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9 May 2016 by S.Krishnamoorthi
In my web application i have an option to export "jqxgrid" data to ".CSV" format.It is working as expected in Chrome & Firefox browsers. But, if, I tried the export option in 'Safari' browser it is opening it is in another tab, instead of download it as a separate file.Is it possible to...
31 Oct 2016 by Richard Deeming
Try something like this:TableTree node = _Entity.TableTree.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == _RemoveArgs.Id);if (node != null){ var nodesToRemove = new List(); nodesToRemove.Add(node); var children = _Entity.TableTree.Where(c => c.ParentId ==...
13 Nov 2014 by Sibeesh KV
Hi All,I am working on JQX Grid , But when I try exporting as excel from the grid, I am getting error as "The server closed the connection without sending any data" . I know it is not the problem with the JQX. The problem is it happens only if I am exporting large number of data (let us say...
18 Aug 2016 by ejazwaquif
Hi!,Try declaring the obj as global,Like - var obj;function bindgetstatecategorystatus(source, data) { ... rendertoolbar: function (toolbar) { alert(data); obj = data; alert(obj); ...
21 Oct 2016 by Ali Majed HA
HelloI have 2 tables named "User" and "Letter". each User can have many letters, so the relationship is "one to many". I want when a User login, see all letters that he/she have received in the jqxGrid. So I need Json format for my resources data to fill jqxGrid. I have wrote the codes...
31 Oct 2016 by Ali Majed HA
HelloI have a tree :Id Title ParentId1 A 02 B 13 C 24 D 3How can I remove all children on removing "A" using Entity framework and jqxTree?What I have tried:TableTree _TT = _Entity.TableTree.where(c => c.Id ==...
12 Jul 2018 by Ali Majed HA
HelloI have a table in SQL Data Base named "Groups". with fields :Id Title ParentId the values are shown in jqxTree correctly, but I need to when user clicks on a Product to Update it, jqxTree select the current node for the Group of that product so the user can change it or...
6 Nov 2016 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
According to the documentation[^] it should be$('#jqxTree').jqxTree('selectItem', element);where element is the LI tag...
12 Jul 2018 by natuan8687
Solution Please note that my sample code is using ASP.NET Core tag helper of jQWidgets. But it totally works on native Javascript/jQuery. 1. View (Index.cshtml) @model IEnumerable
21 Oct 2016 by Nathan Minier
How this will work depends entirely on your Entity Framework approach.If this is your database, and you're using Code First, the very best thing that you can do is define Navigation properties on your model classses. For instance:public class Users{ ... public virtual...
2 Feb 2016 by Member 12253249
I need to add custom icons on the headers of accordions which should toggle on expand collapse. I have not used jquery css. how do i go about it? .ui-accordion-header-active div { background-image:url('image path'); } .ui-corner-all div { ...