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by Uzi Granot
The PDF417 barcode decoder class library allows you to extract PDF417 barcode information from image files. The library is written in C# for the .NET framework. The two demo projects allows you to explore the library and read PDF417 barcodes.

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by Uzi Granot
The PDF417 barcode decoder class library allows you to extract PDF417 barcode information from image files. The library is written in C# for the .NET framework. The two demo projects allows you to explore the library and read PDF417 barcodes.

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2 May 2019 by Uzi Granot
The PDF417 barcode decoder class library allows you to extract PDF417 barcode information from image files. The library is written in C# for the .NET framework. The two demo projects allows you to explore the library and read PDF417 barcodes.
11 Jan 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
You are trying to use logical operators on characters which is not allowed. Secondly you are trying to turn a number into a character which again is not valid. Please read Operators and Expressions - Visual Basic | Microsoft Docs[^].
14 Jul 2023 by Graeme_Grant
There is a button on that page that you posted a link to that says Learn More. Here is the page that it goes to : JSON Web Token Introduction -[^]. IT explains in detail what is, what it is for, and more. Looking at your question history,...
21 Jan 2021 by Member 14368876
I have an image with multiple barcodes inside the picture box. I have no idea how to select the specific barcode area and decode it. I had done the high light function but after I high light the barcode it will show me some error like "'Crop Rectangle is larger than the input image". I have...
29 Jul 2020 by sreeCoderMan
How do Handle Non Byte order Mark UTF-8 text file handles japanese language with MSWord conversion HI i have a Text file which has a japanese character て how can i handle this japanese character with MSWord Conversion. What I have tried: ...
29 Jul 2020 by Garth J Lancaster
Depending on how the character is represented by byte(s) in the file (which my question was trying to ascertain), you could try 1) Creating a new, empty Word doc 2) reading the text file as a byte-stream 3) add the byte-stream from (2) to/as a...
15 Aug 2020 by Patrice T
Quote: Can someone please help me decode a flashing morse code to text? You forgot to tell the kind of help you want, you also forgot to show what you have done or stated any specific problem. Do not expect us to just do the job for free and let...
15 Aug 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
The web page you posted the link to above contains all the tools you need.
11 Sep 2020 by Sharma Dilip
I have a PCAP file having the encoded video data. I am using TCPReplay to broadcast this PCAP data to my server. In my server I have written a QT UDP socket program to receive these packets. I am able to receive these packets successfully in my...
11 Sep 2020 by KarstenK
You should contact the folks of tcpreplay. Normally you have some decoding functions which are doing the jobs. Best is to search for some sample code.
11 Jan 2021 by OriginalGriff
To add to what Richard says: Even if it worked, AND is a bad idea from an encryption point of view. If you AND two one bit values: A-> 0 1 B | 0 0 0 V 1 0 1 You only have two results: zero and one. And three of them are zero, so you have no...
1 May 2021 by Chopin2001
The code below converts the binary to a base64 image and displays it exactly on the canvas. However, I don't want to use base64 for two reasons. First, I know that base64 increases the size. For features that use a lot, this doesn't seem like a...
30 Apr 2021 by Jon McKee
Something like this should work: let binary = Buffer.from(data); //or Buffer.from(data, 'binary') let imgData = new Blob(binary.buffer, { type: 'application/octet-binary' }); let link = URL.createObjectURL(imgData); let img = new Image();...
1 May 2021 by Chopin2001
//node.js var imageBuffer = new Buffer.alloc(data.size); var fd = fs.openSync('/file.dat', 'r'); fs.readSync(fd, imageBuffer, 0, size, address); let binary = Buffer.from(imageBuffer, 'binary'); fs.close(fd, function(){}); //in javascript...
15 Mar 2022 by OriginalGriff
We can't help you - we have no idea what data you expect to find in there, so we can't even begin to work it out. To me, that looks like a proprietary data file - so the content could be anything and will depend on whet the app that produced it...
29 Mar 2022 by jake_jane
It sends actually all bytes and files successfully. The problem is when it is received on the server-side. It receives the whole data byte but It is not receiving the whole packet data. Help me, please Here is my code. What I have tried: Sender...
29 Mar 2022 by Greg Utas
If you're writing code at this level, you need to debug it yourself. It's very unlikely that anyone here will do it for you. Even if they wanted to, they'd first have to create the parts of your code that are missing, like socket allocation. If...
27 Nov 2022 by MR-XAN777
Good day to everyone:) I have a small python script. I need to edit some parts of it but I can not doing it now because it is not editable. how can I open this script in editable mode? I tried to contact the developer but can not find him/her. I...
11 Jan 2021 by Hemil Gandhi
Dim num5 As Integer = CInt((c And "ÿ"c)) Operator 'And' is not defined for the types 'Char' and 'Char' Dim num7 As Integer = CInt((c >> 8)) Operator '>>' is not defined for types 'Char' and 'Integer'. array2(num4) = CUShort((CInt(b2)
14 Jul 2023 by G Schulz