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Articles by ieaeitsch (Article: 1)

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Desktop Programming
18 Jan 2004   Updated: 6 Feb 2004   Rating: 4.23/5    Votes: 21   Popularity: 5.20
Licence: CPOL    Views: 52,170     Bookmarked: 24   Downloaded: 2,287
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An article about a star control like that included in the media library in Media Player.

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Software Developer (Senior)
Germany Germany
Hi, my interest in computers was born at school time while programming with Turbo Pascal. While studying information technologies I learned C, C++ and some other languages. In the practical phases I got confronted with MFC in an american company.

Now at work, I bother with the .Net framework most time. I am in an italian company providing supply chain software. I have to deal with C, C++, ASP.Net, VB.Net, C# and JavaScript.

In my spare time I am an enthusiastic motor bike driver. I like to go an tour as much as riding on a racetrack. I want to visit all european racetracks and drive on them. But for now I only drove on german racetracks.