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Articles by Ahmed Abdul Moniem (Articles: 2)

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Average article rating: 4.34

Programming Languages
17 May 2014   Updated: 17 May 2014   Rating: 3.69/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 2.58
Licence: CPOL    Views: 17,227     Bookmarked: 15   Downloaded: 0
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New day, a new pattern. Today we will start to discuss structural patterns deeply starting with the Decorator pattern.
20 May 2014   Updated: 20 May 2014   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.51
Licence: CPOL    Views: 10,790     Bookmarked: 14   Downloaded: 0
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We have discussed in our previous post the decorator pattern’s role, and giving a very detailed illustration about it. Also, we have discussed its design varieties and clarified when to use each design and why.

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Egypt Egypt
Graduated at Ain-Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Computers and Systems Department since 2006.

Experienced Software Engineer who is developing, training and leading development teams to build flexible, maintainable, and easy to use Internet/Intranet applications using latest technologies like C# .NET, ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, MVC, jQuery, Umbraco, SQL Server and others.

My career objective is to provide quality solutions to complex business problems within scope using latest Microsoft technologies. Extensive experience in .NET programming, databases and technical communication. Flexible as regards moving from project to project and in assimilating new technologies.

Proven team leadership skills. And now looking to continue making a significant contribution within design and development / leading a technical team or consultancy role in my current position and the next ones.

Simply, I would like to be a .NET GURU.

My best achievement is to solve business problems to mankind using my programming skills which I am already doing like eating and drinking.

But the best one is when you save more than 200,000 EGP per month after deploying your software in an organization! That was in ISI when we save a lot of money, work and hassle after transforming very critical procedures processed by a very poor manual paper system to a very efficient paperless one just using a browser, a keyboard, and a cup of coffee!