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Articles by Seth Webster (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
7 Dec 2004   Updated: 7 Dec 2004   Rating: 4.29/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 3.00
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This article explains using the Drag and Drop events to filter for files from the system. It also converts line ends from Linux (or other operating systems) to Windows style \n (new line) \r (carriage return) line ends.

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United States United States
Currently, I am the President of a medium size Tucson, Az based development / consulting firm. I have been developing solutions in various languages for over 15 years. Like many, I am a tech junkie.

Daily, I oversee and participate in development on projects ranging from simple online presence deployment, to full scale systems integration and management infrastructure.

Languages of choice are PHP & MySql solutions, C# / ASP.NET with SQL Server.

Prior to opening the doors for my company, Webglimmer Internet Solutions, I made a living (with development / consulting on the side) as a musician. For 11 years, I played everything from Rock to Blues, touring the U.S., Canada and
Mexico. Unfortunately, Musicians make the same money they did 100 years ago. Unless of course, you "make it". Alas, music never paid the bills.