NET:[^].That's all.—SA
31 Aug 2018 by Azim Zahir
This is an example of implementing Text to Speech and Speech to Text in an Android app
1 Nov 2013 by Ron Beyer
There are some alternative free voices out there that work with Microsoft TTS (Google Search[^]). There are also paid ones that are very, very good, and sound very natural. The problem really isn't with the engine, its the cheap voice they use.
11 Sep 2013 by pradip2609
ReferText to Speech[^]
20 Nov 2012 by Krunal Rohit
int lines = RichTextBox1.Lines.Length; // count linesint chars = RichTextBox1.Text.Length; //count characters
18 Sep 2016 by john1990_1
I made this it works on Windows 7 and up only, how to make it work on earlier versions of Windows?What I have tried:I think there's another way to use, my source code is in my website.
11 Sep 2013 by TheUltimateDebugger
check this articleSpeech recognition, speech to text, text to speech, and speech synthesis in C#[^]
24 Nov 2014 by john1990_1
SP.Speak("Hello world!", SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak | SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFlagsAsync);
19 Feb 2013 by Chintan Dalwadi
TAPI 3.0 Application development using C#.NET[^]
19 Jun 2013 by Chintan Dalwadi
TAPI 3.0 Application development using C#.NET[^] IVR applications based on Voicent Gateway (C# Sample Interface)
11 Sep 2013 by Member 10266660
Hi i am developing a course training application in which i need to convert displayed text to audio.therefore i need to know how can i do this what options do i have ?Thanks.
13 Nov 2014 by Member 11120869
I want to add screen reader in my c# app. The screen reader should read whatever(pdf, word,txt,or website page, etc.) appears on the screen. I tried searching it but didn't got any proper solution. Please help.
20 May 2015 by Maheswaran_S[^]
16 Jul 2015 by Coder1999
Hello. Is there a way to convert my speech to text? I already know how to do text to speech but it would be great if I could just speak and the computer automatically turned my speech into text on the screen. For the moment I just want it to turn my speech into text in a Message Box in Visual...
13 Feb 2017 by john1990_1
I usedSpeechSynthesizer Class (System.Speech.Synthesis)
20 Nov 2012 by saeed.zarei
Hi guys.I want to use statuse bar in bottom of multiline text box.But i dont know How can i count the line and line's characters that the cursor is overthere. and when i move the cursor the line and line's character should be changed. look like statuse bar in visual studio.Please help...
19 Feb 2013 by Chintan Dalwadi
I want to develope application using C#, Tapi for IVR using modem D-link
19 Nov 2013 by srinivaspitla66
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Speech;using System.Speech.Synthesis;namespace ConvertTextToMp3{ public...
12 May 2014 by Member 10451449
Hello every body , i have made program which convert .txt files from text to speech , but i want to improve it to allow it to read pdf files and convert it to speech(voice) , my question , Can i do it?? help me how, please??
14 Nov 2014 by Member 11120869
Hello I am using visual studio 2010 and developing c# application in which I want to read the characters or say text and speak it through speech synthesis. I tried searching a lot for OCR but not getting proper solution.Please help. I also...
14 Nov 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This is the same question[^] you've had asked yesterday (or day before) and I have already posted an answer for reading the characters from an image. You need to use an OCR (Optical Character Recognition; recognizer) to read the characters from an image. That is a sample project[^] I have...
24 Nov 2014 by john1990_1
I have the one of Google:
17 Jul 2015 by Dharmesh .S. Patil
Try this One Convert audio file to text:-Using System.Speechpublic class MyRecognizer { public string ReadAudio() { SpeechRecognitionEngine sre = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(); Grammar gr = new DictationGrammar(); sre.LoadGrammar(gr); ...
23 Sep 2015 by Coder1999
Hello. I am trying to create a narration app whereby I highlight some text on a webpage or word document and it reads it out when i press a button.This is how i would like it to work.If I highlight some text on Wikipedia then I press the narrate button. I want it to speak all the...
13 Feb 2017 by john1990_1
After a Windows update my program:TextToSPeechForWindowsShows an error when running:See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.************** Exception Text...