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by ASP.NET Community
Recently I have come across a situation where I need to customize the UI of jQuery UI autocomplete plugin. For reference I am adding the plugin
by wliao
Implementing an auto completion feature with Redis, NodeJS and jQuery
by maftahur
See the power of Infragistics Ignite UI, how easy it is to configure controls for lots of functionality with very few lines of code.
by ASP.NET Community
Jquery Autocomplete Combo with Scrollable ResultsWhoever is in search of a basic business class combo box with autocomplete option might feel

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by gggustafson
Autocomplete, or word completion, is a feature in which an application predicts the rest of a word a user is typing. This article describes a lightweight implementation.
by wliao
Implementing an auto completion feature with Redis, NodeJS and jQuery
by Vinh Nguyễn Toàn
How to make a combobox with search and suggest list
by ASP.NET Community
Jquery Autocomplete Combo with Scrollable ResultsWhoever is in search of a basic business class combo box with autocomplete option might feel

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11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Recently I have come across a situation where I need to customize the UI of jQuery UI autocomplete plugin. For reference I am adding the plugin
17 Dec 2014 by wliao
Implementing an auto completion feature with Redis, NodeJS and jQuery
6 May 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I wonder what is the real requirement: 1) to provide a choice in a UI from thousands of records, or 2) use exactly autocomplete to assist such choice.If the "requirement" you faced is #1, this is just a bad "requirement". If it is #2, it is completely idiotic "requirement". The autocomplete...
22 Jul 2012 by Raghunatha_Reddy_S
Try thisJQuery + ASP.NET auto complete without web service[^]AJAX WAS Here - Part 3 : Auto Complete TextBox
22 Jul 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Asp .Net Ajax AutoComplete Textbox with DatabaseTextBox AutoComplete with ASP.NET and jQuery UICreating a Simple Auto-Complete TextBox Autocomplete Textbox Control[^]AutoComplete TextBox[^]Create an AutoComplete TextBox Control in C#[^]AutoComplete TextBox in C#[^]If needed, look...
29 Jul 2012 by om3n
Dear All,sorry for my english, I'm newbie in .Net programming I am using vb. net 2010 framework 4. I want to make the autocomplete textbox but get error message "AccessViolationException". provisions:2 pieces that use autocomplete textbox, textbox each data retrieved from a database...
29 Jul 2012 by Trak4Net
There are issues with changing the AutoCompleteSource on the fly. I am assuming your secondary code is happening as the user is typing i.e. TextChanged event.I have heard that setting the AutoCompleteSource to AutoCompleteSource.None prior to re-assigning the new source should solve the...
4 Oct 2012 by rohitpg
Hello ,I am unable to load a Datagridview combobox column on a Keypress event. When the user enters a character , I'll fetch all the entries starting from that character (From the Database). During the same event i need to Suggest append all the list items. It works only when i move out of...
28 Oct 2012 by Unsy
Hi GuysI'm trying to find a way to use some kind of autocomplete on a textbox in a view that is bound to a model. @Html.TextBoxFor(model => @Model.CaseContact.Company)I have found plenty of articles that point jQuery at a textbox control, but nothing on a bound MVC control.I...
11 Dec 2012 by Marine2512
Here is the code I use. This works for me.You can do more than one column by just adding more If-statements. I have several in my DGV that change depending on the previous ones so it is pretty flexible. private void dgvCheckEntry_EditingControlShowing(Object sender,...
1 Feb 2013 by akee seth
Hi all,I have an jquery autocomplete and which select membername with their id. I am getting the selected member id when select event is called like below://For autocomplete extender generating members $(function () { $('.tags').autocomplete({ //make ajax...
3 May 2013 by OriginalGriff
The simplest way would be to use a text file, where each drug is on a single line:MethotrexateMannitolAllopurinolAspirinVitamin AVitamin CVitamin DVitamin EAmoxicillinMercaptopurineDiclofenacYou could then load them all into an array using File.ReadAllLines:Dim drugs() As...
3 May 2013 by Kschuler
If you are going to use linq to find the drugs that start with a certain set of characters, then you do not NEED to have a string array hold the names in the first place. Just pull them right from the datatable. If you need help with that, I suggest reading LINQ Introduction Part 1 Of 3[^]....
13 May 2013 by Yuriy Loginov
Your service method signature does not match the one that the control expects. This is what your method signature should look like.[System.Web.Services.WebMethod][System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethod]public string[] GetCompletionList(string prefixText, int count) { ... }more...
21 Sep 2013 by maftahur
See the power of Infragistics Ignite UI, how easy it is to configure controls for lots of functionality with very few lines of code.
2 Sep 2014 by Member 10996886
ummm ..........................................................................................
30 Jul 2015 by wmdroshan
Hi,Have you tried to return just results instead;Regards,Roshan
27 Aug 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
Okay, given you are new to forum, I looked. Article in discussion seems to be: Fast Colored TextBox for Syntax Highlighting[^] There are samples for it. Sample usage of autocomplete: public partial class AutocompleteSample : Form { ...
20 Jun 2012 by Murthy_RDV
Hi all,I have an page which contains multiple textboxes created at runtime.Now i want to add an autocomplete Extender for those runtime textboxes, i have google it many times but not get any relevant idea. Suggestions are required.Thanks in advanceIgnore EnglishMurthy
20 Jun 2012 by pradiprenushe
Add autocomplete Extenderat runtime where you adding textbox & set appropriate ID.Refer these links:
20 Jun 2012 by Martin Arapovic
Hi,Try this code sample...protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ if (!Page.IsPostBack) { for(int i = 0; i
20 Jun 2012 by Murthy_RDV
Hi,To get auto complete extender for dynamic textboxes at runtime. This is the code can help you. First create a webservice, along with web methods to get data from database and write the following code in page load event//Example shows 10 textboxesProtected void Page_Load(object...
25 Jun 2012 by Karthik. A
Why do you have so many instances of jquery ui ?
9 Jul 2012 by MinamiTiaki
I can use this code to get and set the contents in normal IE window: SHDocVw.ShellWindowsClass shellWindows = new SHDocVw.ShellWindowsClass(); foreach (SHDocVw.InternetExplorer MyIE in shellWindows) { //workflow }But, if...
22 Jul 2012 by Vani Kulkarni
Have a look at below answer in CP:Auto complete Textbox in using ajax and c#[^]
22 Jul 2012 by raju melveetilpurayil
Ajax AutoComplete in ASP.NET[^]check this too, might help you.
23 Jul 2012 by OriginalGriff
To be honest, that probably isn't a job for someone at your experience level, judging from the tone of the question. Some bits are relatively simple (Sending mouse clicks to other applications for example), but others are a lot more complex: reading the other application display, and locating...
14 Aug 2012 by Christian Graus
I suggest changing things back and testing until it works again, then you'll know for sure. Is the AJAX method called ? Is it rendered properly in the browser ?
17 Aug 2012 by Harry Proudy
Hi,I've been searching for an answer for my question everywhere. But I couldn't find a satisfactory answer yet. Now here's my problem.I have a datagridview in C# which is unbound to any data source. I want to let the user to enter data in one of the columns. What I need to do is to...
18 Aug 2012 by Ank_ush
Try This:-You can use 2 events one is Datagridview CellBeginEdit event and other is DataGirdView Keypress event. KeyPress event is better for you because it is raised when any Character is enetered in cell, but DatagridView CellBeginEdit event is raised when the cursor enters the cell in...
17 Sep 2012 by Per_hn
I have a Textbox with an AutoCompleteExtender attached to it and it works fine. I have made the over layer that shows the autocomplete result with a fixed size and added an overflow:auto so it gives me a scrollbar when the list i too long for the over layer. When I try to use the scrollbar it...
7 Oct 2012 by rohitpg
Finally got what i wanted.Here is the Working Code in VB.netAdd a Datagridview with the first column as DatagridviewComboboxColumnPaste the code and then Type 'a' to get all the list items in SuggestAppend format.Public class Form1Dim ComboMedType As ComboBoxPrivate Sub...
22 Oct 2012 by Mac12334
Hi allI am trying to do autocomplete in a textbox using knockout jsI Googled this one and found some good link and tried to implement that one.I tried this Link This is showing errorUncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGALMy Code
12 Dec 2012 by Yaseer Arafat
I am trying to create JQuery AutoComplete,where source object will be get from database.I have using JQuery $Ajax and ASP.NET WebService.I have checked in firebug console it returns JSON object but I cant get JavaScript Object from that.My WebService Function [WebMethod] ...
12 Dec 2012 by Adam R Harris
Change:return { ID: item.ID, Name: item.Name };To:return { value: item.ID, label: item.Name };
13 Dec 2012 by Yaseer Arafat
WebService/// /// Get Client's assinged Stuff and Admin. /// /// Client ID /// JSON object string. [WebMethod] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json,...
1 Feb 2013 by Niral Soni
replace keypress with change event
22 Feb 2013 by Haseeb4328
Dear Reader,Following is my web service: [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService()] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(false)] public class...
22 Feb 2013 by Richard C Bishop
Mistake, disregard this solution.
22 Feb 2013 by Avik Ghosh22
6 Mar 2013 by Member 3963470
Hi, I have this script var autocomplete = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder2_txtbuscar'); var options = { //types: ['(cities)'], componentRestrictions: { country: 'es' } }; autocomplete = new...
14 Mar 2013 by PraveenGajawada
DNN 6.0 and VS2008 AjaxControl Tool kit 3.5I am trying to add ASP.NET AutoCompleteExtender to a text box in one of my modules in DNN.As far as I know the AutoCompleteExtender works only through a webservice.I've added a webservice, but I can not get the AutoCompleteExtender to work,...
29 Mar 2013 by Manpreet Bhamra
How to add autocomplete menu in C# html editor project ?Does .NET framework provides such control or i have to create auto complete component manually ?Thnx in advance.
11 May 2013 by manbazhagan
iam new to vs 2010. i have an webservice that is working fine when invoked. but when it is used in the autocomplete ajax control in it is not responding. i know there needs to be changes made in the web.config file which i dont know.need to know what iam missing. these are the steps...
13 May 2013 by manbazhagan
Thank you. it works now. had actually copied the webservice; used in vs 2005; that was working. Thanks again.
3 Jun 2013 by Rinshad Hameed
I am having a textbox with ajax autocomplete extenderI'm extending TextBox with Ajax AutoComplete Extender and populating it with the help of WebService.My requirement is that instead of a dropdown suggestion I should get a GridView like structure with multiple columns with headers. I am...
3 Jun 2013 by Zafar Sultan
You can not do that with AJAX AutoCompleteExtender. You will have to use jQuery and JSON for that. Here[^] is a good example of it. It has _renderItem event that is used to customize the HTML of the list. To see how it's used click on "view source" link below the example. Hope it helps.
23 Aug 2013 by bhawin parkeria
i have a code to impletement autocomplete in javascript which is leanthy but simple to understandhtml: ...
23 Aug 2013 by Sandeep Singh Shekhawat
Please try following JavaScript code var array = new Array(); array.push("heena"); array.push("bhawin"); array.push("aruna"); array.push("mahesh"); array.push("anshul"); array.push("jagruti"); ...
4 Sep 2013 by Member 8566049
Hi guys,I am trying to set the ContextKey of an AutoComplete extender by Javascript but the control cannot be found. I am using .Net 4.0 and the AutoCompleteExtender resides inside an Accordion Control.I have tried to using 1) $find('autorextenderID').set_contextKey2)...
20 Sep 2013 by Mukesh Rebari
Knockout Handler//jqAuto -- main binding (should contain additional options to pass to autocomplete)//jqAutoSource -- the array to populate with choices (needs to be an observableArray)//jqAutoQuery -- function to return choices//jqAutoValue -- where to write the selected...
23 Sep 2013 by Member 10284036
Hi,I tried partly successful to implement the AutoComplete sample ( using mysql as database - that means I succeeded to get a table of streetnames, but myTextBox did not show the items - error...
26 Sep 2013 by shyam0302
in my web page i use auto completion for Medicine text box.when user enter value which is not in the listed item it will enter to database and added to List.Medicine list for different for different user say doctype1,doctype2 . when two type of doctor login to the system and when doctype2 ...
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Jquery Autocomplete Combo with Scrollable ResultsWhoever is in search of a basic business class combo box with autocomplete option might feel
28 Dec 2013 by naveen pallela
Hi,In my auto complete textbox i am trying to load more than 40000 of records so it was late when iam used jquery thing i am do is read from static data for example i keep all the 40000 records in an array i will get from among them by passing prefix could any me in that...
28 Dec 2013 by Aydin Homay
Dear Naveen First of all I assume your 40000 records is a First Name or Last Name or any list of data and you want search in this list and return a some records. I suggest to you use Dictionary data structure it is really impotent because, Data structure is a important part of huge data....
29 Dec 2013 by aravindnass
heyy.. I am using autocomplete in my project , autocomplete text is coming ,but its value does is my code in view: $(document).ready(function () { var searchtext = $("#txtStockName"); searchtext.autocomplete({ source:...
2 Jan 2014 by Mukesh More
Hello Guys, I have create one Autocomplete Text box for Countries like I need to add second autocomplete text box for States. So when we select Country, then States will populated by ajax on second Autocomplete Text...
2 Jan 2014 by Naz_Firdouse
useful link countrystateusingautocompleteextender/[^]
7 Jan 2014 by picnic4u
I am using below code to show the list in AutoComplete.Dim gridTextBox As TextBox = DirectCast(e.Control, TextBox)gridTextBox.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.NormalgridTextBox.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppendgridTextBox.AutoCompleteSource =...
26 Jan 2014 by Member 9066404
Hello sir/madamI am designing my own Email System like Gmail. In this I want to use word prediction technique in Compose mail TextBox.I mean when Someone type something in compose mail textbox ,it should automatically retrieve values from database.That's fine,, With PHYSICAL...
6 Mar 2014 by Winky Zhang
Hi,everyoneIm new to ues jQueryUIAnd Now I have some problem with the autocomplete plugin.It cannot trigger neither the open event or focus events.I dont know why. Maby there are some thing wrong with my code.Here is my code:/* autocompleteLocal */function...
10 Mar 2014 by Md.Ashraf Ali
I am using JQuery autocomplete to search from textbox.I am able to search the data but i need to get the ID of related search Value.I am getting the last value of search Item....Suppose search the item with a letter......example....AshrafAmarAnkiti got the Id of last Item value...
19 Mar 2014 by Member 10685162
Hi , I use php editor jetstorm brain. How do I insert createjs or easejs plugin in to my editor, so the editor can provide autocomplete from createjs or easejs library. What should I do? Thanks
9 May 2014 by AZAD CHOUHAN
I am trying to generate dynamic html textboxes in my aspx page and on these textboxes i want to add the value using autocomplete facility. I try my best to do so. I try almost every single question's answer of stackoverflow. But nothing is working here my script which generate new textbox...
9 May 2014 by Sanket Saxena
check the link:jquery-autocomplete-for-dynamically-generated-textboxesHope it helps :)
11 May 2014 by J. Chatterjee
I'm trying to get ajax autocomplete extender work through the code behind, and trying to match the pattern from a database. but it doesn't work. Kindly please tell me what mistake I'm making.. Thank you.. :)
11 May 2014 by DamithSL
//return type should be a array [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethod][System.Web.Services.WebMethod]public static string[] SearchCustomers(string prefixText, int count){ using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString =...
28 May 2014 by FoxRoot
Hello everyone,today is my off day, so I wanted to spend some time on jquery ui. First I used the ready functions. Now I am trying this in a project that I'm already developing.Simply, there is a textbox that is used to search.My DDataControllerDDataBLL _data = new DDataBLL();...
15 Jun 2014 by sona..V
I have a textbox with autocomplete feature. And a button which populates autocomplete on button click. but I am uable to select any value from autocomplete.Here is my code for autocomplete function. function pageLoad(sender, args) { $(function...
15 Jun 2014 by Manoj B. Kalla
Dear Sona..V,As I understand your problemHerewith I am submitting solution link.Try this . .[^]Let me know if you have any further query.Please, go through...
23 Jul 2014 by Member 10915623
Hey guys, I am currently implementing an autocomplete feature without using a webservice, and have put my ServiceMethod attribute in the autocomplete extender as GetProviders.Here's how the GetProviders method looks like in the xxx.aspx.cs:public static string[] GetProviders(string...
1 Aug 2014 by Sanchita Podder
My code is like below-$("#project").autocomplete({ minLength: 0, URL: ../../, }, select: function (event, ui) { $("#project").val(ui.item.label); $("#project-id").val(ui.item.value); $("#project-description").html(ui.item.desc); ...
12 Aug 2014 by dhage.prashant01
Hi friends, Is there any way to highlight matched text in kendo autocomplete? I have checked the configuration of autocomplete, there is highlightFirst which highlight only first entry. I want all entries with the text to be highlighted.Thanks in advance
26 Aug 2014 by Member 10440553
Hello,I have been trying to make my autocomplete work for the past few days.I managed to find an article regarding this ( and I have followed all the steps shown but still it is not working.I am trying to get the autocomplete...
30 Oct 2014 by vn12
Hello,m creating an android application in which i have a Autocompletetextview .when i search any item in Autocompletetextview i m getting item list..My query is after clicking on the item from Autocompletetextview i it should move to next activity opening a new page..can anybody tell...
30 Oct 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
See the documentation[^] for the different events that can be caught by your handlers.
30 Oct 2014 by Peter Leow
So you have finally decided to use AutoCompleteTextView[^]To answer this question, see the following sample code, this is an extension from my answer to your earlier question:1. From the activity that contains the AutoCompleteTextView to pick up the found item and navigate to a new activity...
18 Nov 2014 by Sinisa Hajnal
I have a WebMethod static function that gets called from autocomplete textbox.There is something in my project that prevents the page method from returning JSON. I've checked the code, it works if I open new clean project.The project is .NET 3.5, the control is not within update...
29 Nov 2014 by nina4ever
dear all,i've created a JQuery UI Autocomplete in which the source is an array of label-value pairs.i need to set the default selected item. i found a way to do that using the desired label,but how can i do that if i have the VALUE instead of the LABEL?code for setting default value...
26 Nov 2014 by nina4ever
dear all, i am using JQuery-UI Autocomplete on the page. beneath the autocomplete, there is a DropDownList.when browsed on IE6 , and when i write inside the input field of the autocomplete, the suggestions menu opens successfully, but it gets rendered behind the DDL...i added this...
26 Nov 2014 by Sinisa Hajnal
Try with ui-autocomplete{position : relative; z-index: 100 !important;}ui-autocomplete-input class is added to the textbox, autocomplete-ui is the class of element bound to itTry this:Big frame solution[^]I didn't try the link, it seems old question in SO.If this...
27 Nov 2014 by nina4ever
dear all,in my (.aspx) page i have a JQueryUI autocomplete control, and a DropDownList under it. using IE6 :when i type in the autocomplete textbox, the suggestions list opens, but it gets rendered behind the DDL.i tried to use bgiframe plugin to solve the issue, but it's giving an...
8 Dec 2014 by nina4ever
since the source of my autocomplete is an array that contains all label-value pairs, and since i keep that array in a global variable, i just did the following:searched THAT array for the given value and returned the corresponding label, then used that label to initialize the autocomplete...
10 Feb 2015 by nina4ever
dear all,i am using JQuery UI v1.11.0 my autocomplete is working fine, except this case :when i click on a menu item, "select" event is never fired, unless i click exactly on the text within the item.. only then the item is clicked, and "select" is firedhere is my code for...
20 Feb 2015 by vatsaldesai
i have jquery which process or worked when we select item after it search item.function SearchText() {$("#txtsearchcourse").autocomplete({ source: function (request, response) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", ...
13 Apr 2015 by DontWasteMyTime
i think you can do it behind the code like this first make your field or colum into item template and make those item into textbox then after that on textchange (*note you must put AutoPostBack="true") you can use the code below im not into C# but i think you can convert it get the value and...
13 Apr 2015 by anand vemuri
//Try here[^]
26 Apr 2015 by M.FarrukhFaizy
I am making Spellchecker project for my course project i am half way done with it now i am trying to use autocompletion method for my typing words ..i have seen some examples for auto completion method for string of array.For suppose when i typed "he" the auto completion should show words...
26 Apr 2015 by anand vemuri
try here[^]
6 May 2015 by Chandrakant Kumawat
Hi,I am having an issue with jquery autocomplete where the requirement is to pull a list of thousands records from database and to render on autocomplete dropdown list. I have bind data load on keydown event, and when i type any character with a time interval of 1 sec or less than it...
28 May 2015 by nischalinn
I am trying to do autocomplete textbox using LINQ. I am trying to change this module to LINQ. But I can not understand from where to start. private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ textBox1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; textBox1.AutoCompleteSource =...
29 May 2015 by CHill60
I think this is what you are after.Note my use of using blocks to avoid having to dispose of the connection and adapter. I've also removed unnecessary variables.I've also changed the getData to actually return the AutoCompleteStringCollection to simplify the code even further.public...
22 Jun 2015 by esb77
I have a simple user control, just combined label and textbox inside of div with rounded corners. What should I do to make browsers to remember previously typed textbox's values. I couldn't make AutoCompleteType property working. Here is the control:
22 Jun 2015 by Abhinav S
AutoComplete is a browser setting. It is controlled by the user.To turn these settings on, try How do I enable Autofill in my browser?[^].You can turn this setting off for individual text boxes by using the autoComplete attribute.E.g. textbox1.Attributes.Add("autocomplete", "off");
22 Jul 2015 by abhay kumar Kushwaha
Hi,I have one table in sql having a column "searchtags" it contains search tags of a product. Now this column can have multiple search tags for a product . say there is product in a row having id P001 it has many tags like #goodcar #carfrom_honda #used_2-years #selling-in-low-price...
23 Jul 2015 by CHill60
You haven't made it clear whether you want the auto-complete to contain just the search tags for P001 or all possible search tags. However the principle would be the same ... you need to split the column into the separate tags - e.g. into a temporary table and then return the results from that...
23 Jul 2015 by Member 11858278
In my code i use angular (material) autocomplete and i need to get data from external php file.HTML: