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11 Mar 2015   Updated: 21 Jul 2015   Rating: 4.38/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 4.17
Licence: CPOL    Views: 33,154     Bookmarked: 23   Downloaded: 0
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This article discusses using Arduino to collect and send data from your car's OBD-II to the cloud using Windows Azure.

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Michael Brown has worked in the software industry for almost 20 years including 12 years focused on .NET development. Michael is a five time recipient of the Microsoft MVP award in Client Application Development for his contributions to the WPF and Silverlight community. He has an article published in MSDN Magazine discussing WCF RIA Services. Michael has worked on a number of large scale applications for Fortune 500 hundred companies across a variety of industries including finance, healthcare, aerospace, government, retail, and energy.