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Articles by johnhreynolds (Article: 1)

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1 Feb 2007   Updated: 1 Feb 2007   Rating: 4.85/5    Votes: 13   Popularity: 5.40
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Using a new class library to bind to photo metadata with a few line of code.

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Web Developer
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This is a picture of John still in the cubicled environment of the Northern Virginia tech world. There are great software jobs there, but the traffic is horrible! He has since retired, or really, started a new, freer lifestyle. He now travels and takes photographs. At home, he is involved in a number of community activities including work at the Historical Society of Frederick County (MD) where he has helped preserve historic documents and photographs by making photographic copies. Some of them are posted on the HSFC photo catalog website. He is fascinated by the new ability, using applications like Google Earth, to link photos to geographic locations. This adds a new dimension to photography, which he is working to develop. These pursuits, which require the ability to access and manage photo metadata, are a major motivation for getting involved as deeply as he did in this exciting topic.