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Articles by SaxoniaCoder (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
12 Sep 2007   Updated: 14 Sep 2007   Rating: 1.95/5    Votes: 8   Popularity: 1.77
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Quick and simple use of the singleton design pattern

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Web Developer
Germany Germany
.NET Professional: 'specialist for application development' (a german job title)

I normally develop applications in C# with the .net-framework 2.0+/3.0 and currently databases for MS Sql Server 2005 and MS Access 2003+.

I'm an employee of an office which is working for insurances and which is watching investigations of damages for incorrect items, plausibility and so on and my job is to develop software to automate these processes. I developed for example an application which can extract values from ocr-texts using regular expressions and save these values into a database for later calculations or other processes.