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by thatraja
Error Message:Crystal Report - Load Report FailedThis error occurs in the following scenarios.Permission issueThe application must have access to the Temp folder. You have two choices to solve this (Choose any one).How to Assign Permissions for the Windows Temporary Folder on the Web...
by Saineshwar Bageri
Resolving issue of Font Displaying Box or Junk while exporting Crystal report
by Eranda Ketawalage
Suppress field in Crystal Reports.
by JasonDove
Mixed page orientation formatting in Crystal Reports

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by Moheeb U.
Tips for developing a Crystal report which will be exported to Excel
How to change the DBservername ,DBName ,password,Userid etc of a crystal report at runtime
by Mohammed Owais
Generating barcode labels in C# with the help of Crystal Reports for printing.
by Saineshwar Bageri
Resolving issue of Font Displaying Box or Junk while exporting Crystal report

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8 Dec 2011 by thatraja
Error Message:Crystal Report - Load Report FailedThis error occurs in the following scenarios.Permission issueThe application must have access to the Temp folder. You have two choices to solve this (Choose any one).How to Assign Permissions for the Windows Temporary Folder on the Web...
24 May 2011 by Wonde Tadesse
Here are the steps how can make a "horizontal in crystal report" which is called LandScape layout.1. Open your Crystal Report file in Visual Studio Design Mode.2. Right click on the report body.3. Select Design menu.4. In Design sub menu, select Printer Setup5. It will show Print...
29 Jan 2012 by Wonde Tadesse
Basically it's not only you need to bind the command but you need to associate events as well. For example Executed="CloseCommandHandler" CanExecute="CanExecuteHandler"/>// Create the CommandBinding.CommandBinding CloseCommandBinding = new...
25 Mar 2014 by Saineshwar Bageri
Resolving issue of Font Displaying Box or Junk while exporting Crystal report
5 Aug 2010 by gmacleod
28 Mar 2012 by Dipak V Nakum
Please try with this code numbervar RmVal:=0; numbervar Amt:=0; numbervar pAmt:=0; stringvar InWords :="Rupees ";Amt := type your value ; // 25,12,000if Amt > 10000000 then RmVal := truncate(Amt/10000000); if Amt = 10000000 then RmVal := 1; if RmVal = 1 then ...
19 Apr 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Did you try: File -> Summary Info -> TitleJust in case you want to edit it programmatically: SummaryInfo.ReportTitle Property[^]
1 Apr 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You did show where the exception with the message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" is thrown, but you did not provide all the detail. Fortunately, the authors of other answers were able to point it out. But you cannot ask this question every time it happens, need, to learn...
3 Dec 2011 by Wonde Tadesse
Take a look at the following youtube tutorials.1. How to create a C# ASP.NET Crystal Report (Part 1)[^]2. How to create a C# ASP.NET Crystal Report (Part 2)[^]
3 Dec 2011 by Wonde Tadesse
Take a look at this article.Dynamic Crystal Reports from C# Application[^]
9 Mar 2012 by thatraja
Straight to the pointCreating Crystal Reports using C# with Datasets[^]VB.NET Crystal Reports Without Database[^]
9 Oct 2012 by ruban1990
Add "useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy" to the project "app.config" file as below. Regards,Ruban V.
19 Sep 2013 by Maciej Los
Here is an example:SET DATEFORMAT dmy;--create temporary tableCREATE TABLE #purchases (PurID INT IDENTITY(1,1), ProviderId INT, Date DATETIME, Amount DECIMAL(8,2))--insert dataINSERT INTO #purchases (ProviderId, Date, Amount)SELECT 1, '01/01/2013', 1200UNION ALL SELECT 1,...
22 Nov 2011 by jasonHall
Here's the scenario: Windows Server 2003 SP2Hosting ASP.NET web application Framework 4.0 that uses Crystal reports Viewer to render Crystal Reports Version=13.0.2000.0Yes, I have installed Crystal Reports Runtime Engine for .NET Framework 4 (32-bit)I can see that all of my...
16 Jan 2011 by thatraja
Do you mean dynamic path instead of hard-code path? If yes then store the reports files in application directory & call by the below way.If it's web applicationreport.Load(Server.MapPath("Report1.rpt"));else it's windows applicationreport.Load(Application.StartupPath + "Report1.rpt");
30 Jan 2011 by Dwi Prawira
Is there any way to export crystal report that has a non standard font to PDF files. When i try to convert, crystal report give error "Operation not Implemented Yet". i know this is caused by non standard font. but i really need the non standard font, since it is a barcode font(Code 128 AB Tall...
11 Jul 2011 by Prerak Patel
Dynamic Crystal Report with C#[^][^]
13 Oct 2011 by shashi.infinite
Formula="Rs. "+ ToWords ({@calculate_TotalAmtwithChrges},0) + " and " +ToWords ((Round({@calculate_TotalAmtwithChrges},2) - Int({@calculate_TotalAmtwithChrges})) * 100, 0) + " Paise only"
3 Nov 2011 by Tejas Vaishnav
Here i find this solution for My Question mentioned as above...Here i have declare one Function that will set my database information at run setDbInfo is the function for seting db info this function will called after loding report to report document and before assining to...
24 Jan 2012 by thatraja
Looks like you need to install the crystal report run-time frameworksCheck this threadCrystal Report Crashes on Launch[^]Here check this bunchCrystal Reports Runtime Packages[^]My most frequently used Crystal Reports SDKs support links[^]How to Crystal Report Merge Module[^]How...
16 May 2012 by Wendelius
Crystal should support the DateDiff function so you could try to set up the formula likeDateDiff ("h", {Time_in}, {Time_out})
25 Jun 2012 by SoMad
If you Google your keywords you will get a whole lot of links. I believe these will help you accomplish your task:Dynamically display images in crystal report from database in[^]Save And Retrieve Images With SQL Server[^]Retrieve & display image from sql database in...
5 Dec 2012 by Eranda Ketawalage
Suppress field in Crystal Reports.
12 Aug 2013 by Volynsky Alex
Please read following article below:[^]and it:[^]Regards,Alex.
6 Oct 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is because you did not write a single line putting any content in print document. Please read carefully:[^].Please see the code sample at the end of this article. It shows how to handle the event...
19 Dec 2013 by Ron Beyer
360 degrees is a complete circle, so 0 (no rotation) and 360 degrees (full rotation) are exactly the same. There should be 3 rotation options, 90, 180, and 270, 0 and 360 are just text without rotation.
22 Jan 2014 by Pavan_N
I hope you figured how to show or render a crystal report. But to print it on server side i guess you are trying for. you need the following codeusing (Impersonation imp = new Impersonation(impersonationUsername, impersonationDomain, impersonationPWD)){ if...
2 Dec 2014 by Ravi Bhavnani
I think what you simply want to do is: TimeSpan ts1 = TimeSpan.FromHours (12.34); TimeSpan ts2 = TimeSpan.FromHours (56.78); TimeSpan sum = ts1 + ts2; Console.WriteLine ("Total timespan = {0}hrs which is {1}hrs and {2}mins", sum.TotalHours, sum.Hours,...
12 Oct 2015 by emrah kasal
Still If you have a problem with this issue:1. Open the the page that the empty report renders from your browser. Find console errors using dev. tool of your browser (f12) 2. You will see that some of the scripts and css related with crystal reports does not exists under the correct...
26 Jun 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
ash_lookin4u wrote: I have a formula filed '@DebitAmount' ,I want to calculate the 'sumIts already a formula field. Why not have a SUM inside that very formula? Whats the issue in it... i guess that is do-able!
15 Sep 2010 by Kafil A. Shah
After databind you can Set SeparatePages property to false of CrystalReportViewer control.crvDetail.DataBind();crvDetail.SeparatePages = false;this will hide prev./next button from the toolbar and page header of the report apears first time only.
3 Nov 2010 by Simon_Whale
use Crystal reports but the data source would be a dataset that you pass to it.have a look at this example[^]
12 Nov 2010 by thatraja
This one by using Crystal reportConvert Currency to Words (Indian Format) in Crystal Reports[^]
10 Dec 2010 by thatraja
You can disable that by using the below propertyCrystalReportViewerBase.EnableParameterPrompt Property[^]Also take a look at this one toohow to assign values for parameter fields at run time[^][Edit]
9 Jan 2011 by thatraja
OP wrote:1. How to filter records on the base of date [dd/mm/yyyy] range? The report will get two DATE parameters "fromDate" & "toDate". Can you please tell how to make this formula?Try this C# Crystal Reports - Date to Date [^]OP wrote:2. How to filter records on the base of time [mm:hh]...
11 Jan 2011 by Anupama Roy
Convert your rpt to csv & then read the csv from C#.Check this link[^]You can convert csv to a dataset too & then make use of the columns.If you are able to do it this way,post it as a Tip/Trick in...
16 Jan 2011 by Аslam Iqbal
Have a look at this article Dynamic Crystal Report with C#[^]or try thisStep by Step Creation of Crystal Report using its features Group, Graph, Cross-Tab and Sub report.[^]
19 Feb 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
This would only happen if you have defined the length of table in your designer. If so, you cannot avoid it. Make sure you are not fixing the length of table or giving table heights to two page by default. Let the data and viewer drive the length by themselves instead of you driving it via designer.
28 Feb 2011 by thatraja
Check the file pathHere you goInvalid report file path[^]Also look at this nice article tooAutomatically Printing Crystal Reports in ASP.NET[^]EDIT----------------------------------------Actually for windows applications you should use Application.StartupPath or something...
5 Apr 2011 by thatraja
Here you goLimiting the number of records to be displayed in Crystal Report[^]
22 May 2011 by ambarishtv
this link may help you.. :)example 1[^]example 2[^]example 3[^]Image in Crystal Reports[^]How to dynamically load images in Crystal Reports using Visual Studio 2005[^]
5 Jun 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
To start with, there is no such thing as Hindi font or English font! It's all Unicode, and there are fonts supporting some sub-sets of code points, scripts. There is even no such script as Hindi, there is Devanagari script ([^]) which is used in a number...
10 Jun 2011 by Prerak Patel
Is this crystal reports is used only in windows application?-- No, you can use it with windows and web both.How important this crystal reports.-- Reports are definitely important, but crystal reports is just a tool to generate the reports. You can consider other options as well.If a...
15 Jul 2011 by thatraja
This error occurs when your parameters not matched in both reports & coding. May be your parameter name is wrong. So verify the parameters & parameter names are same in report & your coding.Crystal Report Viewer Error in ASP.Net 2005[^]
11 Aug 2011 by J.Karthick
hi,I have developed an Web Application using VS2008 trial version(not licensed product) and use the Crystal Report(version 10.5) which is available on VS2008 by default.All works fine till now....My problem is about, what original license to purchase for going on live ?Am i need to...
21 Oct 2011 by raj ch
HOPE THIS ONE WILL HELP UHow to Pass Parameters to Crystal Reports at Runtime[^]
19 Nov 2011 by Tareq Newaz Shahriar
It's possible to show crystal report without crystal reports viewer. there have some other formats to show the report e.g. pdf, ms word etc.Behind a button click event or any page load event use the code below to show crystal report on browser's pdf plug in.Moreover, the print button of...
30 Nov 2011 by thatraja
Store the data in database & then generate the report from database.For your informationVB.NET Crystal Reports for Beginners[^]Sample report Building an Invoice Application with ASP.NET and Crystal Reports[^]
8 Dec 2011 by thatraja
Already answered similar question(s), check thisLoad Report Failed in Crystal Report[^]Load Report Failed[^]EDITCrystal Reports: Fix for "Load report failed" error.[^]
21 Dec 2011 by Wendelius
Check that the subreport isn't expecting any parameters that are not supplied or are incorrect and if it is linked, check that the links are defined correctly (and possibly formulas return correct results)
21 Dec 2011 by thatraja
Agree with Mika. And verify the database in your report(Make sure your links are valid, if any error then fix it.). FYIC# Crystal Reports - sub reports[^]C# Crystal Reports - on demand sub reports[^]
11 Jan 2012 by Dalek Dave
This thread may help[^]
17 Jan 2012 by thatraja
If it's a web applicationreport.Load(Server.MapPath("Report1.rpt"));//C#report.Load(Server.MapPath("Report1.rpt"))'VB.NETelse if it's a windows applicationreport.Load(Application.StartupPath + "Report1.rpt");//C#report.Load(Application.StartupPath & "Report1.rpt")'VB.NETBTW for...
25 Jan 2012 by Kschuler
I finally figured it out. Turns out a couple of my reports still worked after the conversion from crystal 2008 to 2010. I finally realized that those reports were ones that did not have logos on them. It appears that Crystal Reports 2010 does not like the TIF file format, even though I was...
27 Jan 2012 by Kanasz Robert
Hi,try to check following link:[^]RegardsRobert
27 Jan 2012 by thatraja
You have to set logon parameters at run time, check thisC# Crystal Reports Dynamic Logon parameters[^]
8 Feb 2012 by Elegantly Wasted
Rahul Dhoble - Nope this is not the solution for my prob :go through this link : the data to be loaded is more so at the first time its shows a blank page, and at the second refresh it show the report .
9 Feb 2012 by Ramanujam Shankar
hi Karthick,Write the formula for capturing balance value.Using Crystal report designer,1. select Field Explorer window from Insert Menu --> Field Object2. Click "Formula Fields" Tree node from field explorer window.3. Right click, popup menu will open and select "New" menu.4. It...
23 May 2012 by armm1388
HiWhen I use of crystal report (sap 13) and .netframework 4 in my application(c#-VS2010) I will be faces with this error :Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Common\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI...
14 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Sounds like you want help in changing the database connection at runtime. If so, look at this if it helps: Dynamic Database Connection in Crystal Report 13...?[^]In case you are seeking on how to change in a static crystal report at the time of deployment, look at this: Step by Step Tips -...
14 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Look at this: Invoke a custom method when Crystal Report Viewers’ print button is clicked / Add custom button to Crystal Report Viewer Toolbar[^]
25 Jun 2012 by Azhar Iqbal SE
I add two keys in registry and my problem solvedHKCR\Software\Business Objects\Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\Export\PDF\ForceLargerFontsType: DWORDRecognized Values: 0,1Default Value: 1Creation Method: manualHKLM\Software\Business Objects\Suite 11.5\Crystal...
8 Jul 2012 by vangapally Naveen Kumar
See Below Link You may get some idea[^]and about the exceptionFirst things to check are: 1) Architecture (x86, x64) 2)Crystal Runtime VersionTypeInitializationException occurs when a static...
7 Aug 2012 by JasonDove
Mixed page orientation formatting in Crystal Reports
20 Aug 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
You may get some help from following similar threads, have a look:Crystal Reports - Suppress a Page Header if the page has 0 records[^]Crystal Reports - Hide page header if there in no record on a page[^]..and more similar here[^]
28 Aug 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
SubReport In Crystal Reports[^]Adding a Subreport to the Original Report[^]and more here[^]
10 Sep 2012 by VIPR@T
Hi,Please See the below link. It shows you how to create crystal report. It might be help you.[^]Generate a Report using Crystal Reports in Visual Studio...
24 Sep 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's a really bad idea to try to control a printer directly, especially with CrystallReports. You should think in terms of a document, and always try to print the whole document. If a user wants to print just part of the document, that user can choose to do it at the level of the print dialog,...
13 Oct 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Try: myCrystalReprot.SetDatabaseLogon("myUsername", "myPassword");Further, see if these help: C# Crystal Reports Dynamic Logon parameters [^]Crystal Reports asks for Username and Password while loading[^]Troubleshooting Database Login Errors using Crystal Reports with .NET[^]Topic:...
6 Jan 2013 by Sheikh Muhammad Haris
Variables can be passed as parameters in Crystal Reports, not as query stringTry this, ...
20 Jan 2013 by kanjolia gopal
HI,Please refer this link:Crystal report not showing data when click on export/ print options in asp.netThanks
10 Apr 2013 by CHill60
Note that this is only possible if your printer is duplex capable.Here is the info on setting duplex printing using the PrinterSettings class[^]Note that PrinterSettings are also available when using...
4 May 2013 by Raj Parashar
Just make sure to add this in your app.config file. and then it should work.
7 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Hope it can help you:[^].—SA
20 May 2013 by Basmeh Awad
you have taged so many which language you are going to is an example in VB.Net[^]
3 Jul 2013 by VikashGohil
If you are using the default dialog for exporting, i think it will not be possible,However you can check the events that are generated in the Crystal Reports code behind file to check whether any event is fired at the time of exporting the report.If this is not there, then instead of...
8 Jul 2013 by woopsydoozy
I hit that at some point, too. Crystal Reports formulas evidently operate with 1-based arrays instead of 0, so the problem's in your loop. Try:For i := 1 To 10 Do( Source=Replace(Source,Find[i],ReplaceWith[i]););
12 Aug 2013 by Marc Gabrie
Hi,To get fast printing with a dotmatrix printer, you have to send raw bytes to the printer. I'd do this:1. Export the rpt file to txt by using this snipped code:ReportDocument myReport = new ReportDocument();myReport.Load(Server.MapPath("~/MyReport.rpt"));string...
9 Aug 2020 by Member 9529406
When I run my project and look for the Crystal Report Viewer a Log in form was prompt before it loads the report. It is a database log in form... which i never set up. how can i remove it??I use VB.NET 2010I code this on a buttonDim sqlQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM security_log...
17 Dec 2013 by _Damian S_
It is possible to show data from multiple tables in a single Crystal Report, however it's best if the tables are related, then you can return the data with a single stored procedure and format it using the sorting and grouping functionality of Crystal.
3 Apr 2014 by Aravindba
Hi According to $*Developer - Vaibhav*$ reply,in that first link and first answer solved problem.problem was caused by the ASP .NET worker process not having access to the windows temp directory.Try giving everyone full access to the windows temp directoryFor other user...
23 May 2014 by Tanuj Vaja
Refer Below link:
4 Jun 2014 by Jörgen Andersson
I'm seeing several problems with this query, besides the abomination where you concatenate two strings into a timestamp literal that's cast to a date - 1 day and finally cast again to a string literal where you remove the dashes. Phew!Please consider using the date type!Anyway, I don't...
4 Feb 2015 by Ehtesham Mehmood
You shoud use Unicode for it. Read more here unicode.orgHave a look on it. may be helpful for you.How to Export Crystal Report in Regional Language Marathi, Hindi, Arabic.[^]
24 Aug 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see:[^],[^].—SA
26 Jan 2016 by ZurdoDev
No one can see your data so we can't possibly know why you are getting duplicate data. Perhaps its in your joins. It could be in your WHERE clause. Or, it could be your database has duplicate data.However, follow Sinisa's advice and start by commenting out some of your joins until you find...
16 Mar 2016 by CHill60
You need to load the report before attempting to pass in the parameter"C:\Users\harold\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\SASApp\SASApp\MyReport.rpt")report.SetParameterValue("StudentRecord", dgv1.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value)...
9 Jul 2019 by OriginalGriff
All VB code runs on the Server, not the Client: this seemed to work in development because both Server and Client were running on the same machine. Since your VB code runs on the S, it only has access to Server hardware; it can't use any Client resources such as printers. Think about it: if you...
26 Feb 2020 by Maciej Los
There's something wrong with your sql query or crystal report datasource. First, check the datasource for crystal report. If necessary, re-bind it. Second, check the sql statement. Change your input parameters to constant values and check out if...
28 Mar 2020 by OriginalGriff
Quote: I work in the IT department of bank had limited knowledge of sql & .net programming, I need help to develop bank accounts reconciliation application. Flow will be as follows. No, you don't. This is a student exercise - a real bank app...
31 Jan 2011 by User 2917570
Hello. I've always developed in and windows forms, but now i'm required to migrate some things to / c#. One of the problems i'm facing is Crystal Reports. In one of my projects there is a form that gets all reports in a network location and puts their names in a combo box, then...
2 Feb 2022 by M Imran Ansari
Issue seems with PrinterName, Give the proper network path of PrinterName or Write the following code to get your default printer: cryRpt.PrintOptions.PrinterName = GetDefaultPrinter() Private Function GetDefaultPrinter() As String Dim...
17 Mar 2010 by Wanlambok
I am using SQL 2005 as the database server which required authentication.When i tried to open a crystal report in a client browser it prompts and asks for user name and password of the sql database. I have already filled these information in the CrystalReport "database expert" windows. I don't...
19 Mar 2010 by Kschuler
I had this same trouble in a program that I worked on a while back, but I use an Access database. I had designed a database to use for printing but never actually planned to use it to put data into it. It was just so I could design a report, and then in the program I would create an in-memory...
8 Oct 2010 by jamesc69
Firstly, I have this working in development, however when I publish to the production webserver, instead of generating the report, it asks me for login credentials again.Here is a snapshot of my entire code behind file:public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page{protected void...
13 Apr 2010 by Tom Deketelaere
Basically you just create a empty report and open it (no need to set data source or anything you just initiate it)This will load the crystal reports framework into memory and should cut down loading time drastically.
15 Apr 2010 by Tarakeshwar Reddy
Take a look at this blog.[^]
21 Apr 2010 by William Winner
Well, it's a little difficult to tell since you didn't tell us what line was causing the errors. I would guess from the error message that it was rpt.Subreports.Item("persoRpt").SetDataSource(ds)For one thing, you should really try to isolate your Try/Catch blocks more. Only put the...
12 May 2010 by Tom Deketelaere
In you report you can add a parameter.To select your data according to this parameter go to report - selection and add a condition.In code you can pass this parameter to the report withrpt.SetParameterValue(ParamNaam, ParamValue)