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Java SE 6


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by Andy Point
Android Alert Dialog Tutorial : Working with Time Picker, Date Picker and List Dialogs In this tutorial we will discuss how to use dialogs and alerts in Android Apps. A Dialog is a small popup shown to the user to get some additional information from the user or ask him to make some decision. Alert
by Corinna John
Fun with code and yarn
by Fadi Hania
This is a J2ME beginner article that describes how to add different J2ME components to your application especially StringItems and Commands.
by Jitendra_Jain04
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty profile is a flexible and dynamic server profile of WAS which enables the WAS server to deploy only required custom features instead of deploying a big set of available JEE components.

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by Vladimir Kolmanovitch
The article allows extracting java.lang.reflect.Method using anonymous class or lambda
by Corinna John
Fun with code and yarn
by Tung.Nguyen.2k
How to implement B-Tree's searching, insertion and deletion in Java
by Paulo Uechi
Uechi APM Web is an APM (Application Performance Management) Open Source Server Performance Monitor written and developed in Java and C # for all Linux and Windows platforms. The Uechi.APM.Web offers a complete resource for unlimited monitoring servers in real time. Have full control of the CPU cons

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Java SE 6 

31 Jul 2013 by Zeff Portal
20 Dec 2014 by Md Wahiduzzaman khan
It's finally time to jump into the wonderful world of memory management and Garbage collection.
17 Nov 2013 by Javin Paul
Memory Mapped IO is one of the fastest IO options available for Java program. If you are writing latency sensitive application, where IO can skew your numbers, then using MemoryMappedByteBuffer is a good option.
15 Oct 2015 by Andy Feng
Create a simple Http Server using Java SDK and process GET/POST requests
25 Mar 2014 by john0609
This tip will provide the basics and one place use of reflection in Java.
25 Dec 2009 by sean_vn
The fast Walsh Hadamard transform (WHT) is done using patterns of addition and subtractions.That means it is extremely fast and also the central limit theorem applies. If you transform an array of random numbers the output numbers will have a Gaussian distribution (aka the Normal...