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Articles by Simon Cooke (Article: 1)

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Desktop Programming
6 Jan 2003   Updated: 20 Jul 2020   Rating: 4.91/5    Votes: 94   Popularity: 9.58
Licence: CPOL    Views: 436,432     Bookmarked: 177   Downloaded: 4,722
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A bi-partite circular buffer for high performance buffering, where it comes from, and why you'd want to use it.

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Software Developer (Senior) Google
United States United States
Developer Programs Engineer in Google's Android Gaming Devtech team

Sr. Software Engineer & Lead Engineer in Microsoft's Xbox Advanced Technology Group.

Director of Engineering for X-Ray Kid Studios.

Principle Software Engineer at Surreal Software (a division of Midway Games), Seattle.

Used to write fast networking code for ultra-fast CCD based mass spectrometers for Intelligent Ion.

Lead engineer and architect on photo editing and genealogy software at Sierra Online.

Lowly grunt dev at Microsoft working on Windows Forms for the .NET framework.

Software consultant for netFUSION Ltd, Software Development specialist for netFUSION Inc, and software engineer on a servo based laser measurement system for Accurule Inc. Used to measure hot steel. You know, the kind that comes out white hot from a steel mill.

Also programmed for the SAM Coupe home computer, worked as a freelance journalist for Your Sinclair magazine and a whole bunch of others. You could say I've been around the block a few times.