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Visual Studio 2010


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by Szymon Roslowski
Just another approach to understanding communication between HID devices and C#.
by Dmitri Nеstеruk
Let's create a simple project estimation DSL using F#!
by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of a cross-platform HTML5 application for Windows Phone and iPhone.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Display names and descriptions for enumeration members: a non-intrusive, reliable, localizeable method.

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by Elmue
An easy to use 3D control which can be integrated into an application in a few minutes
by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
How to download files from an HTTP server.
by David MacDermot
This article describes the creation of a non-MFC custom PropertyGrid control.
by Paulo Zemek
A tutorial explaining how to create a Virtual Machine and a Compiler for such virtual machine

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Visual Studio 2010 

2 Sep 2013 by Szymon Roslowski
Just another approach to understanding communication between HID devices and C#.
28 Jul 2014 by lusgon
Uploading a file using WCF REST API and JavaScript
19 Feb 2016 by pasztorpisti
An advice to make your DLL interface more attractive and easier-to-maintain even in cross-platform projects
16 Feb 2011 by jim lahey
Or you could just pop over to:[^]Use the exhaustive samples they provide and not hard code your connection strings by using a standard .NET configuration file:[^]
24 Jun 2015 by Nadun Liyanage
This tip describes creating a user control to display a drop down calculator that pops out like the DateTimePicker in Visual Studio
26 Aug 2012 by Wendelius
The tip shows one way to resolve if a user control is in design mode.
23 Aug 2013 by BlackMirrh
Sequence Alignment using Needleman Wunsch algorithm in C#
15 Nov 2014 by Member 3531622
Create a Rules Engine in less than 50 lines of code which is extremely powerful, extensible and adaptable
26 Feb 2015 by Shridhar Gowda
This tip will explain how to sort a table / GridView on an ASP.NET or MVC(AngularJs) application. I am demonstrating both client side and server side sorting. I am sure you will have a great knowledge on this topic after reading it.
2 Sep 2014 by DiponRoy
Let’s see how to make a simple model or Entity mapper using reflections in C#
11 Nov 2011 by lewax00
Unless I'm misunderstanding something, you can just go to properties for the project, Settings tab, and click "This project does not contain a default settings file. Click here to create one.".
13 Nov 2012 by maximaximum
The article describes how to draw a grid of vertical and horizontal lines in WPF.
9 Jul 2012 by Christian Amado
In this tutorial, we will discuss on ProgressBar & Background worker. Follow the step-by-step tutorial to know how to use these clases.
31 Oct 2013 by Debopam Pal
How to bring data from Entity model to Excel file using LINQ.
13 Sep 2014 by koolprasad2003
This tip gives you an idea about how to create Word table using C# (Word automation)
4 Sep 2015 by Igor Sorokin
In this article I would like to describe simple WPF application for showing System.Windows.SystemColors list.
9 Aug 2015 by Clifford Nelson
This tip provides an alternate way to combine data with text in a WPF control using a ValueConverter that could be considered easier.
27 May 2014 by Matus Kovacik
This component allows to overlay grid with colored blocks spanning across multiple columns.
20 Nov 2010 by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Open the Folder of current file with a simple keystroke
20 Nov 2011 by Bernhard Hiller
That's far too obscure.All you need to do is store a reference to the TabPage instance which was removed from the TabPages collection of the TabControl. You may use the form where the TabControl is placed for that purpose.You could also create your own TabControl which has an extra property...
12 Nov 2012 by Severin Friede
This article should help you building log4cxx with Visual Studio 2010
29 May 2014 by Randy Kroeger
Created a POC that dynamically builds a predicate using Expression and Reflection.
10 Oct 2014 by Gerardo Recinto
Virtualization of RAM & Disk for high-speed, low-footprint & scalable data caching
9 Jan 2015 by Er. Puneet Goel
This tip implements the TreeView like DropDownList with Search Functionality using Telerik Kendo.
28 Mar 2015 by Alaa Ben Fatma
Surf your PictureBox using scrolling bars
23 Oct 2015 by Ph. Jounin
A C-replacement for MessageBox
14 Feb 2014 by BenScharbach
How-To Convert a String Collection to a Multi-Enum item using TryParse
11 Jun 2014 by DiponRoy
Custom Seed Serializer for Entity Framework Code First C#
26 Jun 2014 by zdf
A solution for conversion of a non-undoable application to an undoable one.
25 Jul 2014 by Kishor Deshpande
Methods which facilitate the conversion from string to value type
30 Jul 2014 by DiponRoy
How to handle database scheme changes with normal SQL scripts, without migration in Entity Framework code first
28 Jul 2014 by sajjad kardani moghadam
Octa Tree is a 3D space partitioning algorithm
17 Sep 2014 by BlueMaple_chief
To make a simple auto updater demo, I use webclient 'interfaces' to download the file and monitor the progress.
11 Nov 2014 by D Sarthi Maheshwari
A suggested solution to create serializable Partition based ConcurrentDictionary (reducing chances of OOM errors, reduced memory consumption and adding capability to hold bigger KVP set in Dictionary).
27 Jan 2015 by HiDensity
Class providing methods to count up a string using a definable character set.
4 Feb 2015 by Richard Roe
Example to show how to update an ASP.NET GridView control using Ajax JQuery client side script
9 Oct 2016 by Jatinath
This tip will help developers to generate DrillDown chart using HighChart and ASP.NET
9 Nov 2015 by veen_rp
A simple, step by step tutorial to set up an MS-Office Excel Ribbon, launch your own .NET applications from Excel and interact with the spreadsheet values.
12 Apr 2016 by Shao Voon Wong
This tip presents a custom RTTI class which is 10x faster than dynamic_cast
7 Jun 2012 by Mario Majčica
A well justified practice for mapping TFS collections on your local PC.
5 Dec 2012 by Eranda Ketawalage
Suppress field in Crystal Reports.
21 Feb 2013 by mimtiyaz
Insert and bind records from a dropdownlist using AJAX UpdatePanel
11 Oct 2013 by heemanshubhalla
How to use Masked Textbox control in .NET
1 Apr 2014 by sbarnes
Sometimes better isn't, necessarily
20 Jun 2014 by Jochen Scharr
C# CountryInfo class, LanguageInfo class and CurrencyInfo class, derived from CultureInfo respectively RegionInfo for a more intuitive and compile-safe handling of countries, languages and currencies
4 Aug 2014 by Matus Kovacik
Single class encapsulating UDP IP multicasting functionality and exposing it via observer pattern.
10 Nov 2014 by Valentino_Lokesh
Migrations enabled in Class Library (Data Access Layer) and the same is referenced to MVC ProjectNo need to maintain the Data Access and Model classes in the MVC Project. We can have separate Class library for Model and Data Access and have migrations enabled in Data Access where DbContext resides.
26 Nov 2014 by SergVoloshyn
Main program for testing modem or GSM phones by AT commands, use only standard classes and libraries.
24 Jan 2016 by David Vanson
How to make a video converter that shows the conversion progress to the user using ffmpeg
3 Jan 2016 by shouvith hydrose Kerala
This tip will explain how to convert English language to Arabic language in Windows Forms C#.
12 Aug 2019 by Member 13092868
This tool helps you create a label with given degrees of view angle. Also helps you estimate REAL label height and width by providing you linear correction functions to apply to inaccurate MeasureString values
17 Feb 2011 by dontumindit
While dealing with databases, sometimes there is a need to get a list of tables in the application
3 Mar 2011 by crocks256
The ConnectionStringBuilder classes in .NET can be quite handy...[^].
13 Aug 2012 by Dustin Halstead
Hark back to the days of text based adventure games, and simple PC, speaker sound.
23 May 2013 by Pavlo Iarovyi
Visual Studio extension to change Visual Studio "hidden" option for project loading to reduce loading time for big solutions.
23 May 2013 by Pavlo Iarovyi
Visual Studio extension to change "hidden" option for project loading to optimize loading big solutions.
25 Mar 2014 by sbarnes
Rewriting and restoring XML files (streams) with two helper classes
5 Aug 2014 by saurav ray
Article determines how to bind a crystal report with a virtual database
28 Nov 2014 by ehab_nour
Processing SAP generated Excel file as a report to get some information
22 Aug 2014 by brpulsani
How to create folders using data from Excel file
23 Oct 2014 by BrokenEvent
.NET WinForms Tray icon implemenation with Win7 and Vista features: GUID identification, large custom icons, custom UI instead of the hint, etc.
30 Oct 2014 by Jems_007
The tip is for those who getting application hang/freeze issue in web browser control.
26 Jan 2015 by Frank T. Clark
A simple class for abbreviating integers with SI suffixes common in computer use.
4 Feb 2015 by Cinchoo
Simple and easy to associate file types to an application
6 Mar 2015 by Ankur .K. Vishwakarma
Calling server-side code from client-side using JavaScript and TextBox's onblur event
9 Jun 2015 by 0xC0000054
A C# library that resolves 64-bit shortcuts from a 32-bit application
28 Jan 2019 by Roger65
Selected Font name, Point Size and Weight are displayed
19 Apr 2010 by TheyCallMeMrJames
If you create smaller projects, plug-ins, libraries or, perhaps, you are a web developer that likes to keep the latest JavaScript libraries in the mix, consider updating your project templates in Visual Studio 2010.Here's how you might update the jQuery libraries to the latest for an ASP.NET...
19 Apr 2010 by TheyCallMeMrJames
Windows 7 introduced Pinning and Jump lists, two features that, when combined, let you get at your most recent projects quickly.Visual Studio 2010 is also smart enough to differentiate between files, projects and solutions, only displaying the bigger-picture items in the jump lists.To...
30 Aug 2011 by ILa @ work
This nice trick extends into://*/block 1/*/block 2; // commented out/*/block 3;/*/block 4; // commented out//*/and removing the first slash gives inverted alternation:/*/block 1; // commented out/*/block 2;/*/block 3; // commented out/*/block...
28 Mar 2012 by RedDk
Visual Studio 2010 Help: "Add to Favorites" users alert -> copy & paste FIX for broken link of "Favorite"
27 Aug 2013 by Måns Tånneryd
This tip shows how to significantly speed up inserts of large amounts of data using the entity framework.
2 Apr 2012 by Fabrizio Stellato
Simply search data in file
3 May 2012 by igorvelho
VS2010 AddIn that allows to create a solution adding multiple projects at same time
10 Jul 2012 by Jean Paul V.A
Deploying a Workflow as a WSP file.
14 Dec 2012 by Rumman92
An application which allows user to create the encrypted message and then emails it to the desired person.
4 Apr 2013 by psychohamster
This article will show you how to use the Sizable CheckBox control I have designed.
19 Apr 2013 by indianDEV
Re-sizing images to equalize the width & height
28 Mar 2013 by dgDavidGreene
Helper utility replaces magic string property names.
19 Jun 2014 by KarstenK
Using the Wincrypto in the Windows SDK
26 Sep 2014 by Sreedhar Puligundla
Creating custom control for gridview paging and page navigation
2 Dec 2014 by charles922
Simple Polynomial Addition and Subtraction using Lambda Expressions for sorting Lists
6 Dec 2014 by Valentino_Lokesh
This tip explains how to POST different kinds of data (string, XML, JSON or bytes) to a Single WCF REST Operation.
3 Jan 2015 by Rajesh Buddaraju
A simple tool which is useful to calculate our day to day work hours
28 Feb 2016 by Er. Puneet Goel
When you are dealing with Date&Time input from user, it's always complicated to handle the Date&Time format. You are not sure about how you will handle the user input format. So, here is the solution.
14 Feb 2016 by Jigar_Patel
Amazon S3 lib for uploading file in C++ using VS2010
19 Apr 2010 by TheyCallMeMrJames
When developing ASP.NET web sites you're likely going to have multiple deployment targets. I develop on the integrated web server, but I deploy to a staging server for QA and then to prep for publishing I post the to a network URL.Take a moment to set up and save Publishing Profiles and...
23 Apr 2010 by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Unlike previous version of Visual Studio (2005, 2008), which used to display inactive code block in grayed mode, the new version - VS 2010 - would display them in faded down color (core colors will be preserved).For example:#ifdef _DEBUGvoid CClass::AssertValid(){ ASSERT(this); ...
6 Feb 2011 by ely_bob
Installing Windows Identity Framework