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Articles by shaybar (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
2 Feb 2007   Updated: 2 Feb 2007   Rating: 4.50/5    Votes: 3   Popularity: 2.15
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Tips and possible pitfalls in device driver coinstallers development.

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Software Developer (Senior) Runcom
Israel Israel
My name is Shay, born and raised in Jerusalem Israel although I'm currently living and working at Rishon Le'zion.
I've been around the programming world for 8 years now, 4 of them spent acquiring formal education as a Software Engineer at the Ben Gurion university in Israel.
After a modest start as an MS Access programmer and later as an IT developer, I've made a switch to low level system programming and end-to-end user applications design and implementation.
I'm currently employed in Runcom Technologies (a leading player in the WiMax industry) as a Windows drivers engineer.

I'm happy to be one of the very few who can make a decent living from their hobby. My true passion nevertheless, is music.