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Articles by Tom Wellige (Article: 1)

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Web Development
15 Feb 2000   Updated: 11 May 2003   Rating: 4.86/5    Votes: 117   Popularity: 9.94
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CEO Student
Germany Germany
Tom is in software development for about 15 years. He started with a SHARP MZ80k in Basic and Assembly Language. After collecting some experiance on an ATARI 1040ST he bought his very first IBM XT 286 (incl. 287!) and started to program in Turbo Pascal. He became very familiar with Borland's Turbo Vision and over the last years did a lot of development in C++ (MFC), Visual Basic, VB Script, ASP and SQL. He currently works as senior consultant for Swyx Solutions GmbH, based in Dortmund, Germany.
His absolute favourite is Guinness Wink | ;-) Sláinte!