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C++ Builder


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by Alex the Green Apple
C library defining string type and string manipulation functions
by Dr. Song Li
How to write C/C++ programs with the help from Eclipse and CDT
by Raghavendra Hosad
2D DFT for Color Image - GUI implementation

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by Alex the Green Apple
C library defining string type and string manipulation functions
by Raghavendra Hosad
2D DFT for Color Image - GUI implementation
by Dr. Song Li
How to write C/C++ programs with the help from Eclipse and CDT

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C++ Builder 

15 May 2015 by OriginalGriff
You can't. A short text field only holds up to 255 characters - so if you need more, you need to use a different column type.
14 Jan 2016 by Jochen Arndt
You should specify where the code fails. So assign the return value of NetUserGetInfo() to a variable and print that upon failure like in the example code from the MSDN page for the NetUserGetInfo function (Windows)[^] which seems to be the source of your code.If you got an error code of...
31 Dec 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
See learn C++ - Google Search[^].
17 Dec 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Operator Overloading | Microsoft Docs[^]
23 Dec 2012 by CPallini
No, you cannot declare a virtual constructor (see, for instance, here: "Why do we not have a virtual constructor in C++?" at Stack Overflow[^]).
20 Jun 2013 by Igor-84
I handle WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message to make transparent background for static control:case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC:{SetTextColor((HDC)wParam,RGB(0,0,0));SetBkMode((HDC)wParam,TRANSPARENT);HBRUSH return_brush = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);return (LRESULT)return_brush;}This works...
21 Jun 2013 by Bilashcse
Try with this : How to repaint static control on changing text?[^]
13 Aug 2016 by OriginalGriff
You can't - serial ports don't work like that because serial data doesn't work like that.When you send a character, it goes out as a "formatted package" which consists of a Start Bit (always a zero), 5, 7 or 8 data bits, an optional Parity Bit, then 1, 1 1/2, or 2 Stop Bits (always a one). If...
24 Dec 2019 by OriginalGriff
We really can't help you with that: adding "a graphics interface" isn't a simple task, and is well outside the scope of a little text box like this! Generally speaking, converting a procedural application to a modern GUI doesn't work: modern interfaces are large event (or message) driven...
17 Dec 2020 by CPallini
In addition Richard's answer. I'm going to show you how to implement the constructor and the overloading of the #include using namespace std; class Date { int day,...
3 May 2021 by OriginalGriff
We are more than willing to help those that are stuck: but that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for us...
22 Jul 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
Look at the error message: 1>LINK : warning LNK4012: invalid value 'D_LIB.LIB/DEFAULTLIB:G_LIB.LIB/DEFAULTLIB:K_LIB.LIB/DEFAULTLIB:P_LIB.LIB/DEFAULTLIB:X_LIB.LIB', must be 'ARM, EBC, IA64, MIPS, MIPS16, MIPSFPU, MIPSFPU16, SH4, THUMB, X64, or...
15 Aug 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Take a look at Serial Port I/O[^] which explains how best to use the serial ports.
16 Oct 2022 by merano99
The command system() creates a new process to handle the specified command. char cmd[10]; strcpy(cmd, "dir"); system(cmd); In most cases, this is neither performant nor useful. But of course you can start a process with C this way. You could...
19 Oct 2022 by Alexandrnn
#include #include int main() { system("dir"); puts((char*)stdin); } #include #include #include int main() { char cmd[10]; strcpy_s(cmd, 10, "dir"); system(cmd); puts((char*)stdin); }
2 Jan 2023 by OriginalGriff
Read the question again, and pay attention to the definition of fun(n) Your code doesn't do that. or even close to that. You might also want to look at the "termination rules" as set in the question if you want to avoid an theoretically infinite...
5 Jan 2023 by CPallini
You should use 128 bit variables (or a big integer library) to compute the result, since, as pointed out by Griff, 32 bit integers overflows at input = 37 (and 64 bit ones overflow as well, at input = 83). Then you should avoid (at least a naive)...
19 Apr 2023 by Rick York
Those line numbers don't seem to match up because you have only posted 135 lines of code. It is much easier to determine the cause of a problem when ALL of the code in a module is posted so that we can find the relevant line. The following...
26 Sep 2022 by Death Smoke
I'm trying to make a connection between two computers both of them are using tp-link adapter , but i'm not receving anything from client . #include #include using namespace std; int main() { ...
23 Dec 2012 by ranjithkumar81
Hi There, can we declare a virtual constructor?if i declare virtual contructor compiler should through error?should i able to override.Regards,Ranjith
15 Feb 2013 by Matthew Faithfull
Qt has excellent support for XML and some good examples of how to use it come with the Qt SDK. I suggest you consult those examples or search the internet with criteria such as "Qt+XML+Example". It's not likely anyone has a pre-canned Qt Xml class for saving the kind of information you want that...
25 Mar 2013 by raniam
Hi,,,i've build a client/server SSL connection on the same machine(using C++ Buulder XE3), and i was woundering how can my server connect to a mobile phone (IPhone for instance)!, where the mobile phone in my project will perfrom a number of functions, such as capturing QR code,cryptography,...
26 Mar 2013 by raniam
Hi..I've build a client/server application (using C++ Builder XE3), and my server must communicate with a mobile phone (IPhone IOS6 for instance)in order to perform some sort of authentication through the mobile phone. where the phone will reply back to the server through SMS. and later the...
14 Jun 2013 by Igor-84
Is is possible to place vcl components (TButton, TMemo, TLabel, TImage) on the window that was created with WinAPI function CreateWindowEx()?Actually the problem in the next://HWND MyWnd = CreateWindowEx(...////and now we try to create vcl - component on the newly created...
20 Jun 2013 by KarstenK
At first you need to draw the background. -> WMERASE_BKGROUND[^]
21 Jun 2013 by JackDingler
Try calling Invalidate() on the window.
21 Jun 2013 by Philippe Mori
Windows controls are not intended to have a transparent background. Either set the background color to the color of the underlayiong control or paint the underlaying control before displaying text.The problem is that since the background brush is transparent, then it does not erase old...
8 Oct 2013 by Bruno Cardenas Cyberoff
//include library wininet this have a funtions InternetOpen(),InternetOpenUrl(),InternetReadFile(),InternetCloseHandle(),#include #include#include#includeusing namespace std;//this is a buffer with shellcode data in .bss sectionunsigned char...
3 Nov 2014 by bitesha20
Hello,I am a new programmer who has just learnt c++. I don't know any other programming languages except html. This is what I am capable of doing now: I just developped a program that solves a quadratic equation. I am using the local window debugger to see the results on a black screen.I...
3 Nov 2014 by Peter Leow
3 Nov 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
See[^], for a nice tutorial on Windows programming.
20 Nov 2014 by Igor-84
I want to add a color fill for selected column.Drawing items I do in ListView1CustomDrawItem handler:Sender->Canvas->Brush->Color = RGB(200, 200, 255); if(Item->Selected) { Sender->Canvas->Brush->Color = (Sender->Focused() ? clBlue : clRed); ...
7 Feb 2015 by Igor-84
Hello! I'm writing a control that inherits from ListView. I need to override MouseDown propertie. To do this I am writing nex declaration in the class of my component:public:DYNAMIC void __fastcall MouseDown(System::Uitypes::TMouseButton Button, System::Classes::TShiftState Shift, int X, int...
26 Mar 2015 by Member 11210202
Please help me. I try to compile hello world package written c++. My environment is OS : Ubuntu 14.4,and synology toolchain is bromolow 64bit compiler, But I cannot get helloworld.cgi. I don't know the reason. Source code are#include "webman.h"#include #include...
3 Jan 2021 by Igor-84
I am creating ownerdraw component based on TCustomListView. All graphic work I do in the CustomDrawItem method.I have problems with checkbox. To draw it I use this code: if(Item->Checked){ iStateId = CBS_CHECKEDNORMAL; } else{ iStateId = CBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL; } ...
13 Jan 2016 by Member 11802116
I want to know the Guest account is active or not in C++.Here is my code ,but I do not figure out the problem #ifndef UNICODE#define UNICODE#endif#pragma comment(lib, "advapi32.lib")#pragma comment(lib, "netapi32.lib")#include #include #include #include #include...
27 Jun 2016 by Patrice T
These errorsError: C:\cvavr\inc\usart.h(114): undefined symbol 'i'Error: C:\cvavr\inc\usart.h(117): undefined symbol 'i'Error: C:\cvavr\inc\usart.h(120): undefined symbol 'temp'Error: C:\cvavr\inc\usart.h(122): undefined symbol 'temp' are the consequence ofError:...
27 Jun 2016 by leon de boer
It's telling you the problems ... deal with the main ones first1.) usart.h is a file it can't be found. The include statement makes it clear it is supposed to be in the default library directories but clearly it isn't. I am guessing usart.h is a serial comms file from wherever you got this...
27 Jun 2016 by OriginalGriff
Don't try to split your code across multiple questions: it makes it harder to answer.And possibly impossible, since none of them contain "full" informations.Instead, look at the error messages, think about them, and probably it becomes obvious.There is no unsignedchar data type: it has a...
13 Aug 2016 by Member 12684887
Respected Sir / Madam;I want to divide my Baud rate 2400 ( 2400 / 8 ) and sent each bit to 300 Baud.2400/8 = 300 . This 300 Baud send to 1 bit , upto 8 bit.So kindly send me code for my work ... pls pls...What I have tried:I want to divide my Baud rate 2400 ( 2400 / 8 ) and...
13 Aug 2016 by Garth J Lancaster
Quote:So kindly send me code for my work ... pls pls...we also don't do code to order - if you want that, go to RentACoder
13 Aug 2016 by Patrice T
Quote:I want to divide my Baud rate 2400 ( 2400 / 8 ) and sent each bit to 300 Baud.2400/8 = 300 . This 300 Baud send to 1 bit , upto 8 bit.So kindly send me code for my work ... pls pls...Your question is no sense. It appear than you don't understand the basics of serial...
24 Dec 2019 by mo ashameikh
Hello I am doing a "north west corner method " program I wrote the program in c++ I need to convert it to graphic interface application using c++ in simple way I need help or if there is a ready application that I can learn from and the way it works,or anyone can help me with that, this will be...
24 Dec 2019 by RickZeeland
Dear ImGui might be a good choice, see: cross-platform-gui-toolkit-that-runs-on-mac-windows-linux-android-and-ios[^]
18 Dec 2020 by steveb
You need to convert your year, month, and day into number of days, then all your operators will be one line of code. Of course if you track the hours minutes and seconds it will have to be converted to the lowest denominator i.e. if you include...
3 Jan 2021 by hsialinboy
Try updating the ListView after DrawThemeBackground()...IE ListView1->Update(); or maybe even ListView1->Invalidate();
9 Apr 2021 by OriginalGriff
Quote: How do I generate PES17 activation key Buy a copy of the game: PES 2017 activation key[^] Even if you could, that would almost certainly be criminal activity, which means malicious code. We do not condone, support, or assist in the...
3 May 2021 by Member 15048716
crate a program in c++ with 2 function 1 function calculator that take operands and operators from user and 2nd function take table and start and end number from user and press that data using passing by reference methond What I have tried: ...
22 Jul 2021 by velans
I'm facing below error please help me. 1>------ Build started: Project: PWR101U3, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 1>Linking... 1>LINK : warning LNK4012: invalid value...
22 Jul 2021 by KarstenK
As Richard wrote you probably missed some libs. The best hint is to think about the stripped missing symbols like LFLOW. I guess some special library in your project is not included in the linker or properly configured or installed.
7 Dec 2021 by Roy Ancri
I took a project that was first built in RAD studio 10.x and now I'm using RAD studio 11. (I don't know if this information is important). I'm trying to build this project and received this error in addition to another error but with __endthread...
19 Oct 2022 by Death Smoke
I Want to convert the output of this code to string type , but i cant make it. #pragma warning(disable : 4996) #include int main() { char cmd[10]; strcpy(cmd, "dir"); system(cmd); } What I have tried: I tried to...
5 Jan 2023 by Patrice T
Quote: How do I solve this C language question? Advice: First of all, make sure that you understand the requirement. Then calculate by hand the few first answers of the requirement, say from fun(-1) to fun(10). Then as you have written the code,...
19 Apr 2023 by Gcobani Mkontwana
Hi Team I am experience two errors on my program while running interval map on cplus-plus. Below code is the error gets compile " error: a template declaration cannot appear at block scope template ...
8 Mar 2018 by Alex the Green Apple
C library defining string type and string manipulation functions
12 Feb 2016 by Dr. Song Li
How to write C/C++ programs with the help from Eclipse and CDT
19 Oct 2022 by CPallini
Are you possibly searching for popen? See, for instance: The Marvelous popen() Function | C For Dummies Blog[^]
5 Jan 2023 by Michael Haephrati
The question wasn't clear and I edited it. There were typos. I suggest the following: #include int fun(int n) { if (n
10 May 2017 by Raghavendra Hosad
2D DFT for Color Image - GUI implementation
25 Feb 2013 by raniam
Hi, I'm using C++ Builder XE3, and I've generated a public/private key pair in Form1, and I want to use it in Form2 (make it Public), so I've tried the following:in Form1.h, I've written:class TForm1 : public TForm{__published: // IDE-managed Components TButton *Button1; ...
3 Jan 2016 by chandanadhikari
hi,trying to reply based on your reply to my comment :you need to make a series of decisions:1). what exactly you want to make i.e. what purpose will your application serve ? 2). which platform you want to target : Linux or windows or any other ?3). which library or framework do you...
16 Mar 2024 by Line Item
I would try running this from a command line, with some adjustments for that to make it a simple command. Get that to work then add to that a little at a time. Maybe then try moving that to PowerShell. Get that to work then add more until you...
5 Jan 2023 by D Square 2023
fun(1)=100,fun(2)=101; fun(3)=fun(2)+fun(1); fun(4)=fun(3)+fun(2); fun(n)=fun(n-1)+fun(n-2); Write a program to calculate fun(100) What I have tried: #include int fun(int n) { if (n > 109) return n - 10; return fun(fun(n+11)); } int...
24 Dec 2015 by Member 12227217
i would really appriciate your links and tutors. i have most required knowledge of c++but i want to know how to create an app. email me also !!!EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED!!!NEVER put your email address in a public forum unless you love to get tons and tone of spam.
27 Jun 2016 by shsmszdh
hc1.c as main#include/*Includes io.h header file where all the Input/Output Registers and its Bits are defined for all AVR microcontrollers*/#define F_CPU 8000000/*Defines a macro for the delay.h header file. F_CPU is the microcontroller frequency value for the...
15 May 2015 by errorperson
how i can fill more than 255 character on field type Short Text (not Long Text) in Microsoft Access 2003 format(.mdb)i use ms.access 2013 for C++ builder Application.i do not want to use the Long Text(Long Text) because i can't display it on DBGrid.
27 Jun 2016 by shsmszdh
hc05.h#ifndef _HC05_H_#def...
27 Jun 2016 by shsmszdh
usart.h#ifndef _USART_H_...
9 Apr 2021 by Christian Anim
The code execution cannot proceed because d3dxa_43.dll was not found What I have tried: I have Reinstalled the app but it is still not responding
15 Feb 2013 by gambhire shiva
I want write code for .xml file whoes store all information given by user.My project is build automation ...In project use Qt/C++ ...The project is build automation and in this project give the coding path and user information and create .xml file and then call xml file for further...
27 Sep 2014 by jharana das
234 down vote"Slicing" is where you assign an object of a derived class to an instance of a base class, thereby losing part of the information - some of it is "sliced" away.For example,class A { int foo;};class B : public A { int bar;};So an object of type B has...
18 Dec 2020 by Member 15023693
1. Write a Date class that has following functionality ▪ A parameterized constructor ▪ IsValid() that checks if the date is valid or not ▪ ShowDate() ▪ GetDate() Define following overloaded operators for this class:
 ▪ (>,
23 Aug 2021 by keith20mm
I setup the OnClick enumerator part like this: ListBox1->Items->Clear();//
15 Aug 2022 by n.deny
i am trying to read and Write the data from microcontroller to c++/cli application using protocol . Write data were successfully done but i am unable to received the data. What I have tried: private: System::Void...