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.NET 3.5


Great Reads

by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
by Daniel Vaughan
Calcium provides much of what one needs to rapidly build a multifaceted and sophisticated modular application. Includes a host of modules and services, and an infrastructure that is ready to use in your next application.
by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.
by Marc Clifton
Review your project dependencies.

Latest Articles

by NikStar
Using OutgoingMessageProperties and OperationContextScope to implement authorization by http header for WCF client that communicates with non WCF-based web services.
by Sufyan S Jabr
All that you need to know when working with MSDTC, troubleshooting and problem solving.
by Jayson Ragasa
Multi RDP Client .NET is used for managing your RDP connections. It allows you to Import/Export .RDP files, disconnect all connection at one click, and connect all your servers at one click as well.
by Rahman Masudur
Few tricks about using a Resource Dictionary in WPF

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.NET 3.5 

5 Jun 2008 by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
23 Nov 2009 by Daniel Vaughan
Calcium provides much of what one needs to rapidly build a multifaceted and sophisticated modular application. Includes a host of modules and services, and an infrastructure that is ready to use in your next application.
4 Sep 2009 by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.
17 Jun 2009 by Marc Clifton
Review your project dependencies.
24 Aug 2009 by Waleed Elkot
Reading text from any image using Microsoft Office 2007 OCR
6 Apr 2008 by Dr. WPF
This article describes a new approach by which an element can remove its visual and logical relationships to its children while maintaining a conceptual parental relationship with those children.
26 Jun 2009 by Shivprasad koirala
A State Machine Workflow discussion.
30 Apr 2009 by Roman Kiss
This article describes a design, implementation and tooling of model driven WorkflowServices logically centralized in the Repository and physically decentralized for their runtime projecting.
30 Dec 2009 by Razan Paul (Raju)
Animation technique based on Clip property of UIelement in WPF
25 May 2010 by Thiago de Arruda
A Virtualizing WrapPanel for WPF.
3 Sep 2008 by Daniel Flower
A guide to writing a compiler in .NET for beginners, using Irony.
27 Nov 2009 by Max Paulousky
This article presents the techniques and caveats of building Silverlight applications that can be notified about database state changes via polling duplex. WSHttp binding and CLR triggers are used to implement the solution as well.
25 Feb 2016 by J.Starkl
A windows-service which can handle different operations in separate threads and which can be controlled by a small GUI program
3 Sep 2008 by Ahmed Negm
This article introduces how to create and manage .NET enterprise applications using your favorite technology (Data Access Application Block, LINQ, NHibernate, ASMX, and WCF) with the Model Driven Development approach by Sculpture.
1 Dec 2009 by raelango
This article explains how to export the contents of a DataGrid to Excel/CSV.
5 Nov 2008 by Tolgahan ALBAYRAK
Read, Write, Save INI files without using Windows APIs.
15 May 2009 by Tawani Anyangwe
Binding a WPF ListView to a DataMatrix with columns determined at runtime
6 Aug 2009 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Demo for a math puzzle board game
31 Jan 2010 by Arik Poznanski
Complete Library for using the Windows 7 Ribbon from C#, including 18 samples and 21 blog posts documenting the Ribbon features
31 Jan 2010 by Arik Poznanski
The question this posts tries to address is: Where to put value converters?
2 Mar 2012 by Osman Kalache
A simple video-security application that allows video capture from PC webcams, detect motion, record videos on local storage using .NET 3.5, AForge and FFMpeg
19 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
PSAM Control Library ported over to WPF
14 Aug 2013 by Harmen Brouwer
How to create and deploy a SSRS rendering extension, explained by a functional Zip Rendering extension for SSRS 2005, 2008 (R2) and 2012.
10 Apr 2010 by Ali Aboutalebi
Using the C# script engine inside a network using .NET Remoting.
11 Oct 2009 by Wu Xuesong
An article describing a tool developed using WPF for visualizing 3D geometry models
1 Jan 2008 by Pedro Gomes
Reflection on generics can be complicated. This article shows how to use the DynamicMethod class to dynamically invoke a generic method.
3 Dec 2009 by Teofil Cobzaru
A MultiSelector-derived control that supports multiple selection modes, scoped selection, customizable lasso-tool and selection logic
17 Dec 2009 by Jeremy Hutchinson
Demonstrates overriding the DataTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate method.
1 Mar 2010 by The Manoj Kumar
A Visual Studio 2010 extension for creating numbered bookmarks.
24 Jun 2010 by Amit Kumar Tiwari
Shaping WPF Form using an Image
21 May 2012 by Zimin Max Yang
Dynamic table mapping for LINQ-to-SQL, suitable for data horizontal partitioning (Shard).
6 Feb 2009 by Tomas Petricek
The Real World Functional Programming book explains essential concepts of this paradigm using examples in C# 3.0 and F#. In this article we look at immutability, which stands behind the clarity of functional programs.
3 Jul 2009 by Michael L Perry
Use a combination of data-binding techniques to create WPF menus that change with your application
28 Mar 2010 by Vinit Yadav
A Yahoo! messenger clone application built with Silverlight and its Duplex Polling WCF service. Explains how to deal with the Yahoo! packet format named YMSG.
30 Sep 2009 by Fiwel
Different ways to apply image filters.
11 Jun 2011 by Omar Al Zabir
A collection of ExtractionRules, ValidationRules, and Request Plugin that makes ASP.NET and AJAX website testing painless. No need to record tests, write parameterized tests using server-side control names, handle UpdatePanels, simulate clicks on buttons - all from Web Test.
5 Apr 2010 by PIEBALDconsult
A class that allows my CommScript class to "'drive' a command line utility"
11 Oct 2011 by Enrique Albert
Baseline WCF Distribution Layer - Decoupling of WCF Services and ViewModels.
24 Oct 2010 by Nithyaduruvan, Sathishkumar_P
This article describes about the export functionality of Excel sheet from WPF datagrid.
13 Jan 2012 by MarkLTX
A subclass of the WPF TextBox control that displays an ellipsis when the text doesn't fit.
4 Sep 2008 by Ivan Krivyakov
C# arithmetic expressions compiled into 8086 machine code (yes, you can run it on Vista :-))
22 Apr 2009 by Richard Gavel
Part 1 of a series describing creation of a WPF based appointment control with the Outlook look and feel
25 Feb 2010 by dasblinkenlight
Converting between types in .NET
15 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to use the ribbon drop down color picker control.
23 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to work with the ribbon quick access toolbar.
25 Jan 2013 by FatCatProgrammer
StarReport: WPF-less GDI+.NET report component.
4 Mar 2009 by Derek Viljoen
How to leverage LinFu (or any other Dynamic Proxy implementation) for Fault Tolerance and Failover
19 Jul 2009 by Jammer
An article showing an extremely simple implementation of CompositeWPF.
5 Aug 2009 by Cosmin Oprea (aka somalezu)
This article describes a very simple way to make WinForms databindings without the need to refer the datasource property names with magic strings.
15 Dec 2009 by Webplethora
How to get the Windows user identity name in Silverlight.
6 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to use the ribbon application menu with ribbon split button and ribbon drop button controls.
9 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to use the ribbon combo box control.
22 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to work with ribbon context popup.
21 Apr 2013 by Rob Culhane
How to dynamically add access database columns at runtime using VB.NET
21 Nov 2014 by CodeFate
Revision of the Global Mouse and Keyboard Library from Brian Geiman
21 Dec 2007 by Bruno Sonnino
This article will show how to use data binding and styles to show data coming from a Microsoft SQL database using the new object-relational model introduced in Visual Studio 2008, LINQ to SQL, allowing grouping, sorting and filtering of data with almost no code.
25 Jul 2009 by Stephen Cleary
Describes the ViewModel command classes in the Open-Source Nito.MVVM (WPF) library, and provides guidelines on their usage.
19 Feb 2010 by Ondra Spilka
How to host a WCF HTTPS service with a custom username validator, in IIS.
7 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to use ribbon tabs, groups and the ribbon help button control.
19 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to load ribbon resources from external DLLs.
20 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to work with ribbon application modes.
31 Jul 2017 by Dirk Bahle
This article explains how to take advantage from look-less WPF controls through inheritance
6 Oct 2008 by Modesty Zhang
Port Cairngorm 2.2.1 to Silverlight 2 Beta 2. Includes all source code and a sample application.
14 May 2009 by CS Rocks
This article demonstrates how to upload a file to a (HTTPS) WebDAV server in VB.NET.
12 Jul 2009 by Parag.Gadkari
17 Jul 2009 by eyedia
Sequential workflow as a WCF service. Create workflow custom activities, invoke child workflow from parent. Configure workflow runtime service using a config file. Basic idea of rules, creating a rule using the rule editor. Applying rules during runtime.
4 Nov 2009 by Larry Aultman
How to catch and handle ASMX based SOAP exceptions in a WCF client.
24 Nov 2009 by raelango
This is a sample project to access Microsoft Access MDB data in Silverlight via OLEDB and dynamically populate a DataGrid.
14 Feb 2010 by Irfan alam
A library for creating a voice and text conferencing application
4 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to use the ribbon application menu.
14 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to use the ribbon check box and toggle button controls.
21 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to work with ribbon contextual tabs.
23 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to work with the ribbon recent items control.
9 Oct 2010 by Stefan Savev 2
Describes how to dump information from the C# parse tree
16 Feb 2013 by Marc Clifton
Sinking WebBrowser button element events and getting/setting input element values programmatically, without a web server.
24 Jan 2008 by defwebserver
This tutorial will show you how to create a DotNetNuke module using LINQ to SQL.
28 Dec 2008 by avsol
Use ASP.NET Routing to avoid 404 Not Found errors.
30 May 2009 by Oleg V. Polikarpotchkin
WPF element to pick up an image (either bitmap or drawing) pixel color.
9 Jan 2010 by Sergey Arhipenko
This article shows how to build different versions of Visual Studio solutions on the same build server.
16 Mar 2010 by Arik Poznanski
In this article, I'll present how to use the ribbon font control.
25 Oct 2012 by Enrique Albert
WPF Validation using the IDataErrorInfo interface combined with Validation attributes
29 Nov 2008 by Radu Chirila
Debug tool for analyzing Session content in web applications.
23 Aug 2008 by Björn Friedrich
This article shows how extension methods can be used, e.g., for sorting index-based generic lists.
5 Sep 2008 by IncureForce
How to disable FlashPlayer (AxShockwaveFlash) right-click ContextMenu
13 Oct 2008 by CodingBruce
Pull metadata from a schema or generate XML mappers
17 Dec 2008 by #realJSOP
A not-so-dotNet way to allow multiple programs to share a single settings file
21 Apr 2009 by Richard Gavel
Part 3 of a series describing the creation of a WPF based appointment control with the Outlook look and feel.
1 Jun 2009 by Polanek
A Domain Specific Language for WWW operations created with Irony.
19 Jun 2009 by Greenhorn999
A project that allows users to query Source and Half-Life-based master servers and individual servers
12 Jul 2009 by Eric J. Smith, Shannon Davidson
Easily detach entities when using LINQ to SQL
2 Aug 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction of how to create SQL CLR managed objects in SQL server.
21 Aug 2009 by kirkaiya
A very simple, XAML-based month-view calendar that shows appointments, exposes events, and allows dragging appointments in the current month.
8 Mar 2016 by Qwertie
Well, not literally. Enhanced C# supports pattern matching, ADTs, and tuples, so Plain C# gets all that by transitivity.
24 Jan 2010 by Jeroen De Dauw
A small C# library that provides scaffolding for genetic algorithm based functionality.
2 Feb 2013 by Marc Clifton
A prototype application for cross-referencing and indexing files, URL's.
14 Nov 2013 by shijo joseph
An extension methods library which could do the equality comparison operations easily
2 Feb 2016 by Clifford Nelson
A problem with the WPF MVVM design pattern is closing a window from the ViewModel. This article presents a method that allows the use of dependency properties to be used to control the closing of a window
26 Aug 2011 by Jecho Jekov
How to use .NET settings files in class library projects.