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Articles by Peter Palotas (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
5 Aug 2007   Updated: 15 Aug 2007   Rating: 4.89/5    Votes: 104   Popularity: 9.78
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A tutorial describing a library for a powerful, yet simple command line argument parsing in C# and .NET

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Sweden Sweden
I started programming BASIC on the C-64 in the late 80's and have been hooked since then. Later moved on to the PC, assembler and then C++ which became my language of choice. Have worked sporadically with many other languages as well, but none which I quite enjoyed, until I recently discovered C# which is now my language of choice. Smile | :)

I am a student of Computing Science at Göteborg University in Sweden, currently working on my master thesis project, which is a software project written in C++.

On my spare time I enjoy cycling and Shorinji Kempo (a Japanese martial arts form).